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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Canet C. (2019) Hg Anomalies in Air and Related Bedrock in the Acoculco Geothermal Field, Mexico
Canet C, Jiménez-Franco A, Sundblad K, Morton O, Martínez-Coronado A & García-Alonso D
(2015) Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Volcanic Gases from Poás and Turrialba Volcanoes, Costa Rica
Alfonso P, Martinez M, Canet C, Delgado H, Fernandez E & Saenz W
(2013) Adsorption Experiments of Arsenic and Lead onto Barite
Villanueva-Estrada RE, Samperio-Jiménez F, Villanueva-González P, Canet C & Martín-Romero F
(2011) Organic Matter Alteration due to High Heat Flow in the Northern Gulf of California
Prol-Ledesma RM, Angeles C, Villanueva-Estrada RE & Canet C

Canet Miquel C. (2007) Arsenic in Hydrothermal Fluids from Shallow Vents in Baja California, México
Villanueva Estrada RE, Prol Ledesma RM & Canet Miquel C

Caneva A. (2023) Unraveling the Geodynamic Evolution of a Cretaceous Convergent Margin: Serpentinites from the Romeral Suture Zone, Colombia (NW South America)
Zuluaga CA, Pineda NA, Castellanos OM, Bernet M, Amaya S, Vargas CA & Caneva A

Canfield B. (2010) Abiotic Organic Synthesis in Clays
Holloway J, Williams L, Canfield B, Dick J, Hartnett H & Shock E
(2002) Smectite Incubation of Organic Molecules Under Seafloor Hydrothermal Conditions
Williams L, Canfield B, Holloway J & Williams P

Canfield Don (2021) Co-evolution of Ocean Redox, Nutrient Cycling and Atmospheric O2 during the Mid-Mesoproterozoic
Song Y, Bowyer FT, Mills BJW, Zhang S, Canfield D, Alcott LJ, Shields GA & Poulton SW

Canfield Donald (2019) Modelling Bioturbation’s Impact on Qualitative Differences between the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian δ13C Records
Boyle R, Dahl T, Bjerrum C & Canfield D

Canfield Donald E (2020) The Fe Oxidation and Organic Decomposition at Mesoproterozoic
Wang X, Canfield DE, Zhang S & Wang H
(2020) Eukaryotic Algae Populated the Tropical Ocean 1400million Years ago
Zhang S, Su J, Ma S, Wang H, Wang X, He K & Canfield DE
(2018) An Episode of Rising Oxygen Level at Mesoproterozoic
Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H, Su J & Canfield DE
(2018) Sub-Mm Levels of Sulfate and Inefficient AOM in Proterozoic Oceans
Fakhraee M, Hancisse O, Canfield DE, Crowe SA & Katsev S
(2018) Ocean Redox Conditions between the Snowballs – Geochemical Constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland
Scheller EL, Dickson AJ, Canfield DE, Korte C, Kristiansen KK & Dahl TW

