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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chappell Mark A. (2020) Energetic Compounds (RDX and 2, 4-DNT) are most Vulnerable to Movement Through Discontinuous Permafrost Soils during Initial Freeze-Thaw Events
LeMonte JJ, Price CL, Douglas TA, Seiter JM, Chappell MA & Indest KJ
(2020) Supervised Machine Learning Based Models Predicting Soil Surface Area Among Different Taxonomical Soil “Types” Using Water Adsorption Curves
Chappell M, Mcgrath C, LeMonte J, Middleton M, Miller C, Styles R, Price C & Miller L

Chappellaz J. (2013) A Precise Climatic Sequencing of the Penultimate Glacial Termination
Landais A, Dreyfus G, Capron E, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Roche D, Prié F, Caillon N, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger M, Lourantou A, Parrenin F, Raynaud D & Teste G
(2013) Continuous Carbon Monoxide Measurements along the NEEM-2011-S1 Ice Core: In situ Production and Potential for Atmospheric Reconstruction
Faïn X, Chappellaz J, Rhodes R, Stowasser C, Blunier T, McConnell J, Brook E, Legrand M, Desbois T & Romanini D
(2013) Isotopic Analysis of Ice Core Carbon Dioxide Inclusions by Means of Quantum Cascade Laser Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy
Gorrotxategi P, Favier M, Debois T, Romanini D, Maisons G, Carras M, Chappellaz J & Kerstel E
(2013) Trace-Gas Measurements in Firn and Ice Cores Using CRDS Instruments
Chappellaz J
(2010) Greenhouse Gases and their Isotopes in Firn Air and Ice Cores
Chappellaz J
(2005) &#948;<+>13<$>C of Carbon Dioxide in Ancient Air from Ice Core Samples
Lavric JV, Barnola J, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger MC, Fischer H & Raynaud D
(2002) Isotopic Study of CO2 and CH4 Out-Gassed from Argillites Investigated for Radioactive Waste Repository
Girard J-P, Fléhoc C, Gaucher E, Prinzhofer A & Chappellaz J

Chapron Y. (2009) Interaction of Prion Protein, Pentapeptide and Lysine with Soil Clays
Charlet L, Brendle J, Hureau C, Chapron Y & Sahai N
(2008) Clay-Prion Protein Interactions
Charlet L, Hureau C & Chapron Y
(2000) Influence of Cations on the Dissolution of Apatite – A Combined Experimental and Computational Approach
Peaudecerf A, Charlet L, Chapron Y, Reiche I & Menu M

Chaput A. (2023) Rare Earth Elements and Radiogenic Isotopes from Mineral Dust in East Antarctica: Sensitive Tracers of the Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Variability Through Time
Mattielli N, Gili S, Boxho SL, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Chaput A, King JS, Gaiero D, Delmonte B, Vallelonga P, Formenti P, Gabrielli P & Bonneville S

Chaput D. (2020) Bioremediation and Recovery of Metals from Mine Waters by Mn-Oxidizing Micro-Eukaryotes
Santelli C, Xu T, Chaput D, Hansel C & Tripp R
(2018) Biogenic Mn Oxide Influences on Metal(loid) Contaminants
Santelli C, Hinkle MA, Rosenfeld C, Roepke E & Chaput D
(2015) Mn(II) Oxidation and Remediation in Polluted Environments
Santelli C, Chaput D, Hansel C, Burgos W, Duckworth O & Gardner T

Char M.K. (2023) Relationships between Particle Size, Arsenic Concentration, Surface Area, and Arsenic Bioaccessibility in Mine Tailings from the Empire Mine, CA
Char MK & Kim CS
(2022) Particle-Size Dependent Trends in Arsenic Bioaccessibility Through in Vitro Extractions of Mine Wastes
Char MK & Kim CS
(2021) Relationships between Arsenic Encapsulation, Speciation, and Bioaccessibility in Mine Tailings from the Empire Gold Mine, CA
Char MK & Kim CS

Charan N. (2008) Geological Sequestration of Carbon-Dioxide in Deccan Continental Flood Basalt Province, India
Charan N & Begum Z
(2007) Geochemistry and PGE Potential of Bangur Gabbro from the Baula-Nuasahi Mafic Ultramafic Complex, Orissa (India)
Singh RS & Charan N

