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Carreon D. (2009) Heavy Metals in Ice Cores from Mexican Mountains
Carrillo-Chavez A, Levresse G, Carreon D, Ponce G, Muñoz C, Perez O, Perez J & Ortiz L

Carrera A. (2022) Rapid Phase Identification of Apatite and Zircon Grains for Geochronology Using Micro-Computed Tomography
Cooperdock EHG, Hofmann F, Collins RM, Carrera A, Takase A & Celestian AJ

Carrera Jesús (2008) Geochemical Evolution of Marine Shore Mine Tailings in an Hyperarid Climate
Bea Jofré SA, Ayora C, Carrera J & Dold B
(2008) Modeling the Interaction between Geochemical and Hydraulic Processes during Evaporation in Tailings
Acero P, Ayora C, Carrera J, Saaltink MW & Olivella S

Carrera Jesús (2019) Quality Restoration of Impaired Water Through Artificial Recharge
Valhondo C, Martinez-Landa L, Carrera J, Diaz-Cruz S, Amalfitano S & Levantesi C
(2019) Hydrogeological Characterization of a Meso-Scale Artificial Recharge Experiment Focused on Emerging Contaminants Fate
Martinez-Landa L, Valhondo C & Carrera J
(2019) Reactive Transport Modeling of Microbial-Mediated Degradation in MAR
Wang J, Carrera J, Saaltink MW & Valhondo C
(2019) Microbial Community and Antibiotic Resistance Genes within Reactive Barriers for Artificial Aquifer Recharge
Amalfitano S, Luprano ML, Zoppini A, Petruccioli M, Melita M, Valhondo C, Carrera J & Levantesi C
(2019) Water Quality Challenges in Managed Aquifer Recharge
Carrera J, Valhondo C, Martinez-Landa L, Wang J, Saaltink M & Diaz-Cruz S

Carrera Jesus (2013) Characterization of Transport Parameters during Limestone Dissolution Experiments
Luquot L, Rötting T & Carrera J
(2013) Redundant Data in Geochemical Calculations: Helpful or Not?
De Gaspari F, Saaltink M & Carrera J
(2013) Modeling the Fate of the Pharmaceuticals in an Urban Aquifer. Besòs River Delta Case Study (Barcelona, Spain)
Jurado A, Vázquez-Suñé E, Carrera J, Pujades E, López-Serna R, Petrovic M & Barceló D

Carrera Jesus (2016) Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modelling of CO2-rich Brine Injection Through Sandstone Samples: Role of Flow Rate, Brine Composition, Mixing and Spreading Effects
Luquot L, Soler-Sagarra J, Gouze P, Martinez-Perez L, Saaltink M, Di Gaspari F & Carrera J

Carrera Jesús (2002) Multi-Component Reactive Transport Modelling at the Ratones Uranium Mine (Spain)
Marcuello A, Gómez P, Saaltink M, Ayora C & Carrera J

Carrera Jesus (2023) Biofilms as a New Environmental Compartment: How most of the Ultraviolet Filters are Retained in Biofilm and Soil in the Context of Managed Aquifer Recharge
Rodriguez-Escales P, Jou S, Martínez-Landa L, Diaz-Cruz S, Carrera J, Sunyer A, Quintana G & Valhondo C

Carrera-Muñoz M. (2014) Tracing Metal and Metalloid Sources Using Lead Isotopes: An Example from the San Antonio-El Triunfo Mining District, Baja California Sur, México
Gutierrez-Caminero L, Weber B, Wurl J & Carrera-Muñoz M

