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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chi Fru Ernest (2015) Copper Isotopes as an Ocean-Atmosphere Redox Indicator Through Geological Time
Pérez Rodríguez N, El Albani A & Chi-Fru E
(2015) A Silica & Arsenic Controlled Early Proterozoic P Cycle
Hemmingsson C & Chi Fru E
(2015) Metagenomics and Biogeochemistry of Shallow Submarine Vent Field, Spathi Bay, Milos Island, Greece
Callac N, Hemmingsson C, Posth N, Ivarsson M, Argyraki A, Kilias S & Chi Fru E
(2015) Proterozoic Arsenic Dynamics Controlled by Glaciations
Chi Fru E, Arvestål E, Callac N, El Albani A, Kilias S, Argyraki A & Jakobsson M

Chia C. (2011) Functional Group Chemistry at the Mineral-Organic Interface in Soils
Lehmann J, Solomon D, Muller D, Chia C, Xin H, Joseph S & Munroe P

Chialvo A.A. (2012) CO2 Rich Environments Under Silica Confinement
Chialvo AA, Vlcek L & Cole D
(2012) Force Field for Oxoanions in Solid State and Aqueous Solutions
Vlcek L & Chialvo A
(2011) Aqueous CO2 Solutions at Silica Surfaces and Confined Environments
Chialvo A, Vlcek L & Cole D
(2010) Water in Extreme Environments: From Open Networks to Close Packing Coordination
Chialvo A & Horita J
(2010) Excess Near-Critical Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide in Porous Silica: Linking Theory, Simulations, and Experiment
Vlcek L, Chialvo A, Rother G & Cole D
(2009) Structure and Dynamics of Fluids in Nanoporous Earth and Engineered Materials Determined from Neutron Scattering and MD Simulations
Cole D, Mamontov E, Rother G, Chialvo A, Vlcek L & Cummings P
(2009) Molecular-Based Simulation of Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium Isotopic Fractionation of Water
Chialvo A & Horita J
(2009) Isotope Fractionation of Fluids Under Geologic Conditions
Horita J, Polyakov V & Chialvo A
(2008) Characterization of Simple Fluids Under Confinement and at Free Interfaces Using Neutron Scattering Techniques
Rother G, Cole DR, Chialvo AA & Littrell KC
(2007) Novel Corresponding – States Principle Approach for Calculating the Isotopic Properties of Water Under Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Polyakov V, Horita J, Cole D & Chialvo A
(2005) Isotopic Effect on Phase Equilibria of Pure Fluids and Mixtures: Molecular Simulation, Theory and Experiment
Chialvo A & Horita J
(2002) Molecular-Based Study of the Electric Double Layer in Hydrothermal Systems
Cummings P, Predota M & Chialvo A
(2000) Molecular Simulation of Hydrothermal Solutions
Chialvo A, Simonson JM & Cummings P

