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Cariddi B. (2023) The 1631 a.D. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Investigating the Dynamics and the Timescales of the Feeding System
Arienzo I, De Lucia M, Mormone A, Nave R, Marfè B, Cariddi B, Doronzo D, Pelullo C, Sparice D, Vertechi E, Di Vito MA, de Vita S, Carandente A, Nazzari M, Forlenza G, Montagna C, D'Oriano C, Colucci S, Petrosino P, Di Renzo V, D'Antonio M, Morgavi D, Petrelli M, Arzilli F, Balcone-Boissard H, Chakraborty S, Cecere D, Monaco A, Varriale G, Cioni R & Moretti R
(2020) A Hidden Intrusive Complex Below Somma-Vesuvius: Insights from Igneous Xenoliths
Cariddi B, Guarino V, Zanetti A, Morra V & Melluso L

Carignan J. (2014) Elemental and Isotopic Study of Lake Sediments: Evidence for Long-Term Anthropogenic Perturbations
Cloquet C, Aebischer S, Pienitz R, Maurice C & Carignan J
(2013) (Non-?)Traditional Hg Stable Isotope Geochemistry in the Early 1920’s
Sonke J, Estrade N, Donard O & Carignan J
(2013) Tracing Antropogenic Hg Emissions in an Urban Area in Northeastern France
Estrade N, Cloquet C, Amouroux D, Tessier E, Donard O & Carignan J
(2012) Zn Isotopes Variation in Field Hyperaccumulator Plant Species
Tang YT, Cloquet C, Sterckeman T, Morel JL, Carignan J, Qiu RL & Echevarria G
(2011) Mercury Isotope Fractionation during Bio-Accumulation in Lichens
Estrade N, Carignan J & Cloquet C
(2011) Zn Mobility during Oceanic Crust Alteration Inferred by its Isotopic Composition
Cloquet C, Carignan J & France-Lanord C
(2009) The Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Zinc
Carignan J & Cloquet C
(2009) Zn Isotopic Variation in Human Hair and Finger Nails
Cloquet C, Carignan J & Vanhaecke F
(2009) Hg Isotopic Composition in Lichens: A New Tool to Monitor Air Quality and Pollution Sources
Estrade N, Carignan J & Donard OFX
(2008) Isotopic Composition from Six Mo Reference Solutions Measured by MC-ICP-MS
Wen H & Carignan J
(2007) Mass Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes during Evaporation and Condensation Processes
Estrade N, Carignan J, Sonke J & Donard O
(2007) Se Isotopic Variations in Black Shales of the Yutangba Se Deposit, China
Wen H & Carignan J
(2007) Delta Zero Reference Materials for Stable Isotope Analysis and Applications to in situ Measurements
Carignan J, Rollion-Bard C & Champenois M
(2007) Isotope Tracing of Atmospheric Metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg)
Carignan J
(2007) Tracking Groundwater Contribution to Rivers by Combining Hydrogen Isotopes and Cation Concentrations
Bureau M, Carignan J, France-Lanord C & Francois L
(2007) Development of the High Presicion Measurement of Mercury Species Isotopic Ratios by GC-MC-ICP-MS and its Validation with Two Other Analytical Aproaches
Epov V, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P, Sonke J, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Maurice Bourgoin L, Estrade N, Carignan J & Donard O
(2006) Scaling NIST SRM 3149 for Se isotope analysis and isotopic variations of natural samples.
Carignan J & Wen H
(2006) Quantifying the isotopic fractionation of lithium during clay formation at various temperatures
Vigier N, Decarreau A, Millot R, Carignan J, Petit S & France-Lanord C
(2004) Interactions between Vegetation and Rock Chemical Weathering: A Study with a Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Model
François L, Bureau M, Carignan J, Dambrine E, France- Lanord C, Schott J, Pokrovsky O & Goddéris Y
(2004) Bulk and Molecular Hydrogen Isotopic Ratio of Organic Matter in Epiphytic Lichens
Palhol F, France-Lanord C & Carignan J
(2004) Cd Isotopic Composition of Geological / Environmental Reference Materials and Anthropogenic Samples
Cloquet C, Carignan J, Rouxel O & Libourel G
(2004) Silicate Weathering Mechanisms Inferred from Direct Measurements of 176Hf/177Hf Ratios in River Waters
Bayon G, Vigier N, Burton K, Brenot A, Carignan J & Chu N
(2004) Sources of Dissolved Sulfate in the Upper Moselle River (France): S and O Isotopes
Brenot A, Carignan J & France-Lanord C
(2004) Heavy Metals Dispersion in Soils from a 800-2500 BP Years Old Pollution (Mont-Lozère, France)
Baron S, Carignan J & Ploquin A
(2002) Long-Term Drainage Network Stability and Uplift of the Ethiopian Plateau Deduced from (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry
Pik R, Marty B & Carignan J
(2002) High Precision Cadmium Isotopic Measurements by MC ICP-MS
Cloquet C, Carignan J & Libourel G
(2000) Natural Variations of Selenium Isotopes Determined by Multicollector Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: Application to Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Rouxel O, Ludden J, Fouquet Y & Carignan J

