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Casacci M. (2016) Oceanic Rift-Driven Transition from Carbonate to Biosilica Sedimentation in the Western Tethyan Lagonegro Basin (Southern Italy) during the Late Triassic
Casacci M, Bertinelli A, Algeo T & Rigo M

Casacuberta Núria (2016) Surface Concentrations of 90Sr, 129I, and Actinides Measured in Coastal Waters off Japan 2-3 Years after the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Accident
Casacuberta N, Castrillejo M, Christl M, Vockenhuber C, Juan X, Synal H-A, Masqué P & Buesseler K

Casacuberta Núria (2017) Anthropogenic 137Cs, 237Np, 239Pu and 240Pu in the Mediterranean Sea
Castrillejo M, Garcia-Orellana J, Kenna T, Casacuberta N, Fleisher M & Masque P
(2017) 129I/236U and 236U/238U as a Dual Tracer for Water Mass Circulation in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean
Casacuberta N, Christl M, Vockenhuber C, Wefing A-M, Masque P, Castrillejo M, Rutgers van-der-Loeff M, Yang S & Gruber N
(2017) Anthropogenic I-129 and U-236 along the GEOTRACES-Ga01 Transect in the North Atlantic
Masque P, Castrillejo M, Casacuberta N, Christl M, Vockenhuber C, Garcia-Orellana J & Synal H-A
(2017) Submarine Groundwater Discharge: A Hidden Pathway of Fukushima Derived Cesium to the Ocean off Japan
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Nagao S, Tanaguchi M, Honda H & Casacuberta N

Casacuberta Nuria (2017) Evolution of Surface Concentrations of 90Sr and 137Cs Through 2016 from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Accident
Kenyon J, Buesseler K, Casacuberta N, Castrillejo M, Otosaka S, Drysdale J, Pike S & Diaz X

Casacuberta Núria (2015) The Distribution of 236U/238U and 129I/236U in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans
Christl M, Casacuberta N, Vockenhuber C, Masque P, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Henderson GM & Synal H-A
(2015) First Transect of 236U and 129I in the Mediterranean Sea
Castrillejo M, Casacuberta N, Christl M, Garcia-Orellana J, Masqué P, Vockenhuber C & Synal H-A

Casacuberta Núria (2013) The First Comprehensive Dataset of 236U in the North Atlantic Ocean
Casacuberta N, Christl M, Lachner J, van der Loeff M, Masqué P & Synal HA

Casacuberta NÚRIA (2019) Tracing the Circulation in the Subpolar N. Atlantic Using Long-Lived Radionuclides
Castrillejo M, Casacuberta N, Vockenhuber C, Christl M, Wacker L, Bollhalder S, Lherminier P & Synal H-A
(2019) Constraining the U-236 Input Function from Nuclear Reprocessing Using Sea Shells
Christl M, Castrillejo M, Witbaard R, Dekker R, Richardson CA, Casacuberta N, Vockenhuber C, Wacker L, Welte C, Yeman C, Más Malbuena J-L, Krzystek A, Zeder C & Synal H-A
(2019) 129I and 236U Transit Time Distributions of Atlantic Waters in the Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait
Wefing A-M, Casacuberta N, Christl M, Vockenhuber C, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Dodd PA & Smith JN
(2019) Applications of Transit Time Distributions (TTDs) to 129I Transport in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans
Smith J & Casacuberta N
(2019) Presence of 236U and 233U in the Canada Basin from the US GEOTRACES Expedition in 2015
Chamizo E, Casacuberta N, López-Lora M, Christl M, Kenna T, Villa M & Masqué P
(2019) Circulation Changes in the Amundsen Basin from 1991 to 2015 Revealed from Distributions of Dissolved 230Th
Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Geibert W, Gdaniec S, Moran SB, Lepore K, Puigcorbé V, Casacabuerta N, Paffrath R, Smethie W, Roy-Barman M & Edwards RL
(2019) Surface Water Changes during Transit from North Pole to Fram Strait
Rutgers van der Loeff M, Stimac I, Casacuberta N, Wefing A-M, Laukert G, Bauch D, Paffrath R, Provost C, Karcher M, Meyer H, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Graeve M & Ludwichowski K-U

