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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Che C. (2008) Analysis of Chloride Salt Deposits on Mars
Glotch T, Osterloo M, Hamilton V, Bandfield J, Baldridge A, Christensen P, Tornabene L, Anderson FS, Che C & Seelos F

Che H. (2015) Porphyrins from 1.1 Gyr Benthic Mats
Gueneli N, McKenna AM, Krajewski LC, Che H, Boreham C, Ohkouchi N, Poulton SW, Beghin J, Javaux EJ & Brocks JJ

Che Hewei (2016) A Preliminary Discussion on Some Important Advances of the Rare Metal Deposit
Zhou Z, Che H, Ma X & Gao X

Che Hong (2019) Water Mass Analysis and End-Member Mixing Contribution Using Coupled Radiogenic Nd Isotopes and Nd Concentrations: Interaction between Marginal Seas and the Northwestern Pacific
Che H & Zhang J

Che Xiaochao (2020) The Chronology of Basaltic Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 10597
Bao Z, Shi Y, Wang P & Che X
(2020) MC-ICP-MS U-Series Dating of the Panxian Dadong Paleolithic Site in Guizhou, Southern China
Che X, Zhao J, Shen G, Cao B, Sun H & Liu D

Che Xudong (2017) Two Mineralization Episodes of the Dushiling Tungsten Deposit in the Western Nanling Range, China
Zhang W, Che X, Wang R & Chen W
(2011) Experimental Constraints on Magmatic Wolframite
Che X, Linnen R & Wang RC

Che Z. (2021) Probing the Application of Kinetic Theory to Mg-Phyllosilicate Growth with Si Isotope Doping
Che Z, Nightingale M & Tutolo B

Cheadle M.J. (2015) Trace Element “Fingerprinting” Tectono-Magmatic Provenance of Igneous Zircon
Grimes C, Wooden J, Cheadle M, John B & Vazquez J
(2014) Constraints on the Origin of Hess Deep Lower Crustal Layering
Meyer R, Ceuleneer G, Brown T, Cheadle MJ, John B & Harigane Y
(2005) Inherited Zircon and the Magmatic Construction of Oceanic Crust
Schwartz J, John B, Cheadle M, Grimes C, Miranda E, Wooden J & Dick H
(2002) Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Belingwe Komatiites: Implications for Cooling History, Parental Magma Composition and its H2O Content
Danyushevsky LV, Gee MAM, Nisbet EG & Cheadle MJ
(2002) Can Komatiites be ‘Dry’ Plume-Type Magmas?
Cheadle M & Sparks D

Chebbi I. (2015) Chemical Purity of Magnetite Produced by Magnetotactic Bacteria
Amor M, Busigny V, Durand-Dubief M, Tharaud M, Ona-Nguema G, Gélabert A, Alphandéry E, Menguy N, Benedetti M, Chebbi I & Guyot F
(2013) Establishing a Biomarker from Trace Element Incorporation Patterns in Abiotic and Biotic Magnetite
Amor M, Busigny V, Gélabert A, Ona-Nguema G, Tharaud M, Alphandéry E, Durand-Dubief M, Chebbi I & Guyot F

Chebbi M.R.
(2017) Sedimentary Characters and Reservoir Aspects of the Aptian Carbonate Platform in the Enfidha Area, Northeastern Tunisia
Klibi A, Bel Kahla A, Chebbi MR, Lønøy B & Soussi M

Chebikin Eugene (2019) Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of the Thermal Groundwaters from Kuldur spa (Russia)
Lyamina L, Kharitonova N, Bragin I, Nakamura H, Iwamori H, Morikawa N & Chebikin E

Chebikin Evgeny (2007) The Influence of a Method of Sample Preparation on Element Content in Pore Waters of Sediments of Lake Baikal
Likhoshvay A & Chebikin E

Cheburkin A. (2008) Holocene Records of Regional Dust Deposition Using Peat Bogs
Le Roux G, de Vleeschouwer F, Cheburkin A, Krachler M, Shotyk W, Mattielli N & Fagel N

Checa A.G. (2015) Organization of Calcified Biomaterials: The Prismatic Microstructures of Molluscs
Checa A
(2011) Atomic Force Microscopy Observations of Nanostructures and Crystal Growth in Bivalves
Pina CM, Checa AG, Sainz-Díaz CI & Cartwright JHE

Checa-Garcia R. (2021) Dust Induced Atmospheric Absorption Improves Tropical Precipitations In Climate Models
Balkanski Y, Bonnet R, Boucher O, Checa-Garcia R & Servonnat J
(2021) Contribution of the World’s Main Dust Source Regions to the Global Cycle of Desert Dust
Kok JF, Adebiyi AA, Albani S, Balkanski Y, Checa-Garcia R, Chin M, Colarco P, Hamilton D, Huang Y, Ito A, Klose M, Li L, Mahowald N, Miller RL, Obiso V, Perez Garcia-Pando C, Rocha-Lima A & Wan J

Checketts H. (2015) Bond Energy and Bonding Geometry Around Anions with Lone Pairs
Shurtleff C, Whitmer J, Checketts H, Yeates D, Bickmore B & Wander M
(2015) Effects of Bond Character and Atomic Size on Valence Dipole Moments
Yeates D, Whitmer J, Checketts H, Shurtleff C, Bickmore B & Wander M

Checlair J. (2019) Ocean Heat Transport and Glaciation Dynamics on Tidally Locked Planets
Olson S, Checlair J & Abbot D

Chedeville-Monzo C. (2019) Origin of Bimodal Magmatism in Continental Arcs: The Case of Las Derrumbadas Area, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Guilbaud M-N, Pedroza Aldana KG, Chedeville-Monzo C & Siebe C

Chee Sanford J. (2009) Novel Tools for in situ Detection of Biodiversity and Function of Dechlorinating and Uranium-Reducing Bacteria in Contaminated Environments
Hauer K, Meisinger DB, Pavlekovic M, Thomas SH, Kniggendorf A-K, Chee Sanford J, Sanford R, Lebrón CA, Liebl W, Loeffler FE & Lee NM

Chee-Sanford J. (2017) Historical Soil Redox Regimes Mediate Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Krichels A, Suriyavirun N, Kent A, Chee-Sanford J, Sanford R, DeLucia E & Yang W

Cheeke T. (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2020) Niche Partitioning of Microbial Communities at an Ancient Vitrified Hillfort: Implications for Vitrified Radioactive Waste Disposal
Plymale A, Pearce C, Wells J, Brislawn C, Graham E, Cheeke T, Allen J, Danna V, Weaver J, McCloy J, Sjöblom R, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A

Cheema K. (2010) Arsenic Pollution of Groundwater in Lahore City, Pakistan
Hudson-Edwards K, Cheema K, Abbas M & Raman A

Cheema S. (2014) Driving the Methane Cycle – Microbial Communities and Vascular Plants in Alpine Fens
Cheema S, Henneberger R & Zeyer J

Cheeptham1 N. (2022) Identification of Biomineralization Processes and Bacterial Species Forming the Speleothems of Iron Curtain Cave, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
Koning K, McFarlane R, Gosse J, Lawrence S, Carr L, Van Wagoner N, Boddy C & Cheeptham1 N

Cheeseman J. (2003) Dissecting the Nitrogen Cycle in a Tropical Mangrove Ecosystem
Fogel M, Wooller M, Jacobson M, Cheeseman J, Smallwood B & Romero I

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