Canfield Donald E. (2023) Uranium Isotope Fractionation in the Paleoproterozoic Ocean: A Multi-Core Study of the Rove and Virginia Formations, Superior Province, North America
Kunert A, Poulton SW, Canfield DE, Fralick PW & Kendall B
(2023) Driving Mechanisms of Correlated Thallium Isotopic Compositions and Oxygen Penetration Depth in Modern Marine Sediments
Olesen KP, Ostrander CM, Nielsen SG, Ungerhofer KA, Kraal P & Canfield DE
(2023) Earth’s Oldest Detrital Sediments Comprise Turbidites with Tonalitic Provenance
Boyd AJ, Rosing MT, Harding MAR, Hassenkam T & Canfield DE
(2023) Vanadium Sorption to Reduced Iron Minerals in Seawater: A Synchrotron-Based XAS Study
Haase FJ, Vessey CJ, Sekine R, Welsh D, Hamilton J, Wang Y, White J, Canfield DE, Lombi E & Bennett WW
(2023) Effects of Mesoproterozoic Ocean Environments on Nitrogen Cycling Across the 1400 Million Years Old Xiamaling Formation
Wang X, Zhang S, Ye Y, Ma S, Su J, Wang H & Canfield DE
(2022) Vanadium and Thallium Isotope Constraints on the Global Ocean Redox State Approximately 1.4 Billion Years ago
Heard AW, Wang Y, Ostrander CM, Auro M, Canfield D, Zhang S, Wang H, Wang X & Nielsen SG
(2022) Tracking the Spatial Extent of Ocean Redox Variability in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Song Y, Mills BJW, Bowyer F, Andersen MB, Ossa Ossa F, Harvey J, Zhang S, Canfield DE, Shields GA & Poulton SW
(2017) Archean Oxidative Weathering: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments at Ultra-Low pO2
Johnson AC, Reinhard CT, Romaniello SJ, Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Canfield D, Lyons TW & Anbar AD
(2017) Diahopanes Indicate Aerobic Respiration in 1.4 Billion Years ago
Wang X, Zhang S, Wang H & Canfield DE
(2017) The Dynamical Tropical Ocean Chemistry in 1.4 Billion Years ago
Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H & Canfield DE
(2017) Atmospheric Oxygen Concentrations from Mesoproterozoic Shale Geochemistry and Modelling
Bjerrum CJ & Canfield DE
(2017) Nitrogen Regeneration Under Extreme Oxygen Conditions
Löscher C & Canfield D