Casacuberta Arola N. (2023) Tracing the Pathways of Atlantic Waters in the Santa Anna Trough Using 129I, 236U and Neodymium Isotopic Composition
Pérez-Tribouillier H, Casacuberta Arola N, Jaccard SL, Christl M, Wefing A-M & Vockenhuber C
(2017) Distribution of I-129 in the Fram Strait
Wefing A-M, Casacuberta Arola N, Vockenhuber C, Christl M & van der Loeff MR

Casadevall A. (2010) Electrochemical Exploration of Mechanisms for Radioprotection and Enhanced Microbial Growth in Radiation Fields
Turick C, Ekechukwu A, Milliken C, Beam D, Casadevall A & Dadachova E

Casado G. (2019) The SEM-Cat Student Association: Learning and Communicating Geology
Casado G, Caldera N, Navarro D & Corbella M
(2019) Variscan and Alpine Warm Fluids in Val d’Aran, Central Pyrenees
Casado G, Corbella M & Cardellach E

Casado M. (2023) Validating the Use of VCOF-Crds for Precise & Accurate Triple Oxygen Isotope Analyses of CO2, H2O and Carbonates
Chaillot J, Daëron M, Pesnin M, Clauzel T, Casado M, Landais A & Kassi S
(2021) Direct, Precise Measurements of Oxygen-17 Anomalies in CO2 Using VCOF-Crds
Chaillot J, Kassi S, Casado M, Landais A & Daëron M
(2017) Triple Surface Snow Isotopic Composition Records Metamorphism
Casado M, Landais A, Picard G, Arnaud L & Leduc-Leballeur M
(2017) High Precision Measurements of Δ17O in CO2 Using VCOF CRDS
Stoltmann T, Casado M, Landais A, Kassi S & Daëron M
(2017) Influence of High-Latitude Atmospheric Circulation Changes on Wintertime Arctic Sea Ice and Climate
Leroy-Dos Santos C, Casado M, Masson-Delmotte V, Dufour A, Bonne J-L & Werner M

Casagli N. (2013) Ten Years of Ground Deformations Monitored by the Ground-Based SAR System on Stromboli Volcano and its Use in Forecasting Intense Volcanic Activity
Nolesini T, Di Traglia F, Intrieri E, Bardi F, Ferrigno F, Frodella W, Tacconi Stefanelli C, Tanteri L, Del Ventisette C & Casagli N

Casal P. (2019) Snow Amplification of Organic Pollutants at Coastal Antarctica
Dachs J, Casal P, Casas G, Vila-Costa M, Cabrerizo A, Pizarro M & Jiménez B
(2017) The Anthropocene’s Fingerprint as Reflected by the Occurrence and Fluxes of Organic Pollutants in the Global Oceans
Dachs J, González-Gaya B, Castro-Jiménez J, Fernández-Pinos M-C, Casal P, Pizarro C, Morales L, Pizarro M, Vila-Costa M, Abad E, Piña B & Jiménez B

Casale G. (2018) Photoluminescence Imaging of Zircon by Conventional and Laser Excitation: Geochronologic and Thermochronologic Applications
McAleer R, Jubb A, Hackley P & Casale G

