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Castro Clara (2008) Atmospheric Noble Gas Signatures in Deep Michigan Basin Brines as Indicators of a Past Thermal Event
Ma L, Castro C & Hall C

Castro Clara M. (2021) 20Ne/36Ar in Geothermal Fluids of Theistareykir: A Possible Thermometer of Water-Rock Interactions?
Pinti DL, Haute-Labourdette M, Saby M, Poirier A, van Hinsberg V, Berlo K, Castro CM, Gautason B & Sigurðardóttir ÁK

Castro Cristiane (2023) Paleoproterozoic Himalayan-Type Leucogranites Disclose a Late Orogenic Stage in the Southern São Francisco Craton (Brazil)
Lacerda S, Guitreau M, Gonçalves L, Moreira H, Castro C, Pinheiro M & Castro C

Castro D. (2023) Potential Connection between Agricultural Sulfur Use and Mercury Methylation in Vineyards
Gerson JR, Calvin N, Castro D, Lamborg C, Weiss-Penzias P & Hinckley E-LS

Castro Jonathan (2015) Water-Speciation in Silicate Glass from Partial Raman Spectra
Helo C, Castro J, Hess K-U & Dingwell D
(2013) Determining the Pre-Eruptive Magmatic Conditions and Sulfur Release of the AD1280 Quilotoa Eruption, Ecuador
Stewart A-M & Castro J
(2011) Primary and Secondary Water Content Heterogeneity in Volcanic Glasses
Tuffen H, Castro J, Owen J & Denton J

Castro José Manuel (2020) Environmental Change Across the PETM- New Evidence from Alamedilla (S Spain)
Molero-Monsonís A, Castro JM, Quijano ML, de Gea G, Rodrigo-Gámiz M & Alegret L
(2017) C-Isotope Stratigraphy of the Early Aptian OAE1a: Contribution to Global Correlation from a New High-Resolution Record (the Cau Core – Prebetic Zone, Southern Spain)
Castro JM, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Aguado R, Gallego D, de Gea GA, Jarvis I, López C, Molina JM, Nieto LM, Pancost R, Quijano ML, Reolid M, Rodríguez R, Skelton PW & Weissert H
(2017) Biomarker and Trace-Element Evidences for Redox-Conditions and Productivity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Carbonero Section, Southern Spain)
de Gea GA, Quijano ML, Froehner S, Castro JM, Aguado R, Naafs BDA & Pancost R
(2017) Multidisciplinary Study of a Mediterranean Hypersaline Pond (Laguna Honda, Southern Spain)
Quijano ML, Castro JM, Guerrero F, de Gea GA, Galotti A, García F, García-Zafra S, Jiménez-Gómez F, Jiménez-Melero R, Martínez J, Morales JA, Nieto LM, Rey J, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Ruiz-Valenzuela L & San Miguel EG

Castro Jose Manuel (2023) Uranium-Isotope Records of Global Ocean Deoxygenation during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Dickson AJ, Basu A, Castro JM, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Bottini C, Erba E, Mutterlose J, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2021) Assessing the Evolution of Primary Productivity at Distal Sections from Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
Sosa Montes de Oca C, Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Huang Y, Taylor KWR, Hollis CJ, Martínez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Castro JM, Quijano ML & Pancost RD
(2015) Geochemistry and Stratigraphy of an Expanded Section Recording the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Carbonero Section, Subbetic Basin, Southern Spain)
Froehner S, Aguado R, de Gea GA, Castro JM, Quijano ML, Pancost RD & Naafs D
(2015) The Record of the Valanginian Weissert Episode of Environmental Change from the Prebetic (Spain): C-Isotope Stratigraphy and Biomarkers
Quijano ML, de Gea GA, Castro JM, García-Zafra S, Arias C, Vilas L & Company M
(2013) Multiple Pools of Reduced Carbon can be Released during Hyperthermals
Pancost R, Badger M, Naafs D, Froehner S, Castro J-M, De Gea G, Quijano M-L, Aguado R, Lowson C & Ridgwell A
(2013) C-Isotope Evidence for pCO2 and Volcanic Forcing during the Early Aptian OAE 1a – The Cau Section (SE Spain)
Castro JM, De Gea GA, Pancost RD, Quijano ML & Naafs BDA

