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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chen Linying (2020) Impact of Methane Seepage Dynamics on Abundance of Benthic Foraminifera in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments: New Insight from the South China Sea
Li N, Feng D, Peckmann J, Chen L, Wang H & Chen D
(2017) Composition and Origin of Lipid Biomarkers in the Surface Sediments from the Southern Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench
Guan H, Chen L & Luo M
(2017) Provenances, Distribution, and Accumulation of Organic Matter in the Southern Mariana Trench Rim and Slope: Implication for Carbon Cycle and Burial in Hadal Trenches
Chen L, Luo M & Chen D
(2012) The Analysis of solution-ICP-MS of Rare Earth Elements of Carbonate Minerals in Carbonate Rocks
Chen L, Li C & Chen D

Chen Liu-Mei (2010) Silicon Isotope Fractionation during Soil Development on Basalt in Tropical China
Zhang G-L, Chen L-M & He Y
(2010) Geochemical Features of a Paddy Soil Chronosequence Derived from Calcareous Marine Sediments in a Millennium Scale
Chen L-M & Zhang G-L

Chen Liuzhu (2019) Adsorption of BDE-47 on Aluminium Hydroxide Colloid
Qiu W, Ma T, Liu R & Chen L
(2017) Indication of Stable Chlorine and Bromine Isotopes in Two Different Geothermal Systems, China
Chen L, Ma T, Du Y & Xiao C

Chen Lixin (2009) Dissolution Rates of Standstone Type Uranium Ore in Ordos Basin, China
Gong Q, Deng J, Wang W & Chen L

Chen Long (2022) Generation of Andesite Through Partial Melting of Basaltic Metasomatites in the Mantle Wedge: Insight from Quantitative Study of Andean Andesites
Chen L, Zheng Y-F, Xu Z & Zhao Z-F
(2022) Microplate Tectonics and Precision Exploration: A New Paradigm to Study Basins, Ore Deposits and Geohazards
Li S, Suo Y, Zhong S, Hu J, Li X, Chen L & Wang G
(2019) Slab Rollback and Magmatic Flare-Up: Constraints from Late Cretaceous Plutonic Rocks in the Gangdese Zone, Southern Tibet
Chen L, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2017) Geochemical Constraints on the Nature of Magma Sources for Mesozoic Bimodal Volcanic Rocks from the Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley in South China
Chen L, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2016) Magma Evolution and Open System Processes for Mesozoic Andesitic Volcanics from the Ningwu Basin in South China: Constraints from Clinopyroxene Geochemistry
Chen L, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2015) The Roles of Source Composition, Magma Mixing and Fractional Crystallization in Petrogenesis of Intermediate Volcanics from the Ningwu Basin in South China
Chen L, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Origin of Andesitic Rocks: Geochemical Constraints from Mesozoic Volcanics in the Luzong Basin, South China
Chen L, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F

Chen Lu (2020) Rapid and Accurate Determination of Cu Isotope in Copper Bearing Minerals Using Microdrilling and MC-ICP-MS
Lv N, Bao Z, Chen L, Zhang Y, Chen K & Yuan H
(2017) Simultaneous Measurement of S and Pb Isotopes of Sulfides Using a Nanosecond Laser Ablation Coupled with Two MC-Icpmss
Yuan H, Bao Z, Chen K, Chen L, Liang P & Liu X
(2016) Precise and Accurate Determination of Iron, Silicon and Sulfur Isotope Ratios in Geological Samples by High Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Chen K-Y, Liang P, Cheng C, Chen L, Yuan H-L & Bao Z-A
(2016) In situ Sulfur Isotope Measurement in Sulfide Using Femtosecond Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen L, Yuan H, Chen K, Bao Z, Dai M, Zong C, Yuan W, Cheng C, Liang P & Liu X
(2016) Accurate Determination of Iron Isotopic Compositions of Geological Reference Materials by High Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Liang P, Yuan HL, Chen KY, Bao ZA, Dai MN, Zong CL, Yuan WT, Cheng C, Chen L & Liu X

Chen Lufeng (2017) Methylmercury Cycling in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, China: Sources/Sinks and Controlling Factors
Li Y & Chen L

Chen Lung-Chi (2020) Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposure – Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Vander Kaaden K, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2017) Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures – Implications for Human Space Exploration
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T

