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Chiari Massimo (2013) Aerosol Modifications Observed at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption in 2010
Sandrini S, Giulianelli L, Decesari S, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Chiari M, Calzolai G, Canepari S & Perrino C

Chiba H. (2016) Occurance and Origins of Arsenic in the Hokusetsu Area, Japan
Even E, Masuda H, Shibata T, Sakamoto Y, Murasaki T, Hirata T & Chiba H
(2016) Distribution of Ammonium-Bearing Clay Minerals and their δ15N Values Occurred in Shallow-Seafloor Hydrothermal System in Kagoshima Bay, Southern Kyushu, Japan
Jo J-G, Yamanaka T, Miyoshi Y, Ishibashi J-I, Kuwahara Y & Chiba H
(2009) VFAs Concentrations in the Hydrothermal Fluids Venting from the Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal System in the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I
(2009) Fluid-Sediment Interactions in a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Miyoshi Y, Ishibashi J-I, Matsukura S, Kuwahara Y, Omura A, Maeto K, Chiba H & Yamanaka T
(2009) Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Hirao S, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I
(2008) Subseafloor Phase Separation and Fluid Migration Supports Calyptogena Colony in the Marginal Region of a Hydrothermal Field
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Hamasaki H, Yamanaka T, Chiba H, Ijiri A, Tsunogai U, Nakagawa S, Nunoura T & Takai K
(2008) Unique Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System Associated with Submarine Volcanism in the Aira Caldera, South Kyushu, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Akashi H, Yokoyama M, Chiba H, Ishibashi J-I, Nakaseama M, Okamura K, Sugiyama T & Fujino K
(2003) Oxygen Isotope Geothermometry of Skarn Developed in Ichinotake Limestone, North Kyushu, Japan
Sakamoto T, Shimada N, Chiba H & Ishibashi J

Chiba Koichi (2023) Speciation Analysis of Gd Complexes in River Water Using HPLC-ICP-MS
Chiba K, Kawane L, Kamemoto Y, Narukawa T, Nakamura K, Tsuboi M & Okabayashi S
(2023) Speciation Analysis of Selenium Enriched Onions Using HPLC-ICP-MS
Okabayashi S, Kamemoto Y, Narukawa T, Nakamura K, Ogra Y, Takahashi K & Chiba K
(2022) Speciation Analysis of Anthropogenic Gd in River Water Using HPLC-ICP-MS
Okabayashi S, Kawane L, Kamemoto Y, Narukawa T, Nakamura K, Tsuboi M & Chiba K

Chiba Kotona (2016) Origin of Arima-Type Brine and Associated Spring Waters in the Kinki District, Southwest Japan
Nakamura H, Chiba K, Chang Q, Morikawa N, Kazahaya K & Iwamori H

Chiba M. (2003) Fe and Zn Isotopes in Human Body
Ohno T, Shinohara A, Chiba M & Hirata T

Chiba S. (2022) Eruption History Constructed from the Tephra Strata of Bandai Volcano, Japan
Chiba S & Kimura J-I

Chibane N. (2023) Biodegradation Kinetics of Organic Micropollutants in Planted or Unplanted Columns Simulating an Innovative Reed Bed Filter Treating Runoff Water
Roux J, Chibane N, Seidl M, Neveu P, Achouak W, Barakat M, Boudahmane L, Caupos E, Alphonse V, Livet A & Bousserrhine N

Chichaco E. (2019) Magmatic Changes in Central Panama as an Indicator of Subduction Dynamics and Breakup of Farallon Plate
Wang J, Buchs D, Kerr A, Coombs H, Miranda R, Coronado M, Rios X, Chichaco E & Redwood S

Chicharro E. (2013) U-Pb Geochronology and Source Constraints for Late S-Type Variscan Magmatism Related to Sn-W Metallogeny: The Logrosán Granite Pluton (Central Iberian Zone)
Chicharro E, Villaseca C, Valverde-Vaquero P, Belousova E & López-García JÁ

Chichinadze G. (2021) U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology of Polygenetic Zircons from Orthogneiss of the Beshta and Kamenistaya Massifs (the Greater Caucasus)
Shengelia D, Chichinadze G, Shumlyanskyy L, Tsutsunava T, Beridze G & Javakhishvili I

Chichorro M. (2012) Iberian Paleogeography Traced by U-Pb Zircon Ages of Ediacaran-Cambrian Rocks
Sola R, Pereira F, Chichorro M, Lopes L, Gerdes A & Silva JB

Chidambaram D. (2010) Structure-Catalytic Activity Relationship of Biogenic Pd Nanoparticles
Fitts JP, Chidambaram D, Hennebel T, Taghavi S, Boon N, Verstraete W & van der Leile D

