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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Clymans W. (2013) Tephra Interference during Amorphous Silica Determination -A False Environmental Signal?
Clymans W, Van der Putten N, Wåstegard S, Björck S & Conley DJ
(2012) Tracing Land Use Controls on Silica Dynamics in the Soil-Vegetation Continuum
Clymans W, Govers G, Frot E, Ronchi B, Van Wesemael B, Struyf E & Conley DJ

Clynne Michael (2023) Variability of Magma Decompression Rates during the 1666 CE Eruption of Cinder Cone, Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA, USA
Kim K, Newcombe M, Peterson L, Walowski K, Clynne M & Wang J
(2018) Magma Storage and Triggering of Volcanic Eruptions
Putirka K, Teter F, Burns D, Scruggs M & Clynne M
(2018) What Have the Magmas of Indian Heaven and Mounts St. Helens, Cascades Arc, in Common?
Salters V, Larson P, Sisson T & Clynne M
(2014) Experimental Continuous Decompression of Rhyodacite Magma Erupted from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
Quinn E, Andrews B, Schwab B & Clynne M
(2014) Slab Dehydration beneath the Southern Cascade Arc Inferred from B and H Isotopes
Walowski K, Wallace P, Hauri E, Clynne M & Wada I
(2014) Enclave Formation and Magma Mixing at Chaos Crags, California
Scruggs M, Putirka K & Clynne M

Clynne Michael A. (2013) Magma Formation in Hot-Slab Subduction Zones: Insights from Volatile Contents of Melt Inclusions from the Southern Cascade Arc
Walowski K, Wallace P, Clynne M, Wada I & Rasmussen D
(2008) Zircons from Mount St. Helens: Implications for Magma Storage
Claiborne L, Miller CF, Clynne M, Wooden J & Mazdab F
(2008) Eruption of Discrete Magma Batches along a Normal Fault Zone: The Poison Lake Chain, Caribou Volcanic Field, Southernmost Cascades
Muffler LJP, Clynne MA, Calvert AT & Champion DE
(2005) Geochemical Profiling, Nomarski Imaging, and Crystal Size Distribution Analysis of Mixed Magmas from Lassen Peak, CA
Salisbury M, Bohrson W & Clynne M
(2005) Overlapping Calc-Alkaline and Tholeiitic Magmatism in the Southernmost Cascade Range
Muffler P & Clynne M
(2005) Eruptive History of Mount St. Helens, Washington- a Summary with New Data
Clynne M, Wolfe E, Calvert A, Pallister J, Champion D, Lanphere M & Evarts R
(2005) Field Geology and Petrology of the 2004-2<->0.5<$> Mount St. Helens Dome
Pallister J, Thornber C, Clynne M, Cashman K & McGee K
(2005) Plagioclase Zoning in Dacites of the Current Mt. St. Helens Eruption
Streck M, Thornber C, Clynne M & Pallister J

Cnudde V. (2023) Hawaiian Beaches as Natural Analogues for Long-Term Rates and Impacts of Coastal Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Kreuzburg M, Hylén A, Winardhi C, Cole D, VanHeurck B, DeWolf S, Goosens C, Romaniello SJ, Monserrat F, Cnudde V & Meysman FJR
(2022) EXCITE: A European Infrastructure to Promote Electron and X-Ray Microscopy of Earth Materials
Hellebrand E, Walter S, Cnudde V, Plümper O & ter Maat G
(2021) Chemical Form of Palladium and 3D Distribution of Pt-Group Minerals in Norilsk Ore Deposits
Merkulova M, Sittner J, Brovchenko V, Boone M, Renno A, da Assuncao Godinho JR, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A, Liipo J & Cnudde V
(2021) 3-Dimensional Distribution of Ore Minerals from the Au-U Witwatersrand Supergroup Using Spectral X-Ray Computed Micro Tomography
Sittner J, Godinho J, Renno AD, Cnudde V, Merkulova M, Guy BM, Boone M, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A & Liipo J
(2016) 3D Dynamic Imaging of Pore Scale Processes in Geomaterials
Cnudde V, Bultreys T, Derluyn H, Boone M, De Kock T, Van Stappen J, De Schrijver T, Boone M, Masschaele B & Van Hoorebeke L

