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Chamberlain C. Page (2018) Modeling Terrestrial δ18O Gradients in Lowland and Mountain Environments
Kukla T, Winnick M, Maher K, Ibarra D & Chamberlain CP
(2017) The Evolution of Land Plants and Silicate Weathering
Ibarra D, Caves J, Bachan A, Baresch A, Lau K, Thomas D, Lee J-E, Boyce K & Chamberlain CP
(2016) Tracing Meteoric Fluids in Fault and Detachment Systems
Mulch A, Teyssier C, Chamberlain CP, Zwingmann H & Mancktelow N
(2016) Uncertainty Assessment and Sampling Strategies for Global Silicate Weathering Rates
Moon S, Chamberlain CP & Hilley G
(2013) It’s Getting Hot on Earth – The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in a Terrestrial Sedimentary Record
Methner K, Wacker U, Fiebig J, Mulch A & Chamberlain CP
(2013) Coupling Fluid Residence Times, Erosion Rates and Weathering Fluxes to Evaluate the Operation of a Hydrologic Thermostat
Maher K & Chamberlain CP
(2011) Hot Summers in the Western United States during the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic
Snell K, Thompson J, Foreman B, Wernicke B, Chamberlain CP, Eiler J & Koch P
(2011) Uncertainty Assessment in Quantification of Silicate Weathering Rates in Global Rivers
Moon S, Chamberlain CP & Hilley G
(2009) A Late Miocene Stable Isotope Paleosoil Record of Andean Foreland Precipitation
Mulch A, Uba C, Strecker M, Schönberg R & Chamberlain CP
(2007) Steady State Chemical Weathering in an Eroding Landscape
Chamberlain P, Hilley G, Hren M, Porder S & Jacobson A
(2007) Cenozoic Topographic Evolution of the Western North America Cordillera
Chamberlain CP, Mulch A, Kent-Corson M, Davis S, Carroll A & Graham S
(2007) Hydrogen Isotope Variations in Hydrated Volcanic Glass as Tracers of Late Cenozoic Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States
Mulch A, Sarna-Wojcicki AM, Perkins ME & Chamberlain P
(2007) Climate Change in the Southern Central Andes at 8 Ma
Strecker M, Mulch A, Uba C, Schmitt A & Chamberlain P
(2007) Chemical Weathering, Erosion, and CO2 Consumption in the Southern Tibetan Plateau and Eastern Syntaxis of the Himalaya
Hren M, Chamberlain CP, Hilley G, Blisniuk P & Bookhagen B
(2007) Stable Isotopic Evidence of Evolving Laramide Landscape in the Central North American Cordillera
Davis S, Mulch A & Chamberlain P
(2007) Cenozoic Topographic and Climatic Change in the Western U.S. From a Paleosol Carbonate Record in Montana and Idaho
Kent-Corson M, Mulch A & Chamberlain P
(2006) Coupled hydrogen isotope paleoaltimetry and (U/Th)/He thermochronology of river deposits
Mulch A, Graham S, Reiners P & Chamberlain CP
(2006) Thermochronologic Approaches to Paleotopography
Reiners P, McPhillips D, Brandon M, Mulch A & Chamberlain CP
(2002) Os Isotopes, Deep-Rooted Mantle Plumes and the Timing of Inner Core Formation
Meibom A, Frei R, Chamberlain CP, Coleman RG, Hren MT & Sleep NH

Chamberlain Katy (2017) 1 Million Years of Volcanism on Ascension Island: Insights from Stratigraphy, 40Ar/39Ar Dating and Petrology
Preece K, Chamberlain K, Barclay J, Mark D, Brown R, Vye-Brown C & Cohen B

Chamberlain Katy J (2022) The 2021 Eruption of Cumbre Vieja Volcano: Petrological Insights Gained from the Initial Rapid Response to Post-Eruption Study
Barbee OA, Pankhurst MJ, Chamberlain KJ, Scarrow JH, Hickey J, Morgan DJ, Neave D, Coldwell BC, Butcher AR, Rollinson GK, Rodriguez F, Martin-Lorenzo A, Wieser P, Hernandez W, Hernandez PA & Perez Rodriguez N
(2019) Magmatic Evolution of High-Mg Andesites and Dacites at Ruapehu Volcano, New Zealand
Conway CE, Chamberlain KJ, Harigane Y & Morgan DJ

Chamberlain Katy Jane (2021) Effect of Stratovolcanic Edifices on Timescales of Mafic Magma Ascent: Case Study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile
Chamberlain KJ, Morgan D, Lara LE & Rivalta E
(2013) Combined Diffusion Studies in Sanidine, Quartz and Orthopyroxene: Timescales of Magma Mixing in the Bishop Tuff
Chamberlain KJ, Morgan DJ & Wilson CJN

Chamberlain Kevin (2022) New U-Pb in situ SIMS Date in Baddeleyite from Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism in the Goiás Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil: Identification of a Broad ca. 670-690 Ma Event
Augustin CT, Chamberlain K, Mungall J, Schutesky ME & Ernst RE
(2016) Shocked Baddeleyite as a New Tool for Lunar Chronology
Darling J, Moser D, Tait K, Chamberlain K, Schmitt A & White L
(2013) The Shocking State of Baddeleyite in Basaltic Shergottite NWA 5298
Darling J, Moser D, Barker I, Tait K, Chamberlain K & Schmitt A
(2012) Reconstructing a Young Martian History with Igneous Microbaddeleyite Rimmed by Metamorphic Zircon
Moser D, Chamberlain K, Tait K, Schmitt A, Barker I, Hyde B & Darling J
(2012) SIMS in situ Micro-Baddeleyite U-Pb Method for Dating Mafic Rocks
Chamberlain K, Schmitt A, Swapp S, Swoboda-Colberg N, Moser D, Wright J, Bleeker W & Khudoley A
(2011) Revisiting the Age of the Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex
Scoates J, Wall C, Friedman R & Chamberlain K
(2008) In situ SIMS Micro-Baddeleyite U-Pb Dating Method for Mafic Rocks
Chamberlain K, Harrison M, Schmitt A, Heaman L, Swapp S & Khudoley A

