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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Claire T. (2017) Molecular Speciation of Trace Metal Organic Ligands in the Pacific Ocean
Daniel R, Rene B, Claire T & Randelle B

Claisse P. (2023) The Weathering of Black Shales and Schists Constituting Spoil Tips in the Northern France: A Conventional Acidic Mining Drainage?
Bafounga Y, Lloret E, Bourdelle F & Claisse P

Clapp E. (2002) Tracking Landscape-Scale Sediment Generation and Transport Using in situ Produced 10-Be and 26-Al
Bierman P, Nichols K, Clapp E, Matmon A, Caffee M & Finkle R

Clarens A. (2020) Machine Learning for SMART Mineral Mapping Using Coupled XRF-Xrd
Peters C, Kim J, Ling F, Plattenberger D & Clarens A
(2017) Wollastonite Hydration, Dissolution, and Calcite Precipitation for Targeted Mineral Carbonation
Ling FT, Tao Z, Plattenberger D, Fitts JP, Peters CA & Clarens A
(2015) Targeted Control of Subsurface Permeability Using Mineral Carbonation Reactions
Clarens A, Fitts J & Tao Z

Clarens F. (2009) Kinetic Behavior and Redox Buffer Capacity of Pyrrhotite
Grivé M, Clarens F, De Pablo J, Rojo I & Duro L

Claret Francis (2014) Benchmark for Reactive Transport Codes with Application to Concrete Alteration
Bildstein O, Claret F, Perko J, Jacques D & Steefel C
(2014) A Selection of Thermodynamic Properties for Zeolites: Application to the Cement/Clay Interactions
Blanc P, Vieillard P, Gaboreau S, Gailhanou H, Claret F, Made B & Giffaut E
(2013) Chemical Homologue Speciation in Natural Systems: A Key to Understand the Anthropogenic RN Fate
Claret F, Lerouge C, Grangeon S, Sato T, Schäfer T, Giffaut E & Tournassat C
(2013) Coupling HTO Tracer Experiments and Tomography Imaging to Monitor the Effects of Celestite Porosity Clogging on Diffusion Properties in Porous Media
Chagneau A, Claret F, Madé B, Wolf M, Enzmann F & Schäfer T
(2012) Modelling Water/Rock Interactions in Clay-Rock Formations: A Synthesis
Tournassat C, Gaucher EC, Vinsot A, F.J. P, Wersin P, Claret F & Altmann S
(2012) Discriminating Factors Affecting Incorporation: Comparison of the Fate of Eu3+/Cm3+ in the Sr Carbonate/Sulfate System
Holliday K, Chagneau A, Schmidt M, Claret F, Schaefer T & Stumpf T
(2009) Characterisation of Claystone Alteration Sourrounding a Long-Term Perturbed in situ Diffusion Experiment
Koroleva M, Lerouge C, Maeder U, Claret F & Gaucher E

Claret Francis (2015) Radionuclide Mobility Determining Processes Investigated by STXM
Schäfer T, Huber F, Temgoua L, Claret F, Darbha GK, Chagneau A & Jacobsen C

Claret Francis (2023) Multi-Component Reactive Transport in a Claystone: Insights from a Ten-Year Alkaline in situ Injection Experiment
Debure M, Claret F, Gaboreau S, Steefel CI, Linard Y & Tournassat C

Claret Francis (2021) Wettability of Clay Surfaces and its Implication on the Status of Water in Unsaturated Porous Media
Guérin L, Michot L, Ferrage E, Claret F & Marry V
(2021) Reactive Transport Modelling with a Coupled OpenFOAM®-PHREEQC Platform
Pavuluri S, Soulaine C, Claret F & Andre L

Claret Françis (2017) Formation of Mg-Aluminosilicates during Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments in the Volcanic Crater Lake of Dziani (Mayotte – Indian Ocean)
Milesi V, Jezequel D, Guyot F, Debure M, Marty N, Claret F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
(2017) Kinetics and Mechanisms of Ni Sorption by Nanocrystalline Vernadite
Grangeon S, Fernandez-Martinez A, Claret F, Marty N, Tournassat C, Warmont F & Gloter A