Charan S.N. (2009) Mineral Trapping in Deccan Basalt Province India: Implication for Geological Sequestration of CO2
Charan SN, Prasad PSR & Sarma DS
(2005) Epigenetic Gold Mineralisation in BIFs, Gadag Schist Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, South India
Srinivasa Sarna D & Charan SN
(2004) The Gadag Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton: Evidence of Plume Related and Enriched Magmas
Charan S, Sarma D, Bundi U, Rao T & Sekhar V

Charbonneau M. (2023) Tracking Metal Aerosols and Natural Radioactivity in Northern Ontario, Canada: Tales Told by Lichens
Caron F, Torres-Martinez O, Samuleev P, Anderson J, Halvorson B, Charbonneau M, Lakanen M, Levesque N, Beckett PJ & Spiers GA

Charbonnier Céline (2017) Nutrient and Carbon Fluxes along Sandy Beaches of the French Atlantic Coast: Recycling and Groundwater Discharge
Anschutz P, Charbonnier C & Lecroart P
(2015) Study of Groundwater Fluxes and Diagenetic Processes to Understand the Biogeochemistry of Two Shallow Lakes
Buquet D, Anschutz P, Charbonnier C, Bujan S, Poirier D & Abril G

Charbonnier Celine (2012) In situ Monitoring for Studying the Seasonal Pattern of Dissolved Oxygen in a Sandy Beach of the Aquitaine Coast (France)
Charbonnier C, Anschutz P, Deflandre B, Poirier D, Bujan S & Lecroart P
(2012) Biogeochemical Dynamics Related to Seasonal Changes and Biomass-Density Patterns in Rhyzosphere Sediments of a Zostera Noltii Meadow
Delgard ML, Deflandre B, Kochoni E, Cesbron F, Bernard G, Charbonnier C, Poirier D, Bichon S, Metzger E, Deborde J & Anschutz P

Charbonnier Q. (2023) Source Versus Weathering Processes as Controls on the Mackenzie River Uranium Isotope Signature
Charbonnier Q, Clarkson MO, Hilton R & Vance D
(2021) Constraining Sulphide Weathering in the Mackenzie Basin Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Charbonnier Q, Archer C, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Hilton RG & Vance D
(2019) Black Shale Weathering in Mackenzie Basin: Constraints from Barium Isotopes
Charbonnier Q, Bouchez J & Gaillardet J
(2018) Barium Stable Isotopes as a Fingerprint of Biological Uptake and Release: The Case of Amazon Basin
Charbonnier Q, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J & Dellinger M
(2017) The Dissolved δ 137Ba Signal of Continental Weathering
Charbonnier Q, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Paris G, Guinoiseau D & Benedetti M
(2016) Biogeochemical Response to Spring Ice Cap Melting in Lake Pavin
Viollier E, Amsellem E, Charbonnier Q, Esselma S, Thiam F, Michel A & Jezequel D

Charbonnier S. (2019) Sulfur Sedimentary Processes and Fossilization
Odin GP, Nguyen Tu TT, Derenne S & Charbonnier S
(2019) Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Fossilization Processes in a Hydrothermal Environment
Jauvion C, Bernard S, Gueriau P & Charbonnier S
(2017) Investigating the Processes of Exceptional Fossil Preservation: The Case Study of Jurassic Crustaceans from la Voulte-Sur-Rhône
Jauvion C, Bernard S, Gueriau P & Charbonnier S
(2014) Formation of Geopolymers during Early Diagenesis: The Example of the Montceau-Les-Mines Lagerstätte
Bernard S, Recanati A, Germain D, Charbonnier S & Robert F
(2013) STXM Characterization of Fossil Organic Matter from the Montceau-Les-Mines Lagerstätte (France)
Recanati A, Bernard S, Germain D, Charbonnier S & Robert F

