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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Clavijo Arcos R.E. (2021) Magnesium and Uranium Isotope Composition of the Sturtian Jacoca Formation Cap Dolomite, Brazil
Clavijo Arcos RE, Clarkson MO, Vance D, Sial AN, Müller MN & Shalev N

Claxton B. (2004) Geochemistry of an Unconventional Gas Prospect: The Barnett Shale Gas Model
Hill R, Jarvie D, Pollastro R, Bowker K & Claxton B

Claxton L.M. (2021) Environmental Adaptation of Calcification from Coccolith Associated Polysaccharides
Rickaby REM, Claxton LM & Lee RBY

Clay J. (2018) Use of Sodium Dithionite for Groundwater Restoration Following Uranium in situ Recovery at the Smith Ranch Highland Site in Wyoming
Harris R, Reimus P & Clay J

Clay Patricia (2023) Compositional Variations in the Azores Mantle Source: Insights from Lava-Hosted Xenoliths
McLaughlin M, Clay P, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R & Holland G
(2023) The Distribution of Halogens in Shergottite Meteorites: Implications for Martian Mantle Abundances
Ruzié-Hamilton L, Almayrac M, Clay P & Burgess R
(2022) Volatility of Halogens during Accretion of the Telluric Planets
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Matzen A, Clay P, Wood BJ & Burgess R
(2021) Mars and Earth: A Halogen Story
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Clay P, O'Driscoll B & Burgess R
(2020) The Halogen Composition of Shergottite Meteorites
Burgess R, Clay P & Ruzie-Hamilton L
(2020) The Critical Role of Subduction in Earth’s Halogen Distribution
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim-Mrosko B, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Perfit M & Ballentine C
(2019) Noble Gases and Halogens in Martian Meteorites: Budgets and Processes
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Clay P, O'Driscoll B & Burgess R

Clay Patricia L (2018) Tracing Slab Volatiles during Subduction Through the Noble Gas Isotope and Halogen Systematics of Ophiolites
Carter E, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R & Clay P
(2018) Halogens as Key Tracers of Volatile Evolution in the Terrestrial Planets
Clay PL, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruziè-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Day JMD, Lyon I, King A, Russell SS, Schofield P & Ballentine CJ
(2018) Lunar Halogen Determinations Using a Noble Gas Approach
Burgess R, Clay P, Joy K, McDonald F, Busemann H, Ruzie-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Tartese R, Lyon I & Ballentine C
(2018) Source vs. Contamination in Martian Shergottites: Noble Gas and Halogen Insights
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Clay P & Burgess R
(2018) Origin of the ~3.5 Ga Bon Accord Ni Deposit, Barberton, South Africa
Clay PL, O'Driscoll B, Day JMD, Burgess R, Bonnand P & Busemann H
(2017) Process of Volatile Addition to Earth Revealed by Halogens in Chondrites
Clay P, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruziè-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Day J & Ballentine C
(2017) Effect of Water on the F and Cl Partitioning Behavior between Olivine and Silicate Melt
Joachim B, Stechern A, Ludwig T, Konzett J, Ruzié-Hamilton L, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2017) Nearside Lunar Mantle Halogen Composition from Mare Basalts
McDonald FE, Clay PL, Joy KH, Ballentine CJ & Burgess R
(2017) Quantifying Subducted Volatiles from the Leka Ophiolite, Norway
Carter E, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R, Clay P & Holland G
(2016) Halogens in the Bon Accord Ni-Sulphide Deposit
O'Driscoll B, Clay PL, Bonnand P & Burgess R
(2016) Iodine Budget in the Manus Back-Arc Basin: Implication for the Iodine Cycle in the Earth’s Mantle
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Burgess R, Joachim B, Clay P, Sinton J & Ballentine C
(2016) Halogen Geochemistry of Lunar Rocks
Clay PL, McDonald FE, Joy KH, Burgess R, Ruziè-Hamilton L, Joachim B & Ballentine CJ
(2015) Post-Basin Impact Modification of the Lunar Highlands Recorded by Apollo 16 Impact Splash Coats
Joy KH, Burgess R, Clay PL, Ruzie L, Curran NM & McDonald FM
(2015) Halogen Abundances in OIB Source Regions
Joachim B, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Marquardt K, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2015) Archaean Mantle Halogen Composition from Komatiites
McDonald F, Clay P, Joy K, Ruzie L, Ballantine C & Burgess R
(2015) Noble Gases and Organic Matter – Correlations and Trends, and the Attempt to Date Phase Q
Busemann H, Holinger S, Riebe M, Kuga M, Spring N, Wieler R, Maden C & Clay P
(2014) Neutron Irradiation Noble Gas Mass Spectrometric Technique for Quantifying Cl, Br and I in Terrestrial and Extra-Terrestrial Rock Samples
Ruzie L, Clay PL, Burgess R, Sumino H, Kobayashi M & Ballentine C
(2014) Evidence for Volatile Recycling from Determination of the OIB Mantle Source Halogen Concentration
Joachim B, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Clay P, Ruzié L, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2014) Halogen Geochemistry of Planetary Building Blocks
Clay PL, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruzie L, Joachim B & Ballentine C
(2014) Age & Chemical Diversity of Basaltic Particles in the Apollo 12 Regolith
Joy KH, Burgess R, Ruzie L, Clay P, Snape JF, Alexander L & Crawford IA
(2013) Halogen Systematics of the Manus Spreading Center
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim B, Hilton DR, Sinton JM & Ballentine CJ
(2013) Combined Halogen (Cl, Br, I) and Noble Gas Mantle Geochemistry
Ballentine C, Burgess R, Sumino H, Hilton D, Graham D, Van Keken P, Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Clay P, Joachim B, Moorsom B, Jepsom L & Broadley M
(2013) Halogen (Cl, Br and I) Inventory of the Primitive Meteorites
Clay P, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruzie L, Joachim B & Ballentine C
(2013) Halogen Partitioning Behavior at Earth's Mantle Conditions
Joachim B, Lyon I, Pawley A, Henkel T, Ruzie L, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine CJ
(2008) Two Diffusion Mechanisms for Argon in K-Feldspar?
Kelley SP, Baxter E, Cherniak D, Clay P, Thomas J & Watson B
(2008) The 40Ar/39Ar System in Young Glass (Arico Formation, Tenerife): Implications for Partitioning of Excess Ar between Glass and Sanidine
Clay P, Sherlock S & Kelley SP
(2006) Two Diffusive Pathways for Argon in Quartz and Feldspar
Baxter E, Clay P, Kelley S, Watson B, Cherniak D & Thomas J

