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Cedola A. (2017) New Insights on the Biomineralisation Process Developing on Inhaled Asbestos Fibres
Bardelli F, Veronesi G, Capella S, Charlet L, Cedola A & Belluso E

Čejková B. (2020) Mantle Metasomatism and Crustal Contamination in Carbonatites the East African Rift – A Case Study of Sukulu and Tororo (Uganda)
Benkó Z, Magna T, Molnár K, Rapprich V, Palcsu L, Czuppon G & Čejková B
(2020) Post-Emplacement Hydrothermal Remobilization and Nb–V Enrichment in Amba Dongar Sövites
Rapprich V, Magna T, Viladkar S, Pour O, Hopp J & Čejková B

Celaries N. (2021) Pt-Based Anticancer Drugs: Adsorption Studies onto Isolated Phases and Natural Soils
Celaries N, Sayen S & Guillon E

Celejewski M. (2013) An Absorption Method for Porewater Characterization in Low-Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Celejewski M & Al T
(2012) An Absorption Method for Porewater Characterization in Low Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Celejewski M, Al T, Clark I & McKelvie J

Celep S. (2011) GIS Based Spatial Distribution Mapping for Surface Waters in Solaklı Basin (Trabzon, Turkey)
Firat Ersoy A, Gultekin F, Hatipoglu E & Celep S

Célérier J. (2008) 40Ar Diffusion in Muscovite
Célérier J, Harrison TM, Aikman AB, Hermann J & Heizler MT
(2006) Ar diffusion in muscovite
Celerier J, Harrison TM & Hermann J

Celestian Aaron (2018) A New Study on PIC Dissolution and Sinking Fluxes, Concentrations and Calcite/Aragonite Ratios in the North Pacific
Dong S, Celestian A, Turaga N, Rollins N, Naviaux J, Subhas A, Adkins J & Berelson W
(2014) Modeling the Crystal Structure and Ion Exchange Mechanisms in Zorite Using Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy
Celestian A & Chappell C
(2012) Heavy Metal Sequestration in Nanoporous Minerals
Celestian A, Powers M & Rader S
(2010) Cesium Sequestration into a Microporous Gallosilicate Framework
Leftwich K & Celestian A
(2010) The Mechanisms of Sr Ion Exchange into Partially Niobium Substituted Sitinakite
Kramer S & Celestian A
(2006) Influence of hydroxyl-water interaction on structural transformations during Cs+ exchange in microporous H-CST
Celestian A, Parise J, Narayan J, Kubicki J & Clearfield A

Celestian Aaron J. (2023) Micro-Elemental Analysis of Stromatolites Reveal Fe as Potential Biosignature and Remnant of a Lithification Mechanism
Cassady VC, Levene DR, Celestian AJ, Petryshyn VA, Berelson WM, Rasmussen K, Stevenson BS, Spear J & Corsetti FA
(2022) Rapid Phase Identification of Apatite and Zircon Grains for Geochronology Using Micro-Computed Tomography
Cooperdock EHG, Hofmann F, Collins RM, Carrera A, Takase A & Celestian AJ
(2022) Biogenic Stromatolites as Lacustrine Oxygen Oases ~2.7 Ga: Synthesizing Textural and Geochemical Data
Wilmeth DT, Lalonde SV, Berelson WM, Petryshyn VA, Celestian AJ, Beukes N, Awramik S, Spear J, Mahseredjian T & Corsetti FA
(2022) Geobiological Impacts of Earth’s Early Complex Bioturbators during the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
Cribb AT, van de Velde S, Celestian AJ, Berelson WM, Bottjer DJ & Corsetti FA

Celia M. (2016) Quantitative Estimation of CO2 and Brine Leakage along Old Wells
Celia M, Nogues J & Bandilla K
(2007) Upscaling Reaction Rate Laws in Geochemical Reactive Transport Using Pore-Scale Network Models
Kavetski D, Peters C, Celia M & Lindquist B
(2007) Geological Storage as a Carbon Mitigation Option
Celia M, Nordbotten J, Gasda S, Kavetski D & Bachu S

Celic M. (2019) Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Natural Springs
Mas-Pla J, Gros M, Celic M, Menció A & Petrovic M

Celik F. (2002) New 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar Age Implications and Geochemical Constrains on Metamorphic Rocks of the Tauride Belt Ophiolites (Southern Turkey)
Celik F & Delaloye M

Celik K. (2020) Synthesis of Brucite from Reject Brine and its Direct Carbonation for Possible Use as Construction Material
Hay R, Singh I & Celik K

Celik Balci Nurgul (2016) The Natural Attenuation of Metals in Coal Fields, Pınarhisar, Thrace Basin, Turkey
Erarslan C, Orgun Y & Celik Balci N

Celik Balci Nurgül (2009) Influence of Sulfide Mineralogy on Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Ratios of Sulfate Generated via Oxidation
Celik Balci N, Mayer B, Shanks WC & Mandernack K

