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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cerkez Elizabeth (2013) Photochemistry of Arsenite and Chromate on Iron Oxyhydroxide
Strongin D, Bhandari N, Cerkez E & Reeder R

Cerkez Elizabeth B. (2018) Photochemistry of Ferrihydrite in the Protein Cage of Ferritin for Chromate Reduction
Cerkez E, Bruefach A, Alimohammadi F, Valentine A & Strongin D
(2018) Arsenic Oxidation by Hausmannite: Effects of Metal Impurity and Mn Oxide Mixtures
Song B, Cerkez EB, Strongin DR, Grandstaff DE & Kim B
(2018) Effects of Siderophore on Pyrite Oxidation
Cerkez EB, Dutton KG, Kukulka MA, Valentine AM & Strongin DR

Cerli C. (2014) Hidden Lignin in Soils
Hernes P, Kaiser K, Dyda R & Cerli C
(2011) Incomplete Recovery of Mineral-Bound Lignin Phenols
Kaiser K, Hernes PJ, Dyda RY & Cerli C
(2011) Lignin Decomposition in Paddy Soils as Affected by Redox Conditions
Cerli C, Liu Q, Hanke A, Kaiser K & Kalbitz K

Cerling T. (2023) Sub-Millennial Scale Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Critical Zones in Utah, USA Using Laminated Soil Carbonate Rinds
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Passey BH, Ellwein A, Mahan S, Bard E, Rostek F, Tuna T, Blum T & Holder RM
(2020) Magnesium Isotopes in Enamel Hydroxyapatite as Indicators of Trophic Level and Digestive Strategy
Tarng C, Hu L, Mwebi O, Cerling T & Fernandez D
(2020) Soil Pendant Carbonate Record of Climate Change in the Holocene and Late Pleistocene
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Bowling D, Ellwein A, Passey B, Fernandez D, Valley J & Orland I
(2020) Adsorption-Diffusion of Iron in Bovine Keratin
Rinaldi N, Fernandez D, Cerling T & Groves P
(2014) Reconstructing Terrestrial Environments Using Oxygen Isotopes in Biogenic Apatite: A Modern Case Study from Mpala and Tsavo, Kenya
Dennis KJ, Caylor KK, Soderberg K, Li S, Levin NE, Cerling T & Bender M
(2010) Patterns and Pathways of H and O Isotope Incorporation in Keratin and Chitin
Bowen G, Nielson K, Cerling T & Ehleringer J
(2005) <+>3<$>He Exposure Ages of Boulder Armored Terraces in the Northwestern Colorado Plateau
Marchetti D, Cerling T & Dohrenwend J

Cermak A.M. (2023) Argon Isotopic Composition of Marine Biogenic Carbonates and Implications for Tracking the Secular Variation of the Atmosphere Through the Phanerozoic
Cermak AM, Cox S, Hemming SR, Chen H & Gothmann AM

Čermelj B. (2023) Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Sediments from Lake Brljan in Karstic River Krka Catchment (Croatia)
Zuliani T, Cukrov N, Nakić EB, Čermelj B, Dolenec M, Hauptman Ž & Lojen S
(2021) Metalloid Mobility of Aged Landfill – The Negative Impact of the Forgotten
Petrović M, Fiket Ž, Dolenec M, Čermelj B, Medunić G & Ivanić M

Cernik M. (2018) Evaluation of Sorbents for Potential Tratment of NPP Severe Accident Radioactive Waste: Influence of Solution Composition
Havlova V, Szatmary L, Skala M, Kus P & Cernik M

Cernogora G. (2012) Mid- and Far-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Titan's Tholins
Gautier T, Carrasco N, Mahjoub A, Vinatier S, Giuliani A, Szopa C, Anderson C, Correia J-J, Dumas P & Cernogora G
(2012) Understanding the Formation and Properties of Titan's Aerosols with the PAMPRE Laboratory Experiment
Szopa C, Carrasco N, Correia JJ, Hadamcik E, Dahoo PR, Gautier T, Mahjoub A, He J, Buch A & Cernogora G

