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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cathey Henrietta (2022) Havre 2012 Pink Pumice is Evidence of a Short-Lived, Deep-Sea, Magnetite Nanolite-Driven Explosive Eruption
Knafelc J, Bryan SE, Jones MMW, Gust D, Mallmann G, Cathey H, Berry A, Ferré E & Howard DL

Cathey Henrietta E. (2011) Preliminary Estimates on Magma Storage Conditions of the Heise Volcanic Field, Snake River Plain
Bolte T, Erdmann M, Nash B, Cathey H, Almeev R & Holtz F
(2010) Analysis of Trace Elements in Glass and Pyroxene by LA-ICP-MS: Results from the Rhyolitic Ashfall and Ashflow Tuffs of the Bruneau-Jarbidge Eruptive Center, Yellowstone Hotspot Track
Nash BP, Cathey HE, Allen CM & Campbell IH
(2009) Experimental Constraints on Rhyolite Magma Genesis, Yellowstone Hotspot
Almeev R, Holtz F, Kuschel L, Nash B & Cathey H
(2008) U-Pb Zircon Geochronology and Ti-in-zircon Thermometry of Large-Volume Low δ18O Magmas of the Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot
Cathey HE, Nash BP, Allen CM, Campbell IH, Valley JW & Kita N
(2005) Polymodal Compositions in Large Volume Rhyolite Magmas of the Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot, USA
Cathey H & Nash B

Cathles L.M. (2012) Molecular Dynamics Calculation of the Calcite Zeta Potential in Brine
Liu H & Cathles Iii LM
(2012) Fluorescent Nanoparticle Tracers
Li YV & Cathles Iii LM
(2011) A Study on the Effect of Pore Geometry on Mineral Changes
Pedersen J, Jettestuen E, Vinningland JL, Madland M, Cathles L & Hiorth A
(2011) Hydrothermal Circulation and Post-Obduction Hydration & Carbonation of Oceanic Lithosphere – 87Sr/86Sr and Oxygen Isotopic Study of Oman Ophiolite
Chen C, Andronicos C, Cathles L & White W
(2010) A Kinetic Model for Hydrate Precipitated from Venting Methane Gas at Seep Site: Application to the Southern Summit of Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin off Oregon
Cao Y, Su Z, Chen D & Cathles LM
(2009) Evidence that Barely-Contained Nearly-Explosive Venting of Large Volumes of Magmatic Volatiles Initiated Porphyry Copper Formation
Cathles L & Shannon R
(2008) Gas Vents Through Pockmarks and its Effect on Gas Hydrate Stability Below Seafloor
Su Z, Cathles L & Chen D
(2002) Implications of Gas Washing of Oil in the Offshore Louisiana Gulf of Mexico Basin
Cathles LM & Losh S
(2001) Mineralogic Implications of Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins
Shosa JD & Cathles LM
(2001) Calculating Bulk Chemical and Mineralogical Change in Convecting Hydrothermal Systems
Cathles LM
(2000) Some Aspects of Multiphase Fluid Flow, Chemical Mass Transport, and Alteration in Sedimentary Basins
Cathles L, Shosa J, Losh S & Meulbroek P

Catillon G.

