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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cardenas B. (2015) Permeable Sediment Denitrification Under Non-Steady State Condtions
Kessler A, Glud R, Cardenas B & Cook P

Cardenas F. (2016) Effect of Shock on H in Martian Meteorite Pyroxene via Analogue Impact Experiments
Peslier A, Cintala M, Cardenas F & Montes R

Cardenas G. (2023) Nanoremediation the Tannery Wastewater: A Case Study from the Upper Basin of the Bogotá River (Colombian)
Vasquez Y, Galvis J, Filip J, Agudelo F, Franco J, Vasquez J, Cardenas G, Petala E & Herrera O

Cardenas M Bayani (2013) Measuring the Isotope Fractionation of Denitrification in Permeable Sediments
Kessler AJ, Bristow LA, Cardenas MB, Glud RN, Thamdrup B & Cook PLM

Cardenas M. Bayani (2023) Variation in Sedimentary Organic Matter Properties along the Meghna River-Aquifer Interface and its Implications on As Mobility
Varner TS, Kulkarni HV, Cardenas MB, Knappett PSK & Datta S
(2023) Hydrogeochemistry of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Volcanic Coastal Area: Mabini Peninsula, The Philippines
Bangun A, Williams E, Nguyen A, Lapus M, Rodolfo R & Cardenas MB
(2022) Role of Sedimentary Organic Matter on Arsenic Mobilization in a Potential Natural Reactive Barrier (NRB) along the Fluctuating Meghna River, Bangladesh
Varner TS, Kulkarni H, Nguyen W, Kwak K, Buskirk ZE, Cardenas MB, Ojeda A, Knappett PSK, Malina N & Datta S
(2022) Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on the Formation of a Fe-Oxide Permeable Natural Reactive Barrier (PNRB) along the Meghna River, Bangladesh
Buskirk ZE, Knappett PSK, Prewitt A, Cardenas MB, Datta S, Kulkarni H, Varner TS & Pappas A
(2022) Freshly-Deposited Overbank Sediments Create an Arsenic Release Hotspot in Riverbanks of a Tidally and Seasonally Fluctuating River
Kwak K, Varner TS, Nguyen W, Kulkarni HV, Knappett PSK, Datta S & Cardenas MB
(2021) Characterization of Dissolved and Sedimentary Organic Matter in Arsenic Contaminated Aquifer and a Potential Riverbank Natural Reactive Barrier in Bangladesh
Kulkarni HV, Varner TS, Kwak K, Knappett P, Cardenas MB & Datta S
(2021) Geochemical Controls on Arsenic Mobilization in a Potential Permeable Natural Reactive Barrier (PNRB)
Varner TS, Kulkarni HV, Nguyen W, Cardenas MB, Kwak K, Knappett P, Uddin Bhuiyan M, Ahmed KM, Ahkter S & Datta S
(2019) Cascading Disequilibrium: A Glimpse into Dynamic Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes in Hyporheic Zones
Cardenas MB, Liu X, Chen X, Ferencz S, Munoz S, Kaufman M, Li B, Turetcaia A, Zheng L, Brown J, Graham E, Mohrig D, Neilson B, Stegen J & Wang L
(2018) Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Quinn T, Shen C-C, Erb M, DiNezio P, Okumura Y, Siringan F, Cardenas MB, Thirumalai K, Lin K, Wu C-C, Banner J, Hu H, Jackson C & Taylor F
(2016) Effect of Temperature on Nitrogen Cycling and Nitrate Removal-Production Efficiency in Bedform-Induced Hyporheic Zones
Lizhi Z, Cardenas MB & Wang L

Cardenas Meinhard (2017) Calcium and Alkalinity Decoupling in a Coral Reef Lagoon Driven by Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Santos I, Tait D, Erler D, Dial A, Befus K, Cardenas M & Li L

