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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Charlier Bruce (2019) Initial 87Sr/86Sr Chronology of Allende Fine-Grained CAIs from Step Leaching Experiments
Charlier B, Tissot F, Dauphas N, Vollstaedt H & Wilson C
(2017) Strontium Stable Isotope Variations in Allende Fine-Grained Inclusions
Charlier B, Tissot F & Dauphas N
(2015) Nucleosynthetic 84Sr Heterogeneity in the Early Solar System
Charlier B, Parkinson I, Burton K, Grady M & Wilson C
(2015) Stable Sr Isotopic Study of Himalayan Leucogranites
Hopkinson T, Charlier B, Hammond S, Harris N & Warren C
(2013) New Tricks with Old Tracers: Sr Stable Isotope Variations in an Evolved Volcanic System Investigated Using an 84Sr-87Sr Double Spike
Charlier B, Parkinson I & Wilson C
(2012) Degassing a Rhyolite: Are the Old Ar-Ar Ages Real, Inherited or Excess?
Wilkinson C, Kelley S, Sherlock S, Wilson C & Charlier B
(2012) Strontium Stable Isotope Variations in Lunar Basalts
Sutcliffe CN, Burton K, Parkinson I, Cook D, Charlier B, Porcelli D, Mokadem F & Halliday A
(2011) Strontium Stable Isotope Variations in Lunar Basalts
Sutcliffe N, Burton K, Parkinson I, Cook D, Charlier B, Mokadem F & Halliday A
(2007) Quantification of Stable Strontium Isotope Variability in Nature by MC-ICP-MS
Nowell G, Charlier B, Pearson G & Burton K
(2007) Diverse Sources for Oruanui Rhyolite (NZ): Evidence from Feldspar and Zircon
Charlier B & Wilson C
(2007) Glacial-Interglacial Variations in the 87Sr/86Sr Composition of Seawater
Mokadem F, Burton K, Parkinson I, Charlier B & Hathorne E
(2007) A Reappraisal of the Petrology and Origins of the Lherz Peridotite
Riches A, Rogers N, Charlier B & Bodinier J-L
(2004) Mineral-Scale Sr Isotopic Variations as Recorders of Magmatic Processes in the Fish Canyon System, U.S.A
Charlier B, Davidson J, Bachmann O & Dungan M
(2004) Non-Slab Melt Origin for Adakites from Mindanao, Philippines
Macpherson C, Charlier B, Morgan D, Dreher S, Chertkoff D & Jerram D
(2002) Chemical Versus Physical Origins of Rhyolite in a Magma Factory beneath Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
Wilson CJN, Charlier BLA & Blake S
(2002) Differentiation Processes in a High-Silica Rhyolite as Recorded in Plagioclase Crystals from Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
Charlier BLA, Davidson JP, Wilson CJN & Simon JI
(2002) The Origin of Rhyolite Magmas and their 'Phenocrysts'
Blake S, Sutton A, Wilson C & Charlier B
(2000) U-Th Dating of Oruanui Zircons, Taupo Volcanic Zone: Some Remarks on the Interpretation of U-Series Mineral Isochron Data from Systems with Prolonged Crystallisation Histories
Charlier B & Zellmer GF

Charlier Bruce L A (2023) Elemental and Isotopic Variability in Pristine vs. Terrestrially Contaminated CM Chondrites Revealed Using Stepwise Acid Leaching: A Comparative Study of Aguas Zarcas and NWA 11346
McGovern LST, Charlier BLA & Wilson CJN
(2023) Are Presolar Materials Preserved in Coarse-Grained CAIs from Allende? Insights from Step-Leaching Experiments
Charlier BLA, Tissot FLH & Amelin Y
(2023) Gabbroic Insights into Mafic Magmatism in the Taupō Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand
Seelig LK, Wilson CJN, Chambefort I, Rosenberg MD & Charlier BLA
(2022) Search for the Carriers of P-Process Anomalies in Early Solar System Condensates
Marquez RT, Charlier BLA, Abbott T, Smeets P, Heck PR & Tissot FLH
(2021) Geochemical Evolution and Radiogenic Sr, Pb and Nd Isotopic Ratios of Discrete Rhyolitic Melt Bodies at Ōkataina Volcanic Centre, New Zealand: Implications for Plutonic Evolution at a Young, Active Caldera Volcano
Elms HC, Charlier BLA & Wilson CJN

Charlier Bruce L. A. (2018) Expanding the Isotope Geochemist’s Toolbox – Measurements on Sub-Ng Sample Loads of Nd, Sr and Ca Using 1e13 Ω Amplifier Technology
Vollstaedt H, Charlier BLA, Lloyd N & Schwieters J

