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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Çevik S. (2017) Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Characteristics of Westphalian Aged Coal Beds in Kozlu, Zonguldak/Turkey
Erdoğan MS, Kara Gülbay R, Çevik S, Yaylalı Abanuz G, Hoş Çebi F & Korkmaz S

Cevirim-Papaioannou N. (2023) Aqueous Speciation and Sorption Properties of Beryllium in Carbonate-Containing Systems
Cevirim-Papaioannou N, Orucoglu E, Grangeon S, Gaona X, Agnel MI & Altmaier M
(2019) Beryllium Solubility, Hydrolysis and Sorption in Cementitious Systems
Cevirim-Papaioannou N, Gaona X, Han S, Ait-Moheb N, Böttle M, Gaboreau S, Claret F, Um W & Altmaier M

Cey B. (2008) Dissolved Gas and Isotopic Tracers of Denitrification
Singleton M, Moran JE, Esser B, McNab W, Carle S & Cey B

Cezac P. (2023) Kinetic Factors Affecting Jarosite Formation at Room and High Temperatures
Buriti M, Poulain M, Cézac P & Casás L
(2023) Comparative Study of Three H2 Geological Storages in Deep Aquifers Simulated in High Pressure Reactors
Mura J, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Haddad P, Ducousso M, Casteran F, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Baldy A, Petit A, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A
(2022) Geological Storage of Hydrogen in Deep Aquifers – An Experimental Multidisciplinary Study
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Mura J, Casteran F, Ronjon-magand L, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Dequidt D, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A
(2021) Research on the Injection of New Gases in Underground Methane Storage Systems in Deep Aquifers
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Casteran F, Guignard M, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Dequidt D & Cézac P
(2020) Numerical Study of Barite Precipitation in Porous Media Under Deep Geothermal Conditions
Cazenave F, Bachaud P, Casas L, Cezac P, Derluyn H, Estublier A & Meiller C
(2020) Research on the Injection of New Gases in Underground Methane Storage Systems Such as Deep Aquifers
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Casteran F, Guignard M, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Dequidt D & Cezac P
(2020) Improvements in Pitzer's Database for Calculating CO2 Solubility in the Na-Ca-Cl Saline Aqueous Systems
Felipe dos Santos P, Ducousso M, Andre L, Contamine F & Cézac P

Cezario Wilker (2011) Mercury Stratigraphy: A Proxy for Volcanogenic CO2 Buildup in Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth and Volcanism in the K-T Transition
Sial A, Lacerda L, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Chiglino L, Campos M, Nascimento-Silva V & Cezario W

Cezario Wilker Dos Santos (2012) C and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy, Ce and Eu Anomalies in Neoproterozoic Carbonates the Serra do Paraiso (Rio Pardo Basin) and Sao Desiderio (Rio Preto Belt) Formations, Bahia, Brazil
Cezario WDS, Sial A, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Pimentel MM, Misi A & Pedreira AJ

Ch‚tellier X. (2001) Physical and Mineralogical Characterization of Biogenic Fe-Oxides
Fortin D, Ch‚tellier X, Leppard GG & Ferris FG

Cha Hyun Ju (2012) Biogeochemical Mn Cycling and its Influence on the Water Column Mn Concentrations in the Southwestern East/Japan Sea
Cha HJ & Choi MS

Cha Hyun Ju (2015) Dissolved and Particulate Trace Metals (Mn, Fe, Ni, Cd) in the Bottom Boundary Layer of the Ulleung Basin, East/Japan Sea
Choi M, Ok S, Jang D, Kim M, Park J, Cha H & Chun J
(2013) Origin and Burial of Organic Carbon Depending Upon the Environmental Setting in the Southwestern East/Japan Sea
Cha HJ & Choi MS

Cha K-H. (2016) Groundwater Contamination Caused by Level Change of Groundwater and Subsidence in Alluvial Aquifer, Yangsan, Southeastern, Korea
Jeong G-C, Kim M-G, Ryu J-O, Cha K-H & Choo C-O

Cha M. (2019) Effects of Hydrophobic Particles for Hydrate Formation
Cha M, Baek S, Min J & Lee JW

Cha W. (2015) Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Uranyl Tricarbonate
Jung EC, Cho H-R & Cha W

Cha Wonsuk (2018) Oxidative Dissolution Induced Strain and Defects in Magnetite Nanocrystals
Yuan K, Lee SS, Cha W, Ulvestad A, Sturchio N & Fenter P

Chaanda M.