Claydon J. (2015) Aluminium-26 Systematics of CV3 Chondrules: Evidence for a Multi-Stage Thermal History
Russell S, Claydon J, Coath C, Lai Y-J & Elliott T

Clayer François (2016) A Process-Based Model Applied to Paleolimnology to Reconstruct the Long-Term Carbon Sequestration and Oxygen Dynamic in Lake Geneva (France)
Jenny J-P, Francus P, Couture R, Clayer F, Carvalhais N, Jautzy J & Perga M-E

Clayer Francois (2023) Isoscapes Norway
Johansen I, Polteau S, Vogt RD, Uggerud H & Clayer F

Claypool G. (2012) Sr Isotopic Composition of Pore Water of Shelf Cores from IODP Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
Yoshimura T, Kawahata H, Tanimizu M, George S, Lipp J & Claypool G
(2009) What do Pore Fluid Profiles of Sulfate Indicate About Methane Fluxes and Amount of Gas Hydrates?
Kastner M, Claypool G, Torres M, Solomon E, Spivack A & Roberstson G

Clayton G.E. (2019) Toolkit Approach for the Selection of Sustainable Arsenic Remediation Approaches for Rural Communities
Richards LA, Kumari N, Ghosh A, Joshi H, Mukherjee A, Clayton GE, Reynolds DM & Polya DA

Clayton K. (2023) Ni Isotope Fractionation during the Formation of Amorphous Nickel Sulfides
Wang T-H, Hsieh Y-TA, Clayton K, Cosmidis J & Henderson GM
(2019) Life after the Sturtian
Van Maldegem L, Kipp M, Krause A, Poulton S, Tosca N, Clayton K, Rooney A, Hope J & Brocks J

Clayton L. (2006) Nanoporous Transition Metal Phosphate Materials for Sequestration of Redox Sensitive Contaminants
Wellman D, Mattigod S, Fryxell G, Clayton L, Glovack J & Parker K

Clayton R. (2008) SO2 Self-Shielding during UV Photolysis
Pen A & Clayton R
(2005) Isotopic Effects during Cu Sorption onto Goethite
Clayton R, Hudson-Edwards K & Houghton S
(2005) Iron and Tin Isotope Equilibrium Fractionation Factors from Mössbauer and Synchrotron Radiation Data
Polyakov V, Mineev S & Clayton R
(2004) Long-Term Reproducibility of the Durango Fluorapatite “Age Standard” and Error Reporting in (U/Th)-He Chronometry
Clayton R, Carter A, Hurford T & Batt G
(2003) Isotopic Self-Shielding of Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Solar Nebula
Clayton R
(2002) Multielement Analyses of Single Presolar SiC Grains from Supernovae
Davis A, Pellin M, Tripa E, Savina M, Lewis R & Clayton R
(2001) Microbeam Laser Resonant Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Isotopic Compositions of Individual Grains of Stardust
Davis AM, Pellin MJ, Calaway WF, Savina MR, Veryovkin IV, Clayton RN & Lewis RS
(2001) Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Hydration Reactions in Solar System Materials
Clayton RN & Mayeda TK