Cernok A. (2023) Comparative Chronology of Apollo 16 Impactites and Implications for the Landing Site Stratigraphy
Černok A, Haber T, Dürr T, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Scherer EE & Becker H
(2023) Confirming the KREEP-Rich Nature of the Parental Melt of Noritic Anorthosite in Apollo 16 Breccia 67955 Using Pb-Pb Systematics
Haber T, Černok A, Becker H & Scherer EE
(2019) Apatite: A Nanoscale Story-Teller of Lunar Geological History
Cernok A, Anand M, White L, Darling J, Whitehouse M, Fougerouse D, Rickard W, Reddy S, Saxey D, Quadir Z, Tait K & Franchi I
(2018) Nanoscale Horizons in Apatite Geochemistry
Tait K, White L, Cernok A, Darling J & Moser D
(2018) The Shocking State of Ca-Phosphates in Martian Meteorites
Darling J, Tait K, White L, Moser D, Kizovski T, Černok A & Dunlop J
(2016) Exploring Silicate Thermodynamics and Conductivity at Extreme Conditions with Laser-Driven Dynamic Compression
Millot M, Fratanduono D, Dubrovinskaia N, Cernok A, Blaha S, Dubrovinsky L, Celliers P, Collins G, Hamel S, Kraus R, Spaulding D, Jeanloz R & Eggert J
(2013) Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions in Coesite
Cernok A, Boffa Ballaran T, Caracas R, Miyajima N, Bykova E, Prakapenka V, Liermann H-P & Dubrovinsky L

Cernoueek T. (2018) Effect of Irradiation and Pressure on Microbial Activity in Bentonite in Relation to Safety of the Radioactive Waste Repository
Shrestha R, Sevcu A, Steinova J, Spanek R, Kovarova H, Cernoueek T & Kokinda J

Cerovic L. (2009) Study and Prediction of Mobility of Colloids and Radionuclides
Fedoroff M, Lefevre G, Cerovic L & Milonjic S

Cerpa L. (2008) Trace Element and Stable Isotope Dispersion Halo Around a High Sulfidation Epithermal Au-Ag Deposit Emplaced in Quarzitic Sandstone: The Lagunas Norte Deposit, Northern Peru
Cerpa L, Bissig T & Kyser K

Cerpins M. (2022) Remediation and Revitalization of Abandoned Landfills for Circular Economy
Burlakovs J, Wdowin M, Kriipsalu M, Cerpins M, Ozola-Davidane R, Rudovica V, Zekker I & Klavins M

Cerqueda D. (2017) Biological, Mineral and Elemental Diversity of Extant Microbialites
Valdespino P, Hu P, Cerqueda D, Merino-Ibarra M, López LM, Pi-Puig T, González de Zayas R, Falcón L & Holman H-Y

Cerqueira J. (2009) Integrated Investigation on Petroleum Biodegradation
Santos Neto E, Oliveira V, Reis F, Koike L, Marsaioli A, Vasconcellos S, Sette L, Crespim E, Cerqueira J, Lopes JA, Lima SG, Cruz G, Simioni K & Dussan LJ

Cerrato Jose (2020) Role of Endophytic Fungi on Arsenic Uptake and Tolerance in Schizachyrium Scoparium
DeVore C, ElHayek E, Busch T, Long B, Owen-Smith P, Rudgers J, Ali AM, Ducheneaux C & Cerrato J
(2018) Mechanisms of Uranium Accumulation in Roots of Tamarix Plants
Rodriguez-Freire L, DeVore C, El Hayek E, Ali A-M & Cerrato J

Cerrato Jose Manuel (2015) “Switching on” Fe(III) in the Octahedral Sheet of Fe-Phyllosilicate
Ilgen A, Kruichak J, Cerrato J, Artyushkova K, Argo J & Washington R
(2014) Bioremediation to Plume Persistence: Uranium Biogeochemistry in Naturally and Artificially Bioreduced Aquifer Sediments
Bargar J, Janot N, Alessi D, Jones M, Williams K, Long P, Bernier-Latmani R & Cerrato J
(2014) Effect of Groundwater Solutes on Uraninite Stability: Laboratory and Field Studies
Cerrato J, Lezama-Pacheco J, Williams K, Long P, Alessi D, Suvorova E, Bernier-Latmani R, Giammar D & Bargar J
(2013) Speciation of Uranium Products Formed during in situ Biostimulation of the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Alessi D, Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K, Wrighton K, Miller C, Yang L, Bernier-Latmani R & Bargar J
(2013) Fe and S Redox Cycling during a Biostimulation Episode at the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Alessi D, Bernier-Latmani R, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Yang L, Davis J, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K & Bargar J
(2011) Impact of Groundwater Composition and Diffusive Transport Limitations on Uraninite Stability
Giammar D, Cerrato JM, Barrows C, Wang Z, Mehta V, Lezama-Pacheco J & Bargar J
(2011) Speciation and Dynamics of Biologically Reduced U(IV) in the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Bargar J, Stubbs J, Suvorova E, Williams K, Campbell K, Lezama-Pacheco J, Cerrato J, Stylo M, Alessi D, Webb S, Bernier-latmani R, Giammar D, Davis J, Fox P & Long P

