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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ciais P. (2021) Representing Soil Microbial Processes Explicitly in Global Land Surface Model
Zhang H, Goll SD, Ciais P, Abramoff R, Wang Y-P & Regnier P
(2021) Exploring the Role of Enhanced Weathering in Overshoot Scenarios
Tanaka K, Goll SD & Ciais P
(2020) Carbon and CO2 Dynamics in the Global Coastal Ocean: Spatiotemporal Variability, Drivers, and Implications for the Global C Budget
Regnier P, Resplandy L, Roobaert A, Laruelle G, Landschutzer P, Gruber N & Ciais P
(2016) Long-Term Inorganic Phosphorus Dynamic: Weathering, Sorption and Occlusion Modelling on the 4100 kyrs Chronosequence in Hawaii
Violette A, Goddéris Y, Guimberteau M, Goll D, Jornett A, Maignan F, Peng S & Ciais P
(2016) Air-Water CO2 Exchange in Continental and Coastal Systems – Regional and Global Budgets
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hastie A, Landschützer P, Weyhenmeyer G, Sobek S, Hartmann J, Ciais P, Gruber N & Regnier P
(2015) Carbon Fluxes in the Land to Ocean Continuum: Updated Synthesis and Implications for the Anthropogenic CO2 Budget
Regnier P, Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Landschützer P, Cai W-J, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Gruber N, Hartmann J & Mackenzie F
(2015) Spatial Patterns in CO2 Evasion from the Global River Network
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hartmann J, Ciais P & Regnier P
(2015) Response of Marine Phytoplankton to Atmospheric Deposition of Anthropogenic Aerosols
Wang R, Balkanksi Y, Bopp L, Boucher O, Aumont O, Ciais P, Penuelas J, Ethe C, Hauglustaine D & Tao S

Cianflone G. (2013) Hydrogeochemical Study of the Multi-Aquifer System of the Sibari Plain (Calabria, Southern Italy)
Vespasiano G, Apollaro C, Bloise A, Cianflone G, De Rosa R, Dominici R & Marini L

Cianfruglia L. (2022) What is the Potential Impact of Commercial Russian Chrysotile on Human Health?
Di Valerio S, Vaiasicca S, Cianfruglia L, Armeni T, Marcheggiani F, Tiano L, Di Giuseppe D, Gualtieri A, Procopio AD, Fazioli F & Pugnaloni A
(2021) Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Potential of Asbestos Fibers from Environmental Outcrops
Vaiasicca S, Di Valerio S, Cianfruglia L, Armeni T, Fazioli F, Procopio AD & Pugnaloni A

Ciani F. (2023) Mercury Emissions from Herbaria Cabinets
Ciani F, Manca R, Bianchi E, Mortato A, Salmi A, Lattanzi P, Costagliola P & Rimondi V
(2023) Preliminary Assessment of Microplastic Abundance and Spatial Distribution along the Surface Water Pathway of the Arno River (Central Italy)
Monnanni A, Rimondi V, Morelli G, Nannoni A, Cabigliera SB, Martellini T, Laurati M, Ciani F, Cincinelli A, Lattanzi P & Costagliola P

Ciarnello M. (2015) Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Refractory Crust as Inferred from VIRTIS/ROSETTA
Quirico E, Moroz L, Beck P, Schmitt B, Arnold G, Bonal L, Filacchione G, Capaccioni F, Leyrat C, Bockelée-Morvan D, Erard S, Tosi F, Ciarnello M, Raponi A, Di Capria MT, De Sanctis M-C, Piccioni G, Barucci A, Drossart P & Virtis Team T