Coail J-Y. (2017) ELVIDOR- Vibrating Gold Micro-Wire Electrode: In situ High Resolution Measurements of Copper in Marine Environments
Cathalot C, Heller MI, Dulaquais G, Waeles M, Coail J-Y, Kerboul A, Deplace G, Le Vourch D, Cotty C, Kärnfelt C, Riso R, Sarradin P-M & Laes-Huon A

Coale K. (2014) Fog as a Potential Means of Transport of Methylmercury to Coastal Terrestrial Ecosystems
Weiss-Penzias P, Coale K, Heim W & Fernandez D

Coates John (2018) Sulfidogenesis and Perchlorate Control: Novel Mesoscale Tank Experiment and Reactive Transport Modeling
Cheng Y, Wu Y, Wen H, Hubbard C, Tom L, Piceno Y, Engelbrektson A, Bill M, Anderson G, Coates J, Conrad M & Ajo-Franklin J
(2017) Underlying Mechanisms and Control of Oil Reservoir Souring
Coates J, Williamson A, Carlson H & Thieme J
(2017) X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy with Sub-µm and Sub-100nm Spatial Resolution for Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Thieme J, Williams G, Chen-Wiegart Y-C, Bowerman B, Hurowitz J, Glotch T, Legett C, Schoonen M & Coates J
(2016) High-Throughput Dissection of the Controls on Microbially Mediated Element Cycling: Nitrate Reduction as a Test Case
Carlson H, Coates J & Deutschbauer A
(2016) Under Pressure: Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction by Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Huang L, Williamson A, Carlson H & Coates J
(2016) Biochemical Requirements for Enzymatic Perchlorate Reduction: What Makes a Perchlorate Reductase a Perchlorate Reductase?
Youngblut M, Carlson H, Tsai C-L, Tainer J, Iavarone A & Coates J
(2016) Mechanism of H2S Oxidation by Dissimilatory (Per)chlorate-Reducing Microorganism Azospira Suillum PS
Mehta-Kolte M, Loutey D, Wang O, Youngblut M & Coates J
(2016) Isotopic Biofractionation of Perchlorate
Williamson A, Sturchio N, Heraty L, Huang L & Coates J
(2016) Perchlorate Mediated Adaptive Evolution of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Mehta-Kolte M, Yongblut M, Redford S, Melnyk R, Gregoire P, Carlson H & Coates J
(2016) Extraterrestrial (Per)chlorate
Davila A, Jackson A, Sears D, Coates J, McKay C, Brundrett M, Estrada N & Bohlke JK
(2016) Impacts of Perchlorate on Temporal Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Hydrocarbon Consumption in a Sulfidogenic Oil Reservoir Simulation
Shrestha P, Nowak J, Liu Y, Loutey D, Louie W, Goldstein A & Coates J

Coates John D (2015) Selective Inhibitors of Microbial Sulfate Reduction (and Beyond): High-Throughput Approaches for Engineering Geomicrobial Ecosystems and Characterizing Microbial Niche Space
Carlson H & Coates J
(2014) Stopping Bio-Souring at the Source: Identifying Specific Inhibitors of Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Carlson H, Mullan M & Coates J
(2013) Isotope Tracking of Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Oil Reservoirs
Conrad M, Hubbard C, Engelbrektson A & Coates J
(2013) Systems Biology Studies on the Stress Response of Perchlorate, Chlorate Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Carlson HK, Mullan MR, Deutschbauer AM, Price MN, Arkin AP & Coates JD
(2012) Wiring the Cell Wall: Surface Multiheme C-Type Cytochromes from Thermincola Potens and Implications for Dissimilatory Metal Reduction by Gram-Positive Bacteria
Carlson H, Iavarone A, Gorur A, Boon SY, Tran R, Melnyk R, Mathies R, Auer M & Coates J
(2011) Raison D’être of X-Ray Spectromicroscopy for Geochemistry
Thieme J, Sedlmair J, Mathes M, Prietzel J & Coates J
(2011) Extracellular Electron Transport by the Gram-Positive Species Thermincola Potens
Wrighton K, Carlson H, Byrne-Bailey K, Thrash C, Bigi J, Remis J, Schichnes D, Auer M, Chang C & Coates J
(2010) X-Ray Microscopy – A Tool to Study the Nanoworld
Thieme J, Sedlmair J, Gleber S-C, Rieger J, Niemeyer J & Coates J
(2005) Green Rust Formation Under Anaerobic Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxiding Conditions
Weber K, Thieme J, Larese-Casanova P, Scherer M, Achenbach L & Coates J
(2002) A Universal Immuno-Probe for (Per)chlorate-Reducing Bacteria
Coates J & O'Connor S

