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Cavalcante R. (2011) Geochemical Mapping of Phosphorus in Drainage Sediments of Pernambuco State, Brazil
Franzen M, Lima E & Cavalcante R
(2011) Environmental Geochemistry of Nickel in Stream Sediments in Pernambuco State, Brazil
Cavalcante R, Lima E, Franzen M & Santos S
(2011) Multipurpose Geochemistry Project of CPRM in the Pernambuco State, Brazil – Current Stage of Work
Lima E, Franzen M, Cavalcante R & Cunha F

Cavalcanti D. (2020) Spectroscopic Characterization of Brazilian Emeralds from Tocantins State: Preliminary Results
Cavalcanti D, Nogueira Neto J, Fuck R, Barbosa P, Souza V & Lima M

Cavalhiero J. (2016) Bringing Total and Species Specific Hg Isotopic Analysis to Ultra-Trace Levels Using Hyphenated MC-ICP-MS
Bérail S, Bouchet S, Cavalheiro J, Tessier E, Barre J, Pedrero Zayas Z, Donard O & Amouroux D
(2016) Traceability for Mercury Isotopic Measurements
Cavalhiero J, Berail S, Tessier E, Barre J, Renedo M, Amouroux D & Donard O
(2016) Mercury Isotopic Signatures to Unravel the Historical Contamination of Main German Waterways over the Last Decades
Donard O, Estrade N, Berail S, Epova E, Barre J, Cavalhiero J, Rudel H, Koschorreck J & Amouroux D

Cavallaro N. (2018) Stability and Vulnerability of Organic Carbon in Diverse Agroecosystems and Management Options: Programs, Outcomes and Opportunities at USDA/NIFA
Cavallaro N

Cavallo Alessandro (2022) Microwave-Assisted Brucite and Talc Reactions with co2 as a Proxy for Carbon Capture and Storage by Serpentine
Corti M, Maroni P, Militello GM, Yivlialin R, Campione M, Lucotti A, Bussetti G, Capitani G, Cavallo A & Malaspina N
(2021) Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Chromium Spinels from the Sabzevar Ophiolite (SE Iran)
Eslami A, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Kananian A, Bach W, Grieco G, Cavallo A & Gatta D

Cavallo Andrea (2015) On the Role of Sulfur in Explaining Different Degassing Patterns in Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems
Scolamacchia T, Misiti V, Del Gaudio P, Cavallo A & Scarlato P
(2015) Glass Stability of Silicate Glasses with Sub-Alkaline Compositions
Misiti V, Elbrecht A, Davis M, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Cavallo A & Mollo S
(2013) Glass Forming Ability of Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts
Misiti V, Vetere F, Iezzi G, Behrens H, Holtz F, Ventura G, Cavallo A, Dietrich M & Mollo S
(2013) Textural Evolution of a Basaltic Melt in Function of Cooling Rate
Giuliani L, Cauti F, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Poe B, Cavallo A, Misiti V, Ventura G, Mollo S & Behrens H
(2012) The Carbon Dioxide Mineral Sequestration Analogues: Examples from Tuscany (Italy)
Boschi C, Dallai L, Dini A, Baneschi I, Langone A, Cavallo A & Ruggieri G

Cavan G. (2018) Lichen Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur Contents and their Isotopic Signatures for Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Pollution in the Urban Environment of Manchester, UK
Niepsch D, Clarke L, Tzoulas K & Cavan G
(2017) Lichen Biomonitoring and GIS Analysis of Atmospheric Pollution and Air Quality in Manchester, UK
Niepsch D, Clarke L, Tzoulas K & Cavan G

Cavanagh P. (2015) Mineralogy of the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Vaniman D, Blake D, Chipera S, Morris R, Bish D, Cavanagh P, Achilles C, Bristow T, Morrison S, Treiman A, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Fendrich K & Morookian JM

Cavazos A. (2020) Potential Biotic-Abiotic Nitrous Oxide Production in Oceanic Oxyclines
Cavazos A & Glass J
(2017) Tales from the Crypt(ic): The Phantoms of the Nitrogen Cycle
Glass J, Cavazos A, Stanton C, Tang Y, Taillefert M, Stewart F & Ostrom N

Cavazos-Tovar J.G. (2016) Subduction Erosion and Slab Diapirism in the Western Mexican Volcanic Belt
Gómez-Tuena A, Parolari M & Cavazos-Tovar JG

Cavazza W. (2010) Orogen-Scale Thermochronologic Trends of the Central Andes
Reiners P, Vernon A, Zattin M, Thomson S, Pearson D & Cavazza W

Cavazzin B. (2018) Long-Chain Diols of the Canadian Prairies – Occurrence and Relationship with Environmental Parameters
Zwick MM, Leavitt PR, Haig HA, Cavazzin B & Toney J
(2017) Environmental Controls on the Distribution of Long-Chain Alkenones in the Canadian Prairies: Insights for the Development of the Lacustrine Alkenone-Based Temperature Proxy
Plancq J, Cavazzin B, Haig H, Leavitt PR, Couto JM & Toney JL
(2017) Development of Lacustrine Biomarkers to Reconstruct Lake Temperature and Salinity Changes in the Saskatchewan Great Plains
Cavazzin B, Zwick M, Haig H, Leavitt P, Juggins S, Pearson E, Schouten S & Toney J