Chidambaram S. (2010) Identification of Recharge Process in Coastal Aquifers Around Cuddalore Region, Tamilnadu, South East Coast of India – A Geochemical Approach
Chidambaram S, Tirumalesh K, Manivannan R, Anandhan P & Srinivasamoorthy K
(2010) Geophysical and Hydrochemical Investigations of Groundwater in a Hard Rock Terrain, India: Implication for Evaluation, Quality and Vulnerability Risk Mapping
Srinivasamoorthy K, Vijayaraghavan K, Vasanthvigar M, Chidambaram S, Rajivganthi R & Sarma V

Chidester B. (2020) Metal–silicate Equilibration in the Aftermath of Giant Impacts
Chidester B, Lock S, Millot M & Stewart S
(2019) Giant Impacts Stochastically Change the Internal Pressures of Terrestrial Planets
Lock S, Stewart S, Chidester B & Asimow P
(2019) Exploring the Conditions of Metal–silicate Equilibration during and after Giant Impacts
Chidester B, Lock S & Stewart S
(2018) Equations of State and Phase Diagram of SiO2 to Lower Mantle Conditions
Fischer R, Campbell A, Chidester B, Reaman D, Thompson E, Pigott J, Prakapenka V & Smith J
(2014) Melting in the Fe–O–S System at High Pressure
Campbell A, Fischer R, Chidester B, Thompson E & Prakapenka V

Chieh C-J. (2022) An Experimental Investigation on Arsenic Sorption and Release by Mn-Dioxides
Huang H-W, Yang H-J, Huang L-Y, Chieh C-J, Kung J & Jiang W-T

Chien C-T. (2021) Optimality-Based Diazotrophy in Different Climate Settings and the Implication to the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Chien C-T & Pahlow M
(2014) Stable Sr Isotopes in Seawater
Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Griffith E, Chien C-T & Street J

Chien H-H. (2016) Methanoarchaea Isolated from Deep Sea Mud Volcanoes
Lai M-C, Chien H-H, Chen S-C, Chen M-F & Weng C-Y

Chien Y. Y. (2001) Two-Dimensional NOESY Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Molecular Dynamics Study in Conformation Behavior of 2-Octanone in Humic Acid
Chien YY, Bleam WF & Teppen BJ

Chien Ying-Hsueh (2019) Small Sinking Particles Drive Carbon Export in Subtropical Ocean
Hung C-C & Chien Y-H

Chien Yu-Hsiang (2019) Age and Genesis of Sabah Ophiolite Complexes in NE Borneo
Chien Y-H, Wang K-L, Chung S-L, Ghani AA, Iizuka Y, Li X-H & Lee H-Y
(2014) Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the Khanka Massif in Far East Russia: In situ Re-Os Evidence
Wang K-L, Prikhodko V, O’Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Kovach V, Iizuka Y & Chien Y-H
(2013) Geochemical Fingerprints in Siberian Mantle Xenoliths Reveal Progressive Erosion of an Archean Lithospheric Root
Wang K-L, Chien Y-H, Kuzmin MI, O’Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Vorontsov A & Pearson NJ

Chien Yung-Ching (2002) The Influence of Ionic Strength and Magnesium Ions on Calcite Crystal Growth Morphology
Chien Y-C, Mucci A, Paquette J & Vali H

Chierici M. (2016) Observations of Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Biogeochemistry in the New Thinner Ice Era: The N-Ice2015 Drift Ice Expedition
Granskog M, Assmy P, Duarte P, Fernandez-Mendez M, Fransson A, Kauko H, Mørk Olsen L, Chierici M, Nomura D, Mundy C-J & Steen H
(2016) Wintertime Sea-Ice Chemistry and Influence of Glacial Freshwater Discharge during Two Contrasting Years in a Spitsbergen Fjord
Fransson A, Chierici M, Nomura D, Granskog M, Kristiansen S, Martma T, Nehrke G & Steen H

Chiessi Cristiano (2011) A Depth Transect of Four 25 kyr 231Pa/230Th Records from the Argentine Basin: Assessing Southern Component Flow Rates
Hickey B, Henderson G, Thomas A, Rae J, Chiessi C & Mulitza S
(2011) Reconstruction of Permanent Thermocline Temperatures in the Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1
Groeneveld J, Chiessi C, Mackensen A & Tiedemann R
(2008) 231Pa/230Th in the Argentine Basin as a Tracer of Past Southern-Source Water-Mass Flow
Hickey B, Thomas A, Rae J, Mulitza S, Chiessi C & Henderson G

Chiessi Cristiano M. (2020) Plant Wax Isotope Signatures of Neotropical Vegetation Biomes in Soils Across Brazil
Häggi C, Bertassoli DJ, Akabane TK, Sawakuchi AO, Chiessi CM & Feakins SJ
(2017) Holocene Provenance Shift of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Amazon River Basin
Höppner N, Lucassen F, Chiessi CM, Sawakuchi AO & Kasemann SA

Chiewattanakul N.

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