Catling David (2019) Atmospheric CO2 Levels from 2.7 Billion Years ago Using Micrometeorite Oxidation
Lehmer O, Catling D, Buick R, Brownlee D & Newport S
(2019) A Cold and Alkaline Ocean on Hadean Earth Caused by Impact Ejecta Weathering
Kadoya S & Catling D
(2019) High Phosphate Concentrations Needed for Prebiotic Chemistry Occur in Alkaline Lakes
Toner J & Catling D
(2019) Atmospheric Redox Evolution and Life
Catling D, Kadoya S, Nicklas RW & Puchtel I
(2018) Disequilibrium Biosignatures on the Early Earth and their Detectability with the James Webb Space Telescope
Krissansen-Totton J, Olson S, Garland R, Irwin P & Catling D
(2018) Early Earth's Atmospheric Evolution
Catling D, Krissansen-Totton J & Zahnle K
(2018) The Formation of Ferrocyanide Evaporites on Early Earth
Toner J, Catling D & Glein C
(2018) Upper Limit on H2 Levels in the Archean Atmosphere Based on Detrital Magnetite
Kadoya S & Catling D
(2017) New Insights on Brine Dynamics and Source in Don Juan Pond, Antarctica
Toner J, Catling D & Sletten R
(2016) A Model of Ocean pH over Earth History
Krissansen-Totton J & Catling D
(2015) Changes in the Geologic Nitrogen Cycle Coupled to Redox Evolution on the Early Earth
Catling D
(2014) Soluble Salts at the Phoenix Lander Site
Toner J, Catling D & Light B
(2014) Chemical Disequilibrium in Planetary Atmospheres as a Way to Look for Life or its Absence
Catling D & Bergsman D
(2014) A Statistical Analysis of the Carbon Isotope Record from the Archean to Phanerozoic and Implications for Atmospheric Oxygen
Krissansen-Totton J & Catling D
(2013) A Framework for Understanding the First and Second Rises of O2
Catling D
(2012) What Caused the 2.4 Ga Rise of Oxygen?
Catling D, Zahnle K & Claire M
(2011) Earth's Early Atmospheric Density Revealed from Archaean Raindrop Imprints
Som S, Catling D & Buick R
(2011) Se Isotope Evidence for Atmospheric Oxidation at ~0.6 Ga
Pogge von Strandmann P, Elliott T, Catling D & Poulton S
(2008) The Great Collapse of Methane: Rethinking the Rise of Oxygen
Claire M, Catling D & Zahnle K
(2008) Br/Cl Partitioning in Chloride Minerals in the Burns Formation on Mars
Marion G, Kargel J & Catling D
(2007) Archean Methane, Oxygen and Sulfur
Catling D, Claire M & Zahnle K
(2007) Sulfate, Methane, and the Rise in Atmospheric Oxygen
Claire M, Catling D & Zahnle K
(2000) Aqueous Iron Chemistry on Early Mars: Was it Influenced by Life?
Catling DC & McKay CP

Catling David C. (2023) Towards Quantification of Phosphorus Pools and Fluxes in Water and Sediments of an Extremely Phosphate-Rich Soda Lake
Haas S, Sinclair KP & Catling DC
(2023) Untangling Planetary Processes in the Neoproterozoic Using Cap Carbonates and a Geochemical Carbon Cycle Model
Thomas TB & Catling DC
(2023) Rare Earth Element Distribution in Marine Carbonates as a Potential Proxy for Seawater pH on Early Earth: A Proof of Concept Study
Lin P-C & Catling DC
(2022) Salty Mars, from Perseverance to Viking: Geochemical Themes, Variation, and Habitability
Clark BC, Hurowitz J, Catling DC, Flannery DT, Benison KC, Gasda P, Moore KR, Fairen AG, Gomez F & Allwood A
(2021) Molecules for the Origin of Life from Impact-Generated Atmospheres on Early Earth
Wogan N, Catling DC & Zahnle K
(2021) Hydrogen Escape, Earth’s Irreversible Oxidation, and the Great Oxidation Event Revisited
Catling DC, Kadoya S & Zanhle KJ

Catlos E (2005) Monazite Records of Deformation within the Himalayan Main Central Thrust Shear Zone, NW India
Catlos E, Dubey C, Marston R & Harrison M

Catlos Elizabeth (2020) Combining Analytical Approaches to Decipher Geological Problems: An Example Using the Morefield (Virginia, USA) Monazite Age Standard Using SIMS + LA-ICP-MS + EMPA
Catlos E & Miller N

Catlos Elizabeth J. (2017) Geochronology and Isotope (Sr, Nd and Pb) Geochemistry of the Oligocene Intrusions and Associated Hydrothermal Mineralization in the Northeast of Yenice, NW Turkey
Çiçek M, Oyman T, Palmer MR, Catlos EJ, Selby D, Michalik A & Cooper MJ

Catlow C. (2000) Modelling Proton-Containing Defects in Forsterite
de Leeuw NH, Parker SC, Catlow C & Price GD

Catlow R. (2006) Arsenic incorporation in FeS2 Pyrite
Blanchard M, Wright K & Catlow R
(2000) The Computer Simulation of Calcite Growth Inhibition: A Monophosphonate Study
Ojo S, Slater B & Catlow R

Catrambone M. (2009) Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Adsorbed on the Surface of Suspended Particulate Matter
Canepari S, Catrambone M & Perrino C