Cardenas P. (2019) Lipid Biomarker and Stable Isotopic Records Track the Neoproterozoic Rise of Eukaryotes and Nutrient Controls on Marine Community Structures
Love G, Zumberge A, Duda J-P, Hoffmann A, Pehr K, Bekker A & Cardenas P
(2018) New Biomarker Occurrences Provide Evidence for Neoproterozoic Animals
Zumberge A, Cardenas P, Sperling E & Love G

Cardenas Niño A.A. (2021) Geochemical Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Other Trace Elements in a Former Uranium Mine
Cardenas Niño AA, Marques R, Dias MI, Diamantino C & Carvalho E

Cardenas-Hernandez P.A. (2023) Predicting the Rate Constants of Munition Compound Reduction by the Fe(II)-Hematite and Fe(II)-Goethite Redox Couples
Cardenas-Hernandez PA, Hickey K, Di Toro D, Carbonaro R, Allen H & Chiu P

Carder E. (2006) The Mg isotope budget of the modern ocean: Constraints from riverine Mg isotope ratios
Tipper E, Galy A, Gaillardet J, Bickle M, Elderfield H & Carder E
(2005) Magnesium Isotopes in Bacterial Dolomites: A Novel Approach to the Dolomite Problem
Carder E, Galy A, McKenzie J, Vasconcelos C & Elderfield H
(2004) The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Oceanic Water Masses
Carder E, Galy A & Elderfield H

Cardinal Damien (2023) Silicon Isotopic Contrast between Southern Ocean Fertilized and HNLC (High Nutrients Low Chlorophyll) Areas: Focus Around Kerguelen and Heard Islands
Cotard E, Deteix V, Dapoigny A, Caquineau S, Ryan-Keogh T & Cardinal D
(2023) Barium Excess as Remineralization Proxy in the Southern Ocean – Indian Sector (SWINGS-Gs02)
Le Roy E, Jacquet S, Baudet C, Dufour A, Cardinal D, González-Santana D, Liao W-H, Hamelin B, Vorrath M-E, Piejus M, Jeandel C & Planquette H
(2023) Minor Impact of Fresh Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Si Budget along Indian Coastline: Inferences from Silicon Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratio
Pullyottum Kavil S, Cardinal D, Riotte J, Chakrabarti R, Sarma V, K.R M, Prunier J & Dapoigny A

Cardinal Damien (2017) The Forensics of Diatoms: Modelling Approaches to Reconstruct Seasonal Silicon Cycling from Deep Sediment Trap Data
Closset I, Fripiat F & Cardinal D
(2017) Silicon Isotopes of Off-Axis Ridge Fluids: Constraints on the Oceanic Si Budget
André L, Planchon F, Delvigne C, Cardinal D & Monnin C
(2017) Silicate Weathering and Dissolution Recorded by Si Isotopes in Shallow Groundwater Near the Indian Coast
Cardinal D, Mangalaa KR, Dapoigny A, Sarma NS & Sarma VVSS

Cardinal Damien (2015) Silicon Isotopes and Biogeochemical Processes in Indian Estuaries
Mangalaa KR, Cardinal D, Thil F, Dokala B & Sarma VVSS
(2015) Sea-Ice Influence on Carbon and Silicon Biogeochemical Cycles in the Southern Ocean
Closset I, Cardinal D, Thil F & Masse G

Cardinal Damien (2021) Opal Diagenesis within Southern Ocean Sediments Tracked by Stable Silicon Isotopes
Closset I, Mark B, Cardinal D, Dapoigny A, Jones J & Robinson R
(2021) Tracing Weathering and Anthropogenic Controls of Groundwater Geochemical Cycling from Tropical Watershed
Pullyottum Kavil S, Cardinal D, Chakrabarti R, Riotte J, Sarma V, Dapoigny A, Vaury V, Ruiz L, Baud B & Kumar BSK