Casalini M. (2023) Geochemical Tracers and Pb Isotopes in Environmental Matrices: Natural and Anthropogenic Contributions of Heavy Metals in the Valdinievole Sub-Basin River System (Tuscany, Italy)
Maccelli C, Natali C, Nisi B, Casalini M, Vaselli O, Venturi S & Avanzinelli R
(2020) Tracing the Canary Islands Hotspot Back to the Mesozoic: Isotopic Evidence from the Central High Atlas Basalts, Morocco
Tommasini S, Santo AP, Casalini M, Valeriani L, Braschi E, Benvenuti M & Francalanci L
(2019) Tracing Subduction Zone Fluids in Izu Arc Lavas Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Villalobos-Orchard J, Freymuth H, O'Driscoll B, Elliott T, Williams H, Casalini M & Willbold M
(2019) Genesis and Differentiation of a Calc-Alkaline Volcano in Syn-Collisional Continental Setting: The Mount Ararat (Ağrı Dağı, Eastern Anatolia)
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R, Tommasini S, Garzonio CA, Cioni R & Conticelli S
(2019) Evidence for the Steady-State Change in the Plumbing System Dynamics of the 2007-2018 CE Activity of Stromboli Volcano
Francalanci L, Paternostro S, Casalini M, Braschi E & Avanzinelli R
(2017) Tracing Subduction Components with Molybdenum Isotopes: The Case of Roman Magmatic Province Magmas
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R, Elliott T & Conticelli S
(2015) Residence Time Analysis of the Active Volcanic Systems of Ischia, Italy
Tommasini S, Casalini M & Avanzinelli R
(2015) Constraining Slab Recycling Under Vesusius Volcano from Combined U-Series and Non-Traditional Stable Isotope (Mo, 238U/235U) Data
Avanzinelli R, Casalini M, Elliott T & Conticelli S
(2015) Non-Traditional Isotope Tracers (238U/235U and 98Mo/95Mo) of Subduction Processes in the Central-Mediterranean Magmatism
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R, Elliott T, Tommasini S & Conticelli S
(2013) Residence Time Analysis of Active Volcanic Systems: Rb-Sr Isotope Study of Ischia and Pantelleria
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R & Tommasini S

Casalino C.E. (2009) Geochemical Characterisation of Hypersaline Anoxic Brine Basins from Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Casalino CE & De Lange GJ

Casanova I. (2019) Experimental Evidence for Direct Gas-Solid Carbonation of Enstatite: Implications for CO2 Sequestration in Early Mars
Rausis K & Casanova I
(2009) Calcite Cleavage Surface Reactivity in Sulphate-Rich Waters
Atanassova R, Cama J, Soler JM, Ayora C & Casanova I

Casanova J. (2004) Boron Isotopes Behaviour during Weathering of Silicate Rocks
Casanova J, Négrel P, Petelet- Giraud E, Kloppmann W & Millot R
(2002) Constraining the Sr Isotopes Signature in Surface Waters Draining Granite-Gneiss by Atmospheric and Anthropic Inputs Correction
Petelet-Giraud E, Negrel P & Casanova J
(2000) Boron Isotope Fractionation in Groundwaters as an Indicator of Permafrost Past Conditions in the Fractured Crystalline Bedrock of the Fennoscandian Shield
Casanova J, Négrel P, Blomqvist R & Wikberg P

Casanova V. (2014) Synthetic Fluid Inclusions in Opaque Ore Minerals as Standards for NIR-Light Microthermometry Experiments
Casanova V, Kouzmanov K, Audétat A & Fontboté L

Casar C. (2019) The Role of Fluid Residence Time and Colonization Substrate in Deep Subsurface Microbial Community Structure
Sapers H, Bhartia R, Wanger G, Amend J, Kruger B, Casar C, Osburn M & Orphan V

Casar Z. (2023) Atomic-Level Structure of the Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanofoil and Adsorption of Ca2+
Casar Z, Bowen P, Mohamed AK & Scrivener K

Casareto B.E. (2011) Seasonal Distribution and Effects of Herbicides on Coral Reefs Around Okinawa, Japan
Kaneshiro A, Fujimura H, Oomori T, Gima S, Higuchi H, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y & Sagawa T
(2011) Stable Isotope Approach for Feeding Structure of Mudskipper Periophthalmus Argentilineatus at Different Habitats in Okinawa Islands, Japan
Kawamura R, Fujimura H, Uemura R, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y
(2011) Prediction of Coral Reef Calcification in Sesoko Island by Ocean Acidification
Fujimura H, Aoyama A, Oomori T, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y
(2011) Boundary Depth of Aragonite Saturation during 10 Years Around Okinawa and East China Sea
Baek D-Y, Fujimura H, Oomori T, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y

Casarez M. (2019) Zircon Growth during Shear Deformation in the Seve Nappe Complex, Sweden
McRivette M, Walsh E, Menold C, Casarez M, Hoinville A & Shew J

Casarin F. (2007) Compositional Gradient of Cpx Produced by Fluid Assisted Eclogitization
Casarin F, Austrheim H & Putnis A

Casas G. (2019) Snow Amplification of Organic Pollutants at Coastal Antarctica
Dachs J, Casal P, Casas G, Vila-Costa M, Cabrerizo A, Pizarro M & Jiménez B

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