Canfield Donald Eugene (2015) Redox Control on Basal Animal Behavior and Metabolism
Mills D, Vargas S, Hasler-Sheetal H, Elemans C, Wörheide G & Canfield D
(2014) Pelagic Photoferrotrophy Under a Genomic Lens
Crowe S, Hahn A, Llirós M, Thompson K, Canfield D & Hallam S
(2014) NO3- Reduction is Fe-Dependent in a Ferruginous Chemocline
Michiels C, Darchambeau F, Roland F, Morana C, Lliros M, Garcia-Armisen T, Thamdrup B, Borges A, Bouillon S, Canfield D, Servais P, Descy J-P & Crowe S
(2014) Iron Cycling in Neoproterozoic Ferruginous Oceans
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW & Canfield DE
(2014) New Insights into Iron-Based Photosynthesis
Thompson K, Lliros M, Borrego C, Kenward P, Darchambeau F, Borges A, Canfield D & Crowe S
(2013) High Sensitivity of Ammonia and Nitrite Oxidation Rates to Nanomolar Oxygen Concentrations
Bristow LA, Dalsgaard T, Tiano L, Mills D, Ulloa O, Canfield D, Revsbech N-P & Thamdrup B
(2013) The Bacterial C-Isotope Archive: Modern Anoxygenic Phototrophs Elucidate Past Processes in S and Fe-Rich Systems
Posth NR, Bristow LA, Habicht KS, Cox RP & Canfield DE
(2013) Experimentally Verifying the Low Oxygen Demands of Primitive Animals
Mills D, Ward L, Jones C, Forth M, Sweeten B, Treusch A & Canfield D
(2013) Oxygen Minimum-Zone-Like Conditions from the Early Cambrian of Chengjiang, South China
Hammarlund E, Gaines R, Qi C & Canfield D
(2013) U Isotopes Disentangle Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygenation Dynamics
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Gill BC, Canfield DE & Bizzarro M
(2013) Photoferrotrophy and Fe-Cycling in a Freshwater Column
Llirós M, Crowe SA, García-Armisen T, Darchambeau F, Morana C, Borrego CM, Triadó-Margarit X, Bouillon S, Borges AV, Servais P, Canfield D & Descy JP
(2013) Large Igneous Province Volcanism, Ocean Anoxia and Marine Mass Extinction
Ruhl M, Bjerrum CJ, Canfield DE, Korte C, Stemmerik L & Frei R
(2013) Entire Community of Microbes Lacks Phospholipids
Jones C, Crowe SA, Viehweger B, Hinrichs K-U, Maresca JA, DeLong E, Nomosatryo S, Fowle D & Canfield D
(2013) High Sulfur Isotopic Fractionations in a Low-Sulfate Environment
Fallas Dotti M & Canfield D
(2013) Bacterial Phosphate Acquisition from Minerals in Ultra-Oligotrophic, Ferruginous Environments
Maresca J, Yao M, Jones C, Crowe S, DeLong E & Canfield D
(2013) Oxygenic Photosynthesis 3 Billion Years ago
Crowe SA, Døssing LN, Beukes NJ, Bau M, Kruger SJ, Frei R & Canfield DE
(2013) Sulfate was a Trace Constituent in the Oceans of the Early Earth
Canfield D, Crowe S, Jones C, Paris G, Adkins J, Session A, Farquhar J, Zerkle A, Kim S-T & Nomosatryo S
(2013) Establishment of Euxinic Oceanic Conditions Following the Lomagundi Event
Ngombi-Pemba L, Canfield DE, Hammarlund EU, Bengtson S, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Gauthier-Lafaye F, Rouxel O & El Albani A
(2012) Profile of Sulfate Isotopic Composition of Lake Matano, Indonesia
Paris G, Adkins J, Sessions A, Crowe S, Jones C, Fowle D & Canfield D
(2012) Redox Oscillations in a Freshwater Analogue of Marine Pelagic Sediments: Lake Superior
Katsev S, Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Kistner M & Canfield D
(2012) Cr Isotopes in a Ferruginous Lake
Crowe S, Basu A, Doessing L, Ellis A, Fowle D, Mucci A, Johnson T & Canfield D
(2012) Tracing Euxinia in Ancient Oceans with Molybdenum
Dahl TW & Canfield DE
(2012) Evidence for a Manganous Surface Sea at 2.5 Ga
Jones C, Poulton S, Crowe S & Canfield D
(2011) A Sulfidic Driver for the Late Ordovician Extinction
Hammarlund E, Dahl T, Harper D, Bond D, Bjerrum C & Canfield D
(2011) Oxidative Weathering Fractionates Chromium Isotopes
Crowe S, Døssing L, MacLean L, Frei R, Fowle D, Mucci A & Canfield D
(2011) Fe-Poor and Sulfide-Rich: Mangrove Lake as a Precambrian Analogue?
Pellerin A, Wing B, Bui TH, Rough M, Mucci A & Canfield DE
(2011) The Many Flavors of Oxygen-Minimum Zones Past and Present
Canfield D
(2011) A Precambrian Manganous Sea?
Jones C, Crowe SA & Canfield DE
(2011) High Methane Oxidation Rates in Ferruginous Lake Matano
Sturm A, Crowe S, Jones C, Leslie K, Canfield D, Nomosatryo S, Mucci A & Fowle D
(2011) The Anatomy of the Great Oxidation Event
Poulton S, Bekker A, Farquhar J, Zerkle A, Johnston D & Canfield D
