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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cirés J. (2019) Acid Rock Drainage in Mountain Catchments from the Pyrenees
Cirés J, Piña J, Vilà M & García-Sellés C

Cirés Fortuny J. (2019) Use of Major, Minor and REE Elements to Characterize Weathered Granitoids from the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE, Spain)
Culí Verdaguer L & Cirés Fortuny J

Ciriaco B.A. (2021) Refertilized Continental Lithosphere beneath Catalão, Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province, Evidenced by Clinopyroxenes from Metasomatized Mantle Peridotites
Antonio de Freitas Rodrigues RADF, Gervasoni F, Jalowitzki T, Bussweiler Y, Berndt J, Klemme S, Botelho NF, Ciriaco BA & De Oliveira ÍL

Ciric A. (2013) Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Water Source in the Area of Lazarevo Village (From the Aspect of Balneology)
Vidović M, Gordanić V, Spasić-Jokić V, Ćirić A & Seke A
(2011) Geochemical Features of the Fluvial Plain Sediments from the Riverbank Profiles of the Metallogenic Area of Eastern Serbia– Ecological Significance
Gordanic V, Vidovic M, Jovanovic D & Ciric A
(2010) Overbank Sediments Used for Regional Geochemical Mapping and Research of Environmental Contamination
Gordanic V, Spasic-Jokic V, Ciric A & Jovanovic D
(2008) Regional Geochemical Mapping – Ecological Significance
Gordanic V, Ciric A & Jovanovic D
(2007) The Use of Overbank Sediments Data for Geochemical Mapping and Contamination Assessment: Results from Selected Floodplains of Serbia
Gordanic V, Ciric A & Jovanovic D

Cirilli Simmonetta (2017) Impact vs Volcanism in the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary: Insights from Hg Chemostratigraphy and Hg Isotopes
Sial A, Chen J, Lacerda LD, Tewari V, Gaucher C, Frei R, Korte C, Cirilli S, Ferreira V, Barbosa JA & Pereira N

Cirilli Simonetta (2015) Hg Chemostratigraphy and Hg Isotopes from Sections Straddling the KTB in Europe, India and South America
Sial AN, Jiubin C, Lacerda LD, Tewari VC, Pandit MK, Gaucher C, Frei R, Cirilli S, Ferreira VP, Peralta S, Barbosa JA & Pereira NS
(2014) C-, Hg-Stratigraphies, Hg Isotopes and Volcanic Activity during Extreme Environmental Turnover: The Cretaceous-Paleogene Transition in Italy, Denmark and Argentina
Sial AN, Chen J, Lacerda LD, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Frei R, Cirilli S, Barbosa AJ, Ferreira VP & Pereira NS
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Ages of CAMP in North America (Hartford, Deerfield and Fundy Basins)
Marzoli A, Jourdan F, Bertrand H, Renne P, Cirilli S, Tanner L, Kontak D & Bellieni G

Cirino G. (2014) The Close Links between Biology and the Chemistry of Particles and Trace Gases in Amazonia
Artaxo P, Cirino G, Brito J, Rizzo L, Barbosa H, Serrano AM & Sena E
(2013) Comparing Properties of Natural Biogenic with Biomass Burning Particles in Amazonia
Artaxo P, Rizzo L, Barbosa H, Sena E, Cirino G, Arana A & Serrano AM

Cirium D. (2023) A Comparison of Rift-Associated Volcanic Fields in LIPs on Earth and Venus
Cirium D & Mason PJ

Cirpka Olaf (2020) Model-Based Quantifiation of As Mobility within the Redox Transition Zones (RTZs) Marking the Interface of Holocene/Pleistocene Aquifers
Rathi B, Wallis I, Sun J, Jamieson J, Cirpka O & Prommer H
(2018) Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand As Mobilization in the Groundwater of Hanoi, Vietnam
Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Patzner M, Kipfer R, Winkel L, Berg M, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rathi B, Prommer H, Pham Hung V, Vu D, Vi Mai L, Pham T, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2018) Microbial Arsenic Mobilization in Groundwater Aquifers of the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Patzner MS, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Kipfler R, Winkel L, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rhati B, Pommer H, Vu D, Tran M, Thrang P, Viet PH, Berg M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2016) Compound-Specific Isotope Fractionation of Dispersion and Diffusion at Natural Isotopic Abundance in Sediment Flow-Through Tanks
Gharasoo M, Peters J, Meyer A, Griebler C, Cirpka O, Thullner M & Elsner M

Cirpka Olaf A (2023) A Glimpse of the Solid-Water Interface: An Ion-Exchange Case Study Showing How Geo-Electrical Measurements can Help us to Understand (Bio)geochemical Reaction Dynamics
Strobel C, Mellage A, Huisman JA & Cirpka OA
(2023) Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
Elsner M, Sun F, Kundu K, Ehrl B, Gharasoo M, Marozava S, Mellage A, Merl-Pham J, Peters J, Wang Z, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Cao X, Zimmermann R, Griebler C, Thullner M & Cirpka OA