Cerrato R. (2017) Temporal Patterns of Cs-137 Contamination in Marine Fish, Seawater, and Sediments off Fukushima, Japan
Wang C, Cerrato R & Fisher N
(2017) Declining Mercury Concentrations in Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Lee C-S, Fisher N, Madigan D & Cerrato R

Cerro-Gálvez E. (2019) Interactions between Anthropogenic Dissolved Organic Carbon and Marine Microorganisms
Vila-Costa M, Cerro-Gálvez E, Martinez-Varela A, González-Gaya B, Lundin D & Dachs J

Čeru T. (2020) Peat Morphology and Geochemistry of Šijec Bog (Slovenia)
Pezdir V, Čeru T & Gosar M

Cerully K. (2014) Chemical Characterization of Organic Aerosols in the SE US by High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
Ng NL, Xu L, Weber R, Guo H, King L, Cerully K, Bougiatioti A, Nenes A, Carlton A & Nguyen K

Cervantes P. (2002) H2O, S and Cl in Subduction Zone Magmas: Insights from Melt Inclusions in High-Mg Basalts from Central Mexico
Cervantes P & Wallace P

Cervellino A. (2017) Monitoring Bioinspired Collagen Mineralization Through X-Ray Total Scattering
Delgado-López JM, Bertolotti F, Pedersen JS, Cervellino A, Masciocchi N & Guagliardi A
(2013) Total Scattering Techniques: A Powerful Tool to Investigate Size, Shape and Growth Mechanisms of Minerals at the Nanoscale
Guagliardi A, Cervellino A, Frison R, Delgado López JM, Gómez-Morales J & Masciocchi N

Cervini-Silva J. (2008) Siderophores Catalyze the Oxidation of Commercial Pb to Nano-Sized Lead (Hydr)oxides Stable in Water at pH 5 and 25℃
Cornejo-Garrido H, Guzman J, Alonso-Gomez A, Fernandez-Lomelin P, Trejo M, Hao Z, Lapidus-Lavine G, Gilbert B & Cervini-Silva J
(2008) Thiobarbituric-Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) Response Curves in the Presence of 1:1 and 2:1 Phyllosilicates
Kibanova D, Nieto-Camacho A, Lemus J & Cervini-Silva J
(2007) Stability of Nanoparticles in the Presence of Biological Material and their Toxicity
Cervini-Silva J, Fernandez P, Gilbert B, Hernandez M, Guzman J & Chavira E
(2007) Biogenic Mineral Dissolution and Transformation of Arsenopyrite
Cornejo-Garrido H, Fernandez P, Guzman J, Sedov S & Cervini-Silva J
(2005) A Molecular Approach Towards Understanding the Biogenic Formation of CeO<->2<$> And its Interactions with Biomolecules
Cervini-Silva J, Gilbert B, Fakra S & Banfield J
(2004) Siderophores may Simultaneously Influence Iron and Phosphorus Bioavailability in Soils
Kearns J, Cervini-Silva J & Banfield J
(2004) How Biogenic Ligands Promote Redox Transformations in Soil Phosphate Minerals
Cervini-Silva J, Fowle D, Green E & Banfield J
(2002) Adsorption of desferrioxamine-B and Oxalate on Al-Goethite: Implications for Microbial Dissolution Processes
Cervini-Silva J & Sposito G
(2001) Steady-State Dissolution Kinetics of Aluminum-Goethite in the Presence of Desferrioxamine-B and Oxalate
Cervini-Silva J & Sposito G

Cervinka R. (2015) The Effect of Exchangeable Cation on Diffusive Behaviour of HTO, I-, Sr2+ in Compacted Bentonite
Hofmanova E, Ramesova L, Vopalka D & Cervinka R

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