Chabangborn A. (2022) A Decade of Daily Oxygen Isotope Analysis from Peninsular Thailand: Implications for the Interpretation of Speleothem Records
Löwemark L, Kontsevich G, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Duerrast H, Liang M-C, Madhavan M & Wang C-H
(2019) A 18, 000-Year High-Resolution Record of Atmospheric Convection and Temperature from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Smittenberg R, Yamoah A, Schenk F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Väliranta M & Wohlfarth B
(2018) A 18, 000-Year Lacustrine High-Resolution Record of Past Temperature and Hydroclimate Dynamics from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Smittenberg R, Yamoah K, Schenk F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S & Wohlfarth B
(2017) Intricacies of Organic Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Proxies for Past Hydroclimate
Smittenberg R, Yamoah K, Norström E, Muschitiello F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Björck S & Wohlfarth B

Chabas A. (2018) Alteration Mechanisms and Kinetics of Limestone Materials Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Gentaz L, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Nuns N, Mertz J-D & Chabas A
(2017) Effect of Secondary Phases on the Evolution of Glass Alteration
Gentaz L, Lombardo T, Chabas A, Loisel C, Neff D & Rebiscoul D
(2017) Use of Isotopic Tracers (D, 18O) for the Study of Water Transport within Stained-Glass Windows Alteration Layer
Sessegolo L, Verney-Carron A, Saheb M, Drici A, Remusat L, Gonzales-Cano A, Loisel C & Chabas A
(2016) Isotopic Labeling to Determine the Water Penetration Depth and Reaction Sites in the Limestone Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Verney-Carron A, Drici A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Mertz J-D, Chabas A & Rozenbaum O

Chabaus F. (2019) Multi Isotope (Li, B, U) Study of the Clay-Size Fraction in Weathering Profile
Lemarchand D, Négrel J & Chabaus F

