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Carlut Julie (2015) New Experimental Insights on Hydrogen/Hydrocarbon Generation and Simultaneous Carbonation of Olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4
Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Martinez I, Chardin M, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Labaume J, Lopes De Azavedo J, Lutz F, Hayrault P, Kohler E, Cordier L, Carlut J & Guyot F

Carlut Julie (2017) Abiotic Hydrocarbon Production: The Role of Mineral Catalysts
Kularatne K, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Chardin M, Carlut J & Guyot F

Carman April (2020) Physicochemical Sorption Properties of Geologic Materials by Inverse Gas Chromatography
Denis E, Huggett N, Weaver W, Rush L, Fraga C & Carman A
(2020) 36Cl/35Cl by LG-Sims: Quantifying the Dynamic Range on NaCl
Cunningham H, Zimmer M, Peres P, Sievers N, Bowen J, Springer K & Carman A

Carman April J (2022) Elucidating Physicochemical Properties of Geologic Materials Using Inverse Gas Chromatography and Modeling
Denis EH, Rockhold ML, Bautista A, Huggett NL, Wang G, White MD & Carman AJ

Carman April J. (2023) ‘Gold Standard Data’; Using Collision Cell Approaches to Improve the Fidelity of Detection for Particle Transient Signals in (MC)-ICPMS/MS
Lewis J, Duffin AM, Mannino MA, Wood LS, Carman AJ, Eiden GC, Coath CD & Elliott T

Carmel L. (2021) Lead in Albacore Revisited: A Cautionary Call Concerning the Forecasted Increase in Metal Production and Use
Erel Y, Pinhasi R, Coppa A, Ticher A, Tirosh O & Carmel L

Carmi I. (2019) Sequestration of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide as Inorganic Carbon in Semi-Arid Forests
Moinester M, Kronfeld J & Carmi I

Carmichael C. (2017) Lessons Learned from Hurricane Isaac, 2012: False Positives and Weathering of Oil from the Deepwater Horizon Spill
Lemkau K, Aeppli C, Carmichael C, Reddy C, Swarthout R & White H

Carmichael D.M. (2001) Deformation of Polymineralic Rocks by Replacement Creep
Carmichael DM

Carmichael G.
(2009) Asian Aerosols: Current and Future Distributions and Implications to Air Quality and Regional Climate Change
Carmichael G, Adhikary B, Kulkarni S, Streets D & Zhang Q

Carmichael I. (2000) Hydrous Mantle-Derived Magmas in West-Central Mexico; The Andesitic Aqueduct
Carmichael I

Carmichael J. (2010) Neutron Reflectivity Sample Cells for Geochemically Relevant Environments
Ankner J, Browning J, Halbert C, Lokitz B, Carmichael J, Kilbey M, Rother G & Wesolowski D

Carmichael M. (2014) Lignites as Archives of Ancient Climate-Biogeochemistry Dynamics
Pancost R, Inglis G, Badger M, Naafs D, Zheng Y, Collinson M, Talbot H, Bischoff J, Carmichael M & Lunt D

Carmichael Ruth (2017) Anthropo-Proxy Data In Bivalves from Middens To Modern Embayments and Tropical To Temperate Systems
Carmichael R, Darrow E, Knight A, Kovacs C, Hattenrath T, Kinsella J & Dalrymple D

Carmichael Ruth H. (2013) Nitrogen in Bivalve Shell & Soft Tissues: Implications for N Sequestration and Cycling in Coastal Waters
Carmichael RH, Dalrymple DJ, Biancani P, Kovacs C, Walton W & Condon E

Carmichael S. (2021) Mercury Isotopes from the Pho Han Formation in Vietnam Show no Evidence for a Volcanic Trigger for the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary
Zheng W, Zhang Y, Chen J & Carmichael S
(2017) Looking for the Kellwasser Anoxia Event in all the Wrong Places: The Role of Submarine Groundwater Flow (Junggar Basin, NW China)
Carmichael S, Wang Z, Waters J, Batchelor C, Coleman D, Suttner T & Kido E
(2012) Morphologies of Fungal Mn Oxide Biomineralization in Southern Appalachian Caves
Roble LA, Carmichael SK, Santelli CM, Zorn B & Braeuer S
(2012) Geochemistry Across the Frasnian / Famennian Boundary, Hongguleleng Formation, Xinjiang Province, China
Waters J, Carmichael S, DeReuil A, Suttner T, Kido E, Chen X, Talent J & Mawson R
(2012) Biological Controls on Mn Oxide Ore Formation in East Tennessee, USA
Carmichael S, Wilson C, Rash M & Feierstein J
(2010) "What Good are Your Results if you Can't Explain Them Clearly?" Teaching Petrology as a Writing-Intensive Course
Carmichael S
(2008) Constraining Reactions between MOR Vent Fluids and New Oceanic Crust: The Hydrothermal Upflow Zone beneath M Vent, 9°50’N EPR
Carmichael S & Von Damm K
(2005) The Origin of Replacement Dolomite, Dolomites, Northern Italy: Part 1
Carmichael S & Ferry J
(2005) The Origin of Replacement Dolomite, Dolomites, Northern Italy: Part 2
Ferry J & Carmichael S

