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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Carrigan W. (2005) Oil-Anhydrite TSR Reactions in the Permian Khuff Fm, Saudi Arabia
Worden R & Carrigan W

Carriker N. (2012) Chemical, Optical and Magnetic Susceptibility Characterization of Coal Fly Ash
Vitale R, Gable J, Cowan E, Seramur K, Rogers W, Carriker N & Babyak C
(2012) Multi-Laboratory Comparison of Sequential Metals Extractions
Babyak C, Gable J, Lee K-CP, Rogers W, Vitale R & Carriker N
(2010) Kingston Fossil Plant Ash Release – Assessment at One Year
Rogers W, Carriker N & Vitale R

Carrilho Lopes J. (2011) Multidisciplinary Study of Santa Eulalia Plutonic Complex (Central Portugal): Preliminary Insight
Sant'Ovaia H, Carrilho Lopes J & Nogueira P
(2008) On the Use of Geochemical Data to Construct Geothermal Models of the Crust
Correia A & Carrilho Lopes J
(2008) Contrasting Isotopic (Sm-Nd) Signatures in an Equivocal Bimodal Igneous Complex (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia)
Carrilho Lopes J, Munhá J, Pin C & Mata J

Carrillo Francisco (2019) Clay, Water, and Salt: Controls on the Permeability of Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks
Bourg I, Carrillo F, Shen X & Underwood T
(2018) Hydro-Chemo-Mechanically Coupled Computational Fluid and Solid Dynamics in Deformable Porous Media
Carrillo F & Bourg I

Carrillo Francisco Javier (2010) The Zn-Pb-(Ag) Epithermal Mineralization of Mazarrón (Spain) a Preliminary Isotope Study
Esteban I, Carrillo FJ, Morales S, Velasco F, Yusta I & Boyce A

Carrillo Rosúa F.J. (2010) Bioaccumulated Metals in Native Plants from the Mining Area of Rodalquilar (South Spain)
Bagur-González MG, Morales-Ruano S, Martín Peinado FJ, Estepa Molina C & Carrillo Rosúa FJ

Carrillo-Chávez A. (2013) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Metals Content in Tailings, Sediments and Soils Next to Some Metallic Ore Deposits in East Central Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Cruz N, Salas E, Monoz C, Audifred A & Levresse G
(2012) Environmental Geochemistry of Some Ore Deposits in the Sierra Gorda Nature Preserve, East-Central Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Cruz N, Audifred AI, Salas E, Ayala E, Levresse G & Gerke T
(2009) Heavy Metals in Ice Cores from Mexican Mountains
Carrillo-Chavez A, Levresse G, Carreon D, Ponce G, Muñoz C, Perez O, Perez J & Ortiz L
(2008) Origin of Diagenetic Fluids in the SE Mexican Oil Fields
Tritlla J, Levresse G, Banks D, Pironon J, Bourdet J & Carrillo-Chávez A
(2004) Fluorite Source of the El Pilote Deposit, Coahuila, Mexico
Levresse G, González-Partida E, Tritlla J, Pironon J, Camprubí A, Carrillo-Chávez A & Villareal J
(2004) Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of Groundwater in the Guanajuato Mining District, Central Mexico: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources of Heavy Metals
Carrillo-Chavez A, Morton O, Morales P, Cienfuegos E, Gonzalez-Partida E, Rivas H & Camprubi A
(2003) Heavy Metal Distribution in Rock, Sediments and Groundwater from Mineral de Pozos Mining Area, Central-North Mexico: First Geochemical Base Line Maps in Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Gonzalez-Partida E, Morton-Bermea O, Lavresse G, Soto P & Tritlla J

Carrillo-Rosua J. (2009) Bacteriogenic and Magmatic S Sources in the Cabildo Cu District (Chile)
Moreno-Rodriguez V, Carrillo-Rosua J, Morales-Ruano S, Morata D & Boyce A
(2009) Evaluation of Mining Polluted Areas Using Multivariate Statistical Approaches: The Case of Gold Mines in the South of Spain
Morales-Ruano S, Bagur-González M-G, Estepa-Molina C & Carrillo-Rosua J
(2009) Geochemistry of the Zn-Pb-Cu-(Ag)-(Au) Epithermal Deposits from San José (SE Spain)
Esteban I, Boyce A, Carrillo-Rosua J, Morales-Ruano S, Velasco F & Yusta I

Carrington E. (2015) An Inland Sea High Nitrate-Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) Region with Naturally High pCO2
Murray JW, Roberts E, Carrington E & Paul B

Carriquiry Jose (2009) Expansion of the Northeast Pacific Oxygen-Minimum Zone Since 1995? Sediment N-Isotope Evidence from Soledad Basin, Baja California
van Geen A, Thunell R, Carriquiry J, Mey J, Crusius J, Zhao M, Baumgartner T, Fereira V & Gaxiola G

Carriquiry Jose D. (2018) Uranium Isotopes as the Storytellers of Swaying Oxygen Minimum Zones
Choumiline K, Andersen MB, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Beaufort L & Lyons TW