Catrouillet C. (2011) Colloidal Control on the Distribution of Major and Trace Elements in a Small Mountain Stream (Malaval Catchment, Massif Central, France)
Catrouillet C, De Bardon De Segonzac C, Pourret O & Steinmann M

Catrouillet Charlotte (2023) Impact of The Polymer Degradation on The Metallic Additives Distribution In Microplastics
Khatib I, Catrouillet C, Vantelon D, Rivard C, Davranche M & Gigault J
(2023) Cr(III) – Cr(VI): Variability of the Speciation of Chromium Released into the Environment by Microplastic Weathering
Vantelon D, Khatib I, Rivard C, Catrouillet C, Gigault J & Davranche M
(2023) The Rare Earth Element ‘probe’: Investigation of the Water/Solid Interfaces and their Impact on the Rare Earth Element Dissemination
Davranche M, Dia A, Marsac R, Catrouillet C, Pédrot M, Tadayon Y, Vantelon D, Blancho F & Gigault J
(2023) Prediction of the Impact of the Environmental Conditions on the Stoichiometry (Fe(II)/Fe(III)) of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Jungcharoen P, Pédrot M, Heberling F, Hanna K, Choueikani F, Catrouillet C, Dia A & Marsac R
(2023) Chemical Speciation of Pt in Natural Waters – Implications for its Geochemical Behaviour
Catrouillet C, Schäfer J & Cobelo-Garcia A
(2021) Metals and Microplastics, a Multi-Contamination in the Environment: Which Planetary Distribution?
Catrouillet C, le Carlier de Veslud C & Gigault J
(2019) Arsenic Removal from Natural Waters Using Iron Electrocoagulation – Kinetics, Spectroscopy and Modeling
Catrouillet C, Manetti N, Soegaard Jensen LH & Peña J
(2017) Does Fe(II)-OM Complexation Promote or Prevent Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation?
Peng C, Sundman A, Borch T, Catrouillet C & Kappler A
(2017) Platinum Bioaccumulation Kinetics in Marine Bivalve (Oyster Crassostrea gigas) – A Potential Sentinel Species for TCEs
Abdou M, Schafer J, Dutruch L, Bossy C, Zaldibar B, Medrano R, Izagirre U, Catrouillet C, Hu R, Coynel A, Gil-Diaz T, Lerat A, Blanc G & Soto M
(2015) Complexation of As(III) by Organic Matter: Model Highlights Thiol Groups Implications
Catrouillet C, Davranche M, Dia A, Bouhnik Le Coz M & Gruau G

Cattaldo T. (2000) Assessing Flux Rates from Isotope Dilution Experiments and Numerical Modelling: Results for 15N and 135Ba Tracer Experiments
Elskens M, Cattaldo T, Cardinal D, Baeyens W & Dehairs F
(2000) Geochemistry of Surface Sediments, Filtered and Sediment Trap Particles from the Sub Antarctic and Polar Front Zones of the Southern Ocean, South of Tasmania
Cardinal D, André L, Dehairs F, Cattaldo T, Fagel N & Trull T

Cattani F. (2023) Search of Paleo-Atmospheric Signatures in Impactites from the 380 Ma-Old Siljan Impact Structure (Sweden)
Cattani F, Avice G, Ferriere L & Alwmark S

Cattin R. (2009) MC<sup>3</sup>: Mass Conservation, Metamorphic Changes and Modelling Consequences
Hetényi G, Connolly J, Godard V & Cattin R

Catunda C. (2021) Massive Subsurface Warming at Mid Latitudes of the North Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1
Catunda C, Bahr A, Jakob K & Friedrich O

Catunda M.C. (2014) The Internal Structure of Millennial-Scale Abrupt Climate Change Events; Insights from LAICPMS Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Records
Bernal JP, Strikis N, Cruz FW, Catunda MC, Ortega C, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Auler A

Caudron C. (2022) REE Mobility in the Hyperacid Brine of Kawah Ijen Crater Lake (Java, Indonesia) during the Precipitation of Sulfate Minerals
Inguaggiato C, Pappaterra S, Peiffer L, Apollaro C, Brusca L, De Rosa R, Rouwet D, Caudron C & Suparjan S