Claret Francis (2019) Beryllium Solubility, Hydrolysis and Sorption in Cementitious Systems
Cevirim-Papaioannou N, Gaona X, Han S, Ait-Moheb N, Böttle M, Gaboreau S, Claret F, Um W & Altmaier M
(2019) Ion Exchange in Fougèrite: Influence of Crystal Size and Structural Defects
Agnel MI, Grangeon S, Fauth F, Elkaïm E, Claret F, Roulet M, Warmont F & Tournassat C
(2019) Pore-Scale Investigation of Precipitation Driven Diffusivity Change at Column-Scale
Deng H, Molins S, Claret F, Tournassat C & Steefel C

Clarisse O. (2023) Levels of Uranium-238 and Radium-226 in the Kennebecasis River Sediment (New Brunswick, Canada) as Shale Gas Activities Indicators and their Environmental Legacy
Landry A & Clarisse O
(2022) Sediment: A Permanent Sink for Radium?
Landry A & Clarisse O

Clarito C.

Clark Acacia (2022) Vapor-Phase Cristobalite and Halogens in Glass: Insights into Fluid Fluxes and Outgassing Dynamics in Silicic Submarine Lavas
Mitchell SJ, Clark A & Carey R

Clark Alexander J. (2023) Evaluating the Removal of Contaminants in Biogenic Carbonates for Clumped Isotope Studies
Clark AJ, Torres Romero I, Jaggi M, Bernasconi SM & Stoll H

Clark Alisha (2023) Density of Silicate Melts by 3D X-Ray Absorption Microtomography
Clark A, Lesher C, Yu T & Wang Y
(2020) Implications of Thermal Disequilibrium during Melt-Rock Interaction for the Evolution of Continental Lithosphere
Roy M, Clark A & Farmer L
(2017) Densification Mechanisms of Amorphous Silicates at High Pressure and Temperature
Clark A, Morard G, Le Godec Y, Guignot N & King A
(2015) The Supercooled Liquid at High Pressure – The Missing Link?
Lesher C, Gaudio S, Clark A & O'Dwyer-Brown L
(2014) Pressure Dependent Elastic Properties of Basalt by GHz Frequency Ultrasonic Interferometry
Clark A, Jacobsen S & Lesher C
(2008) X-Ray Microtomography Under Extreme Conditions
Lesher CE, Wang Y, Gaudio S, Clark A, Sanehira T, Yamada A & Roberts J
(2007) P-V-T Equation of State of Glasses and Melts by X-Ray Microtomography and Absorption
Lesher C, Wang Y, Gaudio S, Clark A & Rivers M

Clark Arthur (2022) Enhancement of Acetoclastic Methanogenesis during in situ Biostimulation of Coalbed Methane Generation
Barnhart E, Smith H, Schweitzer H, Mueller R, Orem W, Varonka M, Ruppert L, Clark A, Crockett Z & Fields M
(2009) Biodegradation of Solvent-Extractable Organic Matter from Coal by a Methanogenic Microbial Consortium
Harris S, Jones E, Orem W, Voytek M, Clark A, Corum M, Lerch H, Warwich P, Bates A & Smith R

Clark Aurora (2022) Identifying Prenucleation Species in Concentrated, Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions to Improve Aluminum Processing Efficiency
Nienhuis-Marcial E, Wang H-W, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Prange M, Zhang X, Clark A, Schenter G, Rosso K & Pearce C
(2018) Spectroscopic Features of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Aluminate Dimer, K2Al2O(OH)6
Dembowski M, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Wang H-W, Hu J, Clark A, Rosso K & Pearce C
(2013) Interfacial Chemistry Viewed Through the Lens of Network Analysis
Clark A, Ozkanlar A & Kelley M

