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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cao Chunhui (2020) Origin and Accumulation Mechanisms of Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale Gas in the Sichuan Basin, China
Beagle JR, Cao C, Wang Y, Holland G & Zhou Z
(2017) The Geological Implication of Noble Gas Isotopies in Shale Gas
Cao C, Du L & Li L
(2016) Gas Geochemical Differences of Shale Gas in Changning and Weiyuan, Sichuan Basin, China
Cao C, Zhang M, Tang Q, Lv Z, Li L & Du L
(2016) Gas Geochemical Constraints on the Origins of Shale Gas in Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin, China
Zhang M, Tang Q & Cao C
(2016) Mantle-Derived Helium along the Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone in Eastern China
Zheng G, Xu S, Sano Y, Xu W, Wang H, Zhang M, Ma X & Cao C

Cao D. (2016) P−T Evolution of Amphibolites from Songduo High Pressure Metamorphic Belt, Lhasa Block: Constrains from Phase Equilibria Modelling
Cao D

Cao Fang (2023) Fossil and Non-Fossil Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosols during the Winter at Five Background Sites in China
Cao F, Zhang Y-X, Szidat S & Zhang Y
(2021) Using Lithium Isotopes to Quantitatively Extract the Silicate Weathering Signal Registered in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuarine Sediments
Cao F, Yang S-Y, Yang C-F, Guo Y-L, Bi L & Li Y-Z
(2020) NO2 and TMI Oxidations Are Important Mechanisms of Airborne Sulfate Aerosol Formation in Beijing, China during the Haze Event: Evidence by Sulfur Isotope Techniques
Fan M, Zhang Y, Lin Y-C & Cao F
(2019) Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Fractionation during Nitrate-Reducing Fe(II) Oxidation Mediated by Acidovorax sp. Strain BoFeN1
Chen D, Kappler A, Chen G, Cao F, Li F & Liu T
(2019) Evaluation of Microbial Nitrate-Reducing Fe(II) Oxidation by Pseudogulbenkiania sp. Strain 2002 Using Dual Nitrogen-Oxygen Isotope Fractionation
Chen G, Chen D, Cao F, Li F & Liu T
(2016) Molecular Distribution and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Low-Molecular-Weight Dicarboxylic Acids during Biomass Burning Aerosols in Northeast China
Cao F, Kawamura K, Zhang S-C & Zhang Y-L

Cao Feifei (2017) Perchlorates Ions (ClO4-), Explosives and Nitrates in Chalk Aquifer of Champagne-Ardennes, France
Cao F, Jaunat J, Hube D, Devau N, Pannet P & Ollivier P

Cao Fengke (2021) Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry of Martian Regolith Breccias: Insights into The Martian Crust
Cao F, Flemming R, Izawa M & Agee C
(2018) Mineralogy and Shock Effects in Martian Breccia NWA 8171 by microXRD and Raman Spectroscopy
Cao F, Flemming R, Moser D, Barker I & Song Y

Cao G. (2013) Multitracer Paleoclimate and Recharge Study of Groundwater in the North China Plain
Schneider T, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Zheng C & Cao G

Cao H (2005) The Effect of Organic Ligands on the Solubility of CeO<->2<$> in NaNO<->3<$> Medium
Cao H & Wood S

Cao Huahua (2012) Geochronology and Tectonic Nature of 'Precambrian' Basement in Eastern Heilongjiang Province, NE China
Wang F, Gao F, Xu W, Hao W & Cao H

Cao Huahua (2011) Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Geochemistry of Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic Intrusive Rocks in Eastern Segment of the Northern Margin of the North China Craton, NE China and its Tectonic Implications
Cao H, Xu W, Pei F & Wang F
(2011) Late Triassic Bimodal Magmatism in the Lesser Xing’an-Zhangguangcai Range, NE China: Constraints on the Timing of Transformation of Paleo-Asian Ocean into Circum-Pacific Ocean Tectonic Systems
Wang F, Xu W, Meng E, Gao F & Cao H
(2011) Early Cretaceous Bimodal Magmatism in Tonghua Area, Jilin Province, China: Implications for the Destruction of the North China Craton
Pei F, Xu W, Wang F, Cao H & Lu S

Cao Huairen (2016) Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous Songliao Paleo-Lake by Molecular Biomarkers
Hu J, Cao H, Tong X, Xi D & Peng P

Cao Hui (2020) Timing of Slip Across the South Tibetan Detachment System and Yadong-Gulu Graben, Eastern Himalaya
Dong H, Larson K, Kellett D, Xu Z, Li G, Cao H & Yi Z