Cauduro J. (2015) Ultra-Fast ICP-OES Determinations of Base Metals in Geochemical Samples Using an Aqua Regia Digestion and the New SVS 2+ on the 5100 ICP-OES SVDV
Cauduro J

Cauët E. (2011) Modelling the Aqueous Al3+ System Using Density Functional Theory
Bogatko S, Cauët E & Geerlings P
(2010) Predicting the Chemical and Physical Properties of Geothermal Fluids: Model Development and Molecular Level Theoretical Understanding
Weare J, Moller N, Duan Z, Cauet E & Bylaska E
(2010) 1st Principle Dynamical Simulation of Hydrogen Bond Structure, Dynamics and Simple Reactions in the Hydration Shells of Highly Charged Metal Ions
Weare J, Bylaska E, Bogatko S, Cauet E & Fulton J

Caulfield J. (2022) Geochemical and Petrochronological Investigation of &gt;3.5 Ga Orthogneisses from the East Pilbara Terrane
Murphy DT, Allen CM, Wiemer D, Wenham L, Schrank C, Caulfield J & Bennett VC
(2021) Felsic Melts Differentiating to More Mafic Compositions Through Crystal Uptake: A Case of Felsic Parental Arc Magmas for Mafic Lava Flows at Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
D'Mello NG, Zellmer G, Ubide T, Caulfield J, Brahm R, Procter J, Kereszturi G & Stewart R
(2021) Groundmass Isotope Signatures Reveal Decadal Source Evolution and Mixing at Mount Etna
Magee R, Ubide T, Caulfield J & Zhao J-X
(2020) Basalt Alkalinity Modulated by a Lithospheric “Filter”: Thermobarometry of a Complex Plumbing System beneath the Dunedin Volcano
Pontesilli A, Brenna M, Ubide T, Mollo S, Masotta M, Caulfield J, Le Roux P, Nazzari M & Scarlato P
(2020) Days to Weeks of Syn-Eruptive Magma Interaction: High-Resolution Geochemistry of the 2002-03 Branched Eruption at Mount Etna
Magee R, Ubide T & Caulfield J
(2020) Crystal Stratigraphy of Taranaki Lavas, New Zealand
D'Mello N, Ubide Garralda T, Zellmer GF, Procter J, Kereszturi G & Caulfield J
(2017) Microanalysis of Cl, Br and I in Apatite, Scapolite and Silicate Glasses by LA-ICP-MS
Caulfield J, Tomlinson E, Marks M, Chew D, McKenna C & Ubide T
(2017) Origin, Distribution and Residence of Halogens in the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland
Hoare B, Tomlinson E, Barnes J, Caulfield J & Thirlwall M
(2017) Apatite Halogen Content Measurements by SEM-Edx and LA-Q-ICPMS: A Provenance Analysis Approach
Ansberque C, Chew D, Caulfield J & Mark C
(2017) Halogen Composition of the Proto-Iceland Plume Source Mantle
O' Farrell D, Tomlinson E, Caulfield J, Bouvier A-S & Stuart F
(2012) Origin of Silicic Magmas in the Primitive, Intra-Oceanic Tongan Arc
Rushmer T, Turner S, Caufield J, Turner M, Cronin S & Smith I
(2012) Mantle Flow, Slab-Surface Temperatures and Melting Dynamics in the North Tonga Arc Lau Basin
Turner S, Caulfield J, Arculus R, Dale C, Keller N, Pearce J & Macpherson C
(2011) Direct Evidence for the Nature and Timing of Sub-Arc Mantle Metasomatism
Turner S, Caulfield J, Turner M, van Keken P, Maury R, Sandiford M & Proteau G
(2007) Source Depletion Versus Extent of Melting in the Tongan Sub-Arc Mantle
Caulfield J, Turner S, Dosseto A & Pearson N

Caumartin J. (2023) Study of Modern Microbialites in a Seasonally Euxinic Water Column
Caumartin J, Benzerara K, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Jézéquel D, Havas R, Thomazo C & López-García P
(2023) Quadruple Sulfur Isotope Signatures in Microbialites from Modern Redox-Stratified Lakes
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Surma J, Nakagawa M, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Benzerara K & Ueno Y
(2022) Active but Hidden Role of DOC in the C Cycle of Precambrian Analogs Stratified Lakes: An Isotopic Study
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Muller E & Benzerara K

Caumes Géradline (2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I

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