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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Clarke K. (2018) A Fractal Model of Dike Formation and Variability Based on Cellular Automata
Xiong Y, Zuo R & Clarke K

Clarke Leon (2018) Lichen Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur Contents and their Isotopic Signatures for Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Pollution in the Urban Environment of Manchester, UK
Niepsch D, Clarke L, Tzoulas K & Cavan G
(2018) Chlorine Distribution and Structural State within the Aragonite Shell of the Long-Lived Marine Mollusc Arctica islandica: Exploring a Potential Palaeosalinity Proxy
Clarke L, Witbaard R, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2017) Bromine Distribution and Speciation within the Aragonite Shell of the Marine Mollusc Arctica islandica
Clarke L, Witbaard R, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2017) Impact of Urbanisation on Groundwater Geochemistry and Public Health: A Case Study of Owerri, Nigeria
Nwachukwu JI, Clarke L, Symeonakis E & Brearley F
(2017) Lichen Biomonitoring and GIS Analysis of Atmospheric Pollution and Air Quality in Manchester, UK
Niepsch D, Clarke L, Tzoulas K & Cavan G
(2015) Marine Bivalve Mollusc Shell DELTA47-temperature Calibration Using the MIRA Mass Spectrometer
Clarke L, Dennis P, Marca A, Petrizzo D & Henkes G
(2013) Late Cretaceous Sub-Tropical Pacific Ocean Clumped-Isotope Palaeothermometry
Clarke L, Millan I & Bernasconi S

Clarke Leon J (2019) Urbanisation Impacts on Groundwater Nitrification and Human Health: A Case Study of Owerri, South East Nigeria
Nwachukwu JI, Clarke LJ, Brearley F & Symeonakis E

Clarke R. (2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K

Clarke T. (2015) Redox Linked Flavin Sites in Extracellular Decaheme Proteins Involved in Microbe-Mineral Electron Transfer
White G, Edwards M, Norman M, Butt J, Richardson D & Clarke T
(2015) Biochemical Mineral Reduction Through the Porin Cytochrome Complex of Shewanella oneidensis
Clarke T, Edwards M, White G, Wang Z, Fredrickson J, Zachara J, Butt J, Richardson D & Shi L
(2014) Liposome Model to Demonstrate Electron Exchange between Metal-Reducing Bacteria and Fe(III) Oxides
White G, Shi Z, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J, Butt J, Richardson D & Clarke T
(2011) Large-Scale Simulation of Molecular Structure and Electron Transfer in Microbial Cytochromes
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Breuer M, Blumberger J, Shi L, Richardson D, Clarke T, Edwards M, Butt J, Zachara J & Fredrickson J
(2011) The Structure and Topology of Cytochromes Involved in Outer Membrane Electron Transport
Clarke T, Edwards M, Hemmings A, Hall A, White G, Gates A, Butt J, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J & Richardson D
(2011) Liposome Study of MtrABC: A Porin Cytochrome Electron Transport System from Shewanella oneidensis
White G, Edwards M, Baiden N, Hall A, Butt J, Richardson D & Clarke T
(2011) Defining a Landscape for Microbial Electron Transfer to Extracellular Minerals
Butt J, Gates A, Marritt S, Edwards M, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J, Richardson D & Clarke T

Clarke W. (2009) Cycling of Fe by Siderophilic Cyanobacteria: Implications for an Early Biosphere
Brown I, Thomas-Keprta K, Sarkisova S, Fischer C, Luttge A, Arvidson R, Shen G, Bryant D, Galindo, Jr C, Garrison D, Clarke W & McKay D

Clarkson Chris (2016) Tracing Fugitive Gas in Shallow Groundwater in Areas of Unconventional Energy Resource Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Cahill A, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Kloppmann W, Osadetz K & Lawton D

Clarkson Christopher (2019) Tracer Approaches for Identifying Potential Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Osselin F, Cheung T, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Desaulty AM & Kloppmann W

