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Index of Authors

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Carter Andrew (2023) An Internal Isochron Method for U-Th-Raman Thermochronology
Vermeesch P, Pastore G, Resentini A, Buret Y & Carter A
(2016) Provenance Study of Upper Paleozoic in Zagros Using U-Pb Dating of Detrital Zircon
Motavalli F, Carter A, Rezaeian M & Solgi A
(2016) Low T Thermal History and Evolution of the Rio de Janeiro Region of the Brazilian Southeastern Continental Margin
Gezatt JN, Stephenson R, Carter A & Macdonald D
(2013) Chemical Influence on Recoil Damage Annealing and Impact on (U-Th)/He Age in Apatite
Gautheron C, Pinna R, Ketcham R, Tassan-Got L, Carter A & Pagel M
(2013) Impacts of Arc Collision on Small Orogens: New Insights from the Coastal Range Detrital Record of Taiwan
Kirstein L, Carter A & Chen Y-G
(2011) A Simple Method for in situ Zircon U-Th-He Dating
Vermeesch P & Carter A
(2007) Detrital Signal of Early Exhumation of the Central Ranges, Taiwan
Kirstein L, Carter A & Chen Y-G
(2006) Enhanced source characterisation through combined FT and Sm-Nd on single detrital apatites
Carter A & Foster G
(2006) Provenance studies of the deep-marine Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees using combined U-Pb and fission track techniques
Das Gupta K, Carter A, Pickering KT & Hurford AJ
(2006) Improved measurement and modeling of fission tracks in apatite
Ketcham R, Carter A, Donelick R, Barbarand J & Hurford A
(2004) Long-Term Reproducibility of the Durango Fluorapatite “Age Standard” and Error Reporting in (U/Th)-He Chronometry
Clayton R, Carter A, Hurford T & Batt G
(2004) A Sedimentary Framework for Arsenic-Contaminated Groundwater in West Bengal
Hudson-Edwards K, Banerjee D, Ravenscroft P, McArthur J, Carter A, Mishra R & Pirohit R
(2002) Can FT Ages be Derived Using LA-ICP-MS?
Hasebe N, Barbarand J, Jarvis K, Carter A & Hurford T

Carter Brendan (2018) The Combined Effects of Acidification and Hypoxia along the West Coast of North America
Feely R, Carter B, Bednarsek N, Cai W-J, Alin S, Okazaki R & Greeley D
(2016) Nitrogen Isotope Exchange between Nitrate and Nitrite in the Fall Mixed Layer of the Antarctic Ocean
Kemeny P, Weigand M, Zhang R, Carter B, Karsh K, Fawcett S & Sigman D
(2016) Studying High-Latitude Silicon Cycling in the Sea Using Si Stable Isotopes
de Souza G, Maden C, Wetzel F, Carter B, Obata H & Vance D

Carter Brian (2012) Nanodiamonds and Carbonaceous Grains in Bull Creek Valley, Oklahoma
Madden A, Swindle A, Bement L, Carter B, Simms A & Benamara M

Carter Chanelle (2010) In situ Neutralisation of Bauxite Residue ('Red Mud') by Cross Layer Leaching with Carbonated Mud
Santini T, Hinz C, Rate A, Gilkes RJ & Carter C

Carter Christina (2008) Linking Jurassic Plutonism and Ignimbrite Volcanism in California
Barth A, Fohey N, Wooden J, Mazdab F & Carter C

Carter D. (2013) Structure and Radiation Damage in Y<sub>2</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub> And Y<sub>2</sub>TiO5
Robinson M, Marks N, Carter D, Qin M, Middleburgh S, Thorogood G, Kuo E, Aughterson R & Lumpkin G

Carter Elizabeth (2011) Raman Spectroscopy of Endoevaporitic Microbial Communities from the Atacama Desert
Vítek P, Edwards HGM, Jehlicka J, Carter E, Ascaso C & Wierzchos J

Carter Elliot (2021) Geochemical Transfers Associated to Peridotite Carbonation: Results from Drilling the Listvenite-Metamorphic Transition in the Basal Megathrust of the Semail Ophiolite (Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B)
Godard M, Carter E, de Obeso JC & Kelemen P
(2018) Tracing Slab Volatiles during Subduction Through the Noble Gas Isotope and Halogen Systematics of Ophiolites
Carter E, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R & Clay P
(2017) Quantifying Subducted Volatiles from the Leka Ophiolite, Norway
Carter E, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R, Clay P & Holland G