(2010) Ocean Oxygenation after the Rise of Animals
Dahl TW, Hammarlund E, Knoll AH, Anbar AD & Canfield DE
(2010) Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Modern, Ferruginous Chemocline
Crowe S, Canfield D, Fowle D, Jones C, Sturm A, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Nomosatryo S & Haffner D
(2010) Geochemistry of Major Elements in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Sturm A, Crowe S, Jones C, Fowle D, Canfield D, Katsev S, Mucci A & Nomosatryo S
(2010) Biogeochemistry of Mn Oxidation in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Jones C, Crowe S, Canfield D, Sturm A, Fowle D, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B & Nomosatryo S
(2010) Migrations of Sediment Redox Boundaries as Indicators of Change in Oligotrophic Systems
Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Canfield D & Katsev S
(2009) Isotope Study of S-Cycle of Lago di Cadagno
Farquhar J, Canfield D, Zerkle A & Habicht K
(2009) Controls on Isotope Fractionation during Sulfate Reduction
Hoek J & Canfield D
(2009) Evaluating the S-Isotope Fractionation Associated with Phanerozoic Pyrite Burial
Wu N, Farquhar J, Strauss H, Kim S-T & Canfield D
(2009) Do δ98Mo Values in Marine Euxinic Sediments Reflect Seawater?
Dahl TW, Anbar A, Gordon G, Rosing MT, Frei RE & Canfield DE
(2009) Early Paleoproterozoic Fluctuations in Biospheric Oxygenation
Poulton S, Bekker A & Canfield D
(2009) Anoxic and Oxic Phototrophic Primary Production during the Precambrian
Honeycutt C, Bjerrum C & Canfield D
(2008) Molybdenum Isotope Variations in a Redox-Stratified Lake; Removal Mechanism and Preservation in Euxinic Sediments
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW, Rosing MT, Frei RE & Canfield DE
(2008) Fractionation of Multiple Sulfur Isotopes during Phototrophic S Oxidation
Zerkle A, Farquhar J, Johnston D, Cox RP & Canfield D
(2008) Analyzing Trace Pigments in Oligotrophic Waters Using Long Pass Cell Spectrophotometry
Jones C, Crowe SA, Canfield D, Fowle D & Haffner D
(2007) Mo Isotope Variations in Meromictic Lake Cadagno
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW, Frei R & Canfield DE
(2007) Sulfate Reduction and Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Modern Evaporite Ponds
Mitchell K & Canfield D
(2006) One dimensional physico-chemical ecological ocean model: potential applications to Proterozoic biogeochemical cycling
Honeycutt C, Bjerrum C & Canfield D
(2006) Bioavailability of Mo in the Palaeoproterozoic ocean
Archer C, Poulton S, Vance D, Johnston D & Canfield D
(2006) Evolution of the oceanic sulfur cycle in the early Paleoproterozoic
Poulton SW & Canfield DE
(2006) Insight into the variability within the Proterozoic sulphur cycle
Johnston D, Poulton SW, Fralick PW, Wing BA, Canfield DE & Farquhar J
(2005) Using the Multiple Isotopes of Sulfur to Constrain Microbial Processes in the Proterozoic Ocean
Johnston D, Farquhar J, Wing B, Lyons T, Kah L, Strauss H & Canfield D
(2005) Multiple Isotope Effects Associated with Biogeochemical Networks
Farquhar J, Johnston D, Wing B, Ono S, Canfield D & Habicht K
(2004) From Dissolved Organic Carbon to Marine Snow in the Prokaryote Dominated Precambrian Oceans
Bjerrum C, Canfield D, Kiørboe T & Jackson G
(2004) Using 33S to Differentiate Biotic and Abiotic Suflur Isotope Signatures
Johnston D, Farquhar J, Wing B, Canfield D & Habicht K
(2004) Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in the Archean Ocean
Habicht K, Gade M, Thamdrup B, Berg P & Canfield D
(2004) Development of a Global Sulfidic Ocean at ~1.84 Ga: Evidence from Fe-S Systematics in the Rove Formation, Ontario
Poulton S, Canfield D & Fralick P
(2003) Fe-S Systematics in the 1.88 Ga Virginia Formation: Implications for the Chemical Evolution of the Proterozoic Ocean
Poulton S & Canfield D
(2002) Carbon Isotope Model of the Archean: Significance of Deep Ocean Carbonate Precipitation
Bjerrum CJ & Canfield DE
(2002) Constraining Sulfate Levels in Archean Oceans
Canfield D, Habicht KH, Thamdrup B & Berg P
(2001) The Effect of Sulfate Concentration on the Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Sulfate Reduction by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
Habicht K & Canfield DE

