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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chew David M (2023) Spatial and Temporal Trends of Cenozoic Rock Denudation along the Santa Marta Range, Southern Caribbean Margin
C. Dias AN, Parra M, Chew DM, Sales ASW & Pereira VDQ
(2023) An Image Mapping Approach to U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Carbonate Dating Applied to Far-Field Pyrenean Compression in Ireland
Chew DM, Drost K & Monchal V
(2023) Laser Ablation Lu-Hf Geochronology of Mafic Igneous Apatite and Detrital Apatite
Kharkongor MBK, Glorie S, Mulder JA, Kirkland CL, Chew DM & Kohn B
(2022) Characterisation of Irish Volcanic Ash Layers Using Combined in situ U-Pb and Lu-Hf Analyses of Zircon and/Or Apatite and its Implication for the Growth Rate of the Waulsortian Reef
Koch HA, Chew DM, Hitzman MW, Slezak P, Dunlevy E, Badenszki E & Holdstock M
(2022) Advances in U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology Using High-Repetition Rate, Low-Dispersion Laser Ablation Cells
Chew DM, Drost K & Drakou F
(2021) Linking Sedimentary Phosphate U-Pb Ages to Syn-Sedimentary Processes
O'Sullivan GJ, Daly JS, Murray J, Ó'Gogáin A, Chew DM, Badenszki E, Hoare B, Guyett P & Drakou F
(2021) Isotopic Forward Modelling: A New Tool to Interpret U-Pb Thermochronometry Data
Mark C, Cogné N, Vermeesch P, Smye AJ, Chew DM & Daly JS
(2021) Multi-Method Approach to Understanding the Migration Mechanisms of Pb in Apatite and Ar in Alkali Feldspar from Proterozoic Granitic Batholiths from the Mt. Isa Inlier (Australia)
Popov D, Spikings RA, Ovtcharova M, Chiaradia M, Ulianov A, O'Sullivan G, Chew DM, Badenszki E, Daly S & Davies JHFL
(2021) The European Continental Crust Through Detrital Minerals
Castillo P, Bahlburg H, Berndt J, Chew DM & Fanning M
(2021) Fully Quantitative Major and Trace Element Laser Ablation ICP Mapping of Heterogeneous Samples
Tomlinson EL, Riegler T, Petrus JA, McClenaghan SH & Chew DM
(2021) Discriminating Thermodynamic and Kinetic Contributions to Rare Earth Element Uptake in Garnet
Konrad-Schmolke M, Halama R & Chew DM

Chew David M. (2020) Offshore Heavy Mineral Placer Formation: Characterisation, Provenance and Sediment Dynamics
Burke S, Wheeler A & Chew D
(2020) Regional Chemostratigraphic Correlation of the Irish Pb-Zn Ore Field
Koch H, Chew D, Philcox M & Kamber BS
(2020) Constraints on CAMP Sills Intrusion-Depth from Low-Temperature Thermochronometry
Ansberque C, Chew DM, Marzoli A & Ruhl M
(2020) Petrochronology and Thermochronology of Apatite
Chew D, Spikings R, Mark C, O'Sullivan G, Henrichs I & Ansberque C

Cheyne C.A.L. (2014) Lead Isotopes as Tracers of Particulate Contamination in Lakes
Cheyne CAL, Thibodeau AM, Slater GF, Desrocher S & Bergquist BA

Cheynet B. (2009) Thermochemical Calculations of Condensation Sequences in Circumstellar Envelopes and in the Solar Nebula
Baklouti D, d'Hendecourt L & Cheynet B

Chhabra P. (2011) Changes in Organic Aerosol Composition with Aging Inferred from Aerosol Mass Spectra
Canagaratna M, Ng NL, Jimenez J-L, Chhabra P, Seinfeld J & Worsnop D

Chhor G. (2014) Strategies to Assess the Biochemical Properties of Extracellular Hydrolases in Aquatic Environments
Steen A, Michalska K, Chhor G, Endres M, Vazin J, Lloyd K, Wilhelm S & Joachimiak A