Chardi K.J. (2023) Mobilization of U from Noncrystalline U(IV) by Humic Substances Under Anoxic Conditions
Chardi KJ, Schenkeveld WDC, Kumar N, Giammar DE & Kraemer SM
(2022) Effect of Competing Complexing Cations and Humic Substances on Ligand-Induced Mobilization of Non-Crystalline U(IV) Under Anoxic Conditions
Chardi KJ, Schenkeveld WDC, Kumar N, Noël V, Giammar DE & Kraemer SM
(2021) Remobilization of Uranium from a Bioreduced Field Sediment by Organic Ligands
Chardi KJ, Alvarez Salas M, Kumar N, Schenkeveld WDC, Noel V, Pjevac P, Giammar D & Kraemer SM

Chardin M. (2019) The Role of Metallic Cation in H2 Production during Hydrothermal Reactions
Martinez I, Geymond U, Guelard J, Ekambas P, Chardin M & Sissmann O
(2017) Plugging Wellbore Formations with Environment-Friendly Silicate Gels
Sissmann O, Fleury M, Leveque I, Henaut I, Chardin M, Labaume J & Brosse E
(2017) Abiotic Hydrocarbon Production: The Role of Mineral Catalysts
Kularatne K, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Chardin M, Carlut J & Guyot F
(2016) Experimental Destabilization of Reservoir Rocks Under Low-Grade Metaphorphism: A Potential Source for CO2 Plumes in Basins ?
Sissmann O, Brosse E, Kohler E, Chardin M, Bachaud P & Gaucher E
(2016) Using Environment-Friendly Silicate Gels to Plug Near Wellbore Formations
Fleury M, Sissmann O, Brosse E, Chardin M & Berthe G
(2016) Catalytic Potential of Natural Minerals Towards Fischer-Tropsch Type (FTT) Synthesis of Hydrocarbons
Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Martinez I, Chardin M, Carlut J & Guyot F
(2015) New Experimental Insights on Hydrogen/Hydrocarbon Generation and Simultaneous Carbonation of Olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4
Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Martinez I, Chardin M, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Labaume J, Lopes De Azavedo J, Lutz F, Hayrault P, Kohler E, Cordier L, Carlut J & Guyot F

Chardon D. (2023) The Thermochronological Record Across the West African Continental Margin: Implications for Erosion, Tectonics, and Climate
Wildman M, Ye J, Chardon D, Rouby D & Dall'Asta M
(2019) Drake Gateway Opening Recorded by Global 87Sr/86Sr Signals of Foraminifers
Grespan R, Hodel F, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E, Chardon D, Rouby D & Chavagnac V
(2019) Chemical Weathering of the West African Craton during the EOT: A Li and Sr Isotopic Approach
Hodel F, Grespan R, Chardon D, Rouby D, Buatier M, Destringneville C, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E & Chavagnac V

Chardon E. (2007) Surface Analytical Studies of Feldspar Surface Reaction with U(VI)
Chardon E, Bosbach D, Livens F, Lyon I, Marquardt C, Romer J, Schild D, Wincott P, Wogelius R & Vaughan D

Chardon P. (2018) Temporal Uranium Records of Oak Tree Rings (Quercus Petraea) by (LA)-HR-ICP-MS from a Former Uranium Mining Site (Rophin, France)
Hassan Loni Y, David K, Larrue S, Montavon G, Chardon P & Grambow B

Chardon V. (2021) Combining Geochemistry with Geochronology and Hydromorphology to Unravel Human Impacts in the Upper Rhine over the Two Last Centuries
Euzen C, Schmitt L, Chardon V, Rixhon G, Perrone T, Preusser F, Badariotti D & Chabaux F

Chareev Dmitriy (2019) Partitioning and Contents of Trace and Major Elements in Co-crystallized Synthetitc Sulfide Minerals: Advances of a Synthesis in Salt Melts Using a Steady-State Temperature Gradient
Osadchii V & Chareev D
(2016) XAS Study of Speciation and Valence State of “Invisible” Gold in Synthetic Base Metal Sulphides
Trigub A, Tagirov B, Chareev D, Shiryaev A & Kvashnina K