Chabaux Francois (2023) Reconstructing a River Temporal Trajectory Through the Metal Composition of Historical Floodplain Deposition (Upper Rhine)
Euzen C, Schmitt L, Rixhon G, Preusser F, Eyrolle F, Perrone T, Badariotti D & Chabaux F
(2023) Rock Alteration in Cold Climate: Implications from Geochemical Analysis of River and Soil Samples from the Kerguelen Archipelago
Chabaux F, van der Woerd J, Perrone T, Pelt E, Aubert A, Boutin R, Fourtet C, Jeanneau L, Schmitt A-D, de Saint Blanquat M & Guillaume D
(2023) Significance and Dynamics of Catchment Scale Instabilities from Morphometry and 10Be Denudation Rates: Example of the Strengbach Catchment in the Vosges Mountains
Moreno Martin DS, van der Woerd J, Chabaux F, Meriaux A-S, Rixhon G, Mathieux B, Merchel S, Marchhart O, Wieser A & Bonne P
(2023) 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios and Sr Concentrations Hydrogeochemical Modeling of Spring Waters in the Strengbach Catchment (France)
Lucas Y, Chabaux F, Clement A, Fritz B, Ranchoux C, Ackerer J, Pelt E & Schmitt A-D
(2021) Combining Geochemistry with Geochronology and Hydromorphology to Unravel Human Impacts in the Upper Rhine over the Two Last Centuries
Euzen C, Schmitt L, Chardon V, Rixhon G, Perrone T, Preusser F, Badariotti D & Chabaux F
(2021) Hydrogeochemical Modeling of the Deep Water Composition in the Strengbach Critical Zone Observatory
Ackerer J, Ranchoux C, Lucas Y, Viville D, Clement A, Fritz B, Lerouge C, Schafer G & Chabaux F
(2021) Architecture of the Critical Zone and Geometry of the Water Pathways in the Strengbach CZO (France)
Chabaux F, Lerouge C, Gal F, Viville D, Ranchoux C, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Pierret M, Reuschlé T, Negrel P & Dezayes C
(2017) Compared Behavior of Boron, Lithium and Uranium Series Isotopes Fractionement during the Weathering of Granite (Strengbach Catchment, France)
Negrel J, Lemarchand D & Chabaux F
(2017) U and Sr Isotopic Ratios in Surface and Deep Waters of the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, France)
Ranchoux C, Viville D, Perrone T, Granet M & Chabaux F
(2017) Present-Day and Long-Term Weathering Rates in Elementary Watersheds: Principle and Example of Application
Chabaux F, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Viville D & Négrel P
(2017) Weathered Profiles in Tropical Volcanic Islands by Combined Geochemical and Geophysical Approaches
Rad S, Deparis J, Gadalia A, Chabaux F & Allègre CJ
(2017) Radium Distribution and Mobility in Forest Soils
Lascar E, Rihs S, Pelt E, Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Redon P-O, Galy C, Turpault M-P & Chabaux F
(2017) Tracking Deep-Water Rock-Interactions in the Critical Zone: Evidence from Geochemical and Isotopic Data of Borehole Waters from Elementary Watersheds (Ringelbach CZO – France)
Chabaux F, Bosia C & Lucas Y
(2016) Hydro-Geochemical (KIRMAT) Modeling of 20-Year Geochemical Variations of Granitic Strengbach Catchment Springs (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Lucas Y, Viville D, Pierret M-C, Beaulieu E & Négrel P
(2016) Water Residence Time by Coupling Anthropogenic Gases (CFC, SF6) and Isotopic Ratios (234U/238U, 87Sr/86Sr) in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France)
Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer J, Chatton E, Labasque T, Pierret M-C, Granet M, Perrone T & Aquilina L
(2016) Effects of Climate Change on Vegetal Cover Simulations in a Mountainous Forest Catchment
Beaulieu E, Lucas Y, Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer P, Goddéris Y & Pierret M-C
(2016) U-Series Disequilibria in Primary Minerals of Granitic Soil
Rihs S, Fries D, Gontier A, Pelt E, Lemarchand D, Chabaux F & Turpault M-P
(2016) Comparative Repartition of 226Ra, 238U, 234U and 230Th in Soils Taken in the Vicinity of ANDRA Underground Research Laboratory (Bure, France)
Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Chabaux F, Conil S, Galy C, Granet M, Lascar E, Leclerc E & Redon P-O
(2016) Sedimentary Provenance and Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Using Drill Cores from the Kosi Megafan, India
Sinha R, Yadav M, Paul D, Chabaux F & Mathieu G