Cirpka Olaf A. (2013) Quantitative Analysis of High Resolution Isotope and Concentration Data from a Toluene-Pulse Experiment by Reactive Transport Modeling
Eckert D, Qiu S, Elsner M & Cirpka O
(2013) Oxygen Transfer Across the Capillary Fringe: Impact of Transient Flow Conditions and Coarse-Material Lenses
Haberer CM, Rolle M, Cirpka OA & Gratwohl P
(2009) Assessing the Redox Reactivity of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Polychlorinated Ethanes with Structural Iron in Smectites
Neumann A, Hofstetter TB, Cirpka OA, Petit S & Schwarzenbach RP
(2009) Arsenic Remobilization from Paddy Soil during Monsoon Flooding in Bangladesh
Roberts LC, Hug SJ, Dittmar J, Voegelin A, Kretzschmar R, Wehrli B, Cirpka OA, Saha GC, Ali MA & Badruzzaman ABM
(2008) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Sorption to Mineral Surfaces
Mikutta C, Wiederhold JG, Hofstetter TB, Cirpka OA, Bourdon B & von Gunten U
(2008) Excess Air as a Proxy for Hydrostatic Pressure?
Klump S, Cirpka OA & Kipfer R
(2008) Concentration Fronts in the Dissolution of Entrapped Gas
Cirpka O & Klump S
(2007) Unfractionated Excess Air: The Result of Incomplete Dissolution of Entrapped Air?
Klump S, Cirpka OA & Kipfer R

Cirpka Olaf. A. (2019) NOM and AQDS Enhance the Electron Transfer between Fe(III)-reducing Bacteria and Fe(III) Minerals over Cm-Distances
Bai Y, Mellage A, Cirpka OA & Kappler A
(2019) Arsenic Sorption on Holocene and Pleistocene Aquifer Sediments
Rathi B, Sun J, Stopelli E, Barron A, Schneider M, Vu D, Eiche E, Pham VH, Bostick B, Prommer H, Cirpka OA & Berg M

Cirrincione R. (2019) Petrogenesis and Geochronology of late-Variscan Quartz-Diorites and Tonalites from Capo Vaticano Promontory (Southern Italy)
Lombardo R, Fiannacca P, Stipp Basei MA & Cirrincione R
(2017) Making Unusual Granites: Just add Water Under or after Cooking
Fiannacca P, Cirrincione R & Pezzino A
(2013) Zircon U-Pb Ages and δ18O in a ‘Contaminated’ Lower Crustal Metagabbro (Serre Massif, Calabria)
Cirrincione R, Fiannacca P & Williams IS
(2009) Identifying Cadomian Events Through SHRIMP Geochronology: Ediacaran Magmatism in the Peloritani Mountains (S Italy)
Fiannacca P, Williams IS, Cirrincione R, Lo Giudice A & Pezzino A
(2002) Zircon U-Pb Ages of Porphyroids of the Peloritan Mountains (NE Sicily): Constraints on the pre-Variscan Evolution of the Peloritan Microplate
Trombetta A, Cirrincione R, Corfu F, Mazzoleni P & Pezzino A

Cirtog M. (2023) Multiphase Atmospheric Fate of Muconaldehyde
Brun N, Gonzalez-Sanchez JM, Ravier S, Temime Roussel B, Harb S, Cirtog M, Picquet-Varrault B, Brigante M, Mailhot G, Clément J-L & Monod A

Ciscato Emily (2018) Metal Isotope Signatures in Mn-Rich Pelagic Sediments: Implications for Oceanic Budgets
Little S, Chatterjee A, Ciscato E, McManus J & Vance D

Ciscato Emily R. (2019) The Output of Nickel from the Ocean to Reducing Sediments
Chatterjee A, Ciscato ER, Little SH, Severmann S, Mcmanus J & Vance D

Ciscato Emily Rose (2017) Chemistry, not Biology, is the Main Control on Modern Ocean Transition Metal Isotope Budgets
Vance D, Archer C, Little S, Köbberich M, de Souza G & Ciscato E
(2017) Tracking Seawater Chemistry over the Last 3.2Ga: A Ni Stable Isotope Perspective
Ciscato ER, Vance D, Bontognali TRR & Poulton SW
(2016) Phase-Specific Geochemistry of Trace Metals: Development of a Novel Biosignature
Ciscato ER, Vance D, Bontognali TRR & Poulton SW
(2015) Age and Composition of Corals from the Deep Ocean: Response to Ocean Chemistry
Robinson LF, Ciscato ER, Chen T, Spooner P, Cooper A & Lucas S
(2015) Organic-Bound Trace Metals and Geosphere-Biosphere Co-evolution: Development of a Novel Biosignature
Ciscato ER, Vance D, Bontognali TRR, Little SH & Poulton SW

