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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cameron James (2023) Eroding Coastal Landfill Sites: The Relative Contribution of Coastal and Inland Mining Wastes to Metal Flux along a Post-Industrial Coastline
Riley AL, Onnis P, Gandy CJ, Kanu C, Umeobika CV, Cameron J, Burke IT, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP & Mayes WM

Cameron Jeffrey (2019) Evolution of Carbon Fixation Through Time
Hurley S, Elsworth G, Cameron J & Wing B
(2018) Cyanobacterial Oxygenic Photosynthesis Dominated Mid-Proterozoic Primary Productivity
Hurley S, Wing B, Jasper C, Hill N & Cameron J

Cameron L.P. (2021) Boron Geochemistry in Cultured Corals and Mollusks with Independent Determinations of Internal Calcification Fluid Pool pH
Eagle RA, Guillermic M, Cameron LP, Alvarez Caraveo B, Reymond C, Misra S, Bijma J, de Beer D, Westphal H & Ries JB

Cameron S. (2001) An Ultrahigh Pressure Mineral Assemblage from the Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet
Robinson PT, Malpas J, Cameron S, Zhou M-F & Bai W-J

Cameron V. (2013) Mo Isotope Signature of OAE 2
Westermann S, Vance D, Cameron V, Archer C & Robinson S
(2013) The Oceanic Cycles of the Transition Metals and their Isotopes
Vance D, Cameron V, Little S & Archer C
(2013) Nickel Isotopic Composition of Modern Seawater and Rivers
Cameron V & Vance D
(2012) Isotopic Tracers of Metal Cycling in the Oceans and Sediments
Vance D, Little S, Cameron V, Sherman D, Westermann S, Matthews A & Lyons T
(2011) Nickel Isotopes, BIFs and the Archean Oceans
Cameron V, Vance D & Poulton S
(2007) Nickel Stable Isotopes as Biogeochemical Tracers
Cameron V, Vance D, Archer C & House C

Cametti G. (2019) Atomistic Modelling Approach for Interpretation of Spectroscopic Data
Kéri A, Cametti G, Dähn R, Krack M & Churakov S
(2015) Chiavennite Revisited: A Temperature Dependent in situ Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Study
Cametti G & Armbruster T

Camilli R. (2013) In situ Isotopic Analysis of Volatile Fluids from Subsurface Carbon Reservoirs
Camilli R & Duryea A
(2013) Diagnosing Petroleum Fractionation Processes in Surface and Subsurface Environments Using GCxGC
Arey JS, Reddy CM, Nelson RK, Camilli R, Valentine DL, Wardlaw GD, Nabi D, Dimitriou-Christidis P & Gros J

Camire C. (2020) Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Hyper-Alkalination of the Liquid- Condensed Phase
Constantz B, Bewernitz M, Schneider J, Camire C, Kang S-H, Bourcier W, Ginder-Vogel M & Wade R

Cammack J. (2015) Maturity of Archean Sandstones & Ancient Detrial Zircons
Valley J, Spicuzza M, Cammack J, Kitajima K, Kita N & Van Kranendonk M

Cammarano F (2003) Synthetic Seismic Signature of Thermal Mantle Plumes
Goes S, Cammarano F, Hansen U & Rehkämper M

Cammarano Fabio (2009) The Thermochemical Structure of the Upper Mantle as Inferred by Seismic and Gravity Data
Cammarano F, Nakagawa T & Tackley PJ

Cammas J-P. (2021) Redox Dynamics of Atmospheric Mercury at Maido Observatory in the Tropical Indian Ocean
Koenig AM, Magand O, Brioude J, Colomb A, Vimeux F, Ramonet M, Volkamer R, Regis J, Belloir A, Metzger J-M, Cammas J-P, Sonke JE & Dommergue A

Cammeraat E.L.H. (2014) The Fate of Soil Organic Carbon during Water Erosion
Wang X, Cammeraat ELH, Romeijn P & Kalbitz K

Camoin G. F. (2009) Tracking the Movement of the ITCZ from the Last Interglacial to the Present: Evidence from Seychelles Corals, Western Indian Ocean
Zinke J, Pfeiffer M, Davies G, Timm O, Dullo W-C & Camoin GF

Camoin Gilbert (2010) New Sea-Level Constraints from IODP Sampling on Tahiti, and Clues to the Process of Deglaciation
Thomas A, Henderson G, Deschamps P, Yokoyama Y, Mason A, Bard E, Hamelin B & Camoin G
(2008) The Timings of Sea Level Change during the Last Glacial Cycle, from U/Th Dating of Submerged Corals: Results from IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti Sea Level”
Thomas A, Henderson G, Deschamps P, Yokoyama Y, Bard E, Hamelin B, Durand N & Camoin G

