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El-Gaby S. (2001) On the Origin of Zabargad (St-John) Island, Red Sea, Egypt
Khudeir AA, Aly Abu El-Rus MM, El-Gaby S & Riad S

El-Hasan T. (2023) Trace Metals, Radionuclides, and Strontium Isotopes Variations of Global Phosphate Rocks and Fertilizers: Implications for Tracing Environmental Impacts
Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, Dwyer G, Duckworth O, Gatiboni L, Schnug E, Sun Y, Bol R, El-Hasan T, Haneklaus S, Bahadir AM, Singh A & Shrivastava A
(2022) Strontium Isotopes and Metal(loid)s Variations in Global Phosphate Ores
Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, Dwyer G, Duckworth O, Gatiboni L, Schnug E, Sun Y, Bol R, El-Hasan T, Haneklaus S, Bahadir AM, Singh A & Shrivastava A
(2018) Hazardous Toxic Elements Mobility in Burned Oil Shale (BOS) Ash: The Means for Short and Long Term Solidification
El-Hasan T, Abu-Jaber N & AbdelHadi N

El-Kadi A. (2020) Assessment of Groundwater Ages Using Radiocarbon and Chlorofluorocarbons in West Hawai'i Aquifer Systems
Okuhata B, El-Kadi A, Dulai H, Lee J, Thomas D & Popp BN

El-Makky A.M. (2008) Geochemical Prospecting Studies in Sinai, Egypt
Morsy MA & El-Makky AM

El-Naggar Moh (2020) Characterizing the Mechanism of Extracellular Electron Transfer from Marine Sulfur Oxidizing Microbes Using High Throughput Genetic Techniques
Rowe A, Kamble N, Nealson K & El-Naggar M
(2016) Microbial Diversity, Electrode Cultivation, and Metabolism Energetics in the Continental Deep Subsurface
Amend J, Osburn M, Momper L, Reese B, Jangir Y, Wanger G, Kruger B & El-Naggar M

El-Naggar Mohamed Y. (2015) Temperature Dependency of Long Range Electron Transport in Microbial Biofilms
Yates M, Strycharz-Glaven S, El-Naggar M & Tender L
(2014) Field Effect Transistors Based on Semiconductive Microbially Synthesized Chalcogenide Nanofibers
McFarlane IR, Lazzari-Dean J & El-Naggar MY
(2014) Electrode Cultivation of Subsurface Microorganisms
Jangir Y, Momper L, Amend J & El-Naggar M
(2011) Conductive Filaments and Electric Fields Associated with Electric Currents in Marine Sediment
Nielsen LP, Risgaard-Petersen N, Gorby Y, Revil A, Wanger G, El-Naggar M & Yuzvinsky T
(2010) Electronic and Biogeochemical Properties of Bacterial Nanowires
Gorby Y, Wanger G, Yuzvisnki T, Fields M & El-Naggar M
(2008) In Search of the Microbe/Solid Interface: A New Approach Using Super-Resolution Vertical Scanning Interferometry Measurements
Nealson K, Waters MS, El-Naggar M, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2007) Bugs in Stress: Microbial Control of Surface Reactivity in a Stress Field
Sturm C, Waters M, Arvidson R, El-Naggar M, Goodman S, Nealson K, Luttge A & Udwadia F

El-Sabbagh S.M. (2019) Abundance and Distribution of Diamondoids in Some Egyptian Crude Oils as a Tool of Origin and Thermal Maturity Assessment
Abdullah ES, Ebiad MA, Mohammed HA & El-Sabbagh SM

El-Sadek A. (2009) Stochastic Approach to Assess a Nitrate Process-Factor in Soil Water
El-Sadek A

El-Shazly A. (2010) Banded Iron Ores from the Eastern Desert of Egypt: A New Type of BIF?
Khalil KI & El-Shazly A

El-Shenawy Moahmmed (2018) Laboratory Simulation of the Microscale Stable Isotope Variability in the ALH 84001 Carbonates: Insights into their Formation Mechanism(s)
El-Shenawy M & Niles P

EL-Shenawy Mohammed (2019) Potential Carbon Sequestration in Perchlorate Brines on Mars: Experimental Studies
El-Shenawy M & Niles P
(2015) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Cave Environments: Lessons from an Artificial Cave
EL-Shenawy M & Kim S-T

El-Turki A. (2013) Micro-Scale Carbonation of Single Facets of Portlandite
Griffiths G, Cherns D, Ball R, Allen G & El-Turki A

El-Waraky M. (2023) Biogeochemical Cycling of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Naphthenic Acids during Reclamation of Organic Rich Tailings in an Oil Sands Pit Lake
Slater G, El-Waraky M, Wang C, Bao H, Bothen J, Stock N & Warren L

Ela W. (2011) Synchrotron XAS and XRF Study of Microbially Reduced Arsenic and Iron in Iron-Based Remediation Media
Root R, Alday F, Fathordoobadi S, Ela W & Chorover J