Ciazela J. (2023) Feasibility Study for Using a Far-Ir Spectrometer to Detect Ore Deposits on the Moon
Ciazela J, Bakala J & Kowalinski M
(2022) Magma Differentiation-Induced Zinc Isotopic Variation: Insights from Gabbro Cumulates in Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridge
Wang X, Wang Z, Ciążela J, Li W & Li M
(2022) Sulfide-Rich Crust-Mantle Transition Zone of Balmuccia Orogenic Massif: New Insights from Fe-S Isotope System in Sulfides
Pieterek B, Ciążela J, Tribuzio R, Matusiak-Małek M, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Weyer S, Horn I, Kuhn T & Nowak I
(2022) Sulfide Ore Deposits Remote Detection in the Rio Tinto Area, Terrestrial Analog of Mars
Ciazela M, Ciążela J, Marciniak D & Pieterek B
(2022) Migration of Chalcophile Elements in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Implications for Future SMS Prospecting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR, 26-33°N)
Ciążela J, Tomczak M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B & Kozlowska-Roman A
(2022) Metal Migration Through an Oceanic Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (ICDP OmanDP Holes CM1A and CM2B)
Marciniak D, Ciążela J, Jesus AP, Koepke J, Pieterek B, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Horn I, Kuhn T, Czupyt Z, Panczyk M, Slaby E & Prell M
(2022) Ore Minerals in Martian Meteorites: MIL 03346, NWA 5219, and NWA 13367
Fitt M, Ciazela J, Marciniak D, Paquet M, Ciazela M, Latacz L, Laban M, Blutstein K, Marciniak-Maliszewska B, Slaby E & Prell M
(2022) New Insights into the Isotopic Composition of the Zechstein Kupferschiefer Unit Based on the in situ Cu and Fe Isotopic Data
Derkowska K, Lazarov M, Ciazela J, Derkowski P & Wojtulek P
(2022) Hydrothermal and Evaporation Minerals of the Western Isidis Area on Mars
Zalewska N, Ciazela J & Czechowski L
(2022) Perspectives for Ore Prospecting in Space: Multiplanetary Far-Ir ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)
Jozefowicz M, Ciazela J, Kowalinski M, Bakala J, Zalewska N, Ciazela M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B, Paslawski G, Szaforz Z & Sniadkowski A
(2021) High-Temperature Chalcocite in Silicate Slag Melt and Implications for Mineralogy of Sulfides from Natural Cu-Rich Exotic Melts
Derkowska KA & Ciążela J
(2019) Fe-Cu Stable Isotope and Trace Element Variations during Mantle Metasomatism – A Study on Sulfide Blebs from Peridotite Xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Szabó C, Patkó L, Ciążela J, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Pieterek B, Lazarov M, Holtz F & Kovács IJ
(2019) Ni-Fe Isotope Fractionation during Cooling of Sulfide Liquid
Ciazela J, Weyer S, Weyrauch M, Horn I, Dick H & Pieterek B
(2017) Igneous Sulfides in Gabbros of the Lower Oceanic Crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
Ciazela J, Koepke J, Strauss H, Bender M, Pieterek B, Kuhn T, Dick H & Muszynski A
(2016) Cu-Rich Serpentine at a Crust-Mantle Transition Zone – Remnants of Primary Sulfide Accumulation?
Ciazela J, Koepke J, Dick H, Muszynski A, Botcharnikov R, Kuhn T & Albrecht M
(2015) Significant Vanadium Isotope Fractionation Revealed in V Minerals by Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS
Schuth S, Horn I, Ciazela J & Weyer S

Ciazela M. (2022) Sulfide Ore Deposits Remote Detection in the Rio Tinto Area, Terrestrial Analog of Mars
Ciazela M, Ciążela J, Marciniak D & Pieterek B
(2022) Ore Minerals in Martian Meteorites: MIL 03346, NWA 5219, and NWA 13367
Fitt M, Ciazela J, Marciniak D, Paquet M, Ciazela M, Latacz L, Laban M, Blutstein K, Marciniak-Maliszewska B, Slaby E & Prell M
(2022) Perspectives for Ore Prospecting in Space: Multiplanetary Far-Ir ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)
Jozefowicz M, Ciazela J, Kowalinski M, Bakala J, Zalewska N, Ciazela M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B, Paslawski G, Szaforz Z & Sniadkowski A

Cibin G. (2016) Trace Element Uptake in Aluminium Hydroxysulfates: Implications for Mining-Affected Environments
Acero P, Hudson-Edwards KA & Cibin G
(2015) Crystal Chemistry of the Alunite-Jarosite Solid Solution Series: Insights from Atomistic Modelling and XAS Experiments
Hudson-Edwards K, Wright K, Cibin G & Kossoff D
(2013) The Oxidation States of Cerium and Europium in Silicate Melts as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity, Composition and Temperature
Berry AJ, Burnham AD, Halse HR, Cibin G & Mosselmans JFW
(2013) The Oxidation State of Uranium in Basaltic Magmas
Halse H, Berry A, Schofield P, Mosselmans F, Kvashnina K & Cibin G
(2013) Fe K-Edge XANES of Synthetic and Natural Silicate Glasses: Composition and fO2 Dependent Structural Properties
Poe B, Romano C, Cibin G, Dingwell D, Hess K-U & Potuzak M