Charlier J-B. (2016) Transport and Speciation of Trace Metals in Karst Aquifer during a Flood Event
Cholet C, Steinmann M, Denimal S, Charlier J-B & Celle-Jeanton H

Charlou J.L. (2012) Modeling the Hydrothermal Circulation and the Hydrogen Production at the Rainbow Site with Cast3 M
Perez F, Mugler C, Jean-Baptiste P & Charlou JL
(2012) Hydrogen and Methane Fluxes from the Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Charlou JL, Konn C, Donval JP, Guyader V, Perez F, Mugler C, Jean-Baptiste P & Fourre E
(2011) Modeling of Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems Using CAST3 M
Perez F, Charlou JL, Jean-Baptiste P & Mugler C
(2011) H2-rich Fluids Issued from the Kulo Lasi Volcano: A New Active Hydrothermal Field Recently Discovered in the South-West Pacific
Charlou JL, Donval JP, Konn C, Guyader V & Fouquet Y
(2011) Discovery of New Hydrothermal Active Fields in the South-West Pacific. Organic Geochemistry of the Fluids
Konn C, Charlou J-L, Donval J-P, Birot D, Guyader V, Perez F, Jean-Baptiste P, Fourre E & Fouquet Y
(2010) High Production of H2 and CH4 and Abiotic Hydrocarbons in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
Charlou JL, Donval JP, Konn C, Ondreas H, Fouquet Y, Jean-Baptiste P & Fourre E
(2009) Organic Compounds in Hydrothermal Fluids from Ultramafic-Hosted Vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge: An Update on Composition and Origin
Konn C, Holm N, Donval J-P & Charlou J-L
(2009) Export Fluxes from Submarine Venting to the Ocean: A Synthesis of Results from the Rainbow Hydrothermal Field, 36°N MAR
German C, Thurnherr A, Knoery J, Charlou J-L, Jean-Baptiste P & Edmonds H
(2009) Cold Seep Systems: a Source or Sink for REEs in the Ocean ?
Bayon G, Birot D, Ruffine L, Caprais J-C, Bollinger C, Rongemaille E, Donval J-P, Charlou J-L & Voisset M
(2006) Biogenic or abiogenic organics in hydrothermal fluids from ultramafic-hosted vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The first step of the origin of life?
Konn C, Holm NG, Charlou J-L, Donval J-P, Dehairs F & Bouillon S
(2005) The Behavior of Chlorine and d<+>37<$>Cl during the Oceanic Crust Alteration
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejewski N, Agrinier P, Monnin C, Laverne C, Coleman M, Charlou J & Javoy M
(2004) The Geodynamic Cycle of Chlorine Based on d37 Cl
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejzwski N, Agrinier P, Pineau F, Charlou J & Monnin C

Charlton S. (2005) PHAST˜A Program for Simulating Ground-Water Flow, Solute Transport, and Multicomponent Geochemical Reactions
Parkhurst D, Kipp K, Engesgaard P & Charlton S

Charman D. (2009) The Stanol: ∆5-Sterol Ratio as a Proxy for Palaeoredox Conditions in Mires
Bingham EM, McClymont EL, Childs EV, Pancost RD, Charman D & Evershed RP

Charmasson S (2000) Experimental Approaches for Modeling of the Behaviour of Trace Metals and Radionuclides in Coastal Zones: Application to Cadmium and Cobalt in French Estuaries
Dange C, Charmasson S, Gonzalez JL, Thouvenin B, Boutier B, Chiffoleau JF, Auger D & Chartier E

Charmasson Sabine
(2017) River-Sea Connection Traced by Natural Radionuclides 7Be and 234Th Records in Sediment
Wu J, Rabouille C, Reyss JL & Charmasson S
(2016) Fukushima and the Ocean- Five Years Later
Buesseler K, Dai M, Aoyama M, Benitez-Nelson C, Charmasson S, Delfanti R, Higley K, Maderich V, Masque P, Morris P, Oughton D & Smith J

Charmoille A. (2011) Understanding O2-Deficient and CO2-enriched Gas Production and Migration in the Subsurface Above a Coal Post-Mining Area Through in situ Gas Monitoring and Modelling
Lafortune S, Charmoille A & Pokryszka Z

Charnay B. (2021) Eco-Evolutionary Modeling of Planetary Ecosystems to Predict Habitability and Biosignatures – The Cases of Early Earth and Mars
Sauterey B, Affholder A, Guyot FJ, Charnay B, Mazevet S & Ferrière R
(2014) The Fate of the Earth Oceans: A 3D Perspective on Runaway Greenhouse Processes
Leconte J, Forget F, Charnay B, Wordsworth R & Pottier A