Chamberlain P (2006) Recovering the timing of mylonitization from coupled 40Ar/39Ar and hydrogen isotope data
Cosca M, Mulch A, Teyssier C, Wells M & Chamberlain P

Chamberlain Page (2018) Quantifying Terrestrial Weathering Across Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Ibarra D, Jones M, Caves Rugenstein J, Sageman B, Graham S, von Blanckenburg F & Chamberlain P

Chamberlayne B. (2018) Assessing Trace Element and Stable Isotopic Ratios as Environmental Recorders in a Short Lived Bivalve
Chamberlayne B, Tyler J & Gillanders B

Chambers D. (2003) Atmospheric Sources of Potentially Toxic Elements in the Northeastern U.S
Goldhaber M, Callender E, Reynolds R, Bleiwas D & Chambers D

Chambers Jennifer (2010) Thermal Gradients in the Himalaya Using Muscovite as a Monitor of the Activity of Rutile Combined with Ti-Thermometry
Chambers J, Kohn M & Finch A
(2009) Two (Nearly) Single-Mineral Monitors of the Activity of Rutile, 1: Calibration
Kohn M & Chambers J
(2009) Two (Nearly) Single-Mineral Monitors of the Activity of Rutile, 2: Applications
Chambers J & Kohn M
(2006) The Origins and Histories of Metasedimentary Units in the Core of the Himalaya
Argles TW, Richards AP, Chambers JA, Parrish RP, Ahmad T & Harris NBW

Chambers John (2013) Chemical and Hf/W Isotopic Consequences of Lossy Accretion
Dwyer C, Nimmo F & Chambers J
(2010) Theoretical Models for Terrestrial Planet Formation
Chambers J

Chambers L (2005) Paleocene Timescale Miscalibration: Fact or Fiction?
Pringle M & Chambers L

Chambers Lee (2017) Understanding Controls on Groundwater “Age” in an Alluvial Aquifer
Chambers L, Richards L, Polya D, SÜLTENFUß J, Binley A & Gooddy D

Chambers Luke (2017) Composition of Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Produced by Marine Phytoplankton
Ingall E, Saad E & Chambers L

Chambers M. (2019) Plagioclase and K-Feldspar Megacryst Recycling in a Large, Prolonged Magma Mush, Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, California
Memeti V, Chambers M, Oppenheim L, Barnes C, Eddy M & Schoene B

Chambers N. (2005) Fe Isotope Geochemistry in Coastal Dune Pore Waters and Associated Seeps
Chambers N & Baham J

Chambers R.M. (2022) Resolving Fingerprints of Unconventional Gas Sources and Methane-Rich Groundwaters in the Vale of Pickering, UK
Chambers RM, Gilfillan SMV, McDermott CI, Smedley P & Ward R

Chambers S (2005) Soft X-Ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopies as Probes of Metal Dopants and Clusters
Chambers S

Chambers S. A. (2001) Fundamental Studies of Iron Oxide Surface Geometric and Electronic Structures
Chambers SA
(2000) Abiotic Interactions of Aqueous Chromium Ions with Iron Oxide Surfaces
Brown Jr. GE, Chambers SA, Amonette JE, Rustad JR, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Grolimund D, Foster-Mills NS, Joyce SA & Thevuthasan S
(2000) The Effect of Calcium Carbonate Coatings on Cr(VI) Reduction at the (111) Surface of Magnetite
Doyle CS, Kendelewicz T, Brown Jr. GE, Chambers SA & Zachara JM

Chambolle M. (2017) Assessment of Rare Earth Elements Anomalies in an Urban Area: Study Case of Bordeaux, France
Lerat A, Coynel A, Capdeville M-J, Granger D, Blanc G, Schafer J, Bossy C, Dutruch L & Chambolle M

Chamboredon R. (2015) Fluid Inclusions and Volatile-Rich Minerals in Nephelinite as Tracers of Fluids beneath the NW African Craton (Saghro Volcanic Field, Morocco)
Chamboredon R, Parat F, Boiron M-C & Hidas K

Chamizo E. (2019) Presence of 236U and 233U in the Canada Basin from the US GEOTRACES Expedition in 2015
Chamizo E, Casacuberta N, López-Lora M, Christl M, Kenna T, Villa M & Masqué P

Chamorro E. (2002) The 'Zero Charge' Partitioning Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Brooker R, Wood B, Kelley S, Chamorro E & Blundy J

Chamorro-Pérez E. (2001) Vesiculation and Vesicle Loss in Normal Ridge Magmas Traced by He-Ne-Ar Concentrations and Pressure Influence on Rare Gas Solubilities
Sarda P, Moreira M & Chamorro-Pérez E
(2000) An Experimental View of the Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Kelley SP, Brooker RA, Chamorro-Perez E, Wartho J & Wood B

Chamorro-Pérez Eva (2023) Solubility of CO2 in Mafic Melts up to 8.5 GPa, Measured by Raman Spectroscopy
Sarda P, Amalberti J, Le Losq C, Sator N, Hammouda T, Chamorro-Pérez E, Guillot B, Le Floch S & Neuville D

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