Cao Jian (2020) Unsynchronized Evolution of Salinity and pH of a Permian Alkaline Lake Influenced by Hydrothermal Fluids
Xia L, Cao J, Stüeken E, Zhi D, Wang T & Li W
(2018) Thermochemical Oxidation of Hydrocarbon Induced by High-Valence Metal Oxides in the Deep Sedimentary Basin
Kang X, Hu W, Fu B, Cao J, Wang X & Wu H
(2018) Hydrocarbon Generation Characteristics of Alkaline Lacustrine Source Rocks: The Lower Permian in the Northewestern Junggar Basin, NW China
Wang T, Cao J, Wang X, Xiang B, Ma W & Xia L
(2016) Geochemistry and Origins of Natural Gas in the Mahu Sag, Northwestern Junggar Basin, NW China
Cao J
(2011) Difference of Organic Matter in the Early Cambrian Ni-Mo-Bearing Black Rock Series in the Zunyi City of South China: Implications for the Origin of the Deposits
Cao J
(2010) Organic Geochemistry of Triassic Mudstones in the Central Junggar Basin, Northwest China
Wu M, Cao J, Sun P & Xie L
(2009) Trace Oil Migration Using Element Composition of Reservoir Diagenetic Mineral: A Preliminary Case Study in the Junggar Basin (Northwest China)
Cao J, Xie L, Wang X & Hu W
(2008) Distribution of Significant Trace Elements in Lower Cambrian Carbonaceous Black Shale Deposits from South China
Hu K, Zhou J, Cao J, Yao S-P & Bian L-Z
(2008) Fluid Inclusion and Trace Element of the Hong-Che Fault Calcite Cement, the Northwestern Junggar Basin
Cao J, Xie L, Wang X & Hu W
(2008) Bio-Facies and Organic Geochemical Features of the Jurassic Organic-Rich Mudstone Source Rocks in the Northern Qaidam Basin, NW China
Liu Y-T, Hu K, Cao J, Yang S-Y & Bian L-Z
(2007) Different Forms of Sulphur in the Lower Cambrian Ni-Mo Mineralized Black Shale in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, Southwest China
Zhou J, Hu K, Song SM, Cao J, Chen J & He B
(2007) Intra-Reservoir Geochemical Heterogeneity in the Shixi Oilfield of the Central Junggar Basin, China
Tao G, Hu W, Cao J & Gao X
(2007) FTIR Features of Coals from the Ordos Basin (NW China): Implications on Hydrocarbons from Coal
Zhang K, Yao S & Cao J
(2007) Biogeochemical Investigations of the Zunyi Sedimentary Ni-Mo-Pge Ores in the Lower Cambrian Black Shale Formation, South China
Hu K, Yao S, Pan J, Cao J & Zhou J
(2006) Molecular Geochemical Signatures of Mixed Oils from the Mosuowan Area, Central Junggar Basin
Cao J, Hu W, Tao G & Gao X
(2006) Carbon, Oxygen and Strontium Isotopic Constraints on Fluid Flow in the Junggar Basin (NW China)
Cao J, Jin Z, Hu W, Yao S & Gao X
(2006) Modeling of Tibetan Dynamic Deformation with a Ductile Lower Crust
Shi Y, Cao J, Zhang C, Fan T, An M & Zhu S
(2006) Occurrence and distribution of organic sulfur, silver in organic matter of the Songxi Ag-Sb deposit, South China
Hu K, Cao J, Song SM & Li K
(2006) Fluid inclusion evidence for boiling process of petroleum fluid in the north Qaidam Basin (NW China)
Liu YT, Hu K, Cao J, Yang SY, Yan LL & Wang K
(2006) The Use of GOI and MCI of Oil Inclusions in Reconstructing Petroleum Charge History of Gas-Condensate Reservoirs, the Mobei Area, Central Junggar Basin
Jin Z, Xie X, Hu W & Cao J
(2005) Secular Evolution of Cretaceous-Cenozoic Lithosphere Mantle beneath the Cathaysia Block: Geochemical Evidence for Temporal Variations in Basaltic Mgmatism
Xie G, Mao J, Hu R, Li R & Cao J
(2005) Trace-Element of Calcite Cement in Reservoir Rocks as a Useful Tool Defining Hydrocarbon Migration Pattern, Junggar Basin, China
Hu W, Cao J, Zhang Y, Zhang Y & Gao X
(2005) Integrate Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Approaches to Reconstructing Oil-Filling History, NW Junggar Basin (NW China)
Cao J, Yao S, Zhang Y, Wang X & Tao G

Cao Jianjin (2018) The Biological Accumulation of Metallic Nanoparticles and its Prospecting Significance
Hu G & Cao J
(2014) The Particles Carried by Ascending Gas in Fractures of Deep Ore Deposits
Cao J, Jiang T, Wu Z, Liu Y, Wang Z & Lin Z
(2014) Application of NIR, IR, XRD and XPS in the Study of Ore Deposits
Wu Z, Cao J, Yuan X, Luo S & Wang Z
(2013) Study of Geogas Particles of Metal Deposit in Inner Mongorlia Plateau, China
Luo S, Cao J & Wu Z
(2013) Research on Particles Carried by Ascending Gas Flow of Earthquake Ruptures
Cao J, Luo S, Lai P, Wang Z, Liao Y & Yi J

