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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cappelli C. (2019) Crystallographic Effect on Atom Probe Tomography Geochemical Data
Cappelli C & Pérez-Huerta A
(2018) New Insights on Mica Reactivity at the Mineral-Solution Interface
Lamarca-Irisarri D, Jordan G, Cappelli C, Huertas FJ & Van Driessche AES
(2013) Biotite and Phlogopite Dissolution: Topographic Observation by VSI
Cappelli C, Cama J, Huertas FJ, Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2011) VSI Study of Biotite Dissolution at Acidic pH and 25-50˚C
Cappelli C, Cama J & Huertas J

Capper Miles (2021) Disruption of Zn Homeostasis in Breast Tumour Patients Reflected in Zn Concentrations and Stable Isotope Compositions of Tumours, Healthy Tissue, and Urine
Sullivan K, Schilling K, Moore RE, Capper M, Layton-Matthews D, Leybourne M, Coombes C, Larner F & Rehkämper M

Capper Miles S. (2022) Meta-Analysis of Blood Serum Cu, Fe, and Zn Stable Isotope Compositions from Healthy Controls Using Individual Participant and Aggregate Data
Sullivan K, Capper MS, Hastuti AAMB, Rehkämper M, Vanhaecke F & Moore R

Capponi G. (2011) Serpentinite Channel and the Role of Serpentinite Buoyancy for Exhumation of High-Pressure Rocks (Voltri Massif, Western Alps)
Malatesta C, Gerya T, Scambelluri M, Federico L, Crispini L & Capponi G

Cappos M. (2014) Basaltic Cannibalism in Iceland
Feineman M, LaFemina P, Brounce M, Cappos M & Gurenko A

Cappuyns Valérie (2021) Acid Generation Potential and Metal(loid) Release from Resuspended Sulfidic Mine Waste
Helser JR, Lupu A & Cappuyns V
(2019) Environmental and Health Impacts of Hazardous Metals from Sulfidic Mine Tailings
Helser J & Cappuyns V
(2011) Influences of pH and Oxidation on the Leaching Potential of As, Cu, Pb and Zn from Sediments Through a pHstat-Leaching Test in Combination of a BCR 3-Step Extraction
Ho HH, Swennen R & Cappuyns V

Cappuyns Valerie (2023) Environmental Impact of Sulfidic Mine Waste and Valorization Potential in Building Materials
Cappuyns V & Helser J
(2020) Antimony in Soils and Mine Waste Around the Mau Due Mine, North-Vietnam
Cappuyns V & Van Campen A
(2020) Leaching of Heavy Metals from Waste Rock and Tailings from a Cu-Pb-Zn Mine
Helser J & Cappuyns V

Cappuzzo S. (2013) Continuous Soil CO2 Flux Measurements in a Fumarole Field of Mt Etna
De Gregorio S, Camarda M, Cappuzzo S & Gurrieri S

Capra Lucia (2014) In situ 230Th/U Dating of Quaternary Zircons Using LA MCICPMS
Bernal JP, Solari L, Gómez-Tuena A, Ortega C, Capra L & Mori L

Capra Lucia (2008) Subducted Oceanic Crust Melt Contributions to the Mexican Volcanic Belt and Other Young Hot Slab Arcs
Cai YM, Goldstein S, Straub S, Gómez-Tuena A, Langmuir C, Capra L, LaGatta A & Martin-Del Pozzo A-L

Caprais J-C. (2010) Behaviour of Rare Earth and Trace Elements during Fluid Venting at Cold Seeps
Birot D, Bayon G, Ruffine L, Caprais J-C, Bollinger C, Ponzevera E, Rongemaille E & Voisset M
(2009) Cold Seep Systems: a Source or Sink for REEs in the Ocean ?
Bayon G, Birot D, Ruffine L, Caprais J-C, Bollinger C, Rongemaille E, Donval J-P, Charlou J-L & Voisset M
(2009) Detecting Total Dissolved Sulfide Anomalies in Marine Sediments Using XRF Core Scanner
Etoubleau J, Caprais J-C, Bayon G, Birot D, Ruffine L, Pignet P & Dennielou B
(2006) Constraints on the dynamic of gas hydrates in Niger Delta sediments from U/Th dating of cold-seep carbonates
Bayon G, Henderson GM, Pierre C, Caprais J-C & Voisset M
(2002) Structure and Diversity of Microbial Communities at Two Methane Seep Sites (Gulf of Guinea)
Nadalig T, Caprais JC, Loesekann T, Cambon-Bonavita M-A, Knittel K & Olu-Leroy K

Caprio T. (2008) Black Carbon and Sorption of PAHs in Natural Fire-Impacted Sediments Form Oriole Lake (CA)
Lohmann R, Bollinger K, King J, Cantwell M & Caprio T

Caprioli R. (2019) Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediment from the Khnifiss Lagoon (SW-Morocco)
Tnoumi A, Armiento G, Angelone M, Caprioli R, Crovato C, De Cassan M, Montereali M, Nardi E, Schirone A, Spaziani F, Fadili A & Zourarah B