Clark Aurora E. (2023) The Complex Role of Ion Interactions in the Interfacial Reactivity of Gibbsite
Clark AE, Guo Q, Pouvreau M, Rosso KM, Stack AG & Yang X
(2023) Understanding Interfacial Properties Associated with Radiation Effects in Complex Nuclear Environments
Pearce CI, Prange M, Young L, LaVerne J, Orlando T, Kimmel G, Liu L, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Mergelsberg ST, Lu L, Li S, Riechers S, Anovitz LM, Zhang X, Wang Z, Li X, Clark AE, Rosso KM & Schenter GK
(2023) Understanding Oligomerization in Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions Using Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Pouvreau M, Guo Q, Wang H-W, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Graham TR, Schenter GK, Clark AE, Pearce CI & Rosso KM

Clark Ben C. (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2022) Salty Mars, from Perseverance to Viking: Geochemical Themes, Variation, and Habitability
Clark BC, Hurowitz J, Catling DC, Flannery DT, Benison KC, Gasda P, Moore KR, Fairen AG, Gomez F & Allwood A

Clark Benton (2007) Crystal Water on Mars: Insights from the Mars Exploration Rovers
Ming D, Clark B, Morris R & The Athena Science Team

Clark Brian (2010) Climatic Influences on Daily Rainwater δ18O and δD Timeseries in Northern Borneo
Moerman J, Cobb K, Kollmeyer R, Clark B & Tuen A
(2007) Stalagmite Records of Tropical Pacific Climate Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Cobb K, Adkins J & Clark B

Clark C. M. (2006) Integrating Zircon and Monazite Saturation with Metamorphism in Melt-bearing Systems
Kelsey D, Clark C & Hand M
(2006) Optimising the spatial resolution, fractionation and temporal precision of monazite U-Pb La-ICP-MS geochronology.
Payne J, Wade B, Hand M, Barovich K & Clark C
(2001) Bonding Character of Triangular Boron in Tourmaline
Clark CM & Hawthorne FC

Clark Cassandra J. (2023) Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination from Fossil-Fuel Development
Saiers JE, Soriano MA, Siegel HG, Clark CJ, Plata DL & Deziel NC
(2023) Advancing Methods for Contaminant-Source Attribution in Complex Aquifer Settings: Applications in the Northwestern Appalachian Basin, USA
Siegel HG, Nason SL, Soriano MA, Clark CJ, Johnson NP, Wulsin G, Deziel NC, Plata DL, Darrah T & Saiers JE

Clark Chris (2022) Size is Everything: Reconstructing the East African Orogen—a Gondwanan Supermountain—as a Critical Step to Modelling the Neoproterozoic Earth System
Collins AS, Cameron F, Blades ML, Hasterok D, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Clark C & Makin S
(2021) Anatexis and Fluid Flow Recorded by Kyanite-Garnet Metapelitic Migmatite from Gurskøy, Western Gneiss Region (Norway): A Hot Start for Crustal Subduction
Carvalho BB, Hand M, Tamblyn R, March SN, Clark C & Gilio M
(2020) Correlative Analysis in Geosciences: Where are We at? Where are We Going?
Taylor R, Hill E, Khan R, Johnson T, Clark C & Lanari P
(2020) Probing the Thermal History of UHT Metamorphism Through Rare Earth Elements in Zircon
Blereau E, Kinny P, Taylor R, Johnson T, Clark C, Sansom E & Hand M
(2019) Unveiling Hidden Processes in Archean Rocks with Petrochronology
Taylor R, Johnson T, Clark C & Harrison R
(2019) Archean Extreme Metamorphism
Clark C, Taylor R, Kylander-Clark A & Hacker B
(2019) Trace Element Heterogeneities at Twin Boundaries: A Combined Atom Probe Tomography and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study
Verberne R, Reddy S, Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Rickard W, Quadir Z, Evans N & Clark C
(2019) Zircon Oxygen and Hafnium Isotope Decoupling during Metamorphism of Sedimentary Rocks in the Albany Fraser Orogen, SW Australia
Hartnady M, Kirkland C, Martin L, Smithies H & Clark C
(2018) Isotopic Constraints on the Fluid Enhanced Eclogitisation of Granulites in the Bergen Arcs, Western Norway
Bhowany K, Hand M & Clark C
(2017) The Behaviour of Monazite at High Temperature and High Stress in the Lower Crust
Clark C, Taylor R, Reddy S & Hand M

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