Cardinal Damien (2013) Seawater as the Common Si Source for Both Archean BIF and Cherts: Insights from Silicon Isotopes
Delvigne C, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & André L
(2013) Time-Related Changes in the Si Isotopic Composition of Palaeo- to Mesoarchaean Granitoids
Abraham K, Foley S, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & André L
(2012) Understanding Archean Weathering Using Silicon Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratios
Delvigne C, Opfergelt S, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & Andre L
(2012) Spatial and Seasonal Variations of the delta30Si Signatures in the Amazon Basin
Hughes H, Sondag F, Andre L & Cardinal D
(2011) δ30Si and Ge/Si Changes in BIFs along the Archaean
Delvigne C, Cardinal D, Hofmann A & André L
(2011) A δ30Si Reconstruction of Holocene Productivity of the Southern Ocean, East Antarctica
Panizzo V, Cardinal D, Crosta X & Mattielli N
(2009) The Origin of Palaeoarchaean Silicification Inferred from Coupled Si-O Isotopes
Abraham K, Cardinal D, Hofmann A, Foley S, Harris C & André L
(2009) A First Look at GEOTRACES Issues from the IPY BONUS GOODHOPE Cruise in the Southern Ocean
Boye M, Achterberg E, Bown J, Bucciarelli E, Cardinal D, Cassar N, Cavagna A-J, Chever F, Dehairs F, Fine RA, Happell J, Joubert W, LeMoigne F, Masqué P, Monteiro P, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Verdeny E, Wake B & Waldron H
(2008) Silicon Cycle in Weathering Sequences of Volcanic Soils in Cameroon Using δ30Si and Ge/Si
Opfergelt S, Delvaux B, Cardinal D, Delvigne C & André L
(2007) New Method (HR-Sf-ICP-MS) to Measure Biosilica Production and Dissolution in Ocean Surface Waters
Fripiat F, Corvaisier R, Navez J, Elskens M, André L & Cardinal D
(2007) Using δ30Si to Follow the Soil-Plant Si Cycling in a Weathering Sequence of Volcanic Ash Soils, Cameroon
Opfergelt S, Delvaux B, Cardinal D & André L
(2007) Si Isotopes as a Clue for Understanding Eoarchaean Silicifications
Abraham K, Opfergelt S, Cardinal D, Hofmann A, Foley S & André L
(2006) An inter-laboratory calibration of Si isotope reference materials
Reynolds BC, Aggarwal J, Brzezinski MA, Cardinal D, Engström E, Georg RB, Land M, Leng M, Opfergelt S & Vroon PZ
(2003) Distribution and Implication of Silicon Isotopic Composition in Marine and Freshwaters
Alleman L, Cardinal D, Kimirei I & André L
(2002) New Developments in Measuring Silicon Isotopes by MC-ICP-MS
Allemna L, Cardinal D, Ziegler K & André L
(2000) Assessing Flux Rates from Isotope Dilution Experiments and Numerical Modelling: Results for 15N and 135Ba Tracer Experiments
Elskens M, Cattaldo T, Cardinal D, Baeyens W & Dehairs F
(2000) Geochemistry of Surface Sediments, Filtered and Sediment Trap Particles from the Sub Antarctic and Polar Front Zones of the Southern Ocean, South of Tasmania
Cardinal D, André L, Dehairs F, Cattaldo T, Fagel N & Trull T

Cardman Zena (2010) Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Cool, Warm, and Hot Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Sediments
Biddle J, Cardman Z, Mendlovitz H, Albert D, Lloyd K, Boetius A & Teske A

Cardman Zena (2017) Microbial Architects of Anastomosing Cave Wall Patterns in Frasassi, Italy
Cardman Z, Lovrinic S, Schaperdoth I, Mainiero M, Mariani S & Macalady J

Cardman Zena (2013) Functional Contrasts and Functional Redundancy in Arctic Bacterial Communities in the Oxic Water Column and Anoxic Sediments
Arnosti C, Cardman Z, Steen A, Ziervogel K & Teske A

