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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chan W-L. (2016) Modelling the Stability of AMOC and Climate Under Glacial and Warm Climate
Abe-Ouchi A, Yamamoto A, Ohgaito R, Chan W-L, Yoshimori M, Oka A, Sherriff-Tadano S & Kawamura K
(2016) The Influence of Glacial Ice Sheets on Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Through Atmospheric Circulation Change Under Glacial Climate
Sherriff-Tadano S, Abe-Ouchi A, Yoshimori M, Oka A & Chan W-L

Chan Y. (2012) Lead Adsorption on Iron-Amended Composts
Shi Z, Harsh J & Chan Y

Chan Sock Peng E. (2017) Deciphering the Functional Potential of Microorganisms for P Cycling: A Genomics Perspective on Metal-Phosphate Biomineralization
Caumes G, Benzerara K, Chan Sock Peng E, Cosmidis J, Skouri-Panet F & Duprat E

Chanakya S. (2022) Accurate and Precise Determination of Boron Isotope Ratio by QQQ-ICP-MS: Application to Natural Waters and Carbonates
Chanakya S & Misra S

Chanana M. (2015) Biomimetic Wood Mineralization: The Influence of Wood Structure and Chemistry on Mineral Formation
Berg JK, Merk V, Chanana M & Burgert I

Chance Roise (2015) Particulate Iron, an Important Source of Dissolved Fe
Lohan M, Milne A, Schlosser C, Achterberg E, Chance R & Baker A

Chance Rosie (2017) Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean: Results from the GEOTRACES GA06 Cruise
Lambelet M, Crocket K, van de Flierdt T, Bridgestock L, Deng F, Chance R, Baker A & Achterberg E
(2013) Provenance Tracing of Aerosols into the South Atlantic Ocean Using Pb and Nd Isotopes and Select Trace and Rare Earth Elements
Khondoker R, Weiss D, van De Flierdt T, Rehkämper M, Chance R, Baker A, Strekopytov S, Williams E & Najorka J
(2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M
(2011) Carcass Island: A New Site for the Observation of Southern South American Dust in the Western Falkland Islands
Chance R & Baker A
(2011) Evaluation of Relationships Used to Model Sea Surface Iodide Concentrations
Chance R, Baker A, Carpenter L & Jickells T

Chanchai W. (2022) A Carbonate Multi-Proxy Investigation of Oceanic Oxygenation Across the Ediacaran–Cambrian Boundary
Chanchai W, Smith E, Nelson LL, Lonsdale M, Hardisty D, Burke J & Lau KV

Chand D. (2014) Observed and Simulated Black Carbon and Absorption Profiles during the TCAP Campaign
Fast J, Berg L, Chand D, Liu Y, Sedlacek A, Ferrare R, Hostetler C & Muller D

Chand S. (2015) Hydrocarbon Seeps on the Northern Norwegian Shelf: Clues from Geochemical Investigations
Sauer S, Knies J, Lepland A, Chand S, Eichinger F, Crémière A & Schubert CJ
(2013) Geochemical and Acoustic Investigations of Hydrocarbon Seepage on the Continental Shelf off Northern Norway
Sauer S, Knies J, Schubert C, Lepland A & Chand S
(2013) Dating the Collapse of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using CH4-Derived Carbonate Crusts from the Barents Sea
Lepland A, Chand S, Sahy D, Noble SR, Condon DJ, Martma T, Pedersen JH, Sauer S, Brunstad H & Thorsnes T

Chanda Piyali (2022) Tungsten Sorption on Birnessite and Concomitant Stable W Isotope Fractionation at Conditions Relevant to Environmental Transport
Wasylenki LE, Chanda P, Baransky EJ & Rolison JM
(2021) Reducing Trophic Transfer of Uranium from Plants to Sheep to Navajo People: can Root Fungi Help Sequester U in Plant Roots?
Dunlap K, Wasylenki L & Chanda P
(2020) Exploring the Sorption Mechanism of Tungsten on Birnessite with Stable Isotopes
Chanda P, Farmer J & Wasylenki L
(2018) Implications of Short-Term Exchange of Foraminiferal Tests for Proxy Application
Fantle M, Chanda P, Gorski C & Oakes R
(2018) Effect of Organic C on Stable Fe Isotopic Fractionation between Aqueous Fe(II) and Ferrihydrite
Chanda P, Zhou Z, Latta D, Scherer M, Beard B & Johnson C
(2015) Quantifying Diagenetic Alteration of Marine Carbonate δ26Mg in an Open System Influenced by Advection
Chanda P & Fantle M