Canfiled D.E. (2016) The Prokaryote Contributed Source Rocks in Mesoproterozoic OMZ
Wang X, Zhang S, Wang H & Canfiled DE
(2016) The Earth and Biosphere in 1.4 Billion Years ago
Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H & Canfiled DE
(2016) Mobilizing Molybdenum: Interpreting Archean Oxidative Weathering Signatures
Johnson A, Reinhard C, Romaniello S, Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Canfield D, Lyons T & Anbar A

Cang Y. (2013) Grow and Die: The Microbial Mud Mound and Its Sedimentary Environments of the Middle Permian, Sichuan Basin
Liu Z, Zhang T, Wanyan Q & Cang Y

Cangelosi D. (2019) Preliminary Constraints on the Temperature of Hydrothermal Carbonatite REE Mineralisation Using O Isotope Thermometry
Broom-Fendley S, Yardley B, Cangelosi D & Newton R
(2017) Influence of Hydrothemral Activity on the Final REE Minerlisation at the Okorusu Carbonatite Complex, Namibia
Cangelosi D, Banks D, Yardley B & Smith M

Cangelosi G. (2022) Fluorescent Sphalerite from Montana, USA: Coupled Substitutions of Cu, Ga, and W
Beaucamp CM, Thompson J, Gammons C, Cangelosi G & Lund K

Cangemi M. (2019) Stromboli Volcanic Activity Variations Inferred from Observations of Volatiles Degassing: 20 Years of Continuous Monitoring of Summit Soil CO2 Fluxes (2000-2019)
Inguaggiato S, Vita F, Cangemi M & Calderone L
(2013) Geochemical Signature of Microbial Activity during the Deposition Silica-Stromatolite According to REE Behaviour and Zr-Hf Relationship
Cangemi M & Censi P

Cangemi S. (2023) Concealed by Darkness: Combination of NMR and FT-ICR MS Reveal the Heterogeneous Molecular Natures of Dissolved Organic Matter in Fractured-Rock Groundwater from an Unconfined Aquifer
Bridoux MC, Gaiffe G, Schramm S, Pacholski P, Vinci G, Cangemi S & Spaccini R

Caniço A. (2017) Lower Jurassic Organic Matter Preservation Events, an Oceanic Anoxic Event, and Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Gómez JJ, Mendonça Filho JG, Wach G, Sadki D, Rodrigues B, Carlisle C & Caniço A

Canídia D. (2019) Fluid Pathways in Fractured Carbonate Rocks
Peralta C, Ventura R, Taveira I, Vieira L, Dantas E, Barbosa P, Canídia D, Santos R & Bezerra F

Canil D. (2023) Records of Archean Mantle Oxygen Fugacity
Cottrell E, Birner SK, Davis FA, Warren JM, Canil D & Langmuir C
(2020) In situ View of Magma- Carbonate Interactions in the Jurassic Bonanza Arc, Vancouver Island
Morris R & Canil D
(2020) Paleogene to Neogene Alkaline Lavas as a Probe of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath Western Canada
Canil D, Hyndman R & Fode D
(2019) Experimentation to Investigate Volatile Trace Metal Behaviour in Volcanic Gases and Fumaroles
Scholtysik R & Canil D
(2017) Assessing Fluids as a Transport Vector for S and Other Chalcophile Elements in the Sub-Arc Mantle
D'Souza R & Canil D
(2012) Does Tl/Pb in Basalts Record Low Pressure Degassing Behaviour?
Canil D
(2012) The Cu Conundrum: The Partitioning of Cu during Partial Melting of Earth's Upper Mantle
Fellows SA & Canil D
(2008) Mobility and Fluid/Melt Partitioning of Heavy Metals in Silicate Liquids: Implications for Magma Degassing
MacKenzie J & Canil D
(2008) Resorbed Diamond Surfaces: A Tool to Investigate Oxidizing Fluids
Fedortchouk Y & Canil D
(2008) Cratons and Continents: A View from Below
Canil D
(2008) Amphibole and Mid-Crustal Differentiation: Evidence from a Jurassic Arc Section, Vancouver Island, BC
Larocque J & Canil D
(2005) Experimental Constraints on Re Mobility in Silicate Magmas
MacKenzie J & Canil D
(2005) Similar V/Sc Systematics in MORBs and Arc Basalts: Implications for the Oxygen Fugacities of their Mantle Source Regions
Lee C, Leeman W, Canil D & Li Z
(2005) Ferric Iron in Perovskite as an Oxygen Barometer for Kimberlitic Magmas
Bellis A & Canil D
(2005) First Evidence for Exhumation of UHP Garnet Peridotite in the North American Cordillera
Canil D, MacKenzie J, Charnell C, Mihalynuk M, Johnston S & English J
(2005) Kinetics of Diamond Oxidation at Various Oxygen Fugacities
Fedortchouk Y, Semenets E & Canil D
(2001) Vanadium Partitioning on the Peridotite Solidus and the Redox States of Mantle Residues: Archean to Present
Canil D