Chiang H-W. (2023) The Hydroclimate Variability in Malay Peninsula over the Last 30 kyr Revealed by Stalagmite δ18O Records
Chiang H-W, Muhammad RF, Nguyen DC & Chen Y-G
(2022) Ocean Tracer 236U/238U Research Using a New MC-ICPMS Method
Lin H-T(, Chen J-M, Chou Y-C, Chiang H-W, Christl M & Shen C-C
(2022) The Dual Tracer, 236U and 14C, Records in Coral Core in the Western Pacific
Chen J-M, Chiang H-W, Shen C-C, Chou Y-C, Yokoyama Y, Mii H-S, Hsin Y-C & Lin H-T(
(2019) Records of Indian Ocean Dipole Events between 1750 and 1850 in the Northern Bay of Bengal from Coral Microatolls
Liu S-C, Shyu JBH, Chiang H-W, Wang P-L, Wang Y & Shen C-C
(2019) Hydroclimate Variability in the Malay Peninsula over the Past 3000 Years Recorded by Stalagmites
Chiang H-W, Lu Y, Muhammad RF, Wang X & Lim TT
(2018) Mapping Asian Monsoon Changes with Speleothem δ18O Records
Wang X, Liu G, Chiang H-W, Yuan S & Lu Y
(2016) Holocene Marine Reservoir Correction for Lanyu Island, Taiwan: Evidence of Enhancing El Niño Activity over the Last 6, 000 Years
Chiang H-W, Shyu JBH, Wang C-C, Liu S-C, Shen C-C & Wang X
(2016) U/Th Dating of Uplifted Coral Terraces in Sumba Island (Indonesia)
Liu X, Chiang H-W, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Herdhiyanti T, Johnny J, Djamil YS, Meilano I, Bijaksana S, Abidin HZ, Tapponnier P & Wang X
(2016) Hydroclimate Changes Across the Amazon Lowland over the Past 45, 000 Years
Wang X, Edwards RL, Auler A, Cheng H, Kong X, Wang Y, Cruz F, Dorale J & Chiang H-W
(2015) High-Precision U/Th Dating by MC-ICP-MS and its Applications on Carbonate Samples
Wang X, Chiang H-W & Lin K
(2013) Holocene Marine Reservoir Correction (ΔR) Variability in the Eastern Bay of Bengal
Chiang H-W, Wang Y, Shyu JBH, Wang C-C, Lin Thu Aung , Phyo Maung Maung , Oo Than , Soe Thura Tun  & Shen C-C

Chiang J.C.H. (2018) Role of Seasonal Transitions and the Westerlies in East Asian Paleoclimate
Chiang J
(2018) A Coral Ensemble Approach to Reconstructing Mean Climate and Seasonality from the Central Pacific
Atwood AR, Cobb KM, Jones A, Grothe PR, Sayani HR, Chiang JCH, Hitt NT, Chen T, Deocampo DM, Southon JR, Edwards RL & Cheng H

Chiang K K (2000) A Comparative Study of the Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Cenozoic Igneous Rocks from East Kalimantan and Sabah, Borneo
Chiang KK, Macpherson C, Hall R & Thirlwall M

Chiang Kai Kim (2009) Subduction Zone Magmatism Without a Slab-Derived Flux: High-Nb Basalts from Sabah (Borneo)
Macpherson C, Chiang KK, Hall R, Nowell G, Castillo P & Thirlwall M

Chiang M. (2005) Surface Complexation Modeling of U(VI) and Np(V) Adsorption onto the Bacterial Cell Wall of Bacillus subtilis
Fein J, Gorman-Lewis D, Soderholm L, Jensen M & Chiang M

Chiang Y.W. (2023) Analysing the Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Agricultural Soils Amended with Various Silicate Rocks, and the Potential Co-benefits and Side Effects
Spence J, Wilson S, Rivard B, Feng J, Chiang YW & Santos RM
(2021) Enhanced Weathering of Wollastonite in Agricultural Soils and Mineral-Soil-Plant Interactions
Khalidy R, Haque F, Santos RM & Chiang YW

Chiarabba C. (2013) CO2 and Advective Heat Fluxes in Central Apennine, Italy
Chiodini G, Cardellini C, Caliro S, Frondini F & Chiarabba C

Chiaradia Massimo (2021) Multi-Method Approach to Understanding the Migration Mechanisms of Pb in Apatite and Ar in Alkali Feldspar from Proterozoic Granitic Batholiths from the Mt. Isa Inlier (Australia)
Popov D, Spikings RA, Ovtcharova M, Chiaradia M, Ulianov A, O'Sullivan G, Chew DM, Badenszki E, Daly S & Davies JHFL
(2021) Dissolution of Sulfide-Rich Cumulates in Nisyros Volcano
Georgatou AA & Chiaradia M

Chiaradia Massimo (2022) Emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province at the Edges of Cratonic Keels
Boscaini A, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Jourdan F, Faccenda M, Meyzen CM, Callegaro S & Serrano Durán L