Clarkson Christopher R. (2015) Geochemical Fractionation of Organic Matter as Applied to Unconventional Petroleum Reservoir Quality
Sanei H, Wood JM, Ardakani OH & Clarkson CR
(2015) Geochemistry and Petrology of a Middle Triassic Source Rock in the Canadian Arctic
Kondla DM, Sanei H, Ardakani OH, Ghanizadeh A, Aquino S & Clarkson CR

Clarkson E. (2008) Methanogenesis-Driven Formation of Siderite Concretions in a Brackish Basin
Bojanowski M, Clarkson E & Nejbert K

Clarkson Matthew (2011) Controls on Early Biomineralisation: Oxygen and Competition
Wood R, Prave A, Hoffman C, Lyne J, Clarkson M & Kasemann S

Clarkson Matthew (2016) Unravelling ‘Oceanic Anoxic Events’ Using High-Resolution δ238U
Clarkson M, Stirling C, Jenkyns H, Cooke I, Dickson A, Porcelli D & Moy C
(2016) High-resolution δ13Corg and TOC Records for the palaeo-Pacific Ocean during ‘OAE-2’: Insights into the Global Extent of Ocean Anoxia
Gangl S, Stirling C, Moy C, Jenkyns H, Crampton J, Clarkson M & Porcelli D

Clarkson Matthew (2013) Ocean Redox Dynamics during the End-Permian Extinction and Early Triassic Recovery
Clarkson M, Poulton S, Wood R & Richoz S

Clarkson Matthew (2015) Global Ocean Anoxia during Ancient 'Greenhouse' Climates: Prospects for a Warming World
Clarkson M, Stirling C, Jenkyns H, Cooke I, Dickson A & Gangl S
(2015) A Deep Time Perspective on Ocean pH
Kasemann S, Wood R, Ohnemüller F, Clarkson M, Lenton T & Prave A
(2015) Ocean Acidification and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction: Process and Manifestation
Kasemann S, Wood R, Clarkson M, Lenton T, Daines S, Richoz S, Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Poulton S & Tipper E

Clarkson Matthew (2020) Upper Limits on Oceanic Anoxia during the PETM: A Uranium Isotope Perspective
Clarkson M, Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Andersen M, Vance D & Lenton T

Clarkson Matthew (2018) Reducing the Role of Contaminant Phases for Metal Isotopes in Carbonates
Clarkson M, Müsing K, Andersen M & Vance D

Clarkson Matthew O. (2023) Redox-sensitive Metals and δ238U in Red and Grey Shales: Exploring a New Archive for Palaeo-Redox Studies
Gangl SK, Stirling CH, Moy CM, Jenkyns HC, Crampton JS, Clarkson MO & Porcelli D
(2023) Source Versus Weathering Processes as Controls on the Mackenzie River Uranium Isotope Signature
Charbonnier Q, Clarkson MO, Hilton R & Vance D
(2022) Cd Isotopes in Carbonates Deposited during ‘OAE 2’: Assessment of a Novel Palaeo-Productivity Tracer
Gangl SK, Stirling CH, Clarkson MO & Jenkyns H
(2021) Magnesium and Uranium Isotope Composition of the Sturtian Jacoca Formation Cap Dolomite, Brazil
Clavijo Arcos RE, Clarkson MO, Vance D, Sial AN, Müller MN & Shalev N
(2021) Insights into the Oceanic Zn Cycle Across the Paleocene-Eocene Transition
Müsing K, Clarkson MO & Vance D
(2019) Understanding Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Systematics in Continental Margin Sediments
He Z, Clarkson M, Andersen M, Archer C, Huang F & Vance D
(2019) Uranium Isotope Constraints on Ocean De-Oxygenation during the PETM
Clarkson M, Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Vance D & Lenton T
(2019) The Uranium-Isotope Proxy of Oxygenation Changes in the Ancient Oceans: Global Versus Local Controls on 238U/235U in Black Shales
Stirling C, Gangl S, Preston W, Jenkyns H, Clarkson M, Moy C & Porcelli D
(2019) When Uranium Isotopes Tell Decoupled Ocean Anoxia Tales
Lenton TM & Clarkson MO
(2017) Metal Isotope Tracers of the Redox and Productivity States of the Past Oceans: Refining Modern Calibrations
Stirling C, Rolison J, George E, Middag R, Clarkson M & Gangl S
(2017) Redox-Sensitive Metals in Red Shales: Exploring a New Archive for Palaeoceanographic Reconstruction
Gangl S, Stirling C, Moy C, Jenkyns H, Crampton J, Clarkson M & Porcelli D
(2017) An Experimental Study of Reductive Cleaning Procedures for Investigating Metal Isotopes in Ancient Carbonates
Müsing KD, He Z, Clarkson MO & Vance D
(2017) Double De-Oxygenation: Unravelling OAE 2 with U Isotopes
Clarkson M, Stirling C, Jenkyns H, Dickson A, Porcelli D, Pogge von Strandmann P, Moy C, Cooke I & Lenton T