Chen M (2005) Elemental Cycling in Coastal Tropical Sediments, Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles: Results from Multiple Pore Water Sampling Techniques (Dialysis, Centrifugation, DET, and DGT)
Ku T, Browne E, Kay J, Martini A, Peters S & Chen M
(2003) Column Test of Water Treatment via the Desert Dunes Near Beijing
Chen M, Liu X & Chen H
(2003) Hydrographic Estimates for Developing East Asian Monsoon Proxies in IMAGES South China Sea Studies
Chen M, Huang C & Yu P
(2000) Hollandite in Shocked Meteorites: Clues for the Mineralogy of the Earth Mantle and Subducting Lithosphere
Gillet P, Chen M, El Goresy A & Dubrovinsky L
(2000) A New Natural Dense Polymorph of Rutile with the *-PbO2 Structure in Shocked Gneisses from the Ries Meteorite Crater, Germany
El Goresy A, Gillet P, Chen M, Dubrovinsky L & Sharp TG

Chen M-C. (2009) Contribution of Deep Groundwater to Weathering Budget in a Rapidly Eroding Mountain Belt, Taiwan
Calmels D, Galy A, Bickle MJ, Hovius N, Chen M-C & Chapman H

Chen Manjia (2020) Influence of Quinones and Flavins (AQDS, RBF, FMN & FAD) on the Recrystallization of Lepidocrocite Induced by Aqueous Fe(II)
Chen M, Tong H & Liu C
(2020) Response of Microbial Community Regulated by Lactate and Anthraquinone-2, 6-Disulfonate (AQDS) during Pentachlorophenol Transformation in Paddy Soil
Tong H, Chen M, Liu C, Lv Y & Jiang Q
(2019) Contribution of Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria to Carbon Fixation and Arsenic Immobilization in Paddy Soil
Tong H, Liu C, Swanner E, Chen M, Li F & Liu Y
(2019) Spectroscopic Evidence Reveal the Contribution of Aqueous Fe(II) to the Recrystallization of Lepidocrocite
Chen M, Liu Y, Liu C, Hua J & Li F
(2017) Effect of Iron-Reducing Bacteria on Fe(II)-induced Phase Transformation of Lepidocrocite
Chen M, Liu C, Tong H & Li F
(2017) Humic Acid Affecting Pentachlorophenol Biodegrading Microorganisms in Soil Deciphered by Stable Isotope Probing Coupled with High-Throughput Sequencing Approaches
Tong H, Li F, Chen M, Liu C & Qiao J
(2016) Microbial Fe(III) Reduciton Coupling Dechloriantion of Organochlorine Pesticides in Paddy Soil
Chen M, Liu C & Li F

Chen Mei-Fei (2016) Methanoarchaea Isolated from Deep Sea Mud Volcanoes
Lai M-C, Chien H-H, Chen S-C, Chen M-F & Weng C-Y

Chen Meiqing (2019) The Influence of the Vermiculite Template on the Morphology of Manganese Dioxide with Enhanced Immobilization for Thallium
Chen M & Wu P
(2019) Insights into Simultaneous Efficient Removal of Tetracycline and Cd by Calcined MgMn-Layered Double Hydroxide: Performance, Mechanism and Interaction
Wu P & Chen M

Chen Meiyan (2021) Distribution Characteristics of Terrestrial and Marine Lipid Biomarkers and their Implication for the Provenance and Paleoceanographic Application in the Northern South China Sea
Udoh EC, Li L, Chen M, Chen L, JunJian W, Jia G & He J

Chen Meng (2011) Recycling Subcontinental Plagioclase-Rich Lower Crust in the North China Craton
Zhang J-B, Ling W-L, Liu Y, Gao S, Kusky T, Chen Z-W, Qiu XF & Chen M

Chen Meng-Chiang (2018) Microbial Oxidation of Lithospheric Organic Carbon in Rapidly Eroding Mountain Soils
Hemingway J, Hilton R, Hovius N, Eglinton T, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Chen M-C & Galy V

Chen Meng-Ting (2019) The Shipingchuan Large-Scale Vein-Type Molybdenum Deposit, SE China: Source and Timing of Mineralization
Li Y-J, Wei J-H & Chen M-T