Cismasu A. Cristina (2015) Biogeochemistry of Natural and Engineered Nanomaterials: Characterization, Reactivity, Environmental Transformations, and Health Impacts
Brown, Jr. GE, Cismasu AC, Levard C, Michel FM, Dublet G, Kumar N, Wang Y, Morin G, Ma R & Lowry GV

Cismasu A. Cristina (2012) Structure and Surface Reactivity of Al-, Si- and Organic Matter-Rich Naturally Occurring Ferrihydrite
Cismasu C, Michel M, Tcaciuc P & Brown G
(2011) Structural Aspects and Surface Reactivity of Aluminous Ferrihydrite Precipitates
Cismasu AC, Michel FM, Stebbins J, Levard C & Brown G
(2011) Natural Ferrihydrite: Impact of Structure and Composition on Redox Cycling
Michel FM, Cismasu AC, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Massey M, Fendorf S, Brown GE & Bargar JR
(2008) Evaluating the Structure of Poorly Crystalline Iron Oxyhydroxides
Michel FM, Cismasu C, Parise JB & Brown, Jr. GE
(2008) Zinc and Arsenic Immobilization and Magnetite Formation Upon Reduction of Maghemite by Shewanella putrefaciens ATCC 8071
Cismasu C, Ona-Nguema G, Menguy N, Bonnin D & Brown G
(2008) Synchrotron X-Ray Studies of Bacteria-Mineral-Metal Ion Interactions
Brown, Jr. GE, Gelabert A, Wang Y, Cismasu C, Ha J, Ona-Nguema G, Benzerara K, Morin G & Wang Y

Cismasu C. (2014) Iron and Carbon Dynamics during the Reductive Transformation of Organic Matter-Rich Fe(III) Oxyhydroxides
Cismasu C, Williams K & Nico P
(2013) Beneficial Uses of Engineered Nanoparticles and the Behavior of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in the Environment
Brown G, Levard C, Cismasu C, Michel M, Ma R, Wang Y, Calas G, Morin G & Lowry G

Cisneros A. (2015) The Destruction and Growth of Lower Continental Crust along a Paleozoic Active Margin: An Example from Chiapas, Mexico
Weber B, González R, Cisneros A, Manjarrez R & Martens U

Cisneros M. (2023) Humidity Chambers for Examining Phase Stability and Stable Isotope Fractionation
Cisneros M, Oerter E & Singleton M
(2017) Quartz-in-Epidote Barometery: An Experimental Assessment
Cisneros M, Ashley K & Bodnar R

Cisneros de León A. (2021) Petrogenesis of Late Paleozoic high-Ba–Sr Intrusions in the Southern Chiapas Massif, Mexico
González-Guzmán R, Weber B, Tazzo-Rangel MD, Cisneros de León A, Valencia VA & Frei D
(2021) The Central Iapetus Magmatic Province in Mexico: Novel Dating Approaches Reveal Early Ediacaran Mafic Magmatism Coeval with Dyke Swarms in Baltica and Laurentia
Weber B, Schmitt A, Cisneros de León A & González-Guzmán R

Cisneros Lazaro D. (2022) Paleoclimate Reconstruction from Biocalcites: The Key Role of Microstructure and Organic Matter in Diagenetic Isotope Exchange
Cisneros Lazaro D, Adams A, Raut HK, Bernard S, Baumgartner LP, Daval D, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Vennemann T, Stolarski J, Escrig S & Meibom A

Cisneros-Lazaro D. (2023) In situ Identification of the Biomacromolecules Relevant to Diagenetic Isotope Exchange in Biocalcites
Cisneros-Lazaro D, Otter LM, Adams A, Daval D, Vennemann T, Baumgartner LP, Stolarski J, Bernard S, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Raut HK & Meibom A
(2023) Measuring Oxygen Lattice Diffusion in Biominerals – Implications for Paleotemperature Reconstructions
Adams A, Cisneros-Lazaro D, Daval D, Vennemann T, Baumgartner LP, Stolarski J, Bernard S, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Raut HK & Meibom A
(2021) Direct Imaging of Diagenetic Fluid Penetration into Benthic Foraminifera Tests
Cisneros-Lazaro D, Adams A, Guo J, Bernard S, Daval D, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Vennemann T, Jarek S, Escrig S, Baumgartner LP & Meibom A
(2021) Foraminifera Isotope Reequilibration Biases Paleotemperature Records
Adams A, Baumgartner LP, Vennemann T, Daval D, Bernard S, Cisneros-Lazaro D, Guo J, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Jarek S & Meibom A
(2020) Diagenesis of Benthic Foraminifera: Fluid Penetration and Isotopic Exchange Visualized with NanoSIMS
Cisneros-Lazaro D, Adams A, Guo J, Baumgartner L, Bernard S, Daval D, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Vennemann T, Stolarski J & Meibom A

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