Coates John D. (2019) Phosphorous Microbiology at the Nexus of Energy to Chemistry Biotransformations
Coates J, Figueroa I, Ewens S & Barnum T
(2019) Microbially Mediated Iodate Reduction: A Unique Form of Microbial Respiration
Reyes-Umana VM, Shalit M & Coates JD
(2019) Phosphite: An Energy Source for Life on Earth and Beyond
Ewens S, Gomberg A, Barnum T, Silverberg M & Coates J

Coath Christopher (2016) A Double-Spike Tracer Method for Isotopic Analysis of Three-Isotope Systems by MC-ICPMS
Coath C, Hin R & Elliott T
(2016) A Unique Instrumental Approach for Enhanced Specificity in MC-Ic-Pms
Schwieters J, Elliott T, Coath C, Lewis J, Wehrs H & Lloyd NS
(2016) In situ Isotopic Analyses Using a New Generation Collision Cell Mass Spectrometry
Chen H-W, Lewis J, Coath C, Schwieters J, Tomkinson T & Elliott T
(2016) Determining Source Terms for FDNPP Fallout Using 135Cs/137Cs and Pu Isotopes
Dunne J, Richards D, Coath C, Chen H, Scott T, Martin P & Yamashiki Y
(2015) Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Elliott T, Wehrs H, Coath C, Lewis J & Schwieters J
(2015) Aluminium-26 Systematics of CV3 Chondrules: Evidence for a Multi-Stage Thermal History
Russell S, Claydon J, Coath C, Lai Y-J & Elliott T
(2014) The Implications of a Non-Chondritic Terrestrial Mg Isotope Composition
Elliott T, Lai Y-J, Walker A, Coath C, Pogge von Strandmann P, Willbold M, Chen H, Hin R, Bonsor A & Leinhardt Z
(2011) Nickel Isotope Anomalies: Neutron-Rich or Neutron-Poor?
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M
(2011) Quantifying Ocean Acidification during the Palaeogene Hyperthermals
Foster L, Schmidt D, Ridgwell A, Thomas E, Coath C, Hinton R & Scott T
(2009) Monazite Solubility in High-Pressure Aqueous Melts
Skora S, Blundy J, Coath C & Bouvier A-S
(2009) Measurement of Mass-Independent ε64Ni Isotopic Anomalies in Meteorites
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M
(2008) Origin of Ti Isotope Heterogeneity in the Protoplanetary Disk
Trinquier A, Bizzarro M, Ulfbeck D, Elliott T, Coath C, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Krot A
(2007) Nickel Isotope Anomalies in Iron and Chondritic Meteorites
Regelous M, Elliott T & Coath C
(2006) Boron isotope determinations by direct injection MC-ICPMS
Foster GL, Elliott T & Coath CD
(2005) Hf Isotopes by Laser Ablation Multi-Collector ICP-MS: Progress, Pitfalls and Prognosis
Kemp T, Foster G, Coath C & Schersten A
(2004) Iron Isotope Fractionation by Chemotrophic Iron-Oxidisers
Leighton E, Elliott T, Hawkesworth C, Parkes J & Coath C
(2003) Mass-Dependent and Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Effects in Archean and Paleoproterozoic Sulfides and Sulfates
Runnegar B, Coath C, Lyons J, McKeegan K & Mojzsis S
(2002) Mass-Independent and Mass-Dependant Sulfur Processing throughout the Archean
Runnegar B, Coath C, Lyons J & McKeegan K
(2001) Zircon Isotope Behavior during Upper-Amphibolite Facies Fluid Infiltration
Carson CJ, Ague JJ & Coath CD
(2001) Non-Mass-Dependent Sulfur Isotopes Documented from in situ Measurements of Precambrian Sedimentary Sulfides by Multi-Collector Ion Microprobe
Mojzsis SJ, Coath CD, Greenwood JP, McKeegan KD, Harrison TM & Runnegar B
(2001) “Plumbing” Zircon Inheritance in Young Rhyolites
Reid MR, Azquez JAV & Coath CD
(2000) Magma-Chronology: High Silica Rhyolite
Reid MR & Coath CD