Chiaradia Massimo (2020) The Ferrar Continental Flood Basalt: A ~1.6 Ma Long Duration Evidenced by High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar Ages
Ware B, Jourdan F, Chiaradia M & Nebel O
(2020) Etna Lavas are Melts Leaking from the Low Velocity Zone
Pilet S, Reymond J, Chiaradia M & Corsaro RA

Chiaradia Massimo (2017) Insigths into the Genesis of the Rio Blanco Epithermal Au-Ag Mineralization in the Occidental Cordillera of Southwestern Ecuador: Constraints Fron Zircon U-Pb and Sericite-Adularia Ar/Ar Geochronology
Bineli Betsi T, Ponce M, Chiaradia M, Ullianov A & Camacho A
(2017) Reconstructing the Geochemical Cycle of Fe in Lake Towuti (Indonesia)
Ordóñez L, Ariztegui D, Chiaradia M, Crowe S, Morlock MA, Bauer K, Simister R, Vogel H, Melles M, Russel J & Bijaksana S
(2017) Petroleum as Source and Carrier of Metals in Epigenetic Sediment-Hosted Mineralisation
Saintilan N, Spangenberg J, Chiaradia M, Chelle-Michou C, Stephens M & Fontboté L

Chiaradia Massimo (2016) Giant Porphyry Systems: Products of Large Magma Chamber or Cu-Rich Magmas?
Bellver Baca MT & Chiaradia M

Chiaradia Massimo (2015) Hf Isotopes in Zircon Record Sudden Rejuvenation in a Back-Arc Magmatic System (Torres del Paine, Patagonia)
Ewing T, Müntener O, Leuthold J, Baumgartner L, Putlitz B, Chiaradia M & d'Abzac F-X
(2013) Recycling of Subducted Crust in the Source of Within-Plate CAMP Basalts from Southeastern North America
Callegaro S, Bertrand H, Marzoli A, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L, Meyzen C & Bellieni G
(2013) Periods of Magma Propagation and Homogenization Preserved in an Upper Crustal Pluton over 1.2 Ma
Floess D, Baumgartner L, Brack P, Broderick C, Chiaradia M, Muntener O, Putlitz B & Schaltegger U
(2012) Zircon as a Probe of Oxygen Fugacity: Observations and Limitations from Natural Samples
Chelle-Michou C, Chiaradia M, Kouzmanov K & Wotzlaw JF
(2011) Tracing the Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic Crustal Evolution of Coastal Southern Peru
Boekhout F, Spikings R, Chiaradia M, Sempere T, Ulianov A, Gerdes A & Schaltegger U
(2011) Sr-Nd-Pb-Os Isotopes of CAMP Tholeiites from Northeast America
Merle R, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) Geochemistry of Eastern North American CAMP Diabase Dykes
Callegaro S, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) Age and Origin of Alkaline Lavas from Tore-Madeira Rise: Interactions between Complex Lithosphere Motion and Multi-Components Source
Girardeau J, Merle R, Marzoli A & Chiaradia M
(2011) Distinguishing Periods of Crustal Growth and Recycling by U-Pb Dating, Sr, Pb and Hf Isotopes Among the Eastern Cordilleran Granitoids of South Peru
Reitsma M, Schaltegger U, Spikings R, Chiaradia M, Ulianov A & Gerdes A
(2011) Origin of Cameroon Line Basanites from Metasomatized Lithosphere
Marzoli A, Aka F, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L & Merle R
(2010) High Cd Concentrations in Bajocian Carbonates in the Swiss Jura Mountains: Evidences for Hydrothermal Input
Efimenko N, Spangenberg J, Schneider J, Chiaradia M, Adatte T, Matera V & Föllmi K
(2009) Hornblende Cumulate Recycling in the Torres del Paine (Chile): Evidence from Field Observations and Petrology
Leuthold J, Müntener O, Baumgartner L, Putlitz B & Chiaradia M
(2009) Copper Behaviour in Andesitic Magmas Evolving at High pH2O (Pilavo Volcano, Ecuador)
Chiaradia M & Ulianov A
(2006) Parental magmas and crustal contamination of continental tholeiitic basalts from the Central Atlantic magmatic province as revealed by mineral major and trace elements and Sr isotopes
Chiaradia M, Marzoli A, Jourdan F & Bussy F
(2006) The genesis of CAMP basalts (Morocco) from enriched lithosphere to late asthenosphere mantle sources
Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Fontignie D, Youbi N & Bellieni G
(2002) Lead Isotope Evidence for Latitudinal Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Andes,
Chiaradia M & Fontboté L
(2000) Separate Lead Isotope Analyses of Whole Rock Leach and Residue Fractions to Characterize Formation Processes and Post-Formation Evolutions of Magmatic and Metamorphic Lithologies
Chiaradia M & Fontboté L

