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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Čepička I. (2011) Microbial Mobilization of Arsenic from Soil of the Mokrsko Gold Deposit, Czech Republic
Drahota P, Redlich A, Falteisek L, Rohovec J & Čepička I

Ceplak B. (2023) Distribution of Elements in Stream and Alluvial Sediments in the Savinja and Voglajna Rivers in the Area of Abandoned Zn-Smelting Operation
Ceplak B & Zibret G

Cerantola Valerio (2016) Stability of Fe, Al-Bearing Bridgmanite in the Lower Mantle and Synthesis of Pure Iron Bridgmanite
Ismailova L, Bykova E, Bykov M, Cerantola V, McCammon C, Boffa Ballaran T, Bobrov A, Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L

Cerantola Valerio (2017) Elastic Wave Velocities of Fe-Bearing Carbonates: A Nuclear Inelastic Scattering Study for Deep Carbon
Chariton S, McCammon C, Vasiukov D, Cerantola V, Aprilis G, Chumakov A & Dubrovinsky L
(2017) Do Fe-Bearing Minerals Control the Deep Carbon Cycle in the Interior of the Earth?
Stagno V, McCammon CA, Cerantola V, Andreozzi GB, Caruso M, Arimoto T & Irifune T

Cerantola Valerio (2015) Equation of State of Skiagite-Majorite Garnet up to 100 GPa
Ismailova L, Bobrov A, Bykov M, Bykova E, Cerantola V, Kupenko I, McCammon C, Hanfland M, Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L
(2015) Time Differentiated Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy with Pulsed Laser Heating in Diamond Anvil Cells
Kupenko I, Strohm C, McCammon C, Cerantola V, Glazyrin K, Petitgirard S, Vasiukov D, Aprilis G, Chumakov AI, Rüffer R & Dubrovinsky L

Cerantola Valerio (2018) Crystallographic Incorporation of Hydrogen in Ringwoodite
Thomson A, Dobson D, Brodholt J, Crichton W, Cerantola V & Piltz R

Cerantola Valerio (2019) Did Bacteria Induce Redox Cycling of Magnetite within Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)?
Byrne J, Schad M, McCammon C, Tomaszewski E, Smith A, Cerantola V & Kappler A
(2019) Fe-Mg-Mn Exchange between Olivine and Melt and an Oxybarometer for Basaltic Systems
Blundy J, Melekhova L, Ulmer P, Pichavant M, Humphreys M, Ziberna L, Cerantolo V, Brooker R & McCammon C
(2019) The Redox State of the Graphite- and Diamond-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe (Siberian Craton): Implication for the Origin of Diamonds
Mikhailenko D, Stagno V, Korsakov A, Andreozzi G, Cerantola V, Marras G, Golovin A & Malygina E

Cerantola Valerio (2014) Synthesis of Single Crystals of Iron Garnet Skiagite and its High-Pressure XANES Investigation
Ismailova L, Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Bobrov A, Kantor I & Cerantola V

Cerbai N. (2002) Boron-Rich Groundwaters in Alluvial Aquifers of Tuscany: Memory Effect of Past Geothermal Activity?
Pennisi M, Bianchini G, Cerbai N, Cioni R, Gonfiantini R & Muti A

Cerdà-Domènech M. (2019) Remobilization of Dissolved Metals from a Coastal Mine Tailing Deposit Driven by Groundwater Discharge and Porewater Exchange
Alorda-Kleinglass A, Garcia-Orellana J, Rodellas V, Cerdà-Domènech M, Tovar-Sánchez A, Diego-Feliu M, Trezzi G, Sánchez-Quilez D, Sánchez-Vidal A & Canals M

Cerda-Peña C. (2021) Leaf Waxes in Dominant Vegetation and Soils in Two Forest Ecosystem of the South American Temperate Forest
Cerda-Peña C, Contreras S, Scott W & Werne J

Cerdan O. (2021) Water and Suspended Sediments Tracing to Study Hydrosedimentary Transfers in a Drained Context: From the Field to the Catchment Scale
Gaillot A, Cerdan O, Delbart C, Vanhooydonck P, Desmet M & Salvador-Blanes S
(2011) Chemical Weathering and Erosion Rates in Lesser Antilles: An Overview in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Dominica
Rad S, Rivé K, Cerdan O, Vittecoq B & Allègre C