Coath Christopher Coath (2017) Timing of the Bulk Chemical Fractionation of Planetary Bodies
Luu T-H, Hin RC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2017) Silicon Isotopes of Deep-Sea Sponges and These New Insights into the Micro and Macro Scale of the Silica Cycle
Cassarino LC, Coath CC & Hendry KH
(2017) New Adventures in Marine Silicon Isotope Studies
Hendry K, Cassarino L, Hatton J, Ward J, Hawkings J, Ng HC, Wadham J, Coath C & Robinson L
(2017) Silicon Isotopes Measurement by MC-ICP-MS, a New Approach for Low Concentrations
Coath CC, Cassarino LC & Hendry KH
(2017) Tales of Chasing Tails: Pushing the Limits of Abundance Sensitivty Using the Collision Cell MC-ICPMS, Proteus
Lewis J, Coath C, Wehrs H, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2017) Pushing the Analytical Limits of Si Isotope Analysis Using a Novel Double Spike Approach
Klaver M, Coath C, Hendry K & Elliott T

Coath Christopher D. (2023) ‘Gold Standard Data’; Using Collision Cell Approaches to Improve the Fidelity of Detection for Particle Transient Signals in (MC)-ICPMS/MS
Lewis J, Duffin AM, Mannino MA, Wood LS, Carman AJ, Eiden GC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2023) Presolar Sources of Bulk Chondrite Variability in Titanium Isotopes: Evidence from in situ Measurements
Shaw KMM, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2023) Fe-Mg Inter-Diffusion Drives the Isotope Fractionation in Basalt
Liu X, Hin RC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2022) Probing the Lower Mantle with High-Precision Si and Mg Isotope Data
Liu X, Hin RC, Klaver M, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2022) Stable Tungsten Isotopic Composition of Seawater over the Past 80 Million Years
Li G, Yang R, Stubbs D, Elliott T, Li T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Ling H-F, Chen J, Hein JR & Coath CD
(2021) Exploring Seafloor Nutrient Pools of Dissolved Silicon on the West Antarctic Peninsula
Friberg LM, Hendry KR, Cassarino L, Coath CD & Annett A
(2021) Potassium Isotope Homeostasis in Vertebrates: A Feeding Experiment
Tacail T, Lewis J, Tütken T, Coath CD, Lloyd N, Clauss M & Elliott T
(2021) High Resolution Sulfur Isotopes from Ice Cores: New Techniques and Improved Estimates of the Volcanic Forcing of Climate
Burke A, Innes HM, Sigl M, McConnell J, Steele R, Rae JWB, Coath CD, Lewis J & Elliott T
(2021) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Partial Melting
Liu X, Hin R, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2021) Constraining the Tectonic Setting of Continental Crust Formation from Coupled in situ Rb-Sr Dating and Pb Isotopic Analysis of Detrital, Single K-Feldspar Grains
Bevan D, Coath CD, Lewis J, Stubbs D, Rodney J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T
(2021) The Proteus Perspective: New Capabilities of Mass-Filter, Collision Cell, Multi-Collector Inductively- Coupled Mass-Spectrometry (CC-Mc-ICPMS/MS)
Elliott T, Bevan D, Coath CD, Lewis J, Shaw KMM, Luu T-H, Craig G, Lloyd N, Pfeifer M, Wehrs H & Schwieters J
(2020) Tungsten Isotope Constraints on the Cenozoic Sulfur Cycle