Carrero S. (2023) The Role of Al13 on the Formation of Nanocrystalline Basaluminite
Moradi H, Furrer G, Carrero S, Pöthig R, Rentsch D & Wanner C
(2023) Aluminum Impurities on Schwertmannite: Effects in Structure and Surface Properties
Carrero S, Gutiérrez-León J, Pérez-López R & Cama J
(2023) Rare-Earth-Elements Retention by Oxyhydroxysulfates in an Estuary Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage
Gutiérrez-León J, Carrero S, Pérez López R, Di Tommaso D, Toroz D, Soler JM & Cama J
(2022) Thorium in River Water Reveals Bedrock Fracture Processes Triggered by Distant Seismic Events
Gilbert B, Carrero S, Dong W, Joe-Wong C, Arora B, Fox PM, Nico PS & Williams KH
(2022) River Corridor Processes Across Scales in the East River of Colorado
Nico PS, Dwivedi D, Fox PM, Newcomer ME, Christensen JN, Arora B, Anderson C, Newman AW, Beutler C, Carroll RWH, Carrero S, Gilbert B, Williams KH, Faybishenko B & Dewey C
(2021) Effects of Heat and Dissolved Calcium on the Sorption of Uranium(VI) in Bentonite Barrier Systems
La DQQ, Gutierrez Diaz A, Voltolini M, Carrero S, Sauer K, Fox PM, Bhattacharyya A, Caporuscio F & Tinnacher R
(2020) Redox Controls on Trace Element Mobility during Shale Weathering from Microscale Analyses
Carrero S, Arora B, Slotznick S, Wan J, Steefel C, Banfield J & Gilbert B
(2020) A Hillslope Scale Model for Quantifying Fluxes of Weathered Elements in a Mountainous Headwater Catchment
Arora B, Carrero S, Steefel C & Gilbert B
(2019) Trace Metals are Retained during the Circumneutral Weathering of Pyritic Shale
Carrero S, Sharrar A, Slotznick S, Swanson-Hysell N, Banfield J & Gilbert B
(2018) Molecular Characterization of the Hydrated Pyrite (001) Surface by Ambient Pressure XPS
Carrero S, Bluhm H, Whittaker M & Gilbert B
(2017) Natural Formation of Large Amounts of Nanocrystalline Al-Hydroxysulfates
Wanner C, Pöthig R, Carrero S, Fernandez-Martinez A & Furrer G
(2017) Trace Elements Role during AMD Precipitates Ageing: Natural and Artificial Processes
Cruz-Hernández P, Pérez-López R, Parviainen A, Lindsay MBJ, Carrero S, Fernández-Martínez A & Nieto JM
(2016) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium Geochemistry in Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization
Torres E, Ayora C, Lozano A, Macias F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM
(2015) Basaluminite as Scavenger of Contaminants in Acid Mine Drainage: Structural and Geochemical Characterization
Carrero S, Pérez-López R, Fernandez-Martinez A & Nieto J-M
(2015) Acid Mine Drainage: A Possible Source of Rare Earth Elements
Ayora C, Torres E, Lozano A, Macías F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM

Carretier Sebastien (2017) Using Stable Isotopes of Cr to Monitor PGE Enrichment in Lateritic Soils Developed Under Cold and Humid Climates
Rivera J, Reich M, Schoenberg R, González Jiménez JM, Barra F, Proenza J, Aiglsperger T & Carretier S

Carretier Sébastien (2019) First U-Pb LA-ICP-MS in situ Dating of Supergene Copper Mineralization: Case Study in Chuquicamata Mining District, Atacama Desert, Chile
Kahou ZS, Brichau S, Poujol M, Duchene S, Campos E, D'ABZAC F-X, Riquelme R & Carretier S
(2018) Floodplain Versus Mountains in the Li Continental Cycle: A Model View
Maffre P, Goddéris Y, Vigier N & Carretier S
(2016) Flat Continents, Weathering, and Climate Regulation
Maffre P, Goddéris Y, Donnadieu Y, Ladant J-B, Carretier S, Labat D & Vigier N
(2014) Critical Zone and Carbon Cycle in the Deep Time
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y & Carretier S
(2007) In situ Cosmogenic Nuclides in River Bedload Clasts. Implications for Catchment-Scale Erosion Rate and Surface Exposure Dating
Carretier S, Regard V & Soual C