Cerdes G. (2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K

Cerepi A (2017) Relative Permeability and Salinity Dependence of the Electrokinetic Coupling Coefficient in Carbonate Rocks
Cherubini A, Cerepi A, Garcia B & Revil A

Cerepi Adrian (2015) Hydrogen Migration Through Porous Media: An Experimental Comparative Study in Cap and Reservoir Rocks
Cherubini A, Sissmann O, Garcia B, Vacquand C, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Cerepi A, Magnier C, Rouchon V & Beaumont V
(2015) The CO2-Vadose and DEMO-CO2 Projects: Numerical Modeling, Geochemical and Geophysical Monitoring of CO2-injection in a Carbonate Vadose Zone
Garcia B, Delaplace P, Rouchon V, Loisy C, Cohen G, Rillard J, Le Roux O, Rhino K, Cerepi A & El Khamlichi A
(2015) Determination of Petrophysical Properties of Carbonated Porous Medium Using a Geoelectrical-Geochemical Coupling Approach
Cerepi A, Garcia B & Deschamps H

Cerepi Adrian (2023) Aquifer-CO2 Leak Project. Impact of CO2-rich Water Percolation in Porous Limestone Cores: Simulation of a Leakage in a Shallow Carbonate Freshwater Aquifer
Segura D, Cerepi A & Loisy C

Cerepi Adrian (2012) The CO2-Vadose Project: Numerical Simulations Coupled with Geochemical and Geophysical Monitoring of CO2 in the Vadose Zone
Cohen G, Garcia B, Loisy C, Delaplace P, Larroque F, Laveuf C, Magnier C, Rouchon V, Le Roux O, Franceschi M & Cerepi A
(2012) Zinc Sorption on Carbonate Reservoir System, Implications on CO2 Geological Storage
Auffray B, Garcia B, Lienemann C-P & Cerepi A

Cerepi Adrian (2021) Dissolved Trace Metals Dynamics during a rich-CO2-water Leakage in a Near-Surface Carbonate Freshwater Aquifer
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Petit A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2021) Geochemical Monitoring of CO2 and CH4 Injection in a Carbonate Shallow Aquifer
Julia G, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Arfi L, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Loisy C, Rossi L, Cerepi A, Le Roux O & Petit A

Cerepi Adrian (2022) Impact of a CO2 Leak on the Release of Trace Elements in a Shallow Carbonated Freshwater Aquifer in Relation to Hydrodynamic Conditions
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2022) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Julia G, Ekambas P, Martin F, Vermesse H, Garcia B, Estublier A, Leroux O, Loisy C, Rossi L, Brichart T, Hautefeuille B & Cerepi A

Cerepi Adrian (2020) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Thomas B, Lavielle B, Baldassari A, Bachaud P, Bouquet S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Brichart T, Chiquet P, Luu van Lang L, Gance J, Texier B, Hautefeuille B, Leroux O, Loisy C, Petit A, Rossi L, Kennedy S & Cerepi A

Ceresa L. (2023) Modeling the Fate of Diclofenac in Soil-Water Systems
Ceresa L, Guadagnini A, Riva M & Porta GM

Ceri H. (2012) Tailings Pond Mixed Species Biofilm Gives Metal Precipitates
Turner RJ, Golby S & Ceri H

Ceriani A. (2020) Close Encounters of the Ferrar Kind: Exploring the Impact of Volcanism on Early Jurassic Environments
Al Suwaidi A, Fox C, Al Naqbi A, Ceriani A, Dickson A, Ruhl M & Whiteside J
(2011) Mineral Chemistry and Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Kabadüz Ore Veins (Ordu, NE-Turkey)
Demi̇r Y, Sadiklar MB, Uysal I, Ceriani A & Hani̇lçi̇ N

Cerino P. (2021) A High Resolution Multimedia Environmental Monitoring Project at Regional and Local Scale: The Campania Region (Southern Italy) Case Study
De Vivo B, Lima A, Cicchella D, Qu C, Hope D, Fortelli A, Cerino P, Esposito M, Pizzolante A & Albanese S

Ceriotti G. (2017) Carbonate/Clays Reactions as Source of CO2 Natural Accumulations: Quantification and Propagation of Uncertainties in Modelling of CO2 Generation in Sedimentary Basins
Ceriotti G, Porta G, Geloni C, Dalla Rosa M & Guadagnini A

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