Ciborowski J. (2013) Biogeochemical Responses to Gamma Irradiation of Alberta Oil Sands Fluid Fine Tailings
Boudens R, Reid T, Ciborowski J & Weisener C

Cicchella D. (2023) A Test of the Hypothesis that Syn-Collisional Felsic Magmatism Contributes to Continental Crustal Growth Via Deep Learning Modeling and Principal Component Analysis of Big Geochemical Datasets
Lin X, Cicchella D & Hong J
(2021) Characterizing Source of Arsenic in the Sediments of Pozzuoli Bay (South Italy) Using Compositional Data Analysis (CoDA)
Ebrahimi P, Somma R, Troise C, De Natale G, Guarino A, Cicchella D & Albanese S
(2021) A High Resolution Multimedia Environmental Monitoring Project at Regional and Local Scale: The Campania Region (Southern Italy) Case Study
De Vivo B, Lima A, Cicchella D, Qu C, Hope D, Fortelli A, Cerino P, Esposito M, Pizzolante A & Albanese S
(2015) Heavy Metals in Soil of Campania Region (Italy): Sources and Risks
De Vivo B, Albanese S, Lima A, Buccianti A, Cicchella D, Minolfi G, Rezza C & Qu C
(2013) Geochemical Atlas of Italian Soils
Cicchella D, Albanese S, Dinelli E, Giaccio L, Lima A, Valera P & De Vivo B
(2004) Geochemical Environmental Maps of Soils of Campania Region Urban Areas, Italy
de Vivo B, Lima A, Albanese S, Cicchella D, Fedele L & Frattini P

Cicconi M.R. (2017) Cerium Redox State in Silicate Glasses and Melts: Implications for Properties Change and Structural Roles
Cicconi MR, de Ligny D, Veber A, Blanc W, Baudelet F & Neuville DR
(2017) Effect of Redox State of Iron on Viscosity of Sodium Silicate Melts
Sukenaga S, Yamada H, Wakihara T, Ohara K, Kamada S, Florian P, Shibata H, Cicconi MR & Neuville D
(2013) Spherulites in Trachytic Melts
Arzilli F, Voltolini M, Mancini L, Cicconi MR, Giuli G & Carroll MR
(2013) The Structural Role of Iron in Pantelleritic Glasses
Stabile P, Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Behrens H, Knipping J & Paris E
(2011) Europium Structural Role in Silicate Glasses
Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Paris E, Ingrisch-Ertel W, Dingwell DB, Ulmer P, Cicconi MR & Cicconi MR
(2011) Europium Structural Role in Silicate Glasses
Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Paris E, Ingrisch-Ertel W, Dingwell DB, Ulmer P, Cicconi MR & Cicconi MR
(2011) Europium Structural Role in Silicate Glasses
Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Paris E, Ingrisch-Ertel W, Dingwell DB, Ulmer P, Cicconi MR & Cicconi MR
(2011) Effect of Alkali Content and Fe Oxidation State on the S Oxidation State and Solubility in Rhyolitic Glasses
Giuli G, Paris E, Mori R, Glatzel P, Cicconi MR, Scaillet B & Eeckhout S

Cicconi R. (2017) Role of Iron on Structure and Properties of Glasses and Melts
Neuville D & Cicconi R
(2016) Earth Alkaline Elements a Probe to Understand Redox and Nucleation Processes
Neuville D & Cicconi R

Çiçek M. (2017) Geochronology and Isotope (Sr, Nd and Pb) Geochemistry of the Oligocene Intrusions and Associated Hydrothermal Mineralization in the Northeast of Yenice, NW Turkey
Çiçek M, Oyman T, Palmer MR, Catlos EJ, Selby D, Michalik A & Cooper MJ