Chiaradia Massimo (2019) What can Magmatic Sulphides Tell us About Magma Fertility in Porphyry Systems?
Georgatou AA & Chiaradia M
(2019) Fe Isotope Signatures of Eclogites from the Münchberg Massif, Germany
Pohlner J, El Korh A, Chiaradia M, Klemd R & Grobéty B

Chiaradia Massimo (2018) Fe-Speciation by Sequential Extraction and Fe-Isotopes as Tracers of Processes Mobilizing Fe in Lacustrine Sediments
Ordoñez L, Bauer K, Ariztegui D, Crowe S, Vogel H, Chiaradia M, Morlock MA, Simister R, Melles M, Russell JM & Bijaksana S
(2018) Magmatic Sulphide Saturation in Subduction and Post-Subduction Magmas
Georgatou AA & Chiaradia M

Chiaradia Massimo (2023) Apatite Sm-Nd and U-Pb Isotopes Unravel Crust-Mantle Interactions in the Fraser Zone, Western Australia
Kuper KM, Kirkland CL, Olierook H, Chiaradia M & Evans K
(2023) Rapid Ascent and Accumulation of Mafic and Alkaline Magma Precedes Caldera Forming Eruptions
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Ágreda López M, Giordano G & Chiaradia M
(2023) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Oligocene Dikes at Yanıklı, Artvin District, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: New Regional Implications
Sonmez SU, Moritz R, Keskin S, Turlin F, Ulianov A, Chiaradia M & Aydın Ü

Chiaraluce L. (2019) Episodic Degassing of He in Continental Region Affected by Seismicity
Buttitta D, Caracausi A, Chiaraluce L, Favara R, Gasparro Monticelli M & Sulli A
(2018) Volatiles Degassing in Central Italy: From Subduction to Active Seismicity
Caracausi A, Chiaraluce L, Camarda M, DeGregorio S, Favara R, Kagoshima T & Sano Y

Chiarantini L. (2013) Chromium Mobility in Tuscan Serpentinite Bodies: Inferences from Rodingitization and Carbonation
Natali C, Boschi C, Baneschi I, Dini A & Chiarantini L
(2013) Isotopic Signature of Naturally Cr(VI) Contaminated Spring Waters from Western Tuscany (Italy)
Chiarantini L, Agostini S, Baneschi I, Guidi M, Natali C, Tonarini S & Frei R

Chiaravalloti I. (2023) Mitigation of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Maize Production with Basalt Amendments
Chiaravalloti I, Theunissen N, Zhang S, Wang J, Sun F, Ahmed A, Pihlap E, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

Chiarella D. (2023) Lessons Learnt (and yet to be Learnt) When Creating the Community-Driven Diamond Open Access Journal Sedimentologika
Thomas C, Zuchuat V, Vaucher R, Spychala Y, Saleh F, Privat A, Poyatos-Moré M, Marchegiano M, Kernen R, Kane I & Chiarella D

Chiari G. (2001) Mineralogy and Cultural Heritage
Chiari G

Chiari Marco (2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L

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