Chareev Dmitriy A. (2015) The Chemical State of Gold in the Fe-As-S System Studied via Analysis of Synthetic Minerals
Kovalchuk E, Chareev D, Abramova V, Mokhov A & Tagirov B
(2015) Sphalerite as a Matrix for Noble, Non-Ferrous Metals and Semimetals: A EPMA and LA-ICP-MS Study of Synthetic Minerals
Tonkacheev D, Chareev D, Yudovskaya M, Minervina E & Tagirov B
(2015) Palladium Telurides and their Solubility of Ag, Pb, Sn – An Experimental Study
Vymazalová A, Laufek F, Drábek M, Kristavchuk AV & Chareev DA
(2013) Raman Spectra and Microhardness of Sphalerite Solid Solutions ZnS∙FeS
Osadchii E, Bondarenko G, Chareev D & Osadchii V
(2013) Fe β-Factors for Sulfides from NRIXS Synchrotron Experiments
Polyakov V, Osadchii E, Chareev D, Chumakov A & Sergeev I
(2013) Thermodynamic Study of Monoclinic Pyrrhotite in Equilibrium with Pyrite by Solid-State Galvanic Cell Technique
Chareev D & Osadchii E

Chareev Dmitry (2018) The Coupled Chemistry of In and Au in Sphalerite Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Synthetic Crystals
Tonkacheev D, Filimonova O, Tagirov B, Trtigub A, Kvashnina K, Lafuerza S & Chareev D
(2017) Chemical State and Geochemical Behavior of Au in the Synthetic Crystals of Fe, Fe-In, and In-Bearing Sphalerite
Tonkacheev D, Chareev D, Abramova V, Kovalchuk E & Tagirov B

Charehsaz N. (2011) Survey of Aeolian Airborne Dust over Iran from the Point of View Geochemistry and Mineralogy (Case Study: Western Iran and North of Persian Gulf and Sea of Mokran)
Ahmady Birgani H, Feiznia S & Charehsaz N

Charette Matt (2018) Thorium Isotopes as Tracers of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Arctic
Black E, Charette M, Lam P, Anderson R, Kipp L, Xiang Y, Vivancos S & Buesseler K

Charette Matthew (2020) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Inorganic Carbon Export from Intertidal Salt Marshes
Tamborski J, Gonneea ME, Kroeger K, Wang ZA, Henderson P, Kurylyk B & Charette M
(2016) Thorium-234 Distribution along the Eastern Pacific GEOTRACES Transect and Implications for Export and Remineralization of Carbon and Trace Metals
Black E, Buesseler K, Pike S, Lam P & Charette M
(2016) What are the Main Sources of Fukushima-Derived Radionuclides to the Ocean off Japan Fiver Years Later ?
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Castrillejo M, Henderson P, Juan Diaz X, Kanda J, Masque P, Nagao S, Nishikawa J, Otosaka S & Pike S
(2015) 227Ac in the Deep South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES Transect
Hammond D, Charette M, Moore W, Henderson P, Sanial V, Kipp L & Anderson R
(2015) Revisiting Radionuclide Sources at the Marshall Islands
Buesseler K, Charette M, Breier J, Pike S, Henderson P, Kipp L & Tradd K
(2014) Scavenging of Radionuclides and Elements in a Neutrally Buoyant Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Plume
Kipp L, Charette M, Buesseler K, Lam P, Ohnemus D & Moore W
(2013) Radium Isotopes as Tracers of Boundary Exchange Processes along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Transect
Charette M, Morris P, Jenkins W, Henderson P & Moore W
(2012) Can Submarine Groundwater Discharge Balance the Oceanic Strontium Isotope Budget?
Beck A, Charette M, Cochran JK, Gonneea M & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2011) Seasonal Shifts in Concentration, Age, and Lability of Carbon Exported from the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS)
Bhatia M, Das S, Charette M, Xu L & Kujawinski E
(2010) Nutrient Biogeochemistry in Permeable Sediments Impacted by Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Charette M, Breier C, Dulaiova H, Gonneea M, Henderson P, Kroeger K, Mulligan A, Rao A & Slomp C
(2007) 226Radium Activities and 226Ra/Ba Ratios on the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean (KEOPS Project)
Bourquin M, van Beek P, Reyss J-L, Souhaut M, Jacquet S, Dehairs F, Charette M & Jeandel C

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