Ciceri G. (2013) AMERIGO: A New Benthic Lander for Dissolved Flux Measurements at Sediment-Water-Interface
Spagnoli F, Ciceri G, Giuliani G, Martinotti V & Penna P

Cichocka D. (2014) Carbon Stable Isotope Fractionation of Sulfamethoxazole during Biodegradation and Photolysis
Birkigt J, Gilevska T, Ricken B, Richnow HH, Corvini PFX, Nijenhuis I & Cichocka D
(2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Cichy Sarah (2014) The Effect of Melt Composition on Bubble Nucleation
Fiege A, Holtz F, Cichy S & Simon A

Cichy Sarah B. (2009) Preeruptive Conditions and Dynamic Processes in Magmatic Systems: The Example of Unzen 1991-1995 Eruption
Cichy SB, Holtz F, Botcharnikov RE, Behrens H, Vetere F & Sato H
(2007) Field Relations and Petrography in the Wadi Haymiliyah, Oman Ophiolite: Evidence for a Very Heterogeneous Plutonic Lower Crust
Cichy SB, Ziaja K, Koepke J, Berndt J & Boudier F

Cichy Sarah B. (2018) Insights on Decompression-Induced Crystallization and Degassing Processes Revealed by 3D Rock Textures
Cichy SB, Botcharnikov RE, Friese K-I, Cluzel N, Holtz F & Marone F
(2018) Insights on the PTX Fluid-Conditions of the Afyon Volcanic Rocks (Western Anatolia, Turkey) from Natural Rocks and Phase Relation Experiments
Dogan-Kulahci GD, Cichy SB, Spallanzani R & Temel A

Cichy Sarah B. (2019) Li and B Contents in Silicate Melts as Tracers of Volcanic Degassing
Spallanzani R, Cichy SB, Wilke M, Oelze M, Koga K & Laporte D

Cichy Sarah B. (2015) Experimental Constraints on Lithium Diffusion and Isotope Fractionation in Water-Bearing Magmatic Systems
Cichy SB, Hervig RL, Roggensack K, Till CB & Clarke AB

Cichy Sarah B. (2017) A Model for Decompression-Induced Bubble Formation and Growth in Volatile-Undersaturated Melts
Cichy SB & Fiege A

Cid J. (2004) La, Ce, Nd and Sr Partition between Apatite and Minette Magma
Cid J, Enrique P, Conceição H & Nardi L

Cidan S. (2010) New High-Temperature and -Pressure Granulites in Amdo Basement, Central Tibet
Zhang X, Shi R, Huang Q, Liu D & Cidan S

Cidu R. (2014) Antimony Dispersion at an Abandoned Mine Site in Sardinia
Cidu R, Biddau R, Dore E & Vacca A
(2014) Transport and Fate of Zinc in the Abandoned Mine District of Ingurtosu, Italy: A Mass- and Isotopic-Balance Approach
Wanty R, De Giudici G, Podda F, Verplanck P, Medas D, Cidu R, Lattanzi P & Kimball B
(2012) Case Study of an Abandoned Zn-Pb Mine: Ingurtosu (Sardinia, Italy)
De Giudici G, Podda F, Medas D, Cidu R, Lattanzi P, Kimball B, Wanty R, Turnau K, Alisi C & Sprocati AR
(2010) Occurrence of Hydrozincite Biomineralization in Naracauli (Sardinia, Italy): Structural Properties and Morphological Features
De Giudici G, Medas D, Podda F, Lattanzi P, Cidu R & Wanty RB
(2009) Impact of Mining on Aquatic Systems: Lessons from Sardinian Surveys
Cidu R

Cienfuegos E. (2009) Holocene Climate Variability in Southwestern Mexico from Speleothem δ18O and Mg/Ca
Bernal JP, Lachniet M, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Morales P & Cienfuegos E
(2008) Inverse Carbon Isotopic Trend in Hydrocarbons from Hydrothermal Fluids of Socorro Island, Mexico
Taran Y & Cienfuegos E
(2004) Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of Groundwater in the Guanajuato Mining District, Central Mexico: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources of Heavy Metals
Carrillo-Chavez A, Morton O, Morales P, Cienfuegos E, Gonzalez-Partida E, Rivas H & Camprubi A

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