Yang R, Elliott T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Li T, Ling H, Chen J, Hein JR, Coath C, Stubbs D & Li G
(2020) Detrital K-Feldspar Geochronology by Collision Cell MC-ICPMS/MS
Bevan D, Coath C, Lewis J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T
(2020) In situ Titanium Isotope Measurements and the Search for the Source of Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Bulk Chondrites
Shaw KMM, Pfeifer M, Coath CD, Parkinson IJ & Elliott T
(2020) Thank F for Ca: Novel Methods for Measuring Ca Isotopes in Biomedical Samples with Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Lewis J, Coath CD, Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Schwieters JB & Elliott T
(2020) Potassium Stable Isotope Homeostasis in Vertebrates
Tacail T, Lewis J, Tütken T, Coath CD, Lloyd N, Clauss M & Elliott T
(2019) High Precision Ca Isotope Measurements by Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Luu T-H, Lewis J, Coath C & Elliott T
(2019) Tungsten in Mariana Arc Basalts: Evidence for Mobility and Isotopic Fractionation during Subduction
Stubbs D, Coath C & Elliott T
(2019) Measuring Geological and Biological Potassium Stable Isotope Ratios with Proteus Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS
Tacail T, Lewis J, Coath CD, Lloyd NS, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2019) In situ Rb-Sr Dating Using Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS
Bevan D, Coath C, Lewis J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T
(2019) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in Arc Lavas Caused by Magmatic Differentiation
Liu X, Hin R, Elliott T, van Soest M & Coath C
(2019) In situ Titanium Isotope Measurements in Meteorites Using the Collision Cell MC-ICPMS, Proteus
Pfeifer M, Lewis J, Coath CD, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2018) Magnesium Isotope Evidence that Accretional Vapour Loss Shapes Planetary Compositions
Hin RC, Coath CD, Carter PJ, Nimmo F, Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Willbold M, Leinhardt ZM, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2018) The Right Tool for the I-129 Job: can Triple Quad ICPMS or Collision Cell MC-ICPMS (Proteus) Address Limitations of AMS and TIMS?
Arnquist I, Eiden G, Lewis J, Coath C, Wehrs H, Schwieters J & Elliott T

Coban H. (2017) Comparing Contigous Plutons Related Gold Genesis: Sarıçayıryayla(Bilecik) and Dağdemirciler(Bursa)
Sendir H, Kumral M, Kirikoglu S, Kocaturk H & Coban H

Coban O. (2016) Nitrogen Cycling in Microbial Mats
Coban O & Bebout B

Cobb Kim (2017) Finding Toba: Traces in a Borneo Stalagmite
Carolin S, Orland I, Cobb K, Adkins J, Valley J, Webb S, Edwards N, Pyle D, Mosselmans F & Geraki T
(2017) Mechanisms of Tropical Hydroclimate Change during the Late Quaternary: New Frontiers at the Intersection of Proxies, Models, and Observations
Konecky B, Noone D, Di Nezio P, Nusbaumer J, Otto-Bliesner B & Cobb K

Cobb Kim M (2022) Climate Insights and Lessons from Borneo Stalagmites – 500, 000 Years to Present
Cobb KM

