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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cardona T. (2021) Oxygenic Origin of Photosynthesis
Cardona T

Cardona Benavides A. (2023) Geochemistry of Natural as, F and U Sources to Groundwater in the Mexican Sierra Madre Occidental
Rivera Armendariz CA, Banning A & Cardona Benavides A
(2022) Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater in Zacatecas, Mexico: A Focus on Arsenic, Fluoride and Uranium
Rivera Armendariz CA, Banning A, Cardona Benavides A, Ocampo Díaz YZE & Castro Larragoitia J

Cardone M. (2022) Etna 2011-2021: Focus on a Decade of Paroxysmal Eruptions at the Volcano
Viccaro M, Calcagno R, Cardone M, Giuffrida M, Torre C & Zuccarello F

Cardone T. (2017) Mollusc Shells are They Suitable for Accessing the Strontium Isotopic Composition of Seawater ?
El Meknassi S, Cardone T, Dera G, Chavagnac V & De Rafelis M

Cardoso Jessica (2022) Zinc Isotopes in Marine Food Webs: Case of Study of Brazilian Coast Archaeological Sites
Cardoso J, Fuller BT, Mejean P, Strauss A & Jaouen K

Cardoso Joao (2015) Earth's Natural Fertilizer: Tracing Phosphorus in Dust from the Sahara Towards America's Tropical Rain Forests
Gross A, Turner B, Goren T, Pio C, Cardoso J, Tirosh O, Todd M, Rosenfeld D, Weiner T, Custodio D & Angert A

Cardoso R. (2012) Urban Soil-Dust Interactions: Improving Urban Risk Models
Cardoso R, Taylor K, Cheng J & Breward N

Cardoso Bastos A. (2015) Arsenic Enrichment in Shelf Sediment of Southeastern Brazil
Caiado Cagnin R, da Silva Quaresma V, Chaillou G & Cardoso Bastos A

Cardoso-Fernandes J. (2022) Mineral Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Metasedimentary Host Rocks of Aplite-Pegmatite Dykes: One Step Closer to the Detection of Buried Lithium (Li) Pegmatites in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
Cardoso-Fernandes J, Roda-Robles E, Errandonea-Martin J, Garate-Olave I, Lima A, Ribeiro MDA, De Almeida CR & Teodoro AC
(2021) Vectoring Lithium (Li) Mineralizations: A First Approach to Pegmatite Geochemical Halo Definition in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
Cardoso-Fernandes J, Lima A, Roda-Robles E, Ribeiro MDA & Teodoro AC

Carena L. (2019) Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation during Photodegradation of Triclosan in the Aqueous Phase
Jin B, Liu Y, Mekic M, Carena L, Vione D, Gligorovski S & Zhang G

Carena S. (2021) Geodynamic Interpretations of Continent-Scale Hiatus Maps in the Atlantic Realm
Vilacís B, Hayek JN, Bunge H-P, Friedrich AM, Carena S & Stotz IL

Carew M. (2006) Trace element geochemistry of magnetite and pyrite in Fe oxide (±Cu-Au) mineralised systems: insights into the geochemistry of ore-forming fluids
Carew M, Mark G, Oliver N & Pearson N

Carey Anne (2018) Local Meteoric Water Lines and the Spatial Transformation of Extratropical Precipitation
Smith D, Saelens E, Liston M & Carey A

Carey Anne E (2010) Impact of Anthropogenic Bioturbation on Nutrient Chemistry of a Small Urban Pond
Von Bargen JM, Trierweiler AM, Goldsmith ST, Deuerling KM, Mondro CA, Stutz JE, Welch SA & Carey AE
(2010) Organic Carbon Transport in Small Mountainous Rivers on Dominica, Lesser Antilles
Mondro CA, Goldsmith ST, Trierweiler AM, Johnson BM, Welch SA & Carey AE
(2010) Carbon and Nutrient Export Dynamics in Small Mountainous Watersheds Prone to Landsliding in Guatemala
Trierweiler A, Mondro C, Welch S, Restrepo C & Carey A
(2010) Chemical Weathering in the Central and Coastal Ranges of Taiwan
Goldsmith S, Kao S-J, Carey A, Lyons WB, Selveraj K & Lee TY
(2010) Impact of Trace Mineral Phases on the Total Solute Flux from Andesitic Volcanics
Welch SA, Goldsmith ST & Carey AE
(2007) Chemical Weathering of Taranaki Volcanics, North Island, New Zealand
Goldsmith S, Carey A & Lyons WB
(2005) Mercury Geochemistry of the Scioto River, Ohio: Impact of Agriculture and Urbanization
Lyons WB, Fitzgibbon TO, Welch KA & Carey AE

Carey C. (2018) Competing Droughts Affect Dust Delivery to the Sierra Nevada
Aarons S, Arvin L, Aronson E, Aciego S, Riebe C, Hart S & Carey C
(2017) Reevaluating the Role of Dust in Mountain Ecosystems: Insights from Tracer Isotopes, Microbial Genomics, and Global Databases
Riebe C, Arvin L, Carey C, Aciego S, Aarons S, Blakowski M, Hart S & Aronson E

Carey E. (2005) Formation of Soluble organic-Fe(III) Complexes during Microbial Iron Reduction
Carey E, Burns J, DiChristina TJ & Taillefert M

Carey J. W. (2001) Microenvironments Associated with Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in Concrete
Guthrie GD, Atekwana E & Carey JW

Carey Joanna (2023) River Silicon Concentrations and Exports are Highly Dynamic over Time and Across Seasons
Jankowski KJ, Carey J, Johnson K & Sullivan PL
(2017) Fluvial Silica Biogeochemistry Across a 700 km Latitudinal Gradient in Northern Alaska
Carey J, Tang J, Gewirtzman J & Spencer R

