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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cempírek J. (2022) Corundum Genesis in Aluminous Leucosomes at the Blue Jay Sapphire Occurrence (British Columbia, Canada) as a Record of Metamorphism and Partial Melting in the Monashee Complex
Abdale L, Groat LA, Belley P, Cempirek J & Wall C
(2022) Predicting the Crystal Structure of Beryl from Chemical Analyses
Henry RE, Groat LA, Cempirek J & Skoda R
(2011) Lithium Isotope Fractionation in Pegmatites – Function of Bond Length
Novák M, Magna T, Cempírek J, Janoušek V, Ullmann C & Wiechert U
(2011) Tin-Bearing Skarns with As Mineralization at the South-Eastern Margin of the Bohemian Massif
Hrazdil V, Houzar S & Cempírek J
(2011) F, Cl-Rich Mineral Assemblages from Burned Spoil-Heaps in the Rosice-Oslavany Coalfield, Czech Republic
Houzar S, Hršelová P, Cempírek J & Sejkora J
(2011) Arsenic Mobility in a Waste Rock Pile at Dlouhá Ves, Czech Republic
Kocourková E, Sracek O, Houzar S, Cempírek J, Losos Z, Filip J & Hršelová P

Cen J. (2022) Muscovite Composition and the Genesis of Li-Rich and Be-Rich Pegmatites: A Case Study of the Kalu'an Rare-Metal Pegmatite Ore-Field
Cen J, Feng Y & Liang T
(2022) Geochemistry of Tourmaline from Granitic Pegmatites in East Qinling and its Implications for Mineralization
Feng Y, Liang T, Wang M, Hao Y & Cen J

Cen Kuang (2015) Results of a One-Year Ambient Aerosol Study with Coarse Particle Characterization at Highly Frequented Motorways in Germany
Tian Z, Dietze V, Baum A, Kaminski U, Sauer J, Stille P, Maschowski C, Cen K & Gieré R
(2015) Sampling, Measurement and Single-Particle Analysis of Coarse Particulate Matter (PM) from Small-Scale Wood Burning in the Black Forest
Dietze V, Tian Z, Kaminski U, Cen K, Maschowski C, Stille P & Gieré R

Cen Kuang (2014) Investigation of Heavy Metal Pollution of the Ecosystem Nearby a Lead-Zinc Mining Area in North Guangdong, China
Liu X, Cen K & Zhao L
(2014) Ore-Forming System Around Magma
Cen K & Tian Z

Cendon Dioni (2016) Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Inorganic Carbon in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones of a Semi-Arid Zone Environment
Meredith K, Han L, Hollins S, Cendon D, Jacobsen G & Baker A
(2007) Palaeohydrology of the Mulhouse Basin: Are Fluid Inclusions in Halite Tracers of Past Seawater Composition?
Cendon D, Ayora C, Pueyo JJ, Taberner C & Blanc-Valleron M-M

Cendón Dioni I. (2019) Fertilizers Rule REYs: Agricultural Catchments of Eastern Australia
Cendón DI, Harris SJ, Kelly BFJ, Peterson M, Hankin S, Rowling B, Watson J & Xiao S

Cendon Sevilla D.I. (2006) Stable isotope tracing of water exchange along a dryland river
Cendon Sevilla DI, Gibson J, Sadek M, Stone D, Hughes C, Hankin S & Hollins S
(2006) Sulfate starved subbasins: Implications for Permian seawater composition
Cendon Sevilla DI, Pueyo JJ, Ayora C, Taberner C & Peryt T

Cengiz İ. (2010) Determination of Fluid Inclusion Characteristics and Mineral Exploration Using Them in the Zones of Porphyry-Type Alteration in the Locality of Erzurum-Oltu-İnanmış by Means of Fluid Inclusion Petrography
Sezerer Kuru G, Cengiz İ, Aslan M & Sakitas A

Cengiz O. (2017) Origin of Solutions Formed Barite and Sulphide Bearing Barite Deposits and Pb-Zn Mineralization in the Taurus Belt, Southern Turkey: Sulphur and Lead Isotope Data
Cengiz O & Ucurum A

