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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cesar J. (2022) The Montney Formation – A Low-Permeability Reservoir Challenging Organic Geochemical Perspectives for the Transition Towards a Low-Carbon Economy
Cesar J & Ardakani OH
(2022) Multi-Isotope Approaches to Assess the Sources and the Fate of Fugitive Methane and Ethane Associated with the Development of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Western Canada
Mayer B, Humez P, Cesar J, Becker V, Riley D, Grimeau K, Nightingale M & Shevalier M
(2020) Stable Carbon Isotope Proxies for the Development of Unconventional Petroleum Reservoirs and the Protection of Groundwater Resources
Cesar J, Wood J, Humez P, Nightingale M, Becker V, Ardakani O & Mayer B
(2019) The Isotope Fingerprint of Hydrocarbons from Hybrid Accumulations
Cesar J, Nightingale M, Becker V & Mayer B
(2017) Isotope Effects in Low-Molecular-Weight Aromatic Compounds from Petroleum Hydrocarbons Originating from Fluvial-Deltaic Source Rocks
Cesar J, Eiler J, Dallas B, Chimiak E, Raiteri P & Grice K

Cesar R.
(2010) Hydrogeochemical Response of Land-Use in the Aquatic Eco-Region Xingu-Tapajós (Brazilian Amazon): Emphasis on Trace Elements
Cesar R, Castilhos Z, Colonese J, Vidal R, Egler S & Araujo P

Cesare B. (2023) Solubility of Carbon in Diamond-Saturated Granite Melt in Subducted Crust: Implications for Carbon Transport to the Deep Mantle
Acosta-Vigil A, Stöckhert B, Hermann J, Cesare B, Yaxley GM & Remusat L
(2023) Contact Metamorphism of Graphitic Semipelites Constrains the Depth of Emplacement of the Re di Castello Intrusion (Adamello Batholith)
Cesare B, Bartoli O & Brack P
(2021) Polychromatic Polarization and the Good Old Microscope: New Avenues for the Microstructural Imaging of Geological Materials
Cesare B & Shribak M
(2020) Thermally-Induced Shape Maturation of Quartz in Garnet
Cesare B, Parisatto M, Mancini L, Peruzzo L, Franceschi M, Tacchetto T, Reddy S, Spiess R, Nestola F & Marone F
(2017) Partial Melting of Ultramafic Granulites from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: Melt Inclusions and Thermodynamic Modelling
Cesare B, Ferrero S, Godard G, Palmeri R & Wunder B
(2015) Geochemical Modelling of Mantle Metasomatism in Wehrlite Xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Carpathian-Pannonian Region)
Patkó L, Klébesz R, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Bodnar RJ, Cesare B & Szabó C
(2014) When the Continental Crust Melts
Cesare B, Brown M & Sawyer EW
(2013) Wehrlitization Processes within the Upper Mantle beneath the Northern Pannonian Basin (Hungary)
Patko L, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Bodnar RJ, Fedele L, Kovács Z, Cesare B, Vaselli O, Fioretti AM, Jeffries T & Szabó C
(2013) Three-Dimensional Distribution of Anatectic Melt Inclusions in Garnets by X-Ray Micro-Tomography
Turina A, Parisatto M, Cesare B & Peruzzo L
(2013) Water Contents of Natural Anatectic Melts: Constraints from NanoSIMS Analysis of Remelted Nanogranites and Glassy Inclusions
Bartoli O, Cesare B, Acosta-Vigil A, Remusat L & Poli S
(2013) Microstructures and Compositions of Melt Inclusions from Jubrique (S Spain): Implications for Anatexis
Barich A, Acosta-Vigil A, Garrido CJ, Cesare B & Bartoli O
(2012) Nanogranites in Anatectic Metapelites: Building up the Database
Cesare B, Ferrero S, Bartoli O, Acosta-Vigil A, Turina A, Poli S, Ewing T & Bodnar R
(2011) Melting in the Deep Crust: Message from Melt Inclusions in Peritectic Garnet from Migmatites
Bartoli O, Cesare B, Poli S, Bodnar RJ, Frezzotti ML, Acosta-Vigil A & Meli S
(2011) Constraining the P-T Conditions of Melting in Stromatic Migmatites from Ronda (S. Spain)
Tajcmanova L, Bartoli O, Cesare B & Acosta-Vigil A
(2010) Detailed Mechanisms of Melting and Crystal Growth during Crustal Anatexis at El Hoyazo (SE Spain)
Acosta-Vigil A, Buick I, Hermann J, Cesare B, Rubatto D, London D & Morgan Vi GB
(2004) P-T Paths in Crustal Enclaves: Examples from the Neogene Volcanic Province, Spain
Álvarez-Valero A, Kriegsman L & Cesare B