Çelik Karakaya M. (2017) Sulphur, Oxygen and Strontium Isotope Composition of the Ca-Sulphate Minerals in the Tuzgölü Basin, Türkiye
Karakaya N, Çeli̇k Karakaya M, Bozdağ A, Ercan H, Deli̇kan A & Nalbantçilar MT
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Composition, and Isotope Geochemistry of Upper Neogene Deposits (Polatlı, Central Turkey)
Çelik Karakaya M & Karakaya N
(2016) Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Turkish spa Waters
Karakaya N, Çelik Karakaya M & Nalbantçılar T
(2011) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Zeolites of Pyroclastic Deposits in Northwestern of Tuzgölü Basin (Turkey)
Çelik Karakaya M & Karakaya N
(2011) Mineralogical and Chemical Variations in Kaolin and Alunite Deposits in Vicinity of the Aksaray Region (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
Karakaya N & Çelik Karakaya M
(2010) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Bor-Ulukisla Basin (Nigde, Turkey)
Altay T, Çelik Karakaya M & Murat A
(2010) The Types of Hydrothermal Alteration and Behavior Trace Elements at Around of Eastern Black Sea Volcanites and Sulfide Deposits, Turkey
Karakaya N & Çelik Karakaya M
(2010) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of the Sepiolite Deposits at Polatlı Basin (Ankara, Turkey)
Çelik Karakaya M, Karakaya N & Temel A

Celino J. (2017) Cordierite-Bearing Granitic Rocks in South America: Contrasting Sources and Conditions of Formation
Ferreira V, Sial A, Toselli A, Rossi J, Molina P, Parada M & Celino J

Celis Gracía M.D.L.B. (2019) Complete Degradation of Acetate and Selective Precipitation of Cu+2 and Zn+2 by a Sulfate-Reducing Consortium at Low pH in a Continious Stir Reactor
Campos Quevedo NG, Sánchez Andrea I, Celis Gracía MDLB, Razo Flores E & López Lozano NE

Celle-Jeanton H. (2016) Transport and Speciation of Trace Metals in Karst Aquifer during a Flood Event
Cholet C, Steinmann M, Denimal S, Charlier J-B & Celle-Jeanton H

Celli N.L. (2021) The Upper Mantle beneath the South Atlantic Ocean, South America and Africa from Waveform Tomography with Massive Data Sets
Celli NL, Lebedev S, Schaeffer AJ, Ravenna M & Gaina C

Cellier R. (2023) Isotopic Fingerprints of «non-Traditional» Elements for Authenticity and Geographical Assessments of Food and Beverages
Epova EN, Barre JPG, Cellier R, Reyrolle M, Epov AV, Le Bechec M, Milcent S, Ors P & Berail S

Celliers P. (2016) Exploring Silicate Thermodynamics and Conductivity at Extreme Conditions with Laser-Driven Dynamic Compression
Millot M, Fratanduono D, Dubrovinskaia N, Cernok A, Blaha S, Dubrovinsky L, Celliers P, Collins G, Hamel S, Kraus R, Spaulding D, Jeanloz R & Eggert J

Celnick M. (2023) Ensuring the Long-Term Scientific Value and Impact of Astromaterials Samples Data from Past, Present, and Future NASA Sample-Return Missions
Lehnert KA, Mays J, Ji P, Profeta L, Celnick M, Richard S & Downs R

Celotto S. (2001) Watching Metamorphism Happen: High Temperature Studies in a Scanning Electron Microscope
Prior DJ, Seward G, Wheeler J, Paden R, Halliday D, Tye M, Celotto S & Pond R
(2001) In situ High Temperature Heating Experiments in the Scanning Electron Microscope
Seward GGE, Prior DJ, Wheeler J, Pond RC, Celotto S, Halliday D, Paden R & Tye M

Cembrano J. (2015) Metal Fluxing in a Large-Scale Intra-Arc Fault: Insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System in Southern Chile
Tardani D, Reich M, Roulleau E, Sano Y, Takahata N, González-Jiménez JM, Sanchez P, Cembrano J & Arancibia G
(2015) The Optimal Pathways Leading to Earthquake-Enhanced Gold Precipitation in the Epithermal Environment
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Reich M, Driesner T, Arancibia G, Perez-Flores P, Cembrano J, Rowland J & Heinrich C
(2014) Fluid Evolution in an Andean Geothermal System: Coupling Fluid Inclusions Thermometry, LA-ICP-MS and Geochemical Modeling
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Driesner T, Heinrich C, Reich M, Perez P, Arancibia G & Cembrano J
(2013) The Influence of Fault-Fracture Network Activity on Fluid Geochemistry and Mineral Precipitation at the Tolhuaca Geothermal System, Southern Chile
Sanchez P, Perez P, Reich M, Arancibia G, Cembrano J, Campos E & Lohmar S

Cemic L. (2005) Natural and Thermochemical Stability of Monazite in Low-Grade Metapelites
Goffe B, Janots E, Brunet F, Bollinger L, Grevel K, Cemic L & Negro F

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