Chabaux François (2018) Water Characterization from the Strengbach CZO: Major Element Concentrations, Isotope Ratios (U, Sr, Nd ) and CFC and 4He Concentrations
Ranchoux C, Viville D, Aquilina L, Labasque T & Chabaux F
(2015) Combined Analysis of Uranium Series Nuclides and in situ Beryllium in a Weathering Profile Located in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Van Der Woerd J, Kali E, Pelt E, Pierret MC, Viville D, Wyns R & Negrel P
(2015) Contribution of Minor Minerals to the U-Th-Ra Budget of Gandak River Sediments
Bosia C, Chabaux F, France-Lanord C, Pelt E, Deloule E, Stille P & Lavé J
(2015) Biotransformation of Copper along Redox Gradients in Polluted Wetland Sediments
Imfeld G, Babcsany I, Granet M & Chabaux F
(2014) Modifications over the Last 20 Years of Weathering Reactions in the Granitic Strengbach Catchment: Evidence from Geochemical and U-Sr Isotope Data in Soils, Soil Solutions and Vegetation Samples
Chabaux F, Prunier J, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Viville D
(2014) Basalt Weathering and Plant Recycling in Permafrost-Bearing Watersheds of Central Siberia: A Multi-Isotope Approach (Si, Mg, Ca, Zn, and Cu)
Pokrovsky OS, Viers J, Prokushkin AS, Mavromatis V, Bagard M-L & Chabaux F
(2014) Are Shallowest Soil Horizons Suitable for U-Series Soil-Production Rates Determination?
Rihs S, Gontier A, Pelt E, Lemarchand D, Chabaux F & Turpault M-P
(2014) Copper Stable Isotopes to Trace Copper Behavior in Vineyard Catchments and Connected Wetland Systems
Imfeld G, Babcsanyi I, Granet M & Chabaux F
(2013) Calcium Isotope Fractionations from Roots to Shoots
Schmitt A-D, Stille P, Labolle F, Cobert F, Bourgeade P, Chabaux F & Gangloff S
(2013) Insight into the Use of U- and Th-Series Nuclides for Soil-Production Rates Determination
Gontier A, Rihs S, Pelt E, Turpault M-P, Lemarchand D & Chabaux F
(2013) Origin of the Chemical and U-Sr Isotopic Variations of Soil Solutions, Stream and Source Waters at a Small Catchment Scale (the Strengbach Case; France)
Pierret M-C, Prunier J, Chabaux F & Stille P
(2013) Using Isotopic Analysis of Copper to Assess Copper Transport and Partitioning in Wetland Systems
Babcsanyi I, Chabaux F, Granet M & Imfeld G
(2013) Ca Isotope Fractionation in a Permafrost-Dominated Boreal Ecosystem (Kulingdakan Watershed, Central Siberia)
Bagard M-L, Schmitt A-D, Chabaux F, Prokrovsky OS, Viers J, Stille P, Labolle F & Prokushkin A
(2013) Insight into Biotite Weathering Rate Using U-Series Isotopes
Rihs S, Gontier A, Turpault M-P, Lemarchand D, Voinot A & Chabaux F
(2013) The Recovering of Weathering Propagation Rates from the Analysis of 238U-234U-230Th-226Ra Nuclides in Regoliths
Chabaux F, Pelt E, Di Chiara-Roupert R, Rihs S & Stille P
(2012) Modeling of Concentrations in Major Elements of Subsurface and Deep Waters in the Ringelbach Granitic Research Catchment (Vosges, France)
Schaffhauser T, Chabaux F, Fritz B, Ambroise B, Clement A & Lucas Y
(2012) Modelling of U-Series Nuclides in Regoliths and the Recovering of Weathering Propagation Rates
Chabaux F, Pelt E, Blaes E & di Chiara-Roupert R
(2012) Boron Isotopes as a Proxy of Primary Mineral Weathering Mechanisms
Voinot A, Lemarchand D, Chabaux F & Turpault M-P
(2011) Uranium-Series Mobility during Spheroidal Weathering of 300 kyrs Old Basalt (La Réunion Island)
Claude C, Meunier J-D, Traoré D, Chabaux F, Hamelin B & Colin F
(2011) Short-Lived Nuclides of the U and Th-Series Probing Recent Pedogenic Processes in Soils
Rihs S, Prunier J, Thien B, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C & Chabaux F
(2011) Geochemical Tracing of Water-Rock Interactions in the Ringelbach Granitic Research Catchment (Vosges, France)
Chabaux F, Schaffhauser T, Fritz B, Ambroise B & Stille P
(2011) Modeling of Alteration Processes in the Ringelbach Granitic Research Catchment (Vosges, France)
Schaffhauser T, Fritz B, Chabaux F, Ambroise B, Clément A & Lucas Y
(2011) Sedimentary and Chemical Weathering Fluxes at the Outlet of the Granitic Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France)