Castro Juan (2011) Soil Carbon Sequestration in Olive Grove with Different Soil Management
Nieto O, Castro J & Fernández-Ondoño E

Castro K. (2019) Characterization of Organic Molecules in Martian Analogue Samples: Implications for Mars Exploration
Ruiz-Galende P, Siljeström S, Li X, Torre-Fdez I, Castro K, Arana G & Madariaga JM

Castro M. Clara (2016) Multi-Isotopic Study of the Fluid Circulation at Los Azufres Geothermal Field, Mexico
Shouakar-Stash O, Pinti DL, Castro CM, Lopez-Hernandez A, Abuharara A, Hall CM, Sandoval-Medina F & Nuñez-Hernandez S
(2016) Using Noble Gases to Trace Fluid Circulation in the Los Humeros Geothermal Field, Mexico
Han G, Pinti D, Castro MC, Shouakar-Stash O, Lopez-Hernandez A, Hall C & Ramírez-Montes M
(2016) Methane Sources in Shallow Groundwaters in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas – A Heavy Noble Gas Analysis
Castro MC, Wen T, Nicot J-P, Hall C, Mickler P & Darvari R

Castro Maria (2014) ZeoBioFilms: Exploring Mineral-Microbe Interactions Using AFM and SEM
Castro M, Smith RL, Anderson MW, Schmidt W, Farias ME & Albarracin VH
(2014) Multidiagnostic Analysis to Track Zeolite Formation
Castro M, Haouas M, Taullele F, Lim I, Breynaert E, Brabants G, Kirschhock CEA & Schmidt W

Castro Maria Clara (2017) Characteristics of Noble Gas Signatures in Snow
Amalberti J, Hall C & Castro MC
(2017) A Combined Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Study to Characterize Groundwater Sources on the Island of Maui, Hawaii
Niu Y, Ferguson CM, Castro MC, Hall CM, Gingerich SB & Scholl MA
(2015) Noble Gas Signatures on the Island of Maui, Hawaii – Developing a New Noble Gas Application in Fractured Groundwater Systems
Castro MC, Niu Y, Warrier RB, Hall CM, Gingerich SB & Scholl M
(2015) Noble Gas Signatures in Greenland – Tracing Glacial Meltwater Sources
Niu Y, Castro MC, Aciego SM, Hall CM, Stevenson EI, Arendt CA & Das SB
(2013) Advances in Our Understanding of the Noble Gas Thermometer in Groundwater – New Applications
Castro MC, Hall CM, Warrier RB & Lohmann K
(2013) Helium Isotopic Gradients in a Catchment Basin: Constraining Groundwater Flow Patterns and Residence Times
Pinti DL, Vautour G, Roulleau E, Castro MC & Sano Y
(2012) Dating Drinking Water in Eskers from Amos, Abitibi, Canada
Boucher C, Berthot L, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Roy M, Blanchette D, Cloutier V, Castro MC & Hall CM
(2012) Dating Groundwater in Quebec Using Noble Gases, U and Stable Isotopes and Major Elements
Vautour G, Meyzonnat G, Mejean P, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Castro MC, Hall CM & Helie J-F
(2010) A Year-Long Field Record of Groundwater Noble Gases
Hall C, Sun T, Castro MC & Lohmann K
(2010) Galapagos Islands – Tracing a Volcanic Groundwater System Using Noble Gases
Warrier RB, Castro MC, Hall CM & d'Ozouville N
(2008) Deep Circulation and Upward Migration of Brines in the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Qc, Canada) Traced by Noble Gases
Béland Otis C, Pinti DL, Tremblay A, Castro MC & Hall CM
(2008) Testing Noble Gas Temperature Systematics in the Field with an Instrumented Monitoring Well
Sun T, Hall C, Castro MC, Lohmann K & Goblet P
(2002) Calibration of Regional Groundwater Flow Models – Working Toward a Better Understanding of Site-Specific Systems: He Insights
Castro MC & Goblet P

Castro P. (2011) Metamorphic and Geodynamic Evolution of the High-Grade Units of Mundão – Sátão (Northern Portugal)
Castro P, Bento dos Santos T, Meireles C, Sequeira A & Ferreira N

