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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Champagnac J-D. (2013) Exhumation Rates from Orogenic Areas
Herman F, Champagnac J-D, Lupker M & Willett S

Champallier R. (2017) Origin of Specific Textures in Granitic Pegmatites: An Experimental Study
Devineau K, Champallier R & Pichavant M

Champan H. (2011) Trace Element Mobilisation in a Natural Analogue CO2 Storage Site
Wigley M, Bickle M, Kampman N, Dubacq B & Champan H

Champati A K (2020) Proterozoic Tectonics from the Northern Domain of the Eastern Ghats Belt
Behera SR, Saha L, Pal DK & Champati AK

Champati Anil (2019) Monazite Geochronology from the Himalaya and Bundelkhand Craton and Geodynamic Significance
Rahman H, Nasipuri P, Champati A & Baqar Raza M

Champenois F. (2022) Filamentous Cyanobacteria in Reefal Facies of the Neoproterozoic Arkaroola Reef Complex, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Champenois F, George A & Corkeron M

Champenois M. (2007) Delta Zero Reference Materials for Stable Isotope Analysis and Applications to in situ Measurements
Carignan J, Rollion-Bard C & Champenois M

Champilou J-B. (2019) 2D Redox Zonation in a Sediment Colonized by Tube-Dwelling Amphipods
Metzger E, Nicol A, Champilou J-B, Jauffrais T, Choquel C, Launeau P & Mouret A

Champion David (2020) Building a Better Geochemical Picture of the Australian Landscape
Main P, Champion D, Wilford J & Bastrakov E
(2019) Geochemical Inversion of Alteration Assemblages for the Mineralisation Fluid: Examples for Proterozoic Base-Metal Mineral Systems
Bastrakov E, Siegel C, Hauser J, Champion D, Huston D & Czarnota K
(2017) Titanium Isotopes as a New Tool to Fingerprint the Tectonic Setting of Continent Formation?
Millet M-A, Smithies H, Champion D, Rushmer T, Macpherson C & Willbold M
(2009) Australia's High Heat Producing Granites: Importance, Distribution and Genesis
Champion D, Budd A, Schofield A, Meixner T & Lambert I
(2006) Sm-Nd isotope characteristics of the Pilbara and Yilgarn Cratons, Western Australia: implications for crustal growth in the Archean
Champion DC, Cassidy KF & Smithies RH
(2006) Origin of Archean late potassic granites: evidence from the Yilgarn and Pilbara Cratons
Cassidy K, Champion D & Smithies H
(2005) Eruptive History of Mount St. Helens, Washington- a Summary with New Data
Clynne M, Wolfe E, Calvert A, Pallister J, Champion D, Lanphere M & Evarts R

Champion David C (2020) Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the Australian Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary from Mafic Volcanism
Klöcking M, Czarnota K, Ball PW, Champion DC & Davies DR

Champion David C. (2022) Pb Isotopes of the Curnamona Province, an Example of Extreme Crustal Fractionation in the Proterozoic
Ware B, Liebmann J, Kirkland CL, Tessalina SG, Mole DR, Waltenberg K, Huston DL, Fraser G & Champion DC
(2021) Archaean Basalts Record Evidence of Lithospheric Extension Prior to Cratonisation
Klöcking M, Czarnota K, Campbell IH, Smithies H, Champion DC & Davies DR
(2021) International Database on the Abundance of Critical Minerals in Ores: Relevance to Research and Development of Critical Mineral Resources
Hofstra AH, Bastrakov E, Champion DC, Czarnota K, Emsbo P, Gadd MG, Granitto M, Huston DL, Lauziere K, Lawley C, Lisitsin V, Raymond O & VanDerWielen S

Champion Duane (2018) Mass-Dependent Isotopic Fractionation of Argon in Natural Systems: Implications to 40Ar/39Ar Dating
Turrin B, Champion D & Swisher C

Champion Duane E. (2008) Eruption of Discrete Magma Batches along a Normal Fault Zone: The Poison Lake Chain, Caribou Volcanic Field, Southernmost Cascades
Muffler LJP, Clynne MA, Calvert AT & Champion DE

Champollion Cédric (2019) Using Excess Air for the Characterisation of Recharge Processes in Karst Aquifers. Case of the Durzon Karst System (France)
Perotin L, de Montety V, Ladouche B, Bailly-Comte V, Tweed S, Champollion C & Seidel J-L

Champollion Cedric (2021) Impact of Intraterrestrial Microbial Life on Rock Weathering at Depth: Case Studies from Cave Environments
Pisapia C, Menez B, Bruxelles L, Watkinson M, Champollion C, Vernant P, Doerflinger E, Bouquerel H, Isambert A, Lecourt L & Gérard E

Chan A (2003) Adsorption and Precipitation of Iron on Marine Bacteriophage PWM3a-P1
Daughney C, Chatellier X, Chan A, Kenward P, Fortin D & Suttle C

Chan Alicia Li Han (2023) Influence of Co-existing Phosphate on the Speciation and Partitioning of Arsenate in Fe(II)-bearing Minerals
Perez JPH, Chan ALH, Mosselmans JFW & Benning LG
(2021) Competing Immobilization Pathways for Arsenate and Phosphate in Fe(II)-bearing Minerals: Adsorption Versus Structural Incorporation
Perez JPH, Chan ALH, Okhrymenko M, Blukis R, Mosselmans JFW, Mayana S, Roddatis V & Benning LG

Chan Andrew (2021) DEWPython: A Python Implementation of the Deep Earth Water Model
Chan A & Melwani Daswani M

Chan Arthur W.H. (2018) Persistence of Wildfire-Derived Pollutants in Indoor Environments
Kohl L, Meng M, de Vera J, Bergquist B, Cooke CA, Hustins S, Jackson B & Chan AWH

Chan C (2003) Microbial Polymer Templation of Iron Oxyhydroxides
Chan C, Nesterova M, Welch S, De Stasio G & Banfield J

Chan Celine (2010) EarthChem: Next Generation of Data Services in Geochemistry
Lehnert K, Walker D, Chan C & Ash J

Chan Chak Keung (2023) MEA Decay Mediated by Photolysis of Nitrate in Atmospheric Particles: A Brown Carbon and Organic Phase Formation Pathway
Tian X, Zhang R, Wei B, Wang Y, Li Y & Chan CK

Chan Cheuk Yin (2023) Basin-Scale Distributions of 9 Trace Metals (Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) in the Entire Pacific Ocean
Zheng L, Minami T, Chan CY, Takano S & Sohrin Y
(2023) Factors Affecting the Supply and Scavenging of Trace Metals in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean
Chan CY, Zheng L & Sohrin Y
(2021) North-South (145°W) and East-West (47°N) Sectional Distributions of Dissolved Trace Metals during GEOTRACES Japan KH-17-3 Cruise in the Pacific Ocean
Chan CY, Zheng L & Sohrin Y

Chan Cheuk-Yin (2020) Distributions of Dissolved Trace Metals (Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) during GEOTRACES Japan KH-17-3 Cruise in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean
Chan C-Y, Zheng L & Sohrin Y

Chan Christine F. (2022) Dating Young (100-350 ka) Gen Z Zircons: Development of a Dual ID-TIMS and ID-Mc-ICPMS U-230Th-Pb Zircon Analytical Technique and Data Reduction
Chan CF, McLean NM, Cooper KM, Vazquez JA & Burgess SD

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