Viville D, Chabaux F, Stille P, Pierret M-C, Gangloff S & Benarioumlil S
(2011) Influence of Dust Deposits to the Budget of U-Series Nuclides in Mount Cameroon Basaltic Soils
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Innocent C, Ghaleb B & Stille P
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Plant Growth Under Limiting and non Limiting Nutrient Supply
Cobert F, Schmitt A-D, Bourgeade P, Labolle F, Badot P-M, Chabaux F & Stille P
(2011) Experimental Weathering of Micas in Acid Soils Conditions: Contribution of Boron Isotopes
Voinot A, Lemarchand D, Turpault M-P & Chabaux F
(2011) SoilTrEC: An International Consortium to Assess Soil Processes and Functions Using a Global Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Menon M, Chabaux F, Lundin L, Novak M, Brandao M, Nikolaidis N, Panagos P, van Gaans P, Kram P, Blum W, deRuiter P, Bernasconi S, Rousseva S, White T, Ragnarsdóttir KV, van Riemdijk W, Banwart S, Reynolds B & Lair G
(2011) Long Term Chemical Variations in Stream Waters Draining a Granitic Catchment (1986-2010). Link between Hydrology and Weathering (Strengbach Catchment, France)
Pierret M-C, Viville D, Chabaux F, Stille P & Probst A
(2011) Speciation of Trace Elements in Strengbach Soil Solutions by Ultrafiltration
Gangloff S, Stille P & Chabaux F
(2010) Residence Time of River Sediments in the Ganges Alluvial Plain from U-Series Disequilibria
Chabaux F, Granet M, Stille P & Dosseto T
(2010) Sources of Colloidal and Dissolved Loads over the Hydrological Cycle in Siberian Rivers
Bagard M-L, Chabaux F, Pokrovsky O, Prokushkin A, Viers J, Derenne S & Templier J
(2009) Determination of Source and Transfer-Time of River Sediments in Alluvial Plain from U-Series Nuclides: Evidence from the Ganges River System
Chabaux F, Granet M, Blaes E, Dosseto T, France-Lanord C & Galy V
(2009) Origin of Chemical Fluxes Carried by Boreal Rivers: Evidence from Major and Trace Element, U and Sr Isotope Data in Two Siberian Rivers
Bagard M-L, Chabaux F, Pokrovsky OS, Prokushkin AS, Viers J, Derenne S, Templier J & Dupré B
(2009) Transient Geochemical and Hydrogeological Coupling during Weathering and the Carbon Cycle in the Critical Zone
Pili E, Dellinger M, Charlet L, Agrinier P, Chabaux F & Richon P
(2009) U-Series Constraints for the Rate of Bedrock-Saprolite Transformation in the Rio Icacos Watershed, Puerto Rico
Blaes E, Chabaux F, Pelt E, Dosseto A, Buss H, White A & Brantley S
(2009) Long Residence Time of Sediments in Small Catchments
Dosseto A, Turner S, Chabaux F, Buss H & Brantley S
(2009) High Performance Automated Ion Chromatography Separation for Ca Isotope Measurements in Geological and Biological Samples
Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S, Cobert F, Lemarchand D, Stille P & Chabaux F
(2009) Quantification of Cationic Exchanges in the Upper Rhine Valley Potash Basin: Coupled Geochemical and Modeling Approach
Lucas Y, Schmitt A-D, Chabaux F, Clément A & Fritz B
(2008) Distribution of Stable Isotopes in Soil: A Clue to Discriminate between Lithogenic and Biogenic Fluxes
Lemarchand D, Cividini D, Lemarchand E, Pierret M-C & Chabaux F
(2008) Time Constants of Chemical Transfers in a Forested Ecosystem Inferred from Short-Lived Nuclides (226-228Ra, 210Pb and 137Cs)
Rihs S, Thien B, Prunier J, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Chabaux F
(2008) Bio-Geochemical Cycles in Acidic Soils from a Granitic Watershed
Pierret M-C, Stille P, Chabaux F, Viville D, Prunier J & Lemarchand D
(2008) Rate of Spheroidal Weathering Determined by U-Series Nuclides (Rio Icacos Basin, Puerto Rico)
Chabaux F, Blaes E, Pelt E, Dosseto A, Buss H, White A & Brantley S
(2008) 238U-234U-230Th Chronometry of Weathering Rinds: Rates of Weathering and Isotopic Record of Soil Waters
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Innocent C, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P & Brantley S