Carminati A. (2010) Micro-Scale Distribution of Water Around Plant Roots Using Neutron Tomography
Moradi AB & Carminati A

Carmo I. (2022) 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb Geochronology of Mafic and Felsic Magmatism in the South Atlantic
Vasconcelos PM, Carmo I & Feng Y

Carn S. (2020) Assessing Global Exposure to Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Emissions
Mairet S & Carn S
(2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K
(2019) Insights into the 2017-2018 Ambae Eruption
Bani P, Moussallam Y, Medard E, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Gauthier P-J, Carn S, Aiuppa A, Coppola D, Tari D, Bani I, Benbakkar M, Voyard G, Scott B, Garaebiti E & Lardy M
(2013) Paroxysmal Degassing at Mt. Etna in 2011-12
Bonny E, Mandon C, Carn S, Prata F, Coltelli M & Donnadieu F
(2012) Volatile Budget of the 2011 Cordon Caulle Eruption (Chile) from Various and Integrated Approaches
Moune S, Carn S, Cluzel N, Aguilera F & Amigo A

Carnat G. (2016) Sulfur Isotope Variability of DMS(P) Production by Antarctic Sea Ice Microbial Communities
Carnat G, Said-Ahmad W, Fripiat F, Tison J-L & Amrani A
(2016) Unravelling the Origin(s) of Methane in Sea Ice Using Stable Isotope Ratios
Sapart CJ, Carnat G, Zhou J, Delille B, Niemann H, Röckmann T, van der Veen C & Tison J-L

Carneiro C.C. (2023) Cluster Analysis as a Tool for Compartmentalization of Formation Water Types in the Santos Basin
Gorla FF, Nogueira JD, Santos SB & Carneiro CC

Carneiro J. (2014) Uptake of Pb2+(aq) by Baryte-Celestine Solid-Solution Crystals: Implications for the Uptake of Ra2+
Rodríguez RM, Carneiro J & Prieto M
(2013) Uptake of Pb2+(aq) by Baryte-Celestine Solid-Solution Crystals
Rodríguez Galán RM, Carneiro J & Prieto M
(2009) Heavy Metal (Cd2+, CO2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+) Uptake from Seawater by Calcite
Carneiro J, Stoll H & Prieto M
(2009) On the Interaction between Gypsum and Carbonate-Bearing Aqueous Solutions: Implications for the Polymorphism of CaCO3
Fernandez-Diaz L, Fernandez-Gonzalez A, Carneiro J & Prieto M
(2009) Themodynamics of the (Ba, Pb)SO4-H2O System at Ambient Conditions
Fernández-González Á, Carneiro J, Katsikopoulos D & Prieto M
(2007) Saturation State of Seawater with Respect to the Otavite-Calcite Solid Solution
Carneiro J, Prieto M & Stoll H

Carnero-Bravo V. (2020) Potential and Limitations of 228Th/232Th Disequilibria for the Dating of High Sedimentation Marine Sequences: Example from Herschel Basin, Beaufort Sea
Carnero-Bravo V, Hilaire-Marcel C, Ghaleb B, De Vernal A, Falardeau J, Chassiot L, Vonk J, Tanski G, Lantuti H & Fritz M

Carney Caitlin (2012) Evidence for Mo, Organic Molecule, and Mineral Interactions
Morford J, Carney C, Lisher J, Murphy K, Slogoff-Sevilla P & Wishard A
(2010) Rhenium Geochemical Cycling: Insights from Continental Margins
Morford J, Martin W & Carney C

Carney Colin (2016) Geomicrobiology of a Stratified, Acidic Pit Lake in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Grettenberger C, McCauley Rench R, Mills D, Gruen D, Carney C, Brainard J, Hamasaki H, Watanabe Y, Ohmoto H & Macalady J

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