Cavazzini G. (2010) Isotopic Evidence of Possible Cr(III) Oxidation in an Early Contaminated Site from NE Italy
Petrini R, Lutman A, Cavazzini G, Slejko F & Pezzetta E

Cave B. (2022) In situ Lu-Hf Geochronology of Carbonates
Simpson A, Glorie S, Hand M, Spandler C, Gilbert S & Cave B

Cave L. (2011) Diffusive Anisotropy in Low-Permeability Ordovician Sedimentary Rocks from the Michigan Basin in Southwest Ontario
Xiang Y, Al T, Cave L & Loomer D
(2010) Measurement of Cation Exchange Capacity in Shale Using Radiographic Detection of Cesium
Cave L, Bea S, Al T & Mayer KU
(2005) TEM/EELS Measurement of Fe<+>3+<$>+/&#931;Fe in Biotite Near a Fracture
Cave L & Al T

Cave M (2000) Determination of Soil Selenium Speciation Using a New Extraction Methodology and Chemometric Data Analysis
Seed K, Cave M, Carter J & Parker A

Cave Mark (2021) Assessing the Influence of the Industrial Past on an Urban Environment – What Does the Soil Geochemistry?
Wragg J & Cave M
(2021) Influences of Contaminant Source over Oral Bioaccessibility of Potentially Toxic Elements in Belfast Topsoils
Cocerva T, Cox S, Cipullo S, Doherty R, Ofterdinger U, Cave M, Carey M, McIlwaine R & Coulon F

Cave R.R. (2002) The Record of the Hydrothermal Activity at Rainbow (MAR, 36º14'N) by Sediment Cores
Chavagnac V, German CR & Cave RR
(2000) A Spatial and Temporal Record of the Hydrothermal Plume at Rainbow, 36N on the MAR
Cave RR, German CR, Khripounoff A, Nesbitt RW & Thomson J

Cavelan A. (2023) New Lysimetric Experiments to Assess the Effect of the Intensity of Groundwater Table-Level Variations on the Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) in Soils in the Climate Change Context
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P
(2022) Impact of Groundwater Table Level Variations on Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) Remobilization Processes in the Climate Change Context: An Experimental Approach
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P

Cavell P. (2008) LA-MC-ICP-MS Dating of Zircon Using Petrographic Thin Sections: An Investigation of Buried Archean Basement in Southern Alberta
Burwash R, Cavell P, Simonetti A, Chacko T, Luth R & Nelson D

Cavenaile D. (2015) Mineral Versus Chemical Zoning in the High Temperature, High CO2 Activity Contact Zone from Măgureaua Vaţei, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G, Vanheyste J & Cavenaile D

Caves J. (2017) The Evolution of Land Plants and Silicate Weathering
Ibarra D, Caves J, Bachan A, Baresch A, Lau K, Thomas D, Lee J-E, Boyce K & Chamberlain CP
(2015) Cenozoic Carbon Cycle Imbalances and a Variable Silicate Weathering Feedback
Caves J, Jost A, Lau K & Maher K
(2014) Carbon Cycle Constraints on the Cenozoic Silicate Weathering Feedback
Caves J, Jost A, Lau K & Maher K
(2013) Marine Cements and the Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic History of Magnesium, Strontium, and Calcium in the Ocean
Opdyke B, Owens R, Caves J, Wilson P & Droxler A

Caves Rugenstein Jeremy (2023) Non-Linear Sensitivity of Mineral Weathering to Erosion Implies an Optimum of CO2 Drawdown at Moderate Erosion Rates
Bufe A, Caves Rugenstein J & Hovius N
(2022) Erosion and Chemical Weathering of Siliceous Rocks at the Supply and Kinetic Limits
Bufe A, Caves Rugenstein J & Hovius N
(2021) Controls on Chemical Weathering and Physical Erosion in a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Orogen
Erlanger E, Caves Rugenstein J, Bufe A, Picotti V & Willet S
(2020) Constraints from Carbon Cycle Perturbations on the Sensitivity of Runoff to Atmospheric CO2
Caves Rugenstein J & Winkler A
(2020) Evidence for a Variable Silicate Weathering Feedback
Ibarra D, Lau K & Caves Rugenstein J

Caves Rugenstein Jeremy K. (2018) Impact of Soil and Landslide Erosion Processes on Coupled Sulfide Oxidation and Carbonate Weathering
Bufe A, Emberson R, Hovius N, Caves Rugenstein JK & Hassenruck-Gudipati HJ
(2018) Quantifying Terrestrial Weathering Across Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Ibarra D, Jones M, Caves Rugenstein J, Sageman B, Graham S, von Blanckenburg F & Chamberlain P
(2018) Increasing Land Surface Reactivity from 10Be/9Be and 7Li/6Li Records Explains Late Neogene Cooling
Caves Rugenstein JK, Ibarra DE & von Blanckenburg F

Cavet J.S. (2023) Optimisation of Cu(II) Bioreduction and Biorecovery by Shewanella oneidensis
Byrd N, Egan Morriss C, Nunn E, Parmeggiani F, Cavet JS, Kimber R, Gralnick J & Lloyd JR

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