(2007) Rates of Weathering Rind Formation from 238U-234U-230Th Chronometry: Application to Basalt Weathering
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Innocent C, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P & Brantley S
(2007) Lithium Isotope Systematics in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges, France)
Lemarchand E, Chabaux F, Vigier N, Millot R & Pierret MC
(2007) U-Series Isotopes in Suspended Sediments of the Himalayan Rivers
Granet M & Chabaux F
(2007) The Timescale of Sediment Transport in a Small Tropical Watershed
Dosseto A, Turner S, Buss H & Chabaux F
(2007) U-Th-Ra Fractionation in Soil Horizons of Forested Ecosystem (Strengbach Catchment, France)
Prunier J, Pierret M-C, Chabaux F & Tremolieres M
(2007) Origin of Calcium Isotope Fractionation in River Waters: Evidence from the Strengbach Catchment, France
Cenki-Tok B, Chabaux F, Lemarchand D, Stille P, Bagard M-L & Pierret M-C
(2007) Chemical and Isotopic Variations of Surface Waters at a Small Catchment Scale, Lithological vs Biological Controls (the Strengbach Case)
Pierret M-C, Chabaux F, Prunier J, Stille P, Viville D & Lemarchand D
(2007) Vegetation Regulates Dissolved B in Forested Watershed
Cividini D, Lemarchand D, Boutin R & Chabaux F
(2006) Time scale of weathering processes and sediment transfers based on U-series disequilibria
Chabaux F & Bourdon B
(2006) U-series in Himalayan rivers: timescale of sedimentary transfer
Chabaux F, Granet M, France-Lanord C & Stille P
(2006) 238U-234U-230Th-226Ra radioactive disequilibria in an Amazon lateritic profile (Manaus, Brazil)
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Lucas Y, Allard T, Fritsch E, Balan E, Selo M & Innocent C
(2005) Modelling the Global Riverine U Fluxes to the Oceans
Riotte J, Goddéris Y, Chabaux F, Munhoven G, François L & Lorenz S
(2004) U-Th-Sr Isotope Ratios in Sediments from the Ganga-Brahmaputra System
Granet M, Chabaux F & France-Lanord C
(2004) Sr and U Isotopic Variations in the Water-Soil-Plant System: Example of the Strengbach Watershed
Pierret M, Chabaux F, Huybrecht F, Mergnac L & Riotte J
(2004) Intercomparison of New Th Isotopic Standards: Preliminary Results
Innocent C, Bollinger C, Chabaux F, Claude C, Durand N, Le faouder A, Kiefel B & Pomiès C
(2002) Distribution of 238U-Serie Disequilibria in a Laterite. Geochemical Implications
Dequincey O, Chabaux F, Leprun J-C & Clauer N
(2002) Groundwater Influences on the Chemical Budget of River Water: Clues from U Isotopic Ratios
Durand S & Chabaux F
(2002) Isotopic Variations in the Sediments of the Caspian Sea: A Record for the Quaternary Continental Weathering?
Pierret M-C, Chabaux F, Clauer N & Causse C
(2002) Groundwater Contribution to (234U/238U) a.r. of Surface Waters: Mount Cameroon Case
Riotte J & Chabaux F
(2002) U-Sr Isotopic Tracing of Water-Rocks Interactions in Aquifer: Example of the Pollution of the Rhine Water Table by Salty Waters
Chabaux F, Durand S, Schmitt A-D, Risacher F & Elsass P
(2001) Tracing Recent Chemical Mobility within Laterites from Comparison of Trace Elemental and 238U-234U-230Th Data
Chabaux F, Dequincey O, Clauer N & Sigmarsson O
(2001) Origin of the 234U-238U Fractionation in Surface Waters of Mount Cameroon
Riotte J, Chabaux F, Benedetti M, Dia A, Boulègue J & Gérard M
(2000) Chemical Weathering of Basaltic Lava Flows Suffering Extreme Climatic Conditions: The Water Geochemistry Record
Dia A, Benedetti M, Riotte J, Chabaux F, Boulègue J, Bulourde M, Chauvel C, Gérard M, Deruelle B & Ildefonse P
(2000) Complex Clinopyroxene Assemblage in Carbonatite and Alkaline Xenoliths from Moroccan Camptonites: Evidence for an Open-System Evolution
Wagner C, Mokhtari A, Deloule E & Chabaux F
(2000) U Fluxes of the Himalayan Rivers: Implications for the U Oceanic Budget
Chabaux F, Riotte J, Clauer N & France-Lanord C
(2000) Formation and Evolution of Weathering Profiles: Combined Study of Trace Elements, Sr Isotopes and U-Th Disequilibria
Dequincey O, Chabaux F, Sigmarsson O, Clauer N, Liewig N & Leprun J