Clayton Z. (2023) Introducing WORM!
Boyer G, Robare J, Park N, Debes V, Clayton Z, Reano D, Simon MN & Shock EL

Clearfield A. (2006) Influence of hydroxyl-water interaction on structural transformations during Cs+ exchange in microporous H-CST
Celestian A, Parise J, Narayan J, Kubicki J & Clearfield A

Clearwater S. (2017) High Resolution Seasonal Signals in Bivalve Shells from Lake Rotorua, New Zealand
Herath D, Stern R, Jacob D, Clearwater S & Fallon S

Cleary A. (2016) Long-Term Immobilisation of Technetium with Proprietary Electron Donors
Newsome L, Cleary A, Morris K & Lloyd JR

Cleary D.M. (2023) Application of TEX86 Paleothermometer to Speleothems as an Approach to Reconstructing Interglacial Climate over the Korean Peninsula
Cleary DM, Wassenburg JA, Sinha N, Basu S, Jo K-N, Vonhof H, Martinez-Garcia A & Timmermann A

Cleasby T. (2005) Seasonality of Diel Cycles of Dissolved Trace-Metal Concentrations in a Rocky Mountain Stream
Nimick D, Cleasby T & McCleskey B

Cleaver A. (2023) Fugitive Mine Dusts in Canada: Their Capture, Characterization, and Impacts
Berryman EJ, Cleaver A, Martineau C, Fenton N, Indorf M-F, Cadieux C, Rickwood C & Huntsman P
(2022) Developing a Proof-Of-Concept Environmental Geochemistry Database in Canada
Cleaver A, Cole J, Deriaz J, Tomini E, Karwaski J & Levesque M
(2021) Tailings Dust Characterization and Impacts on Surface Water Chemistry
Cleaver A, Jamieson HE, Rickwood C & Huntsman P
(2020) Mining Environments in a Changing Climate
Huntsman P, Cleaver A, Jamieson H, Volchek K, DiFeo T, Reynier N, Gagne-Turcotte R, Langley S, Clemente J, Asemaninejad A, White HP & Rickwood C

Cleaves Henderson (2016) A Systems Model of Earth’s Early Abiotic Nitrogen Cycle
Cleaves H, Laneuville M & Virgo N
(2016) Constrains of Abiotic Thioester's Chemistries in Origins of Life
Chandru K, Gilbert A, Butch C, Aono M & Cleaves H

Cleaves Henderson J. (2011) The Formation of Organic Molecules in Solar System Environments: The Miller-Urey Experiment in Space Preflight Overview
Kotler JM, Ehrenfreund P, Martins Z, Ricco AJ, Blum J, Schraepler R, van Dongen J, Palmans A, Sephton MA & Cleaves HJ
(2011) The Role of Mineral Surface Chemistry in the Prebiotic Selection of Pentose Sugars
Klochko K, Sverjensky D, Hazen RM & Cleaves HJ
(2011) The Stability of Amino Acids Under Redox-Constrained Hydrothermal Conditions
Lee N, Foustoukos D, Sverjensky D, Cleaves HJ, Klochko K & Hazen R
(2008) Glutamate Surface Speciation on Amorphous Titanium Dioxide and Hydrous Ferric Oxide
Sverjensky DA, Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Cleaves HJ & Hazen RM
(2008) Surface Speciation of Aspartate and Glutamate on Titanium Dioxide
Jonsson C, Jonsson C, Sverjensky D, Cleaves HJ, Hazen R & Cody G
(2008) The Interactions of Nucleic Acid Components with Rutile Surfaces
Cleaves HJ, Jonsson C, Jonsson C, Sverjensky D & Hazen R
(2005) Sulfate Minerals as Targets for Biomolecule Detection on Mars
Aubrey AD, Cleaves HJ, Chalmers JH & Bada J
(2004) Lightning Associated with Hot-Spot Island Arc Volcanoes and the Localized Synthesis of Prebiotic Compounds on the Primitive Earth
Aubrey A, Cleaves H & Bada J

Cleaves Henderson James (2023) A Robust Molecular Biosignature Based on Machine Learning Applied to Three-Dimensional Pyrolysis GCMS Data
Hazen RM, Cleaves HJ, Hystad G, Prabhu A, Wong ML, Cody G & Economon SE

Cleaves Henderson Jim (2021) In-Silico Modelling of Reaction Networks Involved in Prebiotic Chemistry to Understand the Origins of Life
Sharma S, Arya A, Ray J, Garcia EAL, Cruz Simbron RL, Andersen JL, Dogan R, Chen H & Cleaves HJ

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