Charnell C. (2005) First Evidence for Exhumation of UHP Garnet Peridotite in the North American Cordillera
Canil D, MacKenzie J, Charnell C, Mihalynuk M, Johnston S & English J

Charnley S. (2011) The Role of Comets as Possible Contributors of Water and Prebiotic Organics to Terrestrial Planets
Mumma M & Charnley S
(2002) Interstellar Organic Chemistry
Charnley S

Charnock John (2018) Plutonium Leaching from Cemented Radioactive Waste
Law K, Parry S, Bryan N, Heald S, Charnock J, Heath S, Knight D, O'Brian L, Fuller A, Law G & Livens F

Charnock John M. (2013) Iodide Ion Hydration in Aqueous Solution to 360C: Insight from XAS and ab Initio MD
Seward T, Henderson M, Suleimenov O & Charnock J
(2012) Arsenic Bioremediation by Biogenic Iron Oxides and Sulfides
Omoregie E, Couture R-M, Van Cappellen P, Corkhill CL, Charnock J, Polya DA, Vaughan DJ, Vanbroekhoven K & Lloyd JR
(2012) Mechanism of Microbial Hydroxyapatite Manufacture and its Application to Radionuclide Remediation
Handley-Sidhu S, Renshaw J, Stolpe B, Lead J, Pattrick R, Charnock J, Baker S, Cuthbert M & Macaskie L
(2011) An EXAFS and ab Initio Study of Aquated Cd2+ and Chlorocadmium(II) Complexes up to 300℃
Seward T, Lemke K, Henderson M, Charnock J & Sadjadi A
(2011) Radiation Damage in Biotite: Defined by Micro XAS and XRD
Pattrick R, Geraki T, Charnock J, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Pimblott S & Droop G
(2009) Arsenic Mobilization in Acid Mine Drainage from the Tinto Santa Rosa Mine, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain
Asta MP, Ayora C, Cama J, Román-Ross G, Gault AG, Charnock JM & Acero P
(2009) Spectroscopic Study of the Local Chemical Environment during Biotransformation of Uranium
Al-Bokari M, Lloyd J, Charnock J & Livens F
(2008) Impact of Microbial Fe3+ & SO42- Reduction on Arsenic Solid-Phase Cycling in Fe- and As-Rich Sediment
Handley K, Bootman C, McBeth J, Charnock J, Wincott P, Vaughan D, Polya D & Lloyd J
(2008) Redox Interactions of Technetium with Fe(II) Mineral Phases
McBeth JM, Morris K, Boothman C, Begg JDC, Burke IT, Charnock JM, Livens FR & Lloyd JR
(2007) Investigating the Biogenic Synthesis of Chalcogenide-Based Nanomaterials
Pearce C, Coker V, Pattrick R, Law N, Charnock J, Lloyd J & Zuckermann R
(2007) Nano-Spinel Synthesis Using Fe(III)-reducing Bacteria
Coker V, Pearce C, Pattrick R, van der Laan G, Telling N, Charnock J, Arenholz E & Lloyd J
(2007) Evaluating Magnetic Suceptibility as a Rapid Scoping Tool for Assessing Trace Metal Contaminated Soils
Polya D, Zananiri I, Kondoloupou D, Atzemoglou M, Lythgoe P, Charnock J, McBeth J, Fraser S & Gault A
(2007) Adsorption of As(III) and As(V) onto Viviantite – Evaluation as a Sink for Arsenic in Bengali Aquifers
Islam F, Lawson M, Lythgoe P, Wogelius R, Thinnappan V, Lloyd J, Charnock J & Polya D
(2006) X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of halide ion hydration in hydrothermal solutions
Seward TM, Henderson CMB, Suleimenov OM & Charnock JM
(2006) Solid state speciation of Pb and Cu in road-deposited sediments
Barrett JE, Taylor KG, Hudson-Edwards KA & Charnock JM
(2005) Spectroscopic Investigations of the Adsorption of As onto Bovine Bone
Harrison W, Wendlandt R, Charnock J & Henderson CMB
(2004) Reduction of Fe(III) by Geobacter sulfurreducens and the Capture of Arsenic by Biogenic Fe(II) Minerals
Islam F, Pederick R, Polya D, Charnock J, Gault A, Wincott P, Rowland H & Lloyd J
(2004) Microcosm Studies of Microbially Mediated Arsenic Release from Contrasting Cambodian Sediments
Rowland H, Polya D, Gault A, Charnock J, Pederick R & Lloyd J
(2002) An EXAFS Study of Pd2+ Solvation in Aqueous Media and Chloride Complexing to 340℃ at Saturated Vapour Pressuree
Seward TM, Henderson CMB & Charnock JM
(2001) Structural Evolution of Amorphous Transition Metal Sulfides
Moyes LN, Pattrick RAD, Vaughan DJ, Livens FR & Charnock JM