Chabbi A. (2011) Root Litter Decomposition and Stabilisation in Three Different Soil Depths Related to Microbial Community Dynamics and Enzyme Activity
Sanaullah M, Chabbi A, Maron P-A, Sarr A, Bladotskaya E & Rumpel C

Chabot Nancy (2019) Using Stable Isotopes to Probe the Differentiation and Evolution of Planetesimals
Shahar A, Ni P, Badro J, Young E, Elardo S & Chabot N
(2019) Copper Isotope Fractionation during Solid-Liquid Metal Equilibrium
Ni P, Chabot N, Ryan C & Shahar A

Chabot Nancy L. (2023) Ni Stable Isotope Fractionation during Core Crystallization
Zhu K, Ni P, Chabot NL & Elliott T
(2021) Sample Analysis of Phobos Regolith Returned by JAXA's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission and its Scientific Objectives
Fujiya W, Furukawa Y, Sugahara H, Koike M, Bajo K-I, Chabot NL, Miura YN, Moynier F, Russell SS, Tachibana S, Takano Y, Usui T & Zolensky ME
(2013) Making the Planet Mercury: Constraining Mercury’s Core Formation and Composition Through Laboratory Experiments
Chabot NL, Wollack EA, Klima RL & Minitti ME
(2010) Partitioning Behavior at Pressure in the Fe-S System
Chabot N, McDonough W, Saslow S, Ash R, Draper D, Jones J & Agee C
(2000) The Effect of Core-Mantle Differentiation on V, Cr, and Mn: Preliminary Experimental Results
Chabot NL & Agee CB

Chabou C. (2017) Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Gibson R, Lamali A, Reimold WU, Selorm Sapah M, Chabou C, Habarulema JB, Jessell MW, Mogessie A, Benkhaldoun Z, Nkhonjera E, Mukosi NC, Kaire M, Rochette P, Sickafoose A, Martínez-Frías J, Hofmann A, Folco L & Rossi AP

Chabroullet C. (2006) Se-Soil Organic Matter interactions: direct or indirect association?
Chabroullet C, Coppin F, Martin-Garin A, Floriani M, Tinseau E & Gaudet J-P
(2006) Impact of soil organic matter content on Se migration and solid partition
Coppin F, Hurtevent P, Martin-Garin A & Chabroullet C

Chace P. (2022) Hypoxia off the Oregon Coast Results in the Accumulation of Fe(II) in Shelf and Slope Bottom Waters
Evans T, Floback AE, Gaffney J, Chace P, Reimers C & Moffett J
(2019) Distinct Chemical Microenvironments Drive Two Different Macrofaunal Habitat Types in the East Pacific Rise, 9°50 N Hydrothermal Ecosystems
Yücel M, Guimond J, Chace P, Estes E, Cagri Yapan B, Cao X & Luther G

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