Cenki B. (2021) Assessing the Rare Metals Potential of the Entia Pegmatite Field, Central Australia
Nollo J, Cenki B, Parat F & Rey PF

Cenki-Tok BÉNÉDICTE (2020) Rare Metals in Recrystallized Pb-Zn Mineralizations: New Insights from the Pyrenean Sphalerite
Cugerone A, Cenki-Tok B, Oliot E, Munoz M, Kouzmanov K, Salvi S, Motto-Ros V, Barou F & Le Goff E
(2020) Partial Melting, Granulites, Retrogression and their Control on Late Orogenic Exhumation Processes
Cenki-Tok B, Rey PF & Arcay D
(2020) Petrochronological and Structural Constraints on Intra-Oceanic Subduction Initiation from the Metamorphic Sole of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Guerer D, Cenki-Tok B, Chatzaras V, Corfu F, Collot J & Maurizot P

Cenki-Tok Benedicte (2017) Occurrence of Ge-Bearing Accessory Minerals within the Variscan Pb-Zn Deposits of the Bossost Dome, French Pyrenean Axial Zone
Cugerone A, Cenki-Tok B, Chauvet A, Le Goff E, Bailly L, Alard O, Oliot E & Alard M
(2015) Rate and Scale of Anatectic Processes during Gneiss Dome Formation: Example from the Montagne Noire (French Massif Central)
Cenki-Tok B, Trap P, Roger F & Paquette J-L
(2015) Thermo-Geochemical Modeling of Fluid-Rock Interactions Under Greenschist Facies Conditions: Implications on Fault Formation in Metagabbros (Cap Corse, France)
Gueydan F, Cenki-Tok B, Oliot E & Padron Navarta JA

Cenki-Tok Bénédicte (2011) Allanite Petrochronology in High-Pressure Rocks
Engi M, Regis D, Darling J, Cenki-Tok B & Rubatto D
(2011) Ancient Lead Trapped in the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Burton K, Cenki-Tok B, Mokadem F, Harvey J & Parkinson I
(2010) New Opals from Wollo, Ethiopia: Geochemical Characterization
Rondeau B, Fritsch E, Cenki-Tok B & Mazzero F
(2009) Allanite in situ Dating in Mylonite: Case Study at the Mt Mucrone, Italy
Cenki-Tok B, Berger A, Thomsen T, Goncalves P, Oliot E, Engi M & Spandler C
(2007) Origin of Calcium Isotope Fractionation in River Waters: Evidence from the Strengbach Catchment, France
Cenki-Tok B, Chabaux F, Lemarchand D, Stille P, Bagard M-L & Pierret M-C

Cennamo P. (2004) Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints on Algal Distribution in Acidic Hydrothermal Environments: Pisciarelli (Naples, Italy) as a Model Site
Valentino G, Ciniglia C, Cennamo P, de Stefano M, Stanzione D, Pinto G & Pollio A
(2002) Interaction between Acidic Geothermal Waters and Algae Living in Pisciarelli (Naples, Italy)
Cennamo P, Ciniglia C, Valentino GM & Stanzione D

