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Castelain T. (2014) Quantification and Kinetics of H2 Generation during Hydrothermal Serpentinization Experiments
Fauguerolles C, Castelain T, Villeneuve J & Pichavant M
(2010) Do Hydrothermal Systems Control Detachment Fault Development?
McCaig AM & Castelain T

Castellanos O.M. (2023) Unraveling the Geodynamic Evolution of a Cretaceous Convergent Margin: Serpentinites from the Romeral Suture Zone, Colombia (NW South America)
Zuluaga CA, Pineda NA, Castellanos OM, Bernet M, Amaya S, Vargas CA & Caneva A

Castellanos Melendez M.P. (2020) ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology at the 0.1 ‰ Level Using the Triton XT with 1013 Ω Resistors
Roberts J, Wotzlaw JF, Vollstaedt H, Castellanos Melendez MP, Bouman C, Chelle-Michou C & Lloyd N

Castellanos-Melendez M.P. (2021) Zircon and Titanite Petrochronology Link Plutonism, Volcanism and Porphyry Copper Deposit Formation in the Yerington Batholith, Nevada, USA
Castellanos-Melendez MP, Wotzlaw J-F, Dilles J & Chelle-Michou C

Castellarin A. (2007) (U-Th)/He Dating of Faulting in the Southern Alps
Dunkl I, Danisík M, Picotti V, Frisch W, von Eynatten H & Castellarin A

Castelle Cindy (2015) Biogeochemical Transformations Mediated by Subsurface Microbial Communities
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Castelle C, Brown C, Hug L, Probst A, Sharon I, Hernsdorf A, Amano Y & Williams K

Castelle Cindy (2014) Prediction of the Biogeochemical Roles of Uncultivated Bacteria and Archaea in the Subsurface
Banfield J, Castelle C, Hug L, Wrighton K, Sharon I, Brown C, Kantor R, Singh A, Thomas B, Luef B, Comolli L, Williams K, Long P & Hubbard S
(2012) Extracellular c-Type Cytochromes from Geobacter Bemidjiensis
Singer S, Castelle C, Wrighton K, Wilkins M, Lipton M & Banfield J

Castelle Cindy (2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K

Castelli D. (2022) Carbon and Sulphur Speciation in HP-UHP Fluids as Obtained by Electrolytic-Fluid Thermodynamic Modelling of a UHP Marble
Maffeis A, Connolly JAD, Ferrando S, Frezzotti ML & Castelli D
(2020) Evaluating Fluid-Host Post Entrapment Interaction in UHP Fluid Inclusions
Maffeis A, Ferrando S, Castelli D, Groppo C & Frezzotti ML

Castellini D.G. (2005) Elemental Remobilization in Marine Sediments: Growth and Destruction of Authigenic Mineral Fronts Above Gas Hydrate Systems
Snyder G, Dickens G, Matsumoto R, Hiruta A, Tomaru H, Dicus C & Castellini DG

Casteran F. (2023) Comparative Study of Three H2 Geological Storages in Deep Aquifers Simulated in High Pressure Reactors
Mura J, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Haddad P, Ducousso M, Casteran F, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Baldy A, Petit A, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A
(2022) Geological Storage of Hydrogen in Deep Aquifers – An Experimental Multidisciplinary Study
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Mura J, Casteran F, Ronjon-magand L, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Dequidt D, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A
(2021) Research on the Injection of New Gases in Underground Methane Storage Systems in Deep Aquifers
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Casteran F, Guignard M, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Dequidt D & Cézac P
(2020) Research on the Injection of New Gases in Underground Methane Storage Systems Such as Deep Aquifers
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Casteran F, Guignard M, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Dequidt D & Cezac P

Castet S (2004) Experimental Sorption of Cs+, Ni2+ and Eu3+ onto a Montmorillonite from 25 to 150℃
Tertre E, Berger G & Castet S

Castet Sylvie (2012) Bioaccessibility of Trace Metals on Mining and Smelting Impacted Dusts: Importance of Particle Size on Children Exposure
Goix S, Oliva P, Castet S, Duprey J-L, Point D & Gardon J

Castilhos Z.
(2014) Arsenic Mobility in Soil of Paracatu
Ferreira M, Patchineelam S, Castilhos Z, Gerth J & Calmano W
(2013) Sequential Extraction of Arsenic in Sediments of Paracatu, MG, Brazil
Ferreira M, Patchineelam S, Castilhos Z & Calmano W
(2011) Gaseous Mercury in Soils over Deeply Buried Sulfide Deposits
Barros F, Enzweiler J, Licht O, Castilhos Z & Araujo P
(2010) Hydrogeochemical Response of Land-Use in the Aquatic Eco-Region Xingu-Tapajós (Brazilian Amazon): Emphasis on Trace Elements
Cesar R, Castilhos Z, Colonese J, Vidal R, Egler S & Araujo P

Castillejo M. (2015) Bioweathering in Natural Rocks and Heritage Stones
Ascaso C, Wierzchos J, Castillejo M, Oujja M, Fort R, Avarez de Buergo M, Pérez-Ortega S, Souza-Egipsy V, Cámara B & de los Ríos A