Carter I. (2023) Long Story Encrypted in a Small Grain – Zircon from Meta-Andesite in Lower Köli Nappes Reveals Complex History of Virisen Arc, Scandinavian Caledonides, Sweden
Walczak KA, Carter I, Cuthbert S, Ziemniak G & Włodek A

Carter J (2000) Dredged Canal Sediments: Changes in Metal Leaching Behaviour on Drying and Oxidation
Stephens S, Alloway B, Carter J & Parker A
(2000) Determination of Soil Selenium Speciation Using a New Extraction Methodology and Chemometric Data Analysis
Seed K, Cave M, Carter J & Parker A

Carter Jack (2017) Development of a Fine-Grained Sediment Un-Mixing Tool for 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Multi-Age Component Samples
Carter J, Mark D & Lee M
(2017) Extending the Utility of Multidynamic MC-Tims by Optimal Use of Redundant Data
Ickert R, Mahajan R, Carter J, Gallagher V, Kelley A & Mark D

Carter John (2023) Opaline Silica Synthesis Under Geologically-Relevant Conditions with Applications to Earth and Mars
Gouzy S, Rondeau B, Vinogradoff V, Chauviré B & Carter J
(2019) Hydrated Silica in Alluvial Fans and Deltas on Mars
Pan L, Quantin-Nataf C & Carter J
(2013) Anorthosite Deposits: Fragments of Early Mars
Carter J & Poulet F

Carter Joy (2022) Sulfide Chemistry at the Fenelon Gold Deposit, Québec
Carter J, Gregory DD & Genna D
(2020) Unraveling the Geological History of the Fenelon Gold Property
Carter J & Gregory D

Carter Laura (2013) New Experimental Constraints on Slab Top Conditions
Skora S, Martindale M, Carter L, Blundy J, Elliott T & Pickles J

Carter Laura B (2014) Basalt-Limestone Interaction at Crustal Conditions and Implications for Volcanic Emission of CO2
Carter LB & Dasgupta R

Carter Lawrence C (2021) The 4D Trans-Crustal Architecture of a Porphyry Copper-Forming Magmatic System
Carter LC, Tapster SR, Williamson BJ, Buret Y, Selby D & Parvaz D

Carter Lionel (2011) Horizontial and Vertical Water Mass Tracing of the SW Pacific Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Marr J, Baker J, Carter L, Allan A, Christiansen K & Bostock H

Carter Megan (2013) Exploring a 60-Year Record of Mn Deposition by Comparing Atmospheric Dispersion Models to Soil Chemistry Profiles in Ohio (USA)
Carter M & Brantley S

Carter Melissa (2014) Cycling of Strong and Weak Iron-Binding Ligands during and after a Simulated Phytoplankton Bloom
Bundy R, Barbeau K, Carter M & Jiang M

Carter Melody (2021) Oxygen Deficient Lead-Technetium Pyrochlore, the First Example of a Stable Valence V Technetium Oxide?
Thorogood GJ, Avdeev M, Carter M, Losurdo L, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Ting J, Wallwork KS, Zhang Z & Kennedy B

Carter Paul (2008) Neodymium Boundary Exchange in Two North East Atlantic Water Profiles
Carter P, Vance D & Schmidt D
(2007) Benthic Foraminifera as a Novel Substrate for Deep-Water Nd Isotopes
Carter P, Vance D & Schmidt D

Carter Philip (2020) The Composition of Late-Accreted Planetesimals
Carter P & Stewart S

Carter Philip J. (2018) Magnesium Isotope Evidence that Accretional Vapour Loss Shapes Planetary Compositions
Hin RC, Coath CD, Carter PJ, Nimmo F, Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Willbold M, Leinhardt ZM, Walter MJ & Elliott T

Carter Samantha (2021) Travertine Laminae Formation in Honey Creek within the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma
Carter S, Griffith EM, Fan M & Tripati A

Carter Shannon (2012) Distribution and Speciation of Arsenic in Poultry Particulate Emissions
Carter S, Sparks D, Rule AM, Tappero R & Benson E
(2006) The apparent antiquity and broad environmental diversity of triterpenoid cyclase genes
Pearson A, Flood Page S & Carter S

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