Cobb Kim M. (2018) A Coral Ensemble Approach to Reconstructing Mean Climate and Seasonality from the Central Pacific
Atwood AR, Cobb KM, Jones A, Grothe PR, Sayani HR, Chiang JCH, Hitt NT, Chen T, Deocampo DM, Southon JR, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2014) A Drying Event at 8.2 kyr in a High-Resolution Borneo Speleothem Record
Hoffmann S, Chen S, Lund D, Adkins J & Cobb K
(2013) Evaluation of Precipitation Isotope Variability Across the Tropical Pacific in SWING2 Simulations and Observations
Conroy J, Cobb K & Noone D
(2010) Effects of Diagenesis on Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Modern and Young Fossil Corals
Sayani H, Cobb K, Cohen A, Elliott WC, Nurhati I, Rose K & Zaunbrecher L
(2010) Climatic Influences on Daily Rainwater δ18O and δD Timeseries in Northern Borneo
Moerman J, Cobb K, Kollmeyer R, Clark B & Tuen A
(2010) Mid-Holocene El Niño-Southern Oscillation Revisited
Cobb K, Sayani H, Charles C, Westphal N, Edwards L & Cheng H
(2009) Constraints from Clumped Isotope Analyses of a Stalagmite on Maximum Tropical Temperature Change Through the Late Pleistocene
Meckler AN, Adkins J, Eiler J & Cobb K
(2009) ENSO Record in Mid-Late Holocene Fossil Corals from Line Islands – Forced Response or Internal Variability?
Westphal N, Charles CD, Cobb KM, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Haug GH
(2008) Fossil Coral Constraints on Tropical Pacific Temperature and Hydrology during the Last Millennium: Lessons and Updates
Cobb K, Charles C, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2007) Stalagmite Records of Tropical Pacific Climate Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Cobb K, Adkins J & Clark B
(2000) Tropical Climate Characteristics of the Last Millennium as Revealed by Splicing Fossil Corals from the Central Pacific
Cobb K, Charles C, Kastner M, Edwards L & Cheng H

Cobb R. (2014) Subseasonal Geochemical and Sclerochronological Variations in Coastal Mollusc Shells
Andrus F, Das O & Cobb R

Cobban A. (2022) Combinatorial and Rate Effects on the Multiply-Substituted Isotope Signatures in Methane during Biological Production and Consumption
Li J, Chiu B, Cobban A, Piasecki A, Nathan V, Rhim JH, Young ED & Leavitt WD
(2022) Determining Controls on Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Archaeal Tetraether Lipids in a Thermoacidophilic Archaeal Heterotroph
Harris CM, Rhim JH, Zhang Y, Cobban A, McFarlin J, Batther H, Kopf S & Leavitt WD

Cobbold P. (2013) Eocene Hydrocarbon Migration, Green River Formation, Utah
Stein H, Hannah J, Yang G, Loseth H, Wensaas L & Cobbold P

Cobden L. (2021) Inferring Relationships between Temperature, Bulk Composition and Wave Speeds Using Mixture Density Networks
Rijal A, Cobden L, Trampert J & Mans C
(2017) Identifying Partial Melt in Seismic Images of the Upper Mantle
Cobden L, Trampert J, Fichtner A & Davies R
(2016) What can Seismology Tell us About Water in the Mantle Transition Zone?
Cobden L, Thio V & Trampert J
(2016) Evidence for Deep Melting in the European Upper Mantle from Seismology
Trampert J, Cobden L & Fichtner A

Cobelo A. (2014) Salt Marsh Sediment as Source of Osmium to the Oceans
Almécija C, Sharma M, Cobelo A, Santos-Echeandía J & Caetano M

Cobelo-Garcia A. (2023) Chemical Speciation of Pt in Natural Waters – Implications for its Geochemical Behaviour
Catrouillet C, Schäfer J & Cobelo-Garcia A
(2013) The Platinum Behavior in the North Atlantic Ocean
López Sánchez DE & Cobelo García A
(2009) The Behaviour of Dissolved Pt in the North Atlantic Ocean
Cobelo-Garcia A & Santos-Echeandia J
(2009) The Influence of Porewater Geochemistry on Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Trace Elements
Santos-Echeandia J, Cobelo-Garcia A & Prego R

Cobenas Gisela (2012) Metal Evolution during Differentiation of Calc-Alkaline Magmas (Hunter Ridge, SW Pacific)
Cobenas G, Danyushevsky L & Falloon T

Cobenas Gisela (2013) Metal Behaviour during Differentiation of Subducted-Related Lavas (Hunter Ridge, SW Pacific)
Cobenas G, Danyushevsky L & Falloon T

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