Charnoz Sébastien (2019) Collisional Erosion of the Earth’s Primordial Crust: Consequences on the Bulk Silicate Earth Composition
Allibert L, Siebert J, Charnoz S & Raymond SN
(2017) On the Origin of Phobos and Deimos in an Impact-Generated Disk
Hyodo R, Genda H, Charnoz S & Rosenblatt P

Charnoz Sebastien (2023) The Effect of a Small Amount of H and H2O in Magma-Ocean Rocky-Exoplanets: Atmospheric Composition and Escape
Charnoz S, Falco A, Tremblin P, Sossi PA, Lagage P-O & Caracas R
(2022) Origin of the CC-Nc Isotopic Dichotomy in Early Planetesimals (Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies)
Morbidelli A, Baillié K, Batygin K, Charnoz S, Guillot T, Rubie D & Kleine T
(2021) Tidal Pull of the Earth Strips the proto-Moon of its Volatiles
Charnoz S, Sossi PA, Lee Y-N, Siebert J, Hyodo R, Allibert L, Landeau M, Oza A & Moynier F

Charoenpong C. (2017) Reaction Kinetics and Isotopic Fractionation during NO3- Reduction to NH4+ Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Charoenpong C, Wankel S & Seewald J

Charoensri K. (2016) Redox Controlled Changes in Phosphorus Solubility and Solid-Phase Speciation in an Acid Sulfate Paddy Soil Amended with Oil Palm Biochar and Ash
Wisawapipat W, Charoensri K & Runglerttrakoolchai J

Charon C. (2015) The Formation of Nuggets of Highly Siderophile Elements in Quenched Silicate Melts at High Temperatures: Before or during the Silicate Quench?
Malavergne M, Charon C, Jones J, Cordier C & Righter K

Charpentier J. (2011) Oxygen Dynamic in the Eastern South Pacific OMZ
Charpentier J & Pizarro O

Charpentier Thibault (2017) Impact of Alkali in Solution on Glass Alteration and Water Behavior in Nanoporous Altered Layer
Collin M, Gin S, Fournier M & Charpentier T
(2017) Drivers of Water Transport in Glass: Chemical or Topological Effect of the Glass Network?
Rebiscoul D, Mansas C, Delaye J-M, Charpentier T, Bruguier F, Bouty O, Penelon B & Arena H
(2013) Effect of Hafnium on Glass Structure and Dissolution
Pierce E, Kerisit S, Charpentier T, Angeli F & Icenhower J

Charpentier Thibaut (2020) A Novel Approach to Studying Heterogeneous Mineral Calcite Nucleation and Growth
Raheem K, Sanni O, Charpentier T & Neville A
(2019) Kinetics of Calcium Carbonate Mineral Scale Formation
Raheem K, Sanni O, Charpentier T & Neville A

Charreau J. (2023) Denudation Rates of Southwestern Madagascar over the Past 900 ka and their Relation to Climate Changes
Large E, Charreau J, Blard P-H, Bayon G, Garzanti E, Dennielou B & Jouet G
(2022) Silicate Weathering Budget of Himalaya from IODP Expedition 354 in the Bengal Fan
Tachambalath AP, France-Lanord C, Galy A, Rigaudier T & Charreau J
(2021) Bengal fan Record of Silicate Weathering of Himalaya Through Neogene
Tachambalath AP, France-Lanord C, Galy A & Charreau J
(2021) Impact of Quaternary Glacial Cycles on Denudation in Western Mediterranean Mountains
Blard P-H, Molliex S, Mariotti A, Charreau J, Jouet G, Toucanne S & Jorry S
(2013) Paleo-Denudation Rates at the Plio-Pleistocene Transition from in situ Produced Cosmogenic 10Be: Method and New Results from the Tianshan and the Himalayas
Charreau J, Puchol N, Blard P-H, Pik R, Braucher R, Leanni L, Bourles D, Lave J & Bourles O
(2011) Himalayan Erosion Rates and 10Be Systematics in the Ganga Basin
Lavé J, Lupker M, Blard P-H, France-Lanord C, Bourlès D, Charreau J, Leanni L, Pik R & Puchol N

Charrieau L. (2012) Influence of Zostera Meadows on Geochemistry and Meiofauna of the Sediment of a Tidal Lagoon (Arcachon Basin): New Technical Approaches
Metzger E, Jezequel D, Geslin E, Cesbron F, Charrieau L, Delgard M-L, Deflandre B, Jorissen F & Anschutz P

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