Carrey R. (2023) The Efficiency of Different Electron Donor Sources in Biological Denitrification Processes
Abu AT, Carrey R, Navarro-Ciurana D, Fernández-Lagunas A, Soler Gil A, Otero N, Causapé J & Domènech C
(2019) Artificial Recharge Using Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents: Evaluation of Nitrogen Fate in Meso-Scale Experiments by Means of an Isotopic Approach
Carrey R, Valhondo C, Martinez-Landa L, Soler A & Otero N
(2019) Effect of Biochar Addition on the Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Nitrate Retained and Leached from Soil after Manure Fertilization: Lysimeter Experiments
Otero N, Llovet A, Carrey R, Ribas A, Domene X, Mattana S, Chim-Pampillo J, Alcañiz JM & Soler A
(2019) Isotopic Analysis of Nitrite during Abiotic Reduction by Bio-Produced Fe(II). Potential Insight into the Fate of Nitrite in Marine Environments
Margalef Marti R, Offedu F, Benaiges Fernandez R, Palau J, Urmeneta J, Carrey R, Otero N, Soler A & Cama J
(2019) A Multi-Isotopic Approach as a Tool for Assessing Nitrate Pollution in the Province of Girona (NE Spain)
Vinyes M, Navarro Ciurana D, Torrentó C, Carrey R, Micola N, Garrido T, Munné A, Solà J, Soler A & Otero N
(2017) Stable Isotope Characterization to Evaluate the Efficiency of Induced Denitrification at Field-Scale
Carrey R, Margalef-Marti R, Viladés M, Jubany I, Vilanova E, Grau R, Soler A & Otero N

Carrez P. (2021) Grain Boundary Complexions in Minerals
Hirel P, Carrez P & Cordier P
(2012) Modeling Plastic Deformation of Minerals Under Mantle Strain-Rates
Amodeo J, Carrez P & Cordier P
(2002) Chemical Fractionations Induced by Irradiation in Early Solar Materials: Results from Laboratory Experiments
Guyot F, Leroux H, Carrez P, Cordier P & Lemelle L

Carrico C. (2011) Cloud Droplet Activation of Organic Aerosols: The Role of Molecule Size, Polarity, and Functional Group Composition
Petters M, Ziemann P, Kreidenweis S, Suda S, Carrico C, Faulhaber A, Matsunaga A, Sullivan R, Minambres L & Prenni A

Carrie Masiello (2019) Synthetic Biosensors for Detection of Cryptic Elemental Cycles
Shis D, Fulk E, Del Valle I, Carrie M & Joff S

Carrie Menold (2021) Thermodynamic Modelling on the UHP Metamorphism and Fluid Infiltration of the Tso Morari Coesite-Bearing Eclogite in NW India
Pan R, Macris C & Carrie M

Carriedo J. (2006) Re-Os evidence for the origin of Fe-oxide-(Cu-Au) deposits in SW Iberia at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary
Stein H, Markey R, Carriedo J & Tornos F

Carrier F. (2004) Relating Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry to Chemical Weathering History in a Small Watershed
Carrier F, Bourdon B, Pili E, Truffert C & Wyns R

Carrier H. (2022) Diffusive Isotope Fractionation of Benzene in Water
Enrico M, Vermorel R, Galliero G, Carrier H, Petit A, Dequidt D, Tual T & Le Hécho I

Carrier X (2000) Chemical Behavior of Strontium at the Solid-Liquid Interface of Amorphous Manganese Oxides: A Molecular-Level Study Using EXAFS
Grolimund D, Warner JA, Carrier X & Brown Jr. GE

Carrier Xavier (2023) Heterogeneous Fenton-Like Reactions in Natural Soils and Sediments at Neutral pH with O2 as Oxidant
Bourbon E, Averseng F, Allard T, Le Pape P, Nélieu S, Guigon E, Baratelli F, Ayrault S, Carrier X & Morin G

Carrière L. (2023) Transport of Arsenic and Trace Metals in the Orbiel River Downstream the Salsigne Mining District (Aude, France): Sources, Dynamics and Fluxes during Floods
Carrière L, Resongles E, Heydon M, Viers J, Schreck E, Freydier R, Marchand P, Guilliod M, Domeau A, Marie M, Delpoux S, Causserand-Fabbro C, Pages A, Horgue P, Roux H, Behra P & Casiot C

Carrière M. (2016) Uranium Biomineralization in Environmental Bacteria
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Gallois N, Armengaud J, Alpha-Bazin B, Barakat M, Ortet P, Carriere M, Vercouter T & Berthomieu C
(2013) Natural Uranium Ores Host Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria as Demonstrated by High Throughput Sequencing and Cultural Approaches
Mondani L, Benzerara K, Carriere M, Christen R, Fevrier L, Achouak W, Nardoux P, Berthomieu C & Chapon V
(2009) Investigation of Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes Toxicity and Transfer in Bacteria and Plants
Carrière M, Simon-Deckers A, Larue C, Mayne-L'Hermitte M, Herlin-Boime N & Reynaud C

Carrigan C. (2010) Teaching Mineralogy in the Context of the Rock Cycle
Carrigan C

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