Chhouk B. (2015) Mechanisms and Kinetics of Organic Contaminant Transformation by Mn(IV) Oxides
Ginder-Vogel M, Balgooyen S, Chhouk B & Remucal C

Chi B.M. (2011) Geochemistry of the Xuanwei Group in Guizhou, Southwestern China
Jiang F, Zhang ZW & Chi BM

Chi C. (2019) Global Mercury Chemostratigraphy during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and the Following Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Cawood P, Zhao H, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Chi C, Weng H & Zhang Z

Chi G (2005) Carbonic Vapor-Dominated Fluid Systems in Orogenic-Type Au Deposits
Chi G, Williams-Jones AE, Dube B & Williamson K

Chi Guodong (2009) Geochemical Constraints on Tectonic Settings for Emplacement of Guposhan-Huashan Plutons in South China
Feng Z & Chi G

Chi Guoxiang (2023) Recognition of Thermal Convection in Sedimentary Basins: Coupled Mineral Dissolution-Precipitation Patterns Integrated with Reactive Transport Modeling
Wang Y & Chi G
(2023) Coupled Fault-Valve (Deep) and Suction-Pump (Shallow) Model for Structure-Controlled, World-Class Mineralization in Sedimentary Basins – Evidence from Fluid Inclusions and Numerical Modeling
Chi G & Wang Y
(2021) Tracking Ore Fluid Pathways by in situ synchrotron-Xrf Analysis of Fluid Inclusions
Rabiei M, Chi G, Potter EG & Feng R
(2021) Diagenetic Origin of Ca-Dominated Brine in the Athabasca Basin – A Geochemical Path Modeling
Wang Y & Chi G
(2019) Enrichment of U-Y-Zr in Basinal Brines of the Athabasca Basin – Implications for U and REE Mineralization
Chi G, Chu H, Petts D, Potter E, Jackson S & Williams-Jones A
(2019) Cryogenic 2D Raman Mapping of NaCl and CaCl2 Hydrates in Synthetic Fluid Inclusions
Chu H, Chi G & Xue C
(2017) Microbial-Textures and in situ Sulfur Isotopic Analysis of Spheroidal and Zonal Sulfides in the Giant Jinding Zn-Pb Deposit, Yunnan, China
Xue C, Chi G & Fayek M
(2017) Post-Collisional Porphyry-Related Mineralization Systems in the Hongshan Deposit, Southern Yidun Arc, SW China
Zu B, Xue C, Chi G & Zhao X
(2016) Unconformity-Related Uranium Mineralization in the Athabasca Basin, Canada: Deep Burial Diagenetic-Hydrothermal or Epithermal?
Chi G & Chu H
(2014) A Study of Melt Inclusions from the Zijinshan Epithermal-Porphyry Au-Cu Ore Field, Fujian, China
Chi G, Lei R, Creighton S, Qi J & Li J
(2014) Abnormal Geothermal Gradients and Development of Calcic Brine in the Athabasca Basin and their Importance for Unconformity-Type Uranium Mineralization
Scott R & Chi G
(2012) Hydrodynamic Constraints on Relationships between Different Types of U Deposits in Southern China
Chi G & Zhou Y
(2012) Constraining the Composition of Basinal Brines in the Athabasca Basin from Individual Fluid Inclusion Analysis in Quartz Overgrowths
Scott R & Chi G
(2009) Reconstructing Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry Through Analysis of Vein Minerals
Turchyn A, Alt J, Brown S, DePaolo D, Coggon R, Chi G, Skulski T & Bedard J
(2009) Studying Gold Solubilities Using Fused Silica Capillaries
Chi G, Chou I-M, Wang F, Shang L, Xue C & Liu X

Chi H. (2012) Carbon Solution and Partitioning between Metallic and Silicate Melts in a Shallow Magma Ocean: Implications for the Origin and Distribution of Terrestrial Carbon
Dasgupta R, Chi H, Shimizu N, Buono A & Walker D

Chi J. (2016) Sea Salt Aerosols as a Reactive Surface for Inorganic and Organic Acidic Gases in the Arctic Troposphere
Chi J, Zhang J, Lin Y, Zhang Y & Li W