Carey Manus (2021) Influences of Contaminant Source over Oral Bioaccessibility of Potentially Toxic Elements in Belfast Topsoils
Cocerva T, Cox S, Cipullo S, Doherty R, Ofterdinger U, Cave M, Carey M, McIlwaine R & Coulon F

Carey Minna (2015) Natural Attenuation of Fluoride at a Former Aluminum Smelter Site
Vlassopoulos D, Carey M, Goin J, Voges H & Larson M

Carey Minna (2013) Siderite Amendment for in situ pH Control in Hyperalkaline Environments
Vlassopoulos D, Goin J & Carey M

Carey R. (2023) The Louisiade Plateau Large Igneous Province in the Coral Sea, Northeast of Australia
Cohen BE, Kalnins LM, Whittaker J, Seton M, Williams S, Carey R, Fitton G & Mark D
(2022) Vapor-Phase Cristobalite and Halogens in Glass: Insights into Fluid Fluxes and Outgassing Dynamics in Silicic Submarine Lavas
Mitchell SJ, Clark A & Carey R

Carey Sean (2014) Iron and Molybdenum Metabolism in Se(VI)-Respiring Bacteria
Yee N, Choi J, Porter A, Carey S & Rauschenbach I

Carey Steven (2023) Linking Sulfur Degassing and Magmatic Redox at Socorro and San Benedicto Islands, Mexico
Lippitt R, Kelley K, Andrys J, Carey S, Widom E & Siebe C
(2017) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Au-Cu Coupling in Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Zygouri E, Kilias S, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Chi Fru E, Nomikou P, Argyraki A, Ivarsson M, Polymenakou P & Carey S
(2017) Metal Resource Potential of Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides at Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Kilias S, Zygouri E, Nomikou P, Chrysafeni M, Ivarsson M, Chi Fru E, El Albani A, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Argyraki A, Polymenakou P & Carey S
(2015) A Distinct Source and Differentiation History for Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Santorini, Aegean Arc
Klaver M, Nomikou P, Carey S, Godelitsas A, Smet I & Vroon P

Caricchi L. (2023) Rapid Ascent and Accumulation of Mafic and Alkaline Magma Precedes Caldera Forming Eruptions
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Ágreda López M, Giordano G & Chiaradia M
(2023) Machine Learning Thermo-Chemo-Barometry in Volcanic Systems
Ágreda López M, Petrelli M, Musu A & Caricchi L
(2022) Growth and Thermal Maturation of the Toba Magma Reservoir
Liu P-P, Caricchi L, Chung S-L, Li X-H, Li Q, Zhou M-F, Lai Y-M, Abdul Ghani A, Sihotang T, Sheldrake T & Simpson G
(2022) Machine Learning Thermo-Barometry for Volcanic Systems
Petrelli M, Lopez MA, Perugini D & Caricchi L
(2021) A View of the Volcanic Roots of Mt Liamuiga, Saint Kitts, Using Machine Learning Thermobarometry
Higgins O, Sheldrake T & Caricchi L
(2021) Using Microtomography and Machine Learning Thermobarometry to Reconcile the Extreme Explosivity of a Mafic-Alkaline Volcano
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Stueckelberger M, Fevola G, Giordano G, Higgins O & Weber G
(2021) When Volcanic Eruptions and Shallow-Level Granites are Siblings: The Case of the Takidani Magmatic Complex
Farina F, Hartung E, Weber G, Rubatto D & Caricchi L
(2021) Peraluminous Magmas and the LCT Pegmatitic Li Paradox
Dini A, Caricchi L, Farina F, Kouzmanov K & Pezzotta F
(2021) CO2 Favours the Accumulation of Excess Fluids in Felsic Magmas
Pistone M, Caricchi L & Ulmer P
(2021) The Evolution of the Plumbing System of Nevado de Toluca (Mexico) over 1.5 Million Years
Caricchi L, Petrelli M, Simpson G & Arce JL
(2020) Capturing the P-T Evolution of Magmas in Volcanic Plumbing Systems by Machine Learning
Petrelli M, Caricchi L & Perugini D
(2020) Rejuvenation and Decompression Events Recorded in Alkali Feldspar from Plutonic Rocks
Seitz S, Gualda G, Wiebe R & Caricchi L
(2019) Zircon Crystallization Age Distribution Reflecting the Lifetime of the Long-Living Crystal Mush System beneath the Ciomadul Volcanic Dome Field (Eastern-Central Europe)
Lukács R, Schmitt AK, Caricchi L, Bachmann O, Guillong M, Molnár K & Harangi S
(2018) Thermal Modelling of Magma Fluxes and the Petrological Evolution of Magmatic Systems
Weber G, Simpson G & Caricchi L
(2017) Linking Fluid Flux, Fluid Chemistry and Degassing Timescales of Incrementally Grown Plutons: Implications for Mineralization and Volcanic Degassing
Chelle-Michou C, Rottier B, Caricchi L & Simpson G
(2015) Why do Intermediate Magmas Stall?
Jagoutz O & Caricchi L
(2013) Control of Magma Recharge and Buoyancy on the Frequency and Magnitude of Volcanic Eruptions
Caricchi L, Annen C & Blundy J
(2011) Magma Emplacement Durations and Rates and the Dynamics of Magmatism and Volcanism
Annen C, Blundy J, Caricchi L, Menand T, de Saint-Blanquat M, Schöpa A & Sparks S
(2011) The Origin of Carbonate Globules in Silicate Melts: Solids or Liquids?
McMahon S, Bailey K, Walter M & Caricchi L

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