Chen Mengli (2015) Chronology of Lead Concentrations and Isotopes in Coastal Environments Near Rapidly Growing Cities in South and South East Asia, South America, and the Middle East
Carrasco G, Lee J-M, Chen M, Lazzari L, Wagener A, Carreira R, Nurhati I, Zhao N, Gevao B, al-Ghadban AN & Boyle E

Chen Mengna (2019) Influence of Nitrogen Assimilation on Biomigration and Transformation of Arsenic in the Groundwater Systems
Xie Z, Chen M, Wang J, Wang J, Fang J, Yang Y & Zhao X

Chen Miao (2020) Experimental Evidence of Gold Nanoparticles in Sulfur-Bearing Hydrothermal Ore Fluids
Liu W, Chen M, Yang Y, Mei Y, Etschmann B, Brugger J & Johannessen B

Chen Michael (2018) Examining Coupled Mineralogical-Redox Controls on Chromium Cycling in Soils and Sediments
Chen M, Gadol H & Kocar B
(2012) Investigating Biogeochemical Alteration of Oil Sand Tailings:field vs. Laboratory Studies
Chen M, Goetz M, Loick N & Weisener C
(2011) Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Transformations of Fluid Fine Tailings (FFT) Associated with the Alberta Oil Sands End Pit Lakes
Walshe G, Chen M, Chi Fru E & Weisener C

Chen Michael A (2022) Novel Microfluidic Devices for Investigating Microscale Trends in Flow and Geochemistry in situ Using X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe Spectroscopy
Chen MA & Kocar B

Chen Mimi (2022) Kinetic Factors Control Trace Element and Isotope Zoning in Archean Pyrite Corona Nodules
Chen M & Campbell I
(2020) Tungsten Isotopic Constraints on Heterogeneity of the NeoArchean Earth Mantle
Chen M, Suzuki K & Kikuchi J
(2018) Quadruple Sulfur Isotopes in 2.7 Ga Sedimentary Pyrites from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, Explained by Simultaneous Dissociation of SO2
Chen M, Campbell I, Ávila J, Huang Z, Sambridge M, Ireland T & Holden P
(2016) A Potential Indicator of Eruption Intensity of Archean Greenstone Volcanisms: ∆33S Values of Deep Marine Sediments
Chen M, Campbell IH, Ireland TR, Tian W & Avila J

Chen Min (2009) Estimating Submarine Groundwater Discharge into Xiamen Bay (China) Using Naturally-Occurring Radium Isotopes
Cai M, Huang Y, Chen M & Liu G
(2007) In situ Natural Radionuclides Transport and Retardadation in Coastal Groundwater of the Southern China
Cai M, Huang Y, Chen M & Liu G

Chen Min-Te (2023) The Response of N2 Fixation to Deglacial Changes in Shelf Nitrogen Loss along the Western Pacific Margin
Ren HA, Yang E, Chang Y-P, Chen M-T & Sigman DM
(2021) Indian-Atlantic Subsurface- and Deep-Water Mass Exchange over the Past 600 kyrs
Perez-Asensio JN, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, de Garidel-Thoron T, Sonzogni C, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Jorry S & Chen M-T
(2018) Reconstruction of Deglacial Surface Ocean pH in the South China Sea Using Boron Isotopes in Foraminifera
Sun LY-J, Huang K-F, Ren H, Chen M-T & Liu Z
(2018) Investigating The Precession Responses of Tropical Indo-Pacific Hydroclimate Since The Last Glacial
Li Z-Y, Chen M-T, Shi X, Wang H, Liu S & Long H
(2016) P Control on Millennial Scale Productivity in Subtropical North Pacific over the Past 92 kyr
Li D, Kao S-J, Fang T-H, Zheng L-W, Ding X-D, Chang Y-P & Chen M-T
(2016) Response of South China Sea Nitrogen Fixation to Shelf Nitrogen Loss over Glacial Cycles
Ren H, Sigman D, Martínez-García A, Anderson R, Chen M-T, Straub M, Wong G & Haug G
(2011) Invasion of Warm, Saline, and Well Ventilated Intermediate Water in Cold Stadials during the Last 30, 000 Years? Evidence from the Middle Okinawa Trough Site MD01-2404
Lo L, Chang Y-P, Shen C-C, Chen M-T & Wei K-Y

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