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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Carbone D. (2013) The Summit Activity at Mt. Etna from 1995 to 2001: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate the Long-Term Processes of the Magmatic Plumbing System
Carbone D, Corsaro RA, Guglielmino F & Puglisi G

Carbone J. (2010) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Large Metropolitan Water Reclamation Plant
Bellucci F, Carbone J, Heraty L, Sturchio N, Gonzalez-Meler M, Kozak J & O'Connor C

Carbone Samara (2017) GoAmazon Experiment: Urban Pollution Interacting with Natural Biogenic Aerosols
Artaxo P, Barbosa H, Carbone S, Rizzo L, Machado L & Martin S
(2016) Changes in Natural Biogenic Aerosols in Amazonia Influenced by Urban Air Pollution at the GoAmazon 2014/15
Artaxo P, Barbosa H, Brito J, Carbone S, Fiorese C, Rizzo L & Martin S
(2013) Primary and Secondary Biomass Burning Aerosols Determined by Factor Analysis of H-Nmr Spectra
Paglione M, Decesari S, Giulianelli L, Tagliavini E, Hillamo R, Carbone S, Saarikoski S, Swietlicki E, Fuzzi S & Facchini MC
(2013) Properties and Processing of Organic Aerosol in the Po Valley
Gilardoni S, Rinaldi M, Paglione M, Decesari S, Poulain L, Carbone S, Hilamo R, Russell L, Massoli P, Poluzzi V & Facchini C

Carbone Serafina (2013) A New Lithospheric Model for Southeastern Sicily (Italy)
Manuella F, Brancato A, Carbone S & Gresta S

Carbonel P. (2000) Interactions of Iron, Manganese and Nitrogen in Muddy Sediments of the Bay of Biscay
Hyacinthe C, Anschutz P, Carbonel P, Jouanneau J & Jorissen F

Carboni A. (2023) Behavior and Fate of Tungsten-Based Nanoparticles and their Biological Impacts within Freshwater Ecosystems
Ouaksel A, Carboni A, Slomberg D, Vidal V, Proux O, Brousset L, Angeletti B, Thiéry A, Rose J & Auffan M
(2023) X-Ray Imaging and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Applied to Environmental Nanotechnologies
Auffan M, Ouaksel A, Carboni A, Proux O, Vidal V, Borschneck D, Chaurand P, Rose J & Hazemann J-L
(2019) Distribution and Degradation of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Transported in Aged Soil Systems
Carboni A, Gélabert A, Faucher S, Desmau M, Tharaud M, Charron G, Benedetti MF, Lespes G & Sivry Y
(2019) Ageing and Speciation of Quantum Dots in Soil: Influence of Iron and Organic Matter
Carboni A, Gelabert A, Desmau M, Tharaud M, Charron G, Benedetti M & Sivry Y
(2017) Mobility of Quantum Dots in Soil at Environmentally Relevant Conditions
Carboni A, Desmau M, Supiandi I, Charron G, Gelabert A, Yann S & Benedetti M

Carbotte S. (2018) Time-Series for Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmas from Sediment Hosted Volcanic Glasses
Ferguson D, Langmuir C, Li Y, Costa K, Huybers P, McManus J, Carbotte S & Muller J

Carcaillet J. (2009) Control of Frost-Induced Processes on Catchment Denudation Rates: Insight from in situ Produced 10Be Concentrations in Stream Sediments (Ecrins-Pelvoux Massif, French Western Alps)
Delunel R, van der Beek P, Bourlès D & Carcaillet J
(2009) Uplift and Active Tectonics of Southern Albania Inferred from Dating of Incised Alluvial Terraces
Carcaillet J, Mugnier JL, Koçi R & Jouanne F
(2002) High-Resolution Authigenic 10Be/9Be Records: A Proxy Indicator of the Past Geomagnetic Field Variability
Carcaillet J, Bourlès DL & Thouveny N

Card C. (2022) Graphite: A New Chapter in Re-Os Geochronology
Toma J, Creaser RA, Card C, Stern RA, Chacko T & Steele-MacInnis M
(2021) Re-Os Pyrite Dating Constrains Fluid Flow History in Wollaston Domain Shear Zones Spatially Associated with Athabasca Basin U Mineralization
Toma J, Creaser R & Card C

Cardace Dawn (2011) Biogeochemical Cycling in Shallow-Sea and Terrestrial Hydrothermal Systems
Meyer-Dombard D, Cardace D, Loiacono S, Gulecal Y, Woycheese K & Amend J

Cardace Dawn (2017) Clumped Isotope Signatures of Serpentinization-Associated Methane from the Philippines
Woycheese K, Meyer-Dombard D, Cardace D, Arcilla C & Ono S

Cardace Dawn (2018) Quantifying Subsurface Mixing of Groundwaters at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory
Cardace D, Anwar M, Schrenk M, McCollom T, Kubo M & Hoehler T
(2018) Serpentinization-Driven Habitability in Terrestrial Planet Mélange Terrains
Hart R & Cardace D
(2018) Analysis of Organic Films on Serpentinite Wafers Via Micro Fourier Transform Infrared (μ FTIR) Spectroscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Analyses
Sousa A & Cardace D

Cardace Dawn (2014) Variability in the Biological Potential of Serpentinizing Systems
Hoehler T, Som S, McCollom T, Cardace D, Schrenk M & Alperin M
(2013) Rock-Hosted Serpentinite Microbiome
Twing K, Brazelton W, Cardace D, Hoehler T & Schrenk M
(2013) Biogeography of Serpentinite-Hosted Ecosystems
Brazelton W, Cardace D, Fruh-Green G, Lang S, Lilley M, Morrill P, Twing K & Schrenk M