Cesário R. (2023) Assessing Mercury Methylation and Methylmercury Demethylation in Thermokarst Lakes in a Sporadic Permafrost Region, Canadian Subarctic
Malcata Martins B, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Cesário R, Dias R, Costa J, Magalhães C, Laberge-Carignan A, Couture R-M & Canário J
(2023) Mercury in the Active Layer of Barton Peninsula Soils, King George Island, Antarctica
Zilhão H, Cesário R, Vieira G & Canário J
(2023) Spectroscopy of Arctic Ice Samples as Planetary Field Analogues for Astrobiology
Xavier F, Dias R, Cesário R, Gonçalves D, Pedras B, Canário J & Martins Z

Cesbron Florian (2015) A New View of Iron Cycling in Intertidal Mudflats: Two-Dimensional Mapping of Iron and Phosphorus Release at Submillimeter Scale
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Metzger E, Mouret A, Cesbron F, Knoery J, Launeau P, Geslin E, Van de Velde S & Meysman FJR

Cesbron Florian (2017) New Developments of Porewater Chemistry Imaging at High Resolution for Redox-Sensitive Elements
Mouret A, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Cesbron F, Barbe A, Le Houedec S, Jézéquel D, Levrard R, Launeau P & Metzger E
(2017) Biogeochemical Responses to the Installation of Artificial Reefs on the Shallow Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Primary Production, Respiration and Nutrient Fluxes
Cesbron F, Brooks K, Hernandez P, Haynes K, Barfield C, Patterson W & Caffrey J

Cesbron Florian (2012) Influence of Zostera Meadows on Geochemistry and Meiofauna of the Sediment of a Tidal Lagoon (Arcachon Basin): New Technical Approaches
Metzger E, Jezequel D, Geslin E, Cesbron F, Charrieau L, Delgard M-L, Deflandre B, Jorissen F & Anschutz P
(2012) Assessing the Effect of Macrobenthos Diversity on the Mineralisation of Sediment Organic Matter
Gremare A, Deflandre B, Schmidt S, Maire O, Romero-Ramirez A, Metzger E, Viollier E, Cesbron F, Labrune C, Amouroux JM, Lecroart P, Duchene JC, Poirier D, Coste L & Bichon S
(2012) Biogeochemical Dynamics Related to Seasonal Changes and Biomass-Density Patterns in Rhyzosphere Sediments of a Zostera Noltii Meadow
Delgard ML, Deflandre B, Kochoni E, Cesbron F, Bernard G, Charbonnier C, Poirier D, Bichon S, Metzger E, Deborde J & Anschutz P

Cesco S. (2011) Mineral Weathering and Mobilization of Trace Metals in the Rhizosphere: The Role of Root Exudates
Terzano R, Medici L, Mimmo T, Tomasi N, Pinton R & Cesco S

Cespedes O. (2015) Mechanisms and Structure of a Mackinawite FeS Precursor
Matamoros Veloza A, Cespedes O, Johnson BRJ, Stawski T & Benning LG

Cestelli Guidi M. (2013) FTIR Imaging of Carbon Dioxide Diffusion in Cordierite-Like Structures
Radica F, Bellatreccia F, Della Ventura G, Freda C, Cinque G & Cestelli Guidi M

Cetaku D. (2004) Fluxes of Heavy Metals in Agrosystems in the North of France
Cetaku D & Cambier P

Cetean C. (2023) Extinction Rates of Agglutinated Foraminifera Across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary at Contessa, Umbria-Marche Basin, Italy: The Scaling Problem
Hikmahtiar S, Kaminski MA & Cetean C

Cetean V.M. (2022) Magmatic Clasts from Turbidites in the Moldavide Nappes as Indication of a Late Proterozoic Subduction Event in the Foreland of the Eastern Carpathians
Sarolta L, Mihaela M-DC, Ene V-V, Roban RD, Ducea M, Cetean VM & Munteanu M
(2022) Hydrosaline Melt Inclusion Provinces in Romania
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I, Munteanu M & Cetean VM

Cetin B.