Canino M. (2007) Alpha Thermochronlogy of Calcite
Copeland P, Watson B, Canino M, Cox K & Rasbury T

Canion A. (2013) Controls of Microbial Nitrate/Nitrite Respiration in Polar Marine Sediments and Implications for Global Climate Change
Canion A & Kostka J
(2012) Psychrophiles at the Seafloor: Temperature Response of the Microbial N Cycle in Arctic Fjord Sediments
Canion A, Kostka J & Chanton P
(2011) Penetration, Accumulation and Degradation of Deepwater Horizon Oil in Florida Sandy Beaches
Huettel M, Kostka J, Prakash O, Overholt W, Green S, Freyer G, Canion A, Delgardio J & Norton N

Canizares Aurélien (2021) Nitrogen Speciation and Solubility in Silicate Melts and Fluids
Bernadou F, Slodczyk A, Füri E, Gaillard F, Marrocchi Y & Canizares A
(2021) Composition, Glass Structure, Activation System – There is not Only One Reactivity of GGBS
Blotevogel S, Kaknics J, Poirier M, Doussang L, Steger L, Danezan A, Canizares A, Simon P, Chesneau E, Montouillout V, Patapy C & Cyr M

Canizarès AURÉLIEN (2017) Study of Iron-Bearing Dolomite Dissolution at Various Temperatures: Evidence for the Formation of Secondary Nanocrystalline Iron-Rich Phases on the Dolomite Surface
Debure M, Andreazza P, Canizarès A, Grangeon S, Lerouge C, Mack P, Madé B, Simon P, Veron E, Warmont F & Vayer M

Čanković M. (2021) Polysulfide Dynamics in a Marine Euxinic Environment (Rogoznica Lake, Croatia); Importance of Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
Mateša S, Čanković M, Šegota S & Ciglenečki-Jušić I
(2021) Geochemical Evidence for Water Column Sulfidic Holomixia in the Sediment of a Marine Lake
Ciglenečki-Jušić I, Čanković M, Marguš M, Mateša S, Simonović N, Dutour-Sikirić M & Mikac N
(2018) Rogoznica Lake as a Proxy for Biogeochemical Processes in Euxinic Marine Environment
Ciglenečki I, Mikac N, Helz GR, Marguš M & Čanković M

Cann J. (2008) Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Morgan S, McCaig A, Yardley B & Cann J

Cannaò E. (2023) Eclogitization of the Oceanic Lithosphere by Hydration of Brittle Structures
Scambelluri M, Pennacchioni G & Cannaò E
(2023) Coupled Serpentine Dehydration and High-Pressure Serpentinization
Ressico F, Vitale Brovarone A, Cannaò E & Olivieri OS
(2023) In situ Ti Isotope Determination in Silicates and Oxides Through LA-MC-ICP-MS
Cannaò E, Tiepolo M, Sessa G, Greber ND, Storck J-C & Farina F
(2021) Evidence of High Ba-Sr Granites in the Adamello Batholith, Southern Alps
Mosconi A, Tiepolo M, Farina F & Cannao E
(2015) Serpentinites and their Role as Tracer of Fluid Pathway in Subduction Zones
Cannaò E, Scambelluri M, Agostini S & Tonarini S
(2015) Coupled Dehydration-Decarbonation in High-Pressure Ophicarbonate. Implications on Carbon Cycling in Subduction Zones
Scambelluri M, Gilio M, Bebout GE, Belmonte D, Campomenosi N, Cannaò E & Crispini L
(2013) B, Pb, Sr Isotopic Imprint of Crustal and Mantle Rocks from the Slab-Mantle Interface: The Cima di Gagnone Example (Central Alps)
Cannaò E, Agostini S, Scambelluri M & Tonarini S

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