Cardon Herve (2015) Solubility of Aragonite in Aqueous Fluids Under HP-HT Conditions
Facq S, Daniel I, Petitgirard S, Cardon H & Sverjensky D
(2015) Serpentinite-Fluid Interaction in Subduction Zones
Pilorgé H, Reynard B, Montagnac G, Cardon H & Le Floch S
(2014) Kinetics of Serpentinization in Aluminium- and Carbonate-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Pens M, Andreani M, Daniel I, Perrillat J-P, Hernandez J-A & Cardon H
(2009) Zr Speciation and Partitioning in SiO2-rich Aqueous Fluids and Silicate Melts
Louvel M, Sanchez Valle C, Petitgirard S, Cardon H, Daniel I & Cauzid J

Cardon Hervé (2021) Contrasted Pressure Effects on Sulfur-Oxidizing Activity of Thiobacillus Thioparus and Thiobacillus denitrificans
Osman JR, Cardon H, Montagnac G, Picard A & Daniel I
(2021) Formation of Hydrocarbons Favors High Pressure at Subduction Zones Conditions: A Study from in situ Experiments
Huang J, Daniel I, Sverjensky D, Cardon H & Montagnac G
(2021) Serpentinization in Formate-Bearing Fluids: An Experimental Approach at 300℃-25 MPa
Barbier S, Andreani M, Grossi V, Gaucher E, Sissmann O, Daniel I, Menez B, Antheaume I, Albalat E, Fellah C, Cardon H, Jame P, Saupin X & Bonjour E

Cardon O. (2006) Re-Os isotope systematics: sources and age of epithermal and porphyry copper ore deposits
Cardon O, Reisberg L, Andre-Mayer AS, Leroy J & Milu V

Cardon Z. (2020) How Stable are Mineral-Organic Associations? Contrasting Exudate-Mediated Mobilization Mechanisms in the Rhizosphere
Keiluweit M, Li H, Winnick M, Tfaily M & Cardon Z
(2018) Water Flow from Moist to Dry Soil Through Plant Roots Affects Microbial Activity and Ecosystem Productivity
Cardon Z, Fu C & Wang G
(2018) Biogeochemical Profiling of Transient Microenvironments at the Root-Soil Interface
Garcia Arredondo M, Cardon Z, Jones M, Tfaily M & Keiluweit M
(2018) Going with the Flow in the Rhizosphere Commodities Exchange
Cardon Z, Neumann R, Espeleta J & Rastetter E

Cardona A. (2011) Style and Chronology of Growth by Oblique Accretion and Oroclinal Bending: The Panama Isthmus
Montes C, Cardona A, Bayona GA, Rory M, Moron SE, Silva CA, Restrepo-Moreno S & Ramirez DA
(2011) Tectonic Controls for High Magmatic Fluxes within Continental Arcs: The Jurassic and Paleogene Magmatic Record of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Northern Colombia
Cardona A, Valencia V, Bayona G, Montes C, Ducea M, Duque JF & Vervoort J
(2011) The Interaction between Central and South America from Sr-Isotope Chemostratigrpahy of Cenozoic Coral Reef Sucessions
Silva Tamayo JC, Montes C, Cardona A, Jaramillo C, Bayona G, Ramirez V, Nino H, Ducea M, Sial A & Zapata V
(2007) High-Pressure Rocks from the Colombian Caribbean – Record of a Changing Convergent Margin
Weber M, Cardona A, Wilson R, Gomez J & Zapata G

Cardona Carlos (2019) Unrest at Nevados de Chillán Volcano; High-Resolution Photogrammetry, Tri-Stereo Imaging, Gas Geochemistry and Eruption Forecasting
Moussallam Y, Barnie T, Amigo A, Kelfoun K, Cordova L, Lobos F, Toloza V, Pedreros G, Cardona C, Franco L & Bani P

Cardona Claudia (2018) Uranium Sequestration with pH Manipulation by Ammonia Gas
Katsenovich Y, Emerson H, Cardona C, Dipietro S & Szecsody J

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