Chanda Pratyusha (2023) Transport Pathways, Distribution, and Flux of Metals in Ganga Estuary (Hooghly): Implication on the Geochemical Mass Budget of Seawater
Chanda P, Jain S & Misra DS

Chandan P. (2020) Tracing the Sources of Lead in the Canadian Arctic from the Atmosphere to the Ocean
Bergquist B, De Vera J, Chandan P, Pinedo-Gonzalez P, John S, Jackson S, Cullen J, William L & Steffen A
(2016) Mercury Mass-Independent Fractionation in Freshwater Plankton and Aquatic Systems
Bergquist B, Chandan P, Lee M, Mitchell C & Slater G
(2014) Stable Hg Isotope Study of Monomethylmercury Sources in Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
Chandan P, Bergquist B, Fisher N, Baumann Z & Madigan D
(2012) Mercury Isotope Fractionation during Aqueous Photo-Reduction of Methylmercury in Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter
Chandan P, Ghosh S & Bergquist B

Chandana K.R. (2020) Hydrological Changes during Meghalayan Stage from the Southern India
Banerji US, Shaji J, Maya K, Chandana KR, Shivam A, Sudheer AK, Bhushan R & Padmalal D

Chander S. (2021) Trace Metal Distribution in Groundwater and Surface Soils of Fazilka District, SW Punjab, India
Chander S & Paikaray S

Chandler M.A. (2001) GCM Simulations of Neoproterozoic “Snowball Earth” Conditions: Implications for the Environmental Limits on Terrestrial Metazoans and their Extraterrestrial Analogues
Sohl LE & Chandler MA

Chandler Robert (2013) Speleothem Reconstruction of Sea Level at Bermuda over the Last Climatic Cycles
Wainer KAI, Henderson GM, Mason AJ, Thomas AL, Rowe M, Williams B, van Hengstum PJ & Chandler R

Chandler Ross (2022) Australian Carbonatites: Insights on Geological Characteristics, Exploration Proxies and the National Prospectivity for Undiscovered Carbonatites and Associated Critical Metal Mineralisation
Chandler R & González-Álvarez I

Chandra Ajit Kumar (2019) Influence of Monsoon and Provenance on Sr and Nd Isotope Systematics (IODP-353, U1445)
Peketi A, Mazumdar A, Pillutla SPK, Sawanth B, George C & Chandra AK

Chandra Amalendu (2010) Vibrational Spectral Diffusion and Chemical Dynamics in Aqueous Solutions
Chandra A

Chandra J. (2022) In situ Sr Isotope Analysis of Apatite from Kamthai and Amba Dongar Carbonatite Complexes, Western India: Link with Deccan Large Igneous Province
Chandra J, Ranjan S & Upadhyay D

Chandra R. (2017) Centennial Tree-Ring Records over North Kashmir, India in the Context of Recent Climate Change
Gandhi N, Quarashi AA, Chandra R, Romshoo SA & Borgaonkar HP

Chandra S. (2007) Ge/Si Fractionation by Higher Plants: Mechanisms and Applications to Biogeochemical Cycles
Derry L, Sparks J & Chandra S

Chandra U. (2017) Spectroscopic Charcterization of Schreyerite V2Ti3O5 a Rare Vanadium-Titanium Oxide Mineral from a Pb-Zn Ore Deposit, Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India
Parthasarathy G, Chandra U & Saikia B
(2016) High-Pressure Phase Transition and Infrared Spectra of Natural Antigorite- Implications For Dehydration Reactions on Martian Surface
Chandra U & Parthasarathy G
(2016) High-Pressure Phase Transition in Natural Gypsum-Implication to Martian Surface Mineralogy
Parthasarathy G & Chandra U
(2015) High Pressure Mossbauer Spectroscopic and X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Nathdwara Meteorite
Chandra U, Randey KK & Sharma SM
(2011) High-Pressure Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study of Lohawat (Howardite) Meteorite up to 9 GPa
Chandra U, Sharma P & Parthasarathy G
(2010) High-Pressure Phase Transition in Microwave Synthesised (CuFe2S3): Resistivity Studies up to 9 GPa
Chandra U, Sharma P & Parthasarathy G
(2010) Electrical Resistivity of a Precambrian Native Iron Sample At High-Pressures up to 9.0GPa
Chandra U, Sharma P & Parthasarathy G
(2009) Magnitude of Precambrian Impact Experienced by Native Iron Sample Through High-Pressure Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Chandra U & Parthasarathy G

Chandra Mouli G. (2010) Hydrogeochemical Studies in Nagavali Microwatershed-Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh, India
Saxena PR & Chandra Mouli G

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