Cao Jingjing (2023) Depositional Environment and Pyritization of Chrysophyte Cyst Fossils in Shales during the Triassic Carnian Pluvial Episode, Ordos Basin, China
Cao J & Gang W

Cao Jun (2011) Records of Sulfur Isotopic Composition and their Significance from the Permian Strata at Shangsi Section of Guangyuan, Sichuan
Huang J, Li P, Zhao L, Zhou L & Cao J

Cao Junwei (2021) Physiological and Genomic Properties of Anoxybacterium Hadale Gen. Nov. sp. Nov., a Novel Bacterial Genus Isolated Deep Water of the Mariana Trench
Cao J, Shao B, Zhang H & Fang J
(2020) Spatial Distribution and Activity of Microbial Extracellular Enzymes in the Water Column of the Mariana Trench
Zhang H, Deng J, Cao J & Fang J
(2017) Genomic Analysis Revealing the Mechanisms of Hydrostatic Pressure Adaptation of Piezophilic Bacterium Pseudodesulfovibrio Indicus J2
Cao J & Fang J

Cao K. (2018) Microstructural Characterization of Zinc Sulfides from Modern Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: Insights into Au-Ag Enrichment Mechanisms
Wu Z, Sun X, Xu H, Konishi H, Lu Y & Cao K

Cao Liguo (2016) Analytical Methodology and Potential Applications of a New Geochemical Tracer of 135Cs/137Cs Isotope Ratio
Zheng J, Cao L, Bu W, Tagami K & Uchida S
(2016) Study on Soil to Crop Transfer Factor of Plutonium by Literature Review and Field Investigation
Wang Z, Zheng J, Cao L, Tagami K & Uchida S
(2016) Radiocesium Accumulation and Plutonium Source Identification in Sediments from Lake Inba after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Cao L, Ishii N, Zheng J, Tagami K, Uchida S, Kagami M & Pan S

Cao Ling (2017) Volcanic Driver of the Ordovician-Silurian Mass Extinction: Evidence from Mercury Anomaly in South China
Zhao L, Gong Q, Wang X, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Li Y, Cao L & Li Z

Cao Longsheng (2012) Study on Distribution Regularities of the Soil Radionuclide Contents in China
Yang Y, Zhang Y, Cao L, Zheng Y & Wu X

Cao Mengchun (2023) Enhanced Marine Biological Carbon Pump as a Trigger for Early Mississippian Marine Anoxia and Climatic Cooling
Zhang F, Pohl A, Elrick M, Swart P, Cheng K, Crockford PW, Fakhraee M, Lin Y, Cao M, Wei G, Li N & Shen S
(2020) Transient and Stepwise Ocean Oxygenation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
Li Z, Cao M, Loyd S, Algeo T, Wang X & Zhao L
(2019) Ce Anomaly Evidence for a Persistent Anoxic Upper Cambrian Central Missouri Intrashelf Basin during the Development of SPICE Event
Cao M, Schiffbauer JD, Pulsipher M, Li N & Zhou Y
(2018) Earth Orbit Parameters in Precambrian Stratigraphic Records
Cao M, Zhou Y & Zhou T

Cao Ming-Yu (2018) Chemical and Boron Isotopic Composition of Tourmaline and Muscovite in Granite and Pegmatite from Cizhu Pluton, Jiangxi Province, South China: Insight to Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution
Cao M-Y, Jiang S-Y, Su H-M, Zhao K-D & Chen W

Cao Mingjian (2023) Metallogenesis of Jinchang Co-rich Porphyry Gold Deposit, NE China: Evidence from Ore-Forming Mineralogy
Cao M
(2013) Abiogenic Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis of Methane at the Baogutu Reduced Porphyry Cu Deposit, Western Junggar, NW-China
Cao M, Qin K, Li G, Evans NJ & Jin L

Cao Q. (2011) Nature of Mantle Heterogeneities
Shim S-H, van der Hilst R, Grocholski B, Catalli K, Cao Q & Shang X
(2011) Structure and Petrology of the Mantle beneath Hawaii Constrained by Seismic Discontinuity Imaging and Mineral Phase Relations
Shim S-H, Cao Q, van der Hilst R & de Hoop M

Cao R. (2023) Speciation of Fe and S in Volcanic Glasses from Troodos, Cyprus: Tracking the Redox Evolution and Cycling of Sulfur in Supra-Subduction Zone Ophiolites
Saper L, Wölki D, Cao R, Bromiley G & Brounce M

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