Cardaio I. (2023) Biogenic Minerals Formation by an FeIII-Reducing Desulfitobacterium sp. Isolate
Cardaio I, Kluge S, Cherkouk A, Müller K, Stumpf T & Mayordomo N

Cardarelli E. (2016) Imprints of Thermodynamic Constraints on Microbial Carbon Oxidation in Floodplains
Boye K, Noël V, Cardarelli E, Tfaily M, Dam W, Bargar J & Fendorf S
(2015) Regional Importance of Organic-Rich Sediments to Uranium Mobility in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Noël V, Bargar J, Boye K, Cardarelli E, Bone S, Lezama-Pacheco J, Williams K, Dam W, Bush R, Dayvault J, Linard J, Kautsky M, Johnson R & Goodknight G

Cardell C. (2011) Dissolution/Precipitation Processes during Low-Temperature Mineral Weathering
Ruiz-Agudo E, Urosevic M, Putnis CV, Cardell C, Rodríguez-Navarro C & Putnis A
(2011) Nanoscale Observations of Dolomite Dissolution
Urosevic M, Ruiz-Agudo E, Putnis CV, Cardell C, Putnis A & Rodríguez-Navarro C

Cardell G. (2001) In situ Geochronology of Planetary Surfaces: Application of the Rubidium-Strontium Isotope System
Stewart BW, Cardell G, Taylor ME, Capo RC & Crown DA

Cardellach E (2004) Making and Filling Space: Coupled Hydrothermal Karst Genesis and Sulfide/Sulfate Precipitation
Corbella M, Ayora C & Cardellach E

Cardellach Esteve (2015) Tracing Paleoenvironmental Conditions during Massive Sulfide Deposition in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB): A Geochemical and Mo Isotope Approach
Sáez R, Cardellach E, Moreno C, Almodóvar GR, Wasylenki L & Hui AK
(2013) The Río Mundo Dolostones (Spain): Implications for MVT and Hydrocarbon Formation
Navarro-Ciurana D, Codina-Miquela R, Cardellach E, Vindel E, Gómez-Gras D, Griera A, Daniele L & Corbella M
(2013) Geologic Evolution of the Cerro Quema Au-Cu Deposit, Azuero Peninsula (Panama)
Corral I, Corbella M, Canals À, Griera A, Gómez-Gras D, Navarro-Ciurana D & Cardellach E

Cardellach López E. (2019) Minescope: Microscope Mineral Identifier for iOS and Android
Arasanz Pujol R, Roquet Peña M, Corbella Cordomí M & Cardellach López E
(2019) Variscan and Alpine Warm Fluids in Val d’Aran, Central Pyrenees
Casado G, Corbella M & Cardellach E

Cardellini C (2000) Quantification of Diffuse Carbon Dioxide Earth Degassing from Central Apennine (Italy): The Carbon Mass Balance in Regional Aquifers Approach
Cardellini C, Chiodini G, Frondini F, Giaquinto S, Parello F & Peruzzi L

Cardellini Carlo (2021) Active Degassing of Deep-Sourced Fluids in Central Europe: New Evidences from a Geochemical Study in Serbia
Randazzo P, Caracausi A, Ionescu A, D'Alessandro W, Li Vigni L, Papic P, Marinkovic G, Pop C, Cardellini C, Aiuppa A & Chiodini G

Cardellini Carlo (2022) A New Estimate of Global CO2 Emissions from Volcanoes Diffuse Degassing, Based on MaGa Database
Cardellini C, Chiodini G, Frigeri A, Bagnato E, Frondini F, Ricci L, Ionescu A, Aiuppa A & D'Alessandro W
(2022) CO2 Emission and Geothermal Features of the French Massif Central
Ricci L, Frondini F, Morgavi D, Boudoire G, Laumonier M, Cardellini C, Ariano A, Caliro S & Chiodini G
(2022) Geogenic Carbon Transport Through Karst Hydrosystems of Greece
Li Vigni L, Cardellini C, Chiodini G, D'Alessandro W, Daskalopoulou K, Calabrese S, Brugnone F, Aiuppa A & Parello F

Cardellini Carlo (2016) Geochemistry, Time Evolution and Solute Fluxes of Hydrothermal Systems of Karymsky Volcanic Center, Kamchatka
Taran Y, Kalacheva E, Inguaggiato S & Cardellini C

Cardellini Carlo (2013) Transformational Science with a New Global Volcanic Gas Emissions Database
McCormick B, Cottrell E, Fischer T, Chiodini G & Cardellini C
(2013) CO2 and Advective Heat Fluxes in Central Apennine, Italy
Chiodini G, Cardellini C, Caliro S, Frondini F & Chiarabba C
(2013) First Preliminary Map of Deep CO2 Degassing in Alpine Region
Donnini M, Frondini F, Cardellini C, Caliro S, Chiodini G, Marchesini I & Guzzetti F
(2011) 1998-2010 More Than Ten Year of Soil CO2 Flux Measurement at Solfatara of Pozzuoli (Campi Flegrei, Italy)
Cardellini C, Chiodini G, Caliro S, Granieri D, Avino R & Frondini F
(2009) Carbon Dixide Emission in Italy: Shallow Crustal Sources or Subduction Related Fluid Recycling?
Chiodini G, Avino R, Caliro S, Cardellini C, Costa A & Frondini F

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