Carilli J. (2023) A Crystal Structure Perspective on Coral Skeleton Trace Element Environmental Proxies and their Reliability Under Stress Conditions
Farfan GA, Kojima AC, Thompson DM & Carilli J
(2022) Mineralogical Insights into Coral Trace Element Incorporation and Stress Response
Chapman A, Farfan GA, Thompson D, Carilli J, Sayani H & Marchitto T
(2016) 236-Uranium Records from Coral Cores
Winkler SR, Senzani KK, Steier P, Wallner G, Carilli J, Zinke J, Godeto T, Woodborne S & Kramers J
(2011) 100-Year Record of 236U/238U in Coral as a Step Towards Establishing 236U as Oceanic Tracer
Winkler S, Carilli J & Steier P

Carini S. (2009) Patterns and Controls on Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Extreme Environments of Varying Salinity
Joye S, Samarkin V, Bowles M, Carini S, Crespo-Medina M & Madigan M

Cario A. (2017) Living the Deep-Sea Vent Lifestyle: Growth of a Model Extremophile, <i>Archaeoglobus Fulgidus</I>, at Elevated Pressure
Oliver GC, Cario A & Rogers KL

Cariou N. (2014) The Atmospheric Deposition of Uranium and Thorium on Vegetals
Pourcelot L, Masson O, Renaud P, Cagnat X, Boulet B & Cariou N

Carl S. (2019) Linking Snowmelt and Nitrogen Cycling to Vegetation Community Dynamics along a Hillslope Transect
Bhavna A, Eoin B, Zelalem M, Tetsu T, Jiamin W, Heidi S, Yuxin W & Carl S

Carle S. (2008) Dissolved Gas and Isotopic Tracers of Denitrification
Singleton M, Moran JE, Esser B, McNab W, Carle S & Cey B
(2005) New Approaches to Characterizing Microbial Denitrification in the Saturated Zone
Esser BK, Beller HR, Carle SF, Hudson GB, Kane SR, LeTain TE, McNab WW & Moran JE

Carles A. (2002) Properties of Fly-Ash Synthetic Zeolite NaP1 for Soil Remediation
Cama J, Querol X, Ganor J & Carles A

Carleton L.E. (2002) Impact of Tire-Derived Fuel on the Chemical Composition of Coal-Combustion Products
Gieré R, Carleton LE, LaFree ST, Zingg A & Tishmack JK

Carleton S. (2014) Monitoring the Life Histories of Animifalia Using LA-MC-ICP-MS Measurements of 87Sr/86Sr in Otoliths, Bones, fin Rays, Scales and Teeth
Glessner J, Hobbs J, Wimpenny J & Carleton S

Carley J. (2005) Insitu Biological Reduction of Uranium within Fractured Saprolite
Ginder-Vogel M, Wu W, Gu B, Carley J, Nyman J, Criddle C, Jardine P & Fendorf S

Carley Tamara (2016) Zircon as Magma Monitor: Robust Partition Coefficients from Surface, Rim, and Glass Measurements from Natural Systems
Claiborne L, Miller C, Gualda G, Fleming M, Covey A, Wooden J & Carley T
(2013) Hot/Cold, Wet/Dry, Big/Small, Erupt/Stall, Juvenile/Anatectic? – Multiple Personalities of Felsic Magmatism
Miller C, McDowell S, Carley T, Frazier W, Pamukcu A, Padilla A, Claiborne L, Flanagan D, Gualda G, Miller J, Wooden J & Mapes R
(2012) Icelandic Zircon: Illuminating Juvenile Silicic Crust Construction
Carley T, Miller C, Padilla A, Wooden J, Bindeman I, Schmitt A, Economos R, Fisher C & Hanchar J
(2012) Elucidating the Complex Thermal and Fluid History of Austurhorn Intrusive Complex: Zircon Elemental and Isotopic Geochemistry
Padilla AJ, Miller CF, Carley TL, Wooden JL, Economos RC, Schmitt AK, Fisher CM & Hanchar JM
(2012) Peach Spring Tuff, Arizona-California-Nevada, USA: Generating an Isolated Supereruption
Miller CF, Pamukcu AS, Ferguson CA, Carley TL, Gualda GAR, Wooden JL, McIntosh WC, Lidzbarski MI, Miller JS & McDowell SM
(2011) Pre-Eruptive History and Longevity of Felsic Magma in Iceland Illuminated by in situ U-Th Dating and Trace-Element Analysis of Zircon from Historical Eruptions
Carley T, Miller C & Wooden J