Cetiner J.E.P. (2023) Benthic Flux of Isotopically Heavy Ni from Sediments Helps to Resolve Mass Balance of Nickel in the Modern Ocean
Bian X, Yang S-C, Raad RJ, Lunstrum A, Dong S, Kemnitz N, Rollins N, Cetiner JEP, Pavia F, Hammond D, Berelson WM, Adkins J & John SG

Cetiner Z. (2011) Model Calculations of Scale Forming Minerals of High Enthalpy Geothermal Waters in Turkey
Cetiner Z & Xiong Y
(2005) Experimental Measurements of the Solubility of ThO<->2<$> in NaNO<->3<$> Solutions: Hydrolysis of Th(IV) and Complexation by Organic Ligands
Wood S & Cetiner Z
(2005) Investigation of the Alunite-Natroalunite Solid Solution and Na-K Exchange between Solid and Solution at 250ºC
Kissin S, Cetiner Z, Stoffregen R & Wood S
(2005) Colloid Formation and Cesium Mobility in Hanford Sediment Columns Leached with Simulated Tank Waste
Mashal K, Cetiner Z, Flury M & Harsh J
(2005) Microbial Diversity and Geochemical Heterogeneity within Siliceous Sinters
Abd El-Fatah S, Cetiner Z, Williams T & Childers S

Çetinkaplan M.

Ceulemans J. (2023) Revealing the Soil Properties that Affect Selenium Ageing in Soils Using a Stable Isotope Tracer
Vermeiren C, Ceulemans J, Thiry Y & Smolders E

Ceuleneer G. (2008) Inclusions and Crown-Like Chrome Spinel in Chromitites from the Oman Ophiolite: Evidence for Hydrous MORB Melts in the Mantle-Crust Transition Zone
Borisova AY, Ceuleneer G, Arai S, Bejina F, Bazylev BA & Polve M

Ceuleneer Georges (2014) Metasomatism in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle beneath Azarbayjan Magmatic Plateau, NW Iran: Evidence from Potassic Lamprophyres from the Salavat Range
Soltanmohammadi A, Rahgoshay M, Ceuleneer G, Geregoire M & Benoit M
(2012) Petrographic and Geochemical Characteristics of the Oman Ophiolite Lower Crust
Abily B, Ceuleneer G, Grégoire M, Python M & Benoit M
(2011) Characterization of Hyperalkaline Fluids Produced by Serpentinization of Mantle Peridotites in Oman and in Liguria (Northern Italy)
Monnin C, Chavagnac V, Ceuleneer G, Boulart C & Hoareau G
(2009) Fluid Circulation in the Oceanic Crust: The Case of the Alkaline Springs of the Oman Ophiolite
Chavagnac V, Monnin C, Ceuleneer G & Destrigneville C

Ceuleneer Georges (2021) Chromitites as a Memory for the Lithosphere Origin, Evolution and Recycling
Borisova AY, Zagrtdenov NR, Ceuleneer G, Toplis MJ & Safonov OG

Ceuleneer Georges (2017) The Unexplored Potential Impact of Pyroxenitic Layering on Upper Mantle Seismic Properties
Henry H, Afonso JC, Satsukawa T, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Kaczmarek M-A, Tilhac R, Gregoire M & Ceuleneer G
(2017) Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites: Origin and Age of a Sub-Arc Mantle Domain
Tilhac R, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Ceuleneer G, Schaefer BF, Henry H & Grégoire M
(2017) Making Earth’s Continental Crust from Serpentinite and Basalt
Borisova A, Zagrtdenov N, Toplis M, Bohrson W, Nedelec A, Safonov O, Pokrovski G, Ceuleneer G, Melnik O, Bychkov A, Gurenko A, Shcheka S, Terehin A, Polukeev V, Varlamov D, Gouy S & De Parseval P
(2017) Origin of the Dunitic Transition Zone Below Oceanic Ridges: Insights from the Oman Ophiolite
Rospabé M, Benoit M & Ceuleneer G

Ceuleneer Georges (2015) Geochemical Structuration of the Oman Ophiolite Dunitic Transition Zone
Rospabé M, Benoit M, Theveny M, Claverie M, Abily B & Ceuleneer G
(2015) Metasomatized Segregates of high-Ca Boninites: Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites
Tilhac R, Grégoire M, Ceuleneer G, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ

Ceuleneer Georges (2019) Fast Assimilation of Serpentinized Mantle by Basaltic Magma
Borisova A, Zagrtdenov N, Toplis M, Ceuleneer G, Safonov O, Pokrovski G, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U & Bychkov A
(2019) Metasomatic Re Addition Overprints Unradiogenic Os in Sub-Arc Mantle
Tilhac R, Schaefer BF, Ceuleneer G, Oliveira B, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Grégoire M
(2019) Spatial Variations in Vent Chemistry at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field, Mid Atlantic Ridge (37°N)
Chavagnac V, Leleu T, Fontaine F, Cannat M, Ceuleneer G & Castillo A

Ceuleneer Georges (2018) Mantle Flow from beneath Antarctica Toward the Southeast Indian Ridge
Hanan B, Graham D, Hemond C, Briais A, Ceuleneer G, Maia M, Park S-H & Revillon S

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