Castro S. (2023) δ65Cu and δ66Zn Behavior Across Mangrove Pollution Gradients in Brazil
Barreira J, Castro S, Tonhá M, Cunha B, Garnier J, Souto de Oliveira CE, Babinski M, Reithmaier GMS, Yau YYY, Cabral A, Amora Nogueira L, Marotta Ribeiro H, Abuchacra RC, Santos I, Luiz-Silva W, Sanders C, Machado W & Araújo DF

Castro da Rosa Quintana G. (2023) Coupled Biogeochemical Hydrologicprocesses Controlling Arsenic and Metal Redox Cycling in Varzea Floodpains, Brazil
Martinez M, Castro da Rosa Quintana G, Amora Nogueira L, Machado da Silva F, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Vennemann T, Wahnfried I, Marotta Ribeiro H & Peña J

Castro Georgi J. (2011) ICP-MS Determination of Trace Elements in Marine Biological Samples: Comparison of Sample Preparation Procedures and Selected Digestion Methods
Epova E, Castro Georgi J & Donard O

Castro Larragoitia J. (2022) Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater in Zacatecas, Mexico: A Focus on Arsenic, Fluoride and Uranium
Rivera Armendariz CA, Banning A, Cardona Benavides A, Ocampo Díaz YZE & Castro Larragoitia J

Castro-Contreras S. (2012) Geochemical and Textural Characterization of Fresh Water Microbialites of Laguna, Bacalar, Mexico
Castro-Contreras S, Pecoits E, Aubet N, Petrash D, Gingras M & Konhauser K

Castro-Jiménez J. (2017) The Anthropocene’s Fingerprint as Reflected by the Occurrence and Fluxes of Organic Pollutants in the Global Oceans
Dachs J, González-Gaya B, Castro-Jiménez J, Fernández-Pinos M-C, Casal P, Pizarro C, Morales L, Pizarro M, Vila-Costa M, Abad E, Piña B & Jiménez B

Castro-Morales K. (2022) Being Flushed into the Kolyma River in Northeast Siberia
Küsel K, Castro-Morales K, Overholt WA, Arzberger S, Canning A, Koertzinger A & Zimov N

Castro-Reigia D. (2023) A Multivariate Data Analysis Approach to Understand the Climate-Change Impacts by Using a Speleothem from Southern Iberian Peninsula
Jimenez-Barredo F, Hasozbek A, Castro-Reigia D, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Simón-Vallejo MD & Cortés-Sánchez M

Castruccio A. (2022) Understanding Late-Stage Rhyolitic Magmatism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone Through a Melt Inclusion Geochemical Study in Silicic Lava Domes
Hernández Prat L, Astudillo Manosalva D, Cannatelli C, Godoy B, Castruccio A, Morata D & Elardo SM
(2018) Very Short Timescales from Heating to Eruption: Using Diffusion Chronometry to Understand Rapid-Onset Eruptive Events
Morgado E, Morgan D, Harvey J, Parada MÁ, Castruccio A, Ebmeier SK, Raimundo B, Richard W & Bogomil G

Caswell B. (2009) Geochemical and Biotic Records of Marine Anoxia: Disentangling Local and Global Signals
Cohen A, Coe A, Pearce C & Caswell B

Català A. (2021) Tracking Last Deglacial Changes in Western Mediterranean Deep-Intermediate Ventilation
Inglavaga R, Cacho I, Català A, Frigola J, Perez-Asensio JN & Pena LD
(2020) Deep Oceanographic Changes in the South Tyrrhenian Sea during the Time of Last Mediterranean Sapropel Formation
Trias-Navarro S, Cacho I, Pena L, De La Fuente M, Català A, Paredes E, Garcia-Solsona E, Frigola J, Lirer F & Caruso A

Catala P. (2017) The Impact of Fe and Cu on the Natural Phytoplankton Communities and on the Complexing Organic Ligand Pool Through Incubation Experiments at the Vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean)
Gonzalez AG, Sarthou G, Chever F, Bowie A, van der Merwe P, Cheize M, Sirois M, Bucciarelli E, Obernosterer I, Catala P & Blain S

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