Elam J. (2014) Atom-Probe Tomography of Cosmochemical Samples
Heck P, Isheim D, Auciello O, Davis A, Elam J, Hiller J, Larson D, Mane A, Pellin M, Rout S, Savina M, Seidman D & Stephan T
(2010) Imaging Ion Adsorption with Total External Reflection X-Ray Standing Waves
Kohli V, Fenter P, Libera J, Elam J, Liu C, Rosenqvist J, Bedzyk M, Machesky M & Wesolowski D

Elam W.T. (2022) An Overview of µXRF Results Obtained by PIXL in Jezero Crater, Mars
Flannery DT, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Elam WT & Pedersen DAK

Elanchezhiyan S.S. (2020) Enhanced Adsorption of Perfluroalkyl Substances from Aqueous Environment Using Graphene Oxide-Based Magnetic Ferrite Nanohybrids
Elanchezhiyan SS, Kim Y, Yea YJ & Park CM

Elangovan P. (2023) A Single Web-Interface to Access, Visualise and Model Data from Multiple Geo- and Cosmochemical Databases
Hezel DC, Elangovan P, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Sturm A & Marschall H

Elardo Stephen (2020) Asymmetric Early Post-Magma Ocean Crust Building on the Moon’s Nearside
Elardo S, Laneuville M, McCubbin F & Shearer C
(2019) Using Stable Isotopes to Probe the Differentiation and Evolution of Planetesimals
Shahar A, Ni P, Badro J, Young E, Elardo S & Chabot N
(2016) What is the Iron Isotopic Composition of the Bulk Moon?
Elardo S & Shahar A

Elardo Stephen M (2022) Insights into the Mantle Source of the Chang’e 5 Lunar Basalts from Experiments and Modeling
Elardo SM, Cone KA & Palin RM
(2022) Insights into the Iron Isotopic Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth from Fresh and Fertile Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from Tariat, Mongolia
Pesar E, Elardo SM, Kamenov G & Conway TM
(2022) Understanding Late-Stage Rhyolitic Magmatism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone Through a Melt Inclusion Geochemical Study in Silicic Lava Domes
Hernández Prat L, Astudillo Manosalva D, Cannatelli C, Godoy B, Castruccio A, Morata D & Elardo SM

Elazar O. (2021) The ABCs’ of Mantle Metasomatism in the North Atlantic Craton Mirrored in Fluid Microinclusions in Chidliak CH-7 Diamonds
Elazar O, Weiss Y & Grütter H
(2018) Silicic Fluid Microinclusions in a Metasomatised Eclogite from Roberts Victor
Elazar O, Kessel R, Huang J-X & Navon O
(2018) Mantle Metasomatism and Diamond-Forming Fluids
Navon O, Elazar O & Kessel R

Elbaum R. (2015) Sorghum Leaf Silicification: Spontaneous or Induced by the Tissue?
Kumar S, Milstein Y & Elbaum R

Elbaz-Poulichet Françoise (2013) Past and Present Impact of Mining Activity on Metal and Metalloid Contamination in Sediments of the Gardon River Watershed (France)
Resongles E, Casiot C, Freydier R, Dezileau L, Viers J & Elbaz-Poulichet F
(2013) Modifications of Cu Isotopic Ratios in Coastal Sediments in Relation to the Increased Use of Copper Based Antifouling Paints
Briant N, Freydier R, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Bancon-Montigny C & Delpoux S
(2012) Total Mercury and Methylmercury Accumulation in Aquatic Sediments
Cossa D, Garnier C, Gobeil C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Mikac N, Patel-Sorentino N & Tessier E
(2011) How Biogenic Nano-Iron Oxides can Control the Fate of Pollutants
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Maillot F, Wang Y, Egal M, Bruneel O, Casiot C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Calas G & Brown GE
(2008) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Oxidation and Precipitation of Iron in Acid Mine Drainage (Carnoulès Mine, France)
Egal M, Casiot C & Elbaz-Poulichet F
(2004) Iron Isotopic Fractionation during Microbial and Abiotic Oxydation
Motelica-Heino M, Casiot C & Elbaz F
(2002) XAS Monitoring of Arsenic (Bio-)Oxidation and Immobilisation in Soils and Acid Mine Drainage
Morin G, Juillot F, Allard T, Casiot C, Elbaz-Poulichet F & Calas G

Elbaz-Poulichet Françoise (2015) Arsenic Removal Processes in Mine Drainage Impacted Systems
Morin G, Adra A, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Maillot F, Miot J, Casiot C, Bruneel O, Egal M & Elbaz-Poulichet F

Elbert D. (2009) Uranyl Phosphate Sheet Reconstruction during Dehydration of Metatorbernite [Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2•8H2O]
Stubbs J, Post J, Elbert D, Heaney P & Veblen D
(2008) Newly Recognized Hosts for Uranium in the Hanford 300 Area Vadose Zone
Stubbs J, Elbert D, Veblen L, Zhang S & Veblen D
(2002) Crystallographic and Compositional Aspects of C-Domains in Calcium-Rich Dolomite
Schubel K, Elbert D & Veblen D

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