Capriolo M. (2023) Magma-Shale Interaction and Volatile Mobilization at LIPs: Insights from Kinetic Experiments
Deegan FM, Bédard JH, Grasby S, Dewing K, Geiger H, Misiti V, Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Svensen HH, Yakymchuk C, Aradi LE, Freda C & Troll VR
(2022) Carbon Degassing from Large Igneous Provinces during Mass Extinction Events: Insights from Melt and Fluid Inclusions
Capriolo M
(2021) Synchrotron Light X-Ray Microtomography Reveals a Crystalline Mush within the Deep Plumbing System of Large Igneous Provinces
Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Baker DR, Renne P, Storm M & Marzoli A
(2019) Deep Carbon in CAMP and the T-J Mass Extinction: New Perspectives on LIPs Through Melt Inclusions
Capriolo M, Marzoli A, Aradi LE, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Bartoli O, Newton RJ, Wignall PB, Mills BJW, Baker DR, Youbi N, Spiess R & Szabó C

Capron E. (2013) A Precise Climatic Sequencing of the Penultimate Glacial Termination
Landais A, Dreyfus G, Capron E, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Roche D, Prié F, Caillon N, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger M, Lourantou A, Parrenin F, Raynaud D & Teste G

Capuano P.

Capuano R. (2004) Mixing of Meteoric Water and Deep Brine, and Fluid-Isolation Around Salt Domes, SE Texas, USA
Banga T, Capuano R & Bissada A

Caquineau S. Caquineau (2019) Sst Reconstructions from Elemental Geochemistry of Tropical Corals
Canesi MC, Douville ED, Caquineau SC, Bordier LB, Montagna PM, Allemand DA, Planes SP & Reynaud SR

Caquineau Sandrine (2023) Silicon Isotopic Contrast between Southern Ocean Fertilized and HNLC (High Nutrients Low Chlorophyll) Areas: Focus Around Kerguelen and Heard Islands
Cotard E, Deteix V, Dapoigny A, Caquineau S, Ryan-Keogh T & Cardinal D
(2020) Temperature Reconstructions in the Pacific Ocean from Massive Corals (Porites sp. And Diploastrea Sp.)
Canesi M, Douville E, Montagna P, Bordier L, Caquineau S, Pons-Branchus E, Iwankow G, Allemand D & Reynaud S
(2017) Re-evaluation of the Global Dust Longwave Direct Radiative Effect from Laboratory Estimates of the Refractive Index and Model Simulations
Di Biagio C, Formenti P, Balkanski Y, Caponi L, Cazaunau M, Pangui E, Journet E, Nowak S, Caquineau S, Andreae MO, Kandler K, Saeed T, Piketh S, Seibert D, Williams E, Boucher O & Doussin J-F

Caquineau T. (2017) A Two Billion Years-Long History Recorded in the 2.45 – 2.2 Ga Old Sedimentary Succession of Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
Caquineau T, Paquette J-L & Philippot P
(2017) Globally Asynchronous Sulfur Isotope Signals Require Re-definition of the Great Oxidation Event
Philippot P, Ávila J, Killingsworth B, Baton F, Caquineau T, Muller E, Pecoits E, Cartigny P, Tessalina S, Lalonde S, Ireland T, Thomazo C, Van Kranendonk M & Busigny V
(2016) In situ U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Meteorite Bore Member Diamictite: Constraints on the Paleoproterozoic Glaciations and the Great Oxidation Event (GOE)
Caquineau T, Paquette J-L & Philippot P
(2015) U-Pb Monazite Dating of the Turee Creek Group Sedimentary Succession: Implications on the Rise of Oxygen and Glacial Events
Caquineau T, Paquette J-L, François C, Van-Kranendonk M & Philippot P

Car R. (2010) Nuclear Quantum Effects in Water
Morrone J, Lin L & Car R

Cara L. D. (2006) Diamondiferous microxenoliths from the Diavik Diamond Mine (Canada): lherzolitic hosts for harzburgitic diamonds?
Thomas S, Steven C, Hayley M, Cara L. D, Sean W & Robert W. L

Caraballo Manuel (2023) Extracellular Elemental Copper Bioaccumulation
Castillo J, Papaspyrou S, Duran MC, Corzo A, Nieto JM, Caraballo M, Becerra-Herrera M, Gomez-Arias A & Valverde Portal A
(2016) Bacterial Mutualism as New Strategy of Survive Extreme Acidic and Microaerophilic Conditions
Castillo J, Linage B, Fourie C, Vermeulen M, Cason E, Coetsee-Hugo E, Swart H, Nieto JM, Macias F, Caraballo M, Becerra M, Gomez-Arias A, Corzo A, Papaspyrou S, Jimenez-Arias JL, Gonzalez-Perez JA & van Heerden E

