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Chuang Pei-Chuan (2023) Subsurface Carbon Dynamics in Diverse Coastal Wetland Settings at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Pit S, Paytan A, Chuang P-C, Hermosillo N, Galindo-Eguiarte V & Osleger L
(2022) Nutrient Turnover by Large Sulfur Bacteria on the Namibian Mud Belt during the Low Productivity Season
Chuang P-C, Anderson CH, Kossack M, Fabian J, Su C-C, Vosteen P, Zabel M, Scholz F, Schulz-Vogt HN, Sommer S & Dale AW
(2021) High Benthic Turnover Rates in Buried Sediments of Deep-Sea Trenches
Zabel M, Glud RN, Sanei H, Elvert M, Chuang P-C, Okuma E & Kölling M
(2017) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction (Fe-Aom) Associated with Iron, Sulfur and Carbon Cycles in Anoxic Sediments
Chuang P-C, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Zabel M

Chuang W. (2014) α-Pinene: Because it is so Interesting!
Donahue N, Robinson E, Chuang W, Trump E & Saleh R

Chubakov V. (2013) A Reference Earth Model for the Heat Producing Elements and Associated Geoneutrino Flux
Huang Y, Chubakov V, Mantovani F, Rudnick R & McDonough W

Chubar N. (2010) Manganese Carbonates Formation during Long-Term Sorption of Mn2+ by Viable Shewanella putrefaciens
Chubar N, Behrends T, Avramut C & Van Cappellen P
(2007) Particularities of Mn(II) Uptake by Living and Dead Shewanella putrefaciens
Chubar N, Behrends T & Van Cappellen P

Chubiz L. (2018) Hedging Your Bet(-Hedging): A Population-Level Strategy for Optimizing Microbial Growth
McClelland H, Fike D, Jones C, Chubiz L & Bradley A

Chudaev O. (2016) REY Geochemistry of Groundwaters and Corresponding Rocks from Sikhote-Alin Ridge, Primorye, Russia
Kharitonova N, Chelnokov G, Chudaev O, Bragin I & Alexandrov I
(2016) Fractionation of Rare-Earth Elements during Karst Groundwater Formation at Lozovyj Ridge, Russian Far East
Bragin I, Chelnokov G, Chudaev O & Kharitonova N
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Brackish Waters and Gases of Sakhalin Island
Chelnokov G, Bragin I, Kharitonova N & Chudaev O
(2012) CO2 Rich Springs of the Far East Russia. Composition and Origin
Chudaev O & Kharitonova N
(2008) Trace and Rare Earth Elements in Surface Waters of Kuril Islands (Russia)
Chudaeva V, Chudaev O, Sugimory K, Matsuo M & Kuno A
(2008) Geochemistry of Nitric Thermal Springs of the Far East Russia
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V & Bragin I
(2006) New Geochemical Data of Hydrothermal System of Baransky Volcano (Kuril Islands)
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V, Sugimori K, Kuno A, Matsuo M & Nordstrom K
(2006) Distribution of REE in thermal springs and surrounded surface waters of some active volcanic zones in Russia and Japan
Chudaeva V, Chudaev O, Sugimori K, Matsuo M & Kuno A
(2005) Geochemistry of Thermal Waters of Mendeleev Volcano (Kuril Islands)
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V, Sugimori K, Kuno A, Matsuo M & Nordstrom K

Chudaeva V. (2008) Trace and Rare Earth Elements in Surface Waters of Kuril Islands (Russia)
Chudaeva V, Chudaev O, Sugimory K, Matsuo M & Kuno A
(2008) Geochemistry of Nitric Thermal Springs of the Far East Russia
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V & Bragin I
(2006) Distribution of REE in thermal springs and surrounded surface waters of some active volcanic zones in Russia and Japan
Chudaeva V, Chudaev O, Sugimori K, Matsuo M & Kuno A
(2006) New Geochemical Data of Hydrothermal System of Baransky Volcano (Kuril Islands)
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V, Sugimori K, Kuno A, Matsuo M & Nordstrom K
(2005) Geochemistry of Thermal Waters of Mendeleev Volcano (Kuril Islands)
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V, Sugimori K, Kuno A, Matsuo M & Nordstrom K

Chudetskiy M. (2010) Microbial Transformations of Deep Hydrocarbon-Water Flows
Chudetskiy M

Chudík P. (2007) Nb-Ta Oxide Minerals in Granites and Pegmatites: Tracers of Magmatic to Post-Magmatic Evolution
Uher P & Chudík P

Chudnenko K. (2017) Numerical Modeling of Partial Melting in Igneous Columns of Volcanic Arcs
Perepechko Y, Sorokin K, Chudnenko K, Mikheeva A & Sharapov V
(2013) Spatial Database for the Hydrochemical Monitoring of Lake Baikal
Parshin A, Shestakov S & Chudnenko K
(2013) Thermodynamic Potentials of Au-Hg Binary Solid Solution
Chudnenko K & Pal'yanova G

Chueca I. (2017) Isotopic Characterization of Záncara River: Rainfall and Seasonal Influence
Chueca I, Torres E, Sánchez L, Gómez P, Garralón A & Turrero MJ

Chueca García I. (2015) Hydrological and Geochemical Controls on Fe Dynamics in a Supratidal/Intertidal Zone
Morera Chavarría A, Griffioen J, Chueca García I, Faneca Sánchez M & Behrends T