Claro Á. (2017) Hydrothermal Alteration of Alkaline Leucogabbros from La Morena Intrusion, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain)
de Ignacio C, Claro Á, Pallares C, Barbarand J & Yans J

Class Cornelia (2017) Galapagos Plume Terranes – Longevity of Plume Components
Class C, Trela J & Gazel E

Class Cornelia (2016) Chemical Heterogeneities Transported by Mantle Plumes
Farnetani C, Limare A, Duvernay T, Hofmann A & Class C
(2016) Walvis Ridge-Tristan-Gough, South Atlantic – Deconvolution of Source Components and Dynamic Mixing
Class C, Koppers AAP, Sager WW & Schnur S

Class Cornelia (2019) Systematics of Helium in Deep Earth Diamond-Hosted C-O-H Fluids
Weiss Y, Class C, Goldstein S, Winckler G & Kiro Y
(2019) The Role of Melt-Rock Reaction in Creating Enriched-Morb Mantle Sources
Rampone E, Borghini G, Class C, Goldstein SL, Cipriani A, Cai Y, Hofmann AW, Zanetti A, Fumagalli P & Godard M

Class Cornelia (2018) A New Look at Crust-Mantle Differentiation
Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Class C

Class Cornelia (2013) Meter-Scale Chemical Interaction between Pyroxenite-Derived Melts and Mantle Peridotites in the Northern Apennine Ophiolites (Italy)
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Godard M
(2012) Origin of the Bilateral Structure of Pacific Plume Conduits
Farnetani C, Hofmann A & Class C
(2011) Displaced Helium in Tilted Mantle Plumes
Hofmann AW, Farnetani C, Spiegelman M & Class C
(2011) Plate- Versus Plume-Driven Processes – South Atlantic DUPAL Revisited
Class C & le Roex A
(2011) Pyroxenites in Peridotites from External Liguride Ophiolites (Italy): Insights on Small Scale Heterogeneities in MORB Mantle
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A & Goldstein S
(2009) Shona and Discovery Seamount Chains, South Atlantic: Superplume Source Constraints
Class C & le Roex A
(2009) Dynamics of Secondary Plumes
Farnetani C, Fourel L & Class C
(2008) Is Plume Shape Variability Real? Evidence from Tristan-Gough-Discovery
Class C, le Roex AP, Rollins N, Long D, Goldstein SL, Cai Y, van de Flierdt T & Perfit MR
(2007) Re-establishing Recycled Sediment in Mantle Plumes – Evidence from Gough Island
Class C, le Roex A, Long D & Goldstein S
(2007) Is D′′ a Low-Mu Reservoir?
Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Class C
(2006) How fast do volcanic arcs establish steady-state?
Schmidt A, Straub SM, Goldstein SL & Class C
(2005) Evolution of Helium Isotopes in the Earth‚s Mantle
Class C & Goldstein S
(2004) Mantle and Lower Crustal Xenoliths from NW Namibia and Constraints on Etendeka Flood Basalt Formation
Class C & le Roex A

Class Cornelia (2021) Sulfur Isotopic Composition of the Tristan-Gough Plume Source
Class C, Thomassot E, le Roex A & Chauvel C

Class Cornelia (2020) Sulfur Isotopic Evidence on the Age of Recycled Surface Material in the Tristan-Gough Plume Source
Class C, Thomassot E, le Roex A & Chauvel C

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