Camp V. (2008) Derivation of the Columbia River Flood Basalts by Plume Emplacement and Delamination Against the Cratonic Margin of North America
Camp V & Hanan B
(2005) The Columbia River Basalts
Hooper P, Camp V, Reidel S & Ross M
(2005) The Calc-Alkaline Paradox of the Inland Pacific Northwest
Camp V, Ross M & Hooper P

Campa-Bousoño C. (2019) Trace Elements Deposition Mechanism Analyzed in a 1000 Year Stalagmite in the South of Spain
Campa-Bousoño C, Vadillo I, Pisonero J, Moreno A, Iglesias M, Cheng H, Lawrence Edwards R & Stoll H

Campagnola S. (2013) A Rheological and Textural Characterization of the Fall-Out Phase of the Large Volume Pozzolane Nere Mafic Ignimbrite (Colli Albani Volcano, Rome)
Campagnola S, Romano C, Vona A & Giordano G

Campana S. (2022) Increased CO2 Reinforcing the Contrast of Continental and Ocean Temperature: A Case Study from United States
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, Eiler J & Campana S

Campanale F. (2019) 3D Electron Diffraction in Nano-Geology: Present and Perspectives
Mugnaioli E, Gemmi M, Campanale F, Folco L, Németh P & Pignatelli I

Campaore G. (2019) Structural Organization and Formation of Iron-Organic Matter Nanoaggregates: A Kinetic Approach Coupling Quick-EXAFS and MCR-Als Chemometry
Vantelon D, Davranche M, Marsac R, La Fontaine C, Guénet H, Jestin J, Campaore G, Beauvois A & Briois V

Campbel E. (2009) The Incorporation of Gd in Human Bone from Medical Contrast Imaging
Darrah T, Poreda R, Campbel E, Prutsman-Pfeiffer J & Hannigan R

Campbell Andrew (2020) Computational Insights on Carbonate-Silicate-Metal Melt Behavior in the Lower Mantle
Davis A, Solomatova N, Caracas R & Campbell A
(2018) Equations of State and Phase Diagram of SiO2 to Lower Mantle Conditions
Fischer R, Campbell A, Chidester B, Reaman D, Thompson E, Pigott J, Prakapenka V & Smith J
(2016) Sensitivities of Earth's Core and Mantle Compositions to Accretion and Differentiation Processes
Fischer R, Campbell A & Ciesla F
(2016) In situ Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Hydroxyl in Mantle Phases at High Pressure
Thompson E, Liu Z, Reagan M & Campbell A

Campbell Andrew J. (2014) Melting in the Fe–O–S System at High Pressure
Campbell A, Fischer R, Chidester B, Thompson E & Prakapenka V
(2014) Experimental Constraints on the Core’s Si and O Contents from Equations of State and metal–Silicate Partitioning
Fischer R, Campbell A, Rubie D, Frost D, Miyajima N, Pollok K & Harries D
(2013) Fe-Si System: A Potential Major Component of the Earth’s Core
Caracas R, Verstraete M, Fischer R & Campbell A
(2013) Phase Diagrams of FeO and Fe-Si Alloys
Fischer R, Campbell A, Reaman D, Heinz D, Dera P & Prakapenka V
(2008) Oxygen Fugacity Profile in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Campbell AJ
(2006) Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth’s D” layer
Mao W, Mao H-K, Shu J, Fei Y, Hemley R, Meng Y, Prakapenka V, Campbell A, Sturhahn W, Zhao J, Shen G & Heinz DL
(2002) Partial Condensation of Volatile Elements in Renazzo Chondrules
Campbell AJ, Humayun M & Zanda B
(2002) The Relationship between Volatile Element Patterns and Chondrule Textures in CRs and OCs
Zanda B, Humayun M, Hewins RH, Bourot-Denise M & Campbell AJ
(2002) Diffusion in Metal: Application to Zoned Metal Grains in Chondrites
Righter K, Campbell AJ & Humayun M
(2002) PGEs in Abitibi Komatiites
Puchtel IS, Humayun M, Campbell AJ, Sproule RA & Lesher CM
(2002) Siderophile Elements in Dynamically Segregated Metallic Liquids
Rushmer T, Humayun M & Campbell A
(2002) Platinum Group Elements in Sulfides from Yangliuping Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd Deposit in Sichuan, China
Deng H, Campbell AJ & Humayun M

Campbell Andrew R. (2008) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes: Evidence of H2S Spring Sources, Southern Mexico
Rosales-Lagarde L, Campbell A, Boston P & Stafford K
(2008) Landscape Evolution of Northern New Mexico as Recorded in Jarosite
Samuels K, Lueth V, Campbell A & Peters L
(2008) Mineralogy of Weathering at the Questa Mo Mine, NM: 2. Stable Isotopes and Geochemical Modeling
Campbell AR, Lueth V, Graf G & Logsdon M
(2008) Mineralogy of Weathering at Questa Mo Mine, NM: 1. Natural Analogs
Graf G, Lueth V, Campbell A & Donahue K

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