Carley Tamara L. (2020) Major and Trace Element Geochemistry of Icelandic Apatite: A Case Study at Torfajökull Volcano
Carley TL, Connors L, Rein IMT, Ruger ECV, Gross J & Burger P

Carli C. (2013) Natural and Synthetic Plagioclases for the Interpretation of Planetary Surfaces
Serventi G, Carli C, Orlando A, Borrini D, Pratesi G, Sgavetti M & Capaccioni F

Carlin W. (2021) Ferrobrucite Synthesis and Reactivity Under Hydrothermal Conditions Below 150℃
Carlin W, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Lanson B, Findling N, Lanson M, Fargetton T, Jeannin L & Lhote O

Carling Gregory (2018) Using 87Sr/86Sr Ratios of Carbonate Minerals to Quantify Dust Fluxes from Desert Playas to the Urban Wasatch Front, Utah, USA
Goodman M, Carling G, Fernandez D, Nelson S, Rey K & Hale C
(2015) 87Sr/86Sr as a Tracer of Aeolian Dust from Snowpack to Snowmelt Runoff
Carling G, Dastrup D, Tingey D, Fernandez D, Nelson S & Aanderud Z

Carling Gregory T. (2022) Characterization and Parameterization of P-Sorption Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Utah Lake, a Shallow Hypereutrophic Lake
Jarvis F, Piena M, Aremu A, Hughes AS, Hunter KM, Stewart SA, Tingey DG, Nelson ST, Rey KA, Carling GT & LeMonte J

Carlisle C. (2017) Lower Jurassic Organic Matter Preservation Events, an Oceanic Anoxic Event, and Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Gómez JJ, Mendonça Filho JG, Wach G, Sadki D, Rodrigues B, Carlisle C & Caniço A

Carlone D. (2013) Nonlinear Chlorinated Solvent Sorption and its Impact on Remediation in Surficial Sedimentary Aquifers
Allen-King R, Munger Z, Carlone D, Kalinovich I, Salvado JA, Rabideau A, Matott LS & Singh A

Carloni G. (2023) Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) Enrichment in Drainage Canals’ Sediments from a Low-Lying Coastal Area Affected by Saltwater Intrusion
Greggio N, Carloni G, Giambastiani BMS, Toller S, Dinelli E & Antonellini M

Carlos G. (2017) Zn and Fe Isotopes in the Cerro del Almirez Ultramafic Massif (Spain): New Constraints on Serpentinite Breakdown during Subduction
Pons M-L, Debret B, Carlos G, Bouilhol P, Sánchez-Vizcaíno VL, Marchesi C, Hidas K & Williams H

Carlsen E. (2023) Experimental Modeling of Complex Rare Earth Element Phosphate Solid Solutions
Reece ME, Carlsen E, Strzelecki AC, Yaw N, Hurtig NC, King G, Benmore CJ, Gysi AP, Migdisov AA & Guo X

Carlson Anders (2014) 10Be Surface Exposure Ages of late-Holocene Arctic Ice-Sheet and Glacier Variability
Carlson A, Winsor K, Reusche M & Rood D
(2014) Collapse of the South Greenland Ice-Sheet during the Marine Isotope Stage 11 “Super-Interglacial”
Reyes A, Carlson A, Beard B, Hatfield R, Stoner J, Winsor K, Welke B & Ullman D

Carlson Anders E. (2012) Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Composition of Greenland River Sediment Constrains Provenance of Silt on the Eirik Drift
Reyes A, Carlson A, Beard B, Ullman D, Hatfield R & Stoner J
(2010) Mg/Ca-Derived Temperatures for Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) in Low Temperature Environments
Winsor K, Carlson A & Klinkhammer G
(2010) Surface Mass Balance and Geochemical Constraints on the Laurentide Ice Sheet Contribution to Meltwater Pulse 1A
Carlson A, Ullman D, Anslow F, He F, Clark P, Liu Z & Otto-Bliesner B
(2010) Testing Forcing Mechanisms of Deglaciation: Cosmogenic Dating of Laurentide Ice Sheet Retreat in Wisconsin and Surface Mass Balance Modeling
Ullman DJ, Carlson AE, LeGrande AN, Anslow FS, Caffee MW, Licciardi JM & Syverson KM
(2010) Relative Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheet Contributions to Sea Level during Marine Isotope Stage 5e
Colville E, Carlson A, Beard B, Stoner J & Hillaire-Marcel C
(2010) North Atlantic Melting Water Forcing of Early Deglacial Warming in the Southern Ocean and Two-Step North Pacific Ventilation: A Transient GCM Study with CCSM3
He F, Liu Z, Otto-Bliesner BL, Clark P, Carlson A & Brady E

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