Chi Q. (2014) On the Comparisons of Chemical Element Abundances of Granitoids between China and the World
Shi C, Yan M, Chi Q, Zhang B, Liu Y & Sun B

Chi Y. (2009) Metallogenic Ages of the Shaxi Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Anhui Province
Chi Y, Yu L & Zhang Q
(2009) Exploration of the Shaxi Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit in Anhui: Its Tectonic Environment for Metallogenesis
Gao C, Chi Y & Zhang Q

Chi Z. (2018) Fungus-Mediated Heterogeneous Catalysis Reaction Drives Iron Redox and Biomineralization
Yu G, Chi Z & Sun F

Chi Fru Ernest (2019) A New Marine Arsenic Ecosystem Stable State 2480 Million Years ago
Chi Fru E

Chi Fru Ernest (2016) Biogeochemical Cycling of Arsenic and Phosphorus in Shallow Submarine Hydrothermal Sediments
Callac N, Holm M, Posth N, Ivarsson M, Kilias S & Chi Fru E
(2016) Arsenic and Phosphorus Dynamics in Early Proterozoic Oceans
Chi Fru E & Hemmingsson C

Chi Fru Ernest (2017) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Au-Cu Coupling in Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Zygouri E, Kilias S, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Chi Fru E, Nomikou P, Argyraki A, Ivarsson M, Polymenakou P & Carey S
(2017) Metal Resource Potential of Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides at Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Kilias S, Zygouri E, Nomikou P, Chrysafeni M, Ivarsson M, Chi Fru E, El Albani A, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Argyraki A, Polymenakou P & Carey S

Chi Fru Ernest (2020) Mechanism of Formation, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Ooidal Ironstone of Djebel Had, Northeast Algeria
Diab H, Chouabbi A, Chi Fru E, Nacer J-E & Krekeler M

Chi Fru Ernest (2021) Constraining Geochemistry’s Community Demographics
Little SH, Labidi J, Riches AJV, Bots P, Anand P, Arndt S, Li Z, Maters EC, Marin-Carbonne J, Chi Fru E, Pourret O, Ngwenya B & Samankassou E

Chi Fru Ernest (2023) Refining the Stratigraphy of the Moroccan Phosphate-Bearing Sequences: Insights from the U-Pb Dating and ∂13C Chemostratigraphy
Aubineau J, Parat F, Poujol M, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Chi Fru E, Séranne M, El Bamiki R, Elghali A, Raji O, Munoz M, Jourani E-S, Yazami OK & Bodinier J-L
(2023) Attrition of Minority Groups in the UK Geochemistry Workforce Across the Academic Career Ladder
Bots P, Maters E, Appiah F, Gagnon J, Bhagwat S, Riches AJV, Little SH, Chi Fru E, Ngwenya B, Lawrence A & Anand [she/her] P
(2023) Is the Geochemistry Academic Work Environment a Potential Barrier to Inclusion and Progression?
Anand [she/her] P, Lawrence A, Little SH, Bots P, Gagnon J, Appiah F, Riches AJV, Maters E, Chi Fru E, Bhagwat S & Ngwenya B

Chi Fru Ernest (2011) Bacterial Physico-Chemical Controls on As-Pb Iron Hydroxy Sulfates in Reduced Environments
Weisener CG, Smeaton CM, Walshe GE, Smith AML, Chi Fru E & Fryer BJ
(2011) Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Transformations of Fluid Fine Tailings (FFT) Associated with the Alberta Oil Sands End Pit Lakes
Walshe G, Chen M, Chi Fru E & Weisener C

Chi Fru Ernest (2013) Microaerophilic Biological Methane Cycling 2.6-2.1 Billion Years ago
Chi Fru E, Hammarlund E, Pemba L, Bengtson S, El Albani A, Andersson P, Mörth M & Arvestål E
(2012) Investigating Biomineralized Structures and Morphology Associated with Laminated Freshwater Stream terraces:Stromatolites?
McCort C, Chi Fru E, Goudy S & Weisener C
(2012) Temporal and Spacial Variation of Microbial Community Structures in Oil Sand Tailing Ponds
Loick N, Chi Fru E & Weisener C

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