Censi P. (2018) Rapid Migration of Micro and Nano-Fluids Hosted in Carbonate Minerals
Zuddas P, Salvi S, Lopez O, De Giudici G & Censi P
(2017) Behavior of REE in Superficial Saline Waters: A Peculiar Example in South-Central Sicily
Sposito F, Censi P, Inguaggiato S, Zuddas P & Inguaggiato C
(2016) Zr, Hf and REE Behaviour during Halite Crystallisation
Censi P, Inguaggiato C, Zuddas P & Censi V
(2016) Geochemistry of REE in Hyperacid and Hypersaline Waters in Hydrothermal Systems
Inguaggiato C, Censi P, D'Alessandro W & Zuddas P
(2015) Zr, Hf and REE Behaviour in River Waters. A Consequence of Dissolution of Fe-Oxyhydroxides and Evaporites
Censi P, Inguaggiato C, Zuddas P, Sposito F & Inguaggiato S
(2015) Water-Rock Interaction in Pantelleria Hydrothermal System (Italy). The Behaviour of Zr, Hf and REE
Inguaggiato C, Censi P, Zuddas P, Brusca L, D'Alessandro W & Pecoraino G
(2013) Geochemical Signature of Microbial Activity during the Deposition Silica-Stromatolite According to REE Behaviour and Zr-Hf Relationship
Cangemi M & Censi P
(2011) Behaviour of Zr/Hf and Y/Ho Ratios during Transition between Seawater Column and Deep-Sea Brines
Raso M, Saiano F, Oliveri E & Censi P
(2009) Effect of Pyroclastic Atmospheric Fallout on YREE Distribution in Human Bronchial Washing Solutions
Censi P, Punturo R, Zuddas P, Crimi N, Cuttitta A, Lo Giudice A, Mastruzzo C, Mazzola S & Pistorio P
(2002) Sample Preparation and Multi-Element Analysis of Geological Materials by HR-ICP-MS: An Application to the Building Stones of the Roman Theatre in Catania (Italy)
Punturo R, Censi P, Lo Giudice A & Pezzino A

Censi V. (2016) Zr, Hf and REE Behaviour during Halite Crystallisation
Censi P, Inguaggiato C, Zuddas P & Censi V

Centeno J. (2011) Acid Gases Speciation in H2S-CO2-Portland Cement-H2O System
Centeno J
(2010) SEM-EDS Applications in Mineralogical Phases Study of Oil Well Cements Attacked with H2S/CO2 Mixtures
Centeno J, Ramirez A & Blanco A
(2009) SEM-EDS Applications in Mineralogical Phases Study of Oil Well Cements Attacked with H2S/CO2 Mixtures
Centeno J, Ramirez A & Blanco A
(2007) Durability and Degreadtion of Oil Well Cement Exposed to a Source of H2S and CO2 Gases
Centeno J, Ramirez A, Blanco A & Balza A
(2005) Dissolution of Oil Well Cement in Presence of CO<->2<$>/H2S Under HTHP
Centeno J, Ramirez A, Colina A & Blanco A

Centeno T.A. (2023) Study of the Pozzolanic Activity of Hydrochar as a Substitute for Cementitious Materials
Marques Sierra AL, Santos MM, Suárez M, Amado-Fierro A, González la Fuente JM & Centeno TA

Centeno-García E. (2008) K/Ar Dating of a Fossil Lagerstätte Locality: The Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico
Pi T, Solé J & Centeno-García E

Centler F. (2019) Using Triple-Isotope Analysis for Quantifying the Contribution of Three Competing Pathways to Total Degradation
Thullner M, Centler F & Hofstetter T
(2013) Relevance of Mass Transfer Processes for the Interpretation of Stable Isotope Fractionation
Thullner M, Centler F, Fischer A, Hesse F, Richnow H-H & Wick LY
(2012) Implementing Stable Isotope Fractionation of Two Elements in Reactive Transport Models to Validate Novel Assessment Methods for Biodegradation in Aquifers
Centler F & Thullner M

Centrella Stephen (2013) Calculated P-T Paths for the Blueschist-Facies Metapelites from the Ile de Groix (France)
Centrella S, Ballèvre M, Pitra P & Yamato P

Centrella Stephen (2023) A Multiscale Petrology Study on Fe-Rich Clays Minerals in Fayalite-Bearing Gabbros within the Kansas (USA) Precambrian Basement: An Attempt to Quantify Natural Hydrogen Generated
Combaudon V, Kularatne K, Centrella S, Sissmann O, Deville E & Derluyn H

Centrella Stephen (2016) Fluid-Rock Interaction: Revisiting the Problem of Mineral Replacement and Density Change in Open and Closed Systems
Putnis A, Centrella S & Austrheim H

Centrella Stephen (2015) Stress, Fluids and Metamorphism
Centrella S, Austrheim H & Putnis A

Cepedal Hernández A. (2013) The Conditions of Formation of the Castro de Rei Reduced W-Skarn
Martínez Abad I & Cepedal Hernández A

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