Gareev B, Batalin G & Chugaev A
(2020) Sr-Chemostratigraphy Using MС-ICP-MS Investigations
Gareev B, Batalin G, Nurgaliev D & Chugaev A
(2017) Sources of Neoproterozoic Metasediments of the Baikal-Patom Belt: Sm-Nd and Pb Isotope Data
Chugaev A, Budyak A & Chernyshev I

Chugaev Andrey V. (2014) 238U and 235U Isotope Fractionation Under Water – U-Bearing Rock Interaction
Chernyshev I, Golubev V, Chugaev A & Baranova A
(2013) 238U/235U Variations in High- and Low-Temperature Uranium Deposits
Chernyshev I, Golubev V, Chugaev A & Baranova A
(2013) A Contribution from Radiogenic Isotope Study to Metal Source and Timing of Gold Orogenic Deposits: A Case of Nezhdaninsky Deposit, Yakutia, Russia
Chugaev A, Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Gamyanin G
(2011) Magmatic Evolution of the Eastern Anatolian High Plateau, E Turkey
Keskin M, Oyan V, Lebedev VA, Chugaev AV, Genc SC, Sharkov EV, Unal E & Aysal N
(2011) Lead Isotope Composition Variations in Sulfides from Hydrothermal Fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: High-Precision MC-ICP-MS Isotope Data
Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Chugaev A
(2009) Variations of 107Ag/109Ag Isotope Ratio in Ore Deposits by High-Precision MC-ICP-MS
Chugaev A & Chernyshev I
(2007) High-Precision MC-ICP-MS Lead Isotope Analysis Using Tl-Normalization: Calibration and Applications to Lead Isotope Study of Ore Deposits
Chernyshev I, Chugaev A & Shatagin K
(2006) Isotopic and REE constraints on the origin of stromatolitic phosphorites from the Paleoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup, NW India
Sreenivas B, Das Sharma S & Chugaev AV

Chugaev Andrey, V. (2013) Petrological Implications of Temporal and Spatial Variations in Magma Chemistry of the Quaternary Tendurek Shield Volcano, Eastern Anatolian Collision Zone, Turkey
Ünal E, Keskin M, Lebedev VA, Chugaev AV & Sharkov EV

Chugh Y.P. (2014) Geochemistry of Coal Refuse Disposal Alternatives: Results of Kinetic Testing
Behum P, Chugh Y & Lefticariu L
(2010) Results of Simulated Weathering of Coal Stockpiles and Coal Refuse Disposal Areas
Behum PT, Lefticariu L & Chugh YP
(2009) Geochemical Evaluation of Coal Processing Facility Drainage: Preliminary Results of Kinetic Testing
Lefticariu L, Behum PT & Chugh YP

Chuguevsky A. (2020) Some Artifical Isotopes in Yenisei River Biogeocynosis: Contents, Speciation, Pollutant Flow
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M, Chuguevsky A, Mezina K & Makarova I

Chugunov Aleksandr (2023) Strontium Isotopes Paradox of Archean Komatiites
Vezinet A, Sobolev AV, Chugunov A, Asafov EV, Batanova VG, Danyushevsky L, Sobolev SV, Jain C & Valley JW
(2022) Evolution of Earth Mantle Since Eoarchean Detected by in situ Study of Melt Inclusions in Komatiite Olivine Phenocrysts
Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Batanova VG, Kazzy C, Chugunov A, Asafov EV, Gavrilenko D & Danyushevsky L

Chugunov Aleksandr V. (2022) First Data on Sr Isotopes in Melt Inclusions in Olivine from 3.3 Ga Barberton Komatiites: Evidence for Depleted Source of Primary Komatiite Melt and its Near-Surface Contamination
Chugunov AV, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Batanova VG, Asafov EV, Gurenko A & Danyushevsky L
(2021) Komatiite Melts Detect Deep Hydrous Reservoirs in the Mantle Transition Zone Implying Active Subduction Since Eoarchean Time
Sobolev AV, Asafov EV, Gurenko AA, Kazzy C, Kerr AC, Chugunov AV, Batanova VG, Portnyagin MV, Sobolev SV & Valley JW

Chugunov N. (2023) A 298 K Thermodynamic Model for {UO22+‒H+‒Na+‒ ClO4−‒OH−}aq
Oakes CS, Ward AL, Chugunov N & Icenhower JP
(2020) A Conventional Pitzer Model for {Nd3+‒H+‒Na+‒K+‒Ca2+‒Cl-‒OH- }aq at 298 K, 0.1 MPa, and 2 < pH < 13
Oakes C, Ward A, Chugunov N & Icenhower J

Chukalina M. (2004) From Hard to Soft Matter Using SR X-Ray Micro-Imaging
Simionovici A, Lemelle L, Golosio B, Chukalina M, El Goresy A, Daniel I, Oger P & Gillet P

Chukwu E. (2009) Small Scale Mining and Heavy Metals Pollution of Agricultural Soils: The Case of Ishiagu Mining District, South Eastern Nigeria
Ezeh HN & Chukwu E

Chukwura Uche O (2020) Evaluating the Impact of Holistic Remediation on Oil Spill Polluted Soils in Parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria
Nwankwo IL, Igwe O & Chukwura UO

Chukwura Uche O. (2020) Suitability Assessment of Groundwater and Soils Contamination from Automobile Junk Waste (South-East Nigeria)
Chukwura UO & Igwe O

Chuluunbaatar K. (2015) Re-equilibration Textures of Extremely High U-Th Zircon: Records of Post-Magmatic Alterations
Park C, Song Y, Chung D, Kang I-M & Chuluunbaatar K

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