Carriquiry José D. (2017) Sensitivity of Redox Proxies to Rapid Variability in Oxygen Minimum Zones
Choumiline K, Lyons TW, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Raiswell R & Beaufort L
(2016) Drivers of Redox Changes in Diverse Basins of the Gulf of California: Alfonso, La Paz, and Pescadero
Choumiline K, Lyons TW, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Raiswell R & Beaufort L

Carrizo D. (2005) Preservation of (Early) Miocence Landscapes in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
Dunai T, Gonzalez-Lopez G, Juez-Larre J & Carrizo D

Carroll Alan (2007) Cenozoic Topographic Evolution of the Western North America Cordillera
Chamberlain CP, Mulch A, Kent-Corson M, Davis S, Carroll A & Graham S
(2005) On the <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Age of Biotite in Green River Formation Ash: The Advantages of Incrementally Heating Single Crystals with a Laser
Smith M, Singer B & Carroll A

Carroll Angela (2017) Photochemical Alterations in Gas Phase and Surface Water Ethanol Concentrations in Southeastern North Carolina, USA
Kieber R, Avery B, Mead R, Willey J, Shimizu M, Powell P, Carroll A, Kinney S & Foley L

Carroll D. (2021) The Influence of a Diffusive Boundary Layer on Early Organic Matter and Calcium Carbonate Diagenesis
Sulpis O, Martinez Wilhelmus M, Humphreys MP, Carroll D, Berelson W, Menemenlis D, Middelburg J & Adkins J

Carroll H.M. (2021) Paired Δ47 and Δ48 Carbonate Clumped Isotope Data: Standard Values, Multi-Instrument Comparisons, Mixing Effects, and Disequilibrium Effects
Lucarelli JK, Carroll HM, Purgstaller B, Dietzel M, Eagle RA & Tripati A
(2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA

Carroll Kate (2023) Multiple Magma Pathways from Distinct Reservoirs Fed the 1975-1984 Krafla Fires Eruptions
Rooyakkers S, Carroll K, Gutai A, Winpenny B, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Halldorsson SA, Maclennan J, Jónasson K, Mutch EJF, Neave DA, Sigmundsson F & Grönvold K
(2019) Petrological Evidence for Magma Supply from Multiple Reservoirs during the 1975-1984 Krafla Fires, NE Iceland
Carroll K, Halldórsson S, Bali E & Grönvold K

Carroll Kenneth C (2021) Application of 85Kr, 3H, 39Ar, and 14C, Noble Gas Thermometry, and Modeling to Constrain Mountain-Front Recharge to Basin-Fill Aquifers
McIntosh J, Markovich K, Noyes C, Condon L, Ferguson G, Carroll KC & Purtschert RJ

Carroll L.D. (2007) Short-Term Geochemical Variation within a Single Eruption Event: Mount Edgecumbe Volcano, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Gardner MF, Carroll LD, Gamble JA, Ellam RM, Troll VR & Price RC

Carroll M R (2006) Volatiles in melt inclusions – implications for the wet spot hypothesis
Nichols ARL, Carroll MR & Wysoczanski RJ

Carroll Michael (2020) Alkali Feldspar Crystallization Kinetics in Phonolites and Peralkaline Rhyolites
Carroll M, Arzilli F, Stabile P & Appiah E
(2018) Water Solubility in Pantelleritic Melts
Stabile P, Appiah E & Carroll M

Carroll Michael R. (2022) How to Build a Legacy of Scientific Leadership: The HR Formula
Hammer J, Baker L, Barclay J, Carroll MR, Coombs M, Cottrell E, Dygert NJ, Elkins-Tanton L, First E, Gardner J, Goldsby D, Greenwood J, Johnson M, Krawczynski M, Mandeville C, McCanta M, Minitti ME, Nelson W, Prissel T, Venezky D, Weitz C & Woodruff D
(2022) Crystallization Kinetics in Anhydrous and Hydrous Trachytic to Latitic Melts Subjected to Variable Degrees of Undercooling
Appiah E, Krasheninnikov SP, Holtz F, Stabile P, Arzilli F & Carroll MR
(2013) Crystallization Kinetics in Hydrous Magmas Subject to Decompression
Carroll M
(2013) Spherulites in Trachytic Melts
Arzilli F, Voltolini M, Mancini L, Cicconi MR, Giuli G & Carroll MR
(2013) The Effect of Alkali-Feldspar Composition on Mineral-Melt Partitioning of Trace Elements
Maimaiti M, Arzilli F & Carroll M

Carroll Michael Robert (2019) Crystallisation Kinetics of Alkali Feldspar in a Peralkaline Melt of Pantelleritic Composition
Stabile P, Arzilli F & Carroll MR
(2019) The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Alkali-Carbonates: An Hypothetical Equivalent of the Ceres Bright Spots
Zucchini A, Morgavi D, Stabile P, Carroll MR, Comodi P, Frondini F, Perugini D, Cherin M, Maturilli A, D'Amore M, Helbert J, Alemanno G, Fastelli M & Arzilli F

Carroll N. (2014) Oxidative Transformation of Natural Monosulfidic Ooze: New Insights from Estuarine Sediments
Choppala G, Bush R, Carroll N, Sullivan L, Grice K, Appleyard S, Greenwood P, Wong S & Ward N

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