Castillejos Sepulveda A. (2021) Links between Cyanobacterial Activity and Redox Cycling of Sulfur, Iron and Arsenic in a High-Altitude Andean Microbial Mat System
Castillejos Sepúlveda A, Klatt J, Farías ME, de Beer D, Gatti L & Taubner H
(2019) 2-D Imaging of Light-Dependent Changes in Arsenic Speciation in Microbial Mat Porewaters
Gatti LM, Castillejos Sepulveda A, Planer-Friedrich B, Farias ME & Klatt JM
(2019) A Secret Forest Under the Salt Crust – High-Altitude Andean Salt Flats as an Analogue to Photosynthetic Microhabitats on Ancient Earth
Merz E, Castillejos Sepulveda A, de Beer D, Chennu A, Farias ME & Klatt JM

Castillo A. (2019) Spatial Variations in Vent Chemistry at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field, Mid Atlantic Ridge (37°N)
Chavagnac V, Leleu T, Fontaine F, Cannat M, Ceuleneer G & Castillo A
(2011) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fluid and Gas Chemical Composition at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Site (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Chavagnac V, Boulart C, Monnin C & Castillo A

Castillo D. (2021) Prophage-Encoded Chitinase Activity Supports Growth of a Pseudomonas sp Isolated from Kermadec Trench
Traving SJ, Castillo D, Glud RN & Middelboe M

Castillo J. (2001) Multiple Phase Transitions and Seismic Discontinuities Around 660 km Depth: Theoretical Predictions, Experiments and Seismic Observations
Vacher P, Castillo J & Mocquet A

Castillo Julie (2016) Insight into Ceres’ Chemical and Physical Evolution from Surface Mineralogy
Castillo J, Neveu M, McSween H, Toplis M, De Sanctis C, Raymond C & Russell C

Castillo Julio (2023) Indigenous Microorganisms and the Bioavailability of Organic Matter Drive the Mobilization of Potentially Toxic Elements and Rare-Earth Elements in Alkaline Mine Wastes
Cebekhulu S, Gomez-Arias A, Matu A, Alom J, Valverde A, Ololade O & Castillo J
(2023) Developing a Bacterial Consortium for Improving the Quality of Mining-Contaminated Water
Matu A, Cason ED, Valverde Portal A, Moganedi K & Castillo J
(2023) Energy Sources Like Iron Contribute to Shaping the Microbial Communities in Scalding Hot Springs
Maleke MM, Matu A, Cason ED, Gómez-Arias A & Castillo J
(2023) Radiolysis-Driven Evolution of an Ancient Subsurface Habitable Brine in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Nisson DM, Kieft TL, Drake H, Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B, Ogasawara H, Perl SM, Friefeld BM, Castillo J, Whitehouse M, Kooijman E & Onstott TC
(2023) Extracellular Elemental Copper Bioaccumulation
Castillo J, Papaspyrou S, Duran MC, Corzo A, Nieto JM, Caraballo M, Becerra-Herrera M, Gomez-Arias A & Valverde Portal A
(2023) Re-purposing BDAS System as a Green Technology to Concentrate REE from Mine Tailings
Gómez-Arias A, Castillo J, Yesares Ortiz L, Cánovas CR, Caraballo MJ, Maleke MM & Purcell W
(2019) Geochemical Mine Waste Characterization and Revalorization of Palabora Igneous Complex
Gómez-Arias A, Yesares L, Maleke M, Vermeulen D, Nieto JM & Castillo J
(2019) REE-Mineralogical Characterization of Mine Wastes and Revalorization of the Palabora Igneous Complex
Díaz J, Yesares L, Gómez-Arias A, Castillo J & Sáez R
(2019) Remediation Catalyses of AMD by Indigenous Microorganisms during Chemical Treatment
Castillo J, Maleke M, Rankoroane T, Cason E, Gomez-Arias A, Valverde A & Vermeulen M
(2016) Bacterial Mutualism as New Strategy of Survive Extreme Acidic and Microaerophilic Conditions
Castillo J, Linage B, Fourie C, Vermeulen M, Cason E, Coetsee-Hugo E, Swart H, Nieto JM, Macias F, Caraballo M, Becerra M, Gomez-Arias A, Corzo A, Papaspyrou S, Jimenez-Arias JL, Gonzalez-Perez JA & van Heerden E

Castillo K. (2017) Insights into the “Health” of Tropical Coral Reefs from Coupled Boron and Carbon Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
Foster G, Fowell S, de le Vega E, Tyrrell T, Castillo K, Ries J, Donald H & Chalk T
(2012) Insights on Biomineralisation and the Nature of 'Vital Effects' Using Boron Isotopes
Henehan M, Foster G, Rae J, Ries J, Erez J, Bostock H, Kucera M, Castillo K, Martinez-Bota M & Wilson P

Castillo M. (2022) Analysis of Aqueous Environments by the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA)
Li X, van Amerom F, Goetz W, Kaplan D, Danell R, Grubisic A, Castillo M & Brinckerhoff WB
(2020) The Spatial Distribution of ƒO2 in the Mantle: Insights from V Partitioning Behavior in Ocean Island Basalts
Willhite L, Arevalo R, Locmelis M, Piccoli P, Farcy B, Castillo M, Funderburg R, Jackson M, Day J, Ireland T & Lassiter J

Castillo Pamela (2017) Hydrogeochemical Processes and Contamination of Groundwater in Tapihue Alluvial Basin, Central Chile
López S, Castillo P & Townley B

Castillo Pat (2017) An Alternative Explanation for the Hf-Nd Mantle Array
Castillo P

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