Caraballo Manuel A. (2019) Acid Mine Drainage Prediction Using a Combined Chemical-Mineralogical and Textural Characterization Approach on Mine Tailings Samples
Martínez P, Yesares L, Caraballo M, Gómez A, Macías F & Nieto JM
(2019) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in Los Buitres and San José Tailing Impoundments, Punta del Cobre District, Atacama, Chile
Caraballo MA, Townley B, Riquelme B, González-Díaz EY, García-Cardenas S, Martínez P & Moraga R
(2019) Mineralogy of Contrasting Tailing Deposits in Chile and Relation to Source Deposits: Potential for Recovery of Valuables
Kotthoff K, Townley B, Caraballo M & Martínez P
(2019) Critical Raw Materials Enrichment Processes Associated with Tailings Processing at the Cauquenes Tailings Deposit Plant
Garcia S, Caraballo M, Townley B, Riquelme B, Gonzalez E & Kotthoff K
(2019) Understanding the Formation of Hydrobasaluminite Nanoparticles Tracking Al-Oligomers and its Polimerization
Moraga SD, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P, Becerra-Herrera M, Caraballo MA, Rivilla I & Miranda JI
(2018) Detection of Inorganic Polymers Involve in Hydrobasaluminite Synthesis by Mass Spectrometry
Becerra-Herrera M, Moraga SD, Cruz-Hernández P, Molinas R, Richter P & Caraballo MA
(2018) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in the Cauquenes Porphyry Copper Tailing
Caraballo MA, Townley B, González-Díaz EY, Riquelme B, García-Cardenas S, Collao R, Martinez P & Noriega F
(2018) Optimization of Schwertmannite Synthesis Methods to Study the Role Played by Aqueous Polymeric Precursors by Mass Spectrometry
Moraga SD, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernandez P, Becerra-Herrera M & Caraballo MA
(2018) Detection and Assigment of Aqueous Inorganic Fe-Polymers by Mass Spectrometry (TOF MS)
Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P, Becerra-Herrera M, Moraga S, Caraballo MA & Richter P
(2017) Preliminary Results on the Use of Imogolite to Extract Emerging Organic Pollutants from Water Samples
Becerra-Herrera M, Arancibia-Miranda N, Caraballo MA, Moraga S & Richter P
(2017) Identification of Inorganic Aluminium Polymers as Hydrobsaluminite Precursors by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Moraga SD, Caraballo MA, Becerra-Herrera M & Richter P
(2017) Crossroads in Analytical Chemistry and Non-Classical Crystal Nucleation: Deciphering the Role of Inorganic Polymers in Poorly Crystalline Nanominerals Nucleation
Caraballo MA, Becerra-Herrera M, Richter P, Moraga S, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P & Hochella M

Caraballo Manuel Antonio (2012) Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variations in Emerging Groundwater Mine Pollution: Essential Background Information for Acid Mine Drainage Management and Remediation
Caraballo MA, Macaas F, Nieto JM, Ayora C & Hochella MF
(2011) Natural Fe-Oxidizing Lagoon as a Pretreatment in AMD Remediation
Macias F, Ayora C, Caraballo M, Nieto JM & Roetting T
(2010) Divalent Metal Removal from Highly Metal Polluted Acid Mine Drainage, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Macías Suárez F, Caraballo Monge MA, Nieto Liñán JM & Ayora Ibañez C
(2010) Abiotic and Biotic Contribution in the Formation of Al and Si Rich Iron-Stromatolites (Tharsis, SW Spain)
Caraballo MA, Sarmiento AM, Nieto Liñán JM & Sanchez-Rodas D
(2010) Application of the Modified-BCR Sequential Extraction Procedure to the Assessment of the Anthropogenic Pollution in Contaminated Soils from the City of Huelva (SW Spain)
Guillén MT, Delgado J, Nieto Liñán JM & Caraballo MA
(2010) Zinc Removal by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria: Implications for Acid Mine Drainage Treatment
Castillo Hernandez JC, Perez Lopez R, Caraballo Monge M & Nieto Liñan JM
(2009) Mineralogical Characterization of the Precipitates Developed in a Reactive Permeable Barrier (Shilbottle, NE England)
Santofimia ES, Jarvis AJ, Caraballo MC & Lopez-Pamo EL-P
(2009) Iron Removal Enhancement of a Two Step Calcite Passive Treatment System at the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Macías F, Caraballo MA, Nieto JM, Ayora C & Rötting TS
(2009) Iron and Aluminum Precipitates as Metals and Metalloids Sinks in a Passive Treatment System
Caraballo MA, Nieto JM & Ayora C
(2008) Disperse Alkaline Substrate Passive Remediation at Mina Esperanza (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain)
Caraballo Monge MA, Macías Suarez F, Rötting T, Nieto Liñán JM & Ayora C
(2007) Treatment of High Metal Concentration AMD Using Dispersed Alkaline Substrate (DAS), a Novel Passive Treatment System
Caraballo Monge MA, Rötting T, Nieto Liñán JM & Ayora C

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