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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cheung K.H.C. (2023) Evaluation of the Degradability of Bioplastics in Open Air and Marine Coastal Water
Not C & Cheung KHC

Cheung Terri (2019) Tracer Approaches for Identifying Potential Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Osselin F, Cheung T, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Desaulty AM & Kloppmann W
(2017) Establishing High Resolution Chemical and Isotopic Baseline Conditions in a Shallow Bedrock Aquifer in Southern Alberta, Canada
Cheung T, Mayer B, Parker B, Cherry J, Lerouge C, Blessing M, Kloppmann W & Lawton D

Cheung Terry (2016) High-Resolution Methods for Baseline Groundwater Monitoring in Areas of Energy Resource Development
Parker B, Cahill A, Cheung T, Cherry J, Mayer B, Lawton D & Osadetz K

Chevaillier S. (2021) Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Icelandic Dust
Baldo C, Formenti P, Nowak S, Chevaillier S, Cazaunau M, Pangui E, Di Biagio C, Doussin J-F, Ignatyev K, Dagsson-Waldhauserova P, Arnalds O, MacKenzie AR & Shi Z

Cheval L. (2023) Fractionation of Stable Chlorine Isotopes in the Kidneys of Mice
Aloisi G, Crambert G, Agrinier P, Bardoux G, Cheval L & Houillier P

Chevalier Clément (2019) First Molecular Identification of Fungi Microfossils in 715-810 Millions-Years Shale Rock
Bonneville S, Delpomdor F, Préat A, Chevalier C, Araki T, Abyaneh M, Steele A, Schreiber A, Wirth R & Benning LG

Chevalier Cristele (2020) New Insights on Trace Metals Behavior in the Industrial Impacted Submarine Cassidaigne Canyon
Jacquet S, Chevalier C, Herlory O, Mille D & Monnin C

Chevalier M-L. (2011) Patterns of Cosmogenic Age Distributions for Late Quaternary Moraines in Tibet
van der Woerd J, Kali E, Chevalier M-L, Liu-Zeng J, Mériaux A-S, Tapponnier P, Hilley G, Li H, Finkel R & Ryerson F

Chevalier N. (2017) Seasonal Variability of Sedimentary Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Communities in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank (French Guiana)
Gontharet S, Simon W, Denis L, Mathieu O, Artigas LF, Bouloubassi I, Chevalier N, Courcot L, Duong G, Gommeaux M & Klein V
(2015) Evidence for Microbial Methane Oxidation and Sulfate Reduction at Marmara Sea Cold Seeps: A Multi-Parametric Approach
Chevalier N, Teichert B, Strauss H, Géli L & Ruffine L

Chevalier Q. (2015) Chromium (VI) Adsorption onto Quartz, Selected Oxides and Clay Minerals
Veselská V, Komárek M & Chevalier Q

Chever F. (2017) The Impact of Fe and Cu on the Natural Phytoplankton Communities and on the Complexing Organic Ligand Pool Through Incubation Experiments at the Vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean)
Gonzalez AG, Sarthou G, Chever F, Bowie A, van der Merwe P, Cheize M, Sirois M, Bucciarelli E, Obernosterer I, Catala P & Blain S

Chever Fanny (2012) Dissolved Iron in the Vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean, during the KEOPS 2 Experiment
Sarthou G, Queroue F, Chever F, Bowie A, van der Merwe P, Bucciarelli E, Fourquez M & Blain S
(2009) A First Look at GEOTRACES Issues from the IPY BONUS GOODHOPE Cruise in the Southern Ocean
Boye M, Achterberg E, Bown J, Bucciarelli E, Cardinal D, Cassar N, Cavagna A-J, Chever F, Dehairs F, Fine RA, Happell J, Joubert W, LeMoigne F, Masqué P, Monteiro P, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Verdeny E, Wake B & Waldron H
(2007) A Multiproxy Approach to Constrain the Origin of the Natural Fertilisation on the Kerguelen Plateau
Jeandel C, Bourquin M, Bowie A, Bucciarelli E, Chever F, Jacquet S, Lacan F, Sarthou G, van Beek P & Venchiarutti C

Chevet J. (2021) Ca-Metasomatism of Lawsonite Eclogite-Facies Metasediment Evidences High-Pressure Intra-Slab C-O-H-S Fluid Transfer
Laurent AT, Delacour A & Chevet J
(2017) Influence of Fluid-Rock Interactions on The Iron Isotope Composition of The Oceanic Lithosphere
Dessimoulie L, Delacour A, Marin-Carbonne J, Gannoun A-M, Chevet J & Guillaume D
(2009) Isotopic Data (Sr-Nd-Hf-O) of Intrusive Rocks from the Kerguelen Islands (Indian Ocean)
Chevet J, Gerbe M-C, Grégoire M, O'Reilly SY, Cottin J-Y & Griffin WL

Chevillard M. (2013) Formation of Monazite-(MREE) from Paleozoic Shales: Role of Host Rock Chemical Composition and Organic Material
Tuduri J, Chevillard M, Colin S, Gloaguen E, Gouin J, Potel S & Pourret O

Chevillot-Biraud A. (2021) Thermal Analyses of Biocarbonates as Part of the Search for Traces of Life on Mars
Perron AME, Stalport F, Chevillot-Biraud A, Derenne S, Anquetil C, Borensztajn S, Nowak S, Bürckel P, Lecourt L & Menez B

Chevis D. (2010) Submarine Groundwater Flux of Nd to Coastal Waters
Chevis D, Johannesson K, Burdige D, Cable J, Martin J & Roy M
(2008) Rare Earth Element Cycling in a Subterranean Estuary
Johannesson K, Chevis D, Burdige D & Cable J

Chevrel M.O. (2012) Multiple Glass Transitions in Natural Volcanics: A Demonstration of Shallow Magma Mixing during Strombolian Eruptions at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
Lavallee Y, Kremers S, Hanson JB, Hess K-U, Chevrel MO, Wassermann J & Dingwell DB
(2012) The Transient Rheology of Crystallizing Magmas
Chevrel MO, de Biasi LJ, Hanson JB, Cimarelli C, Lavallee Y & Dingwell DB

Chevreuil M. (2017) Uses of Stable Isotopy 13C and 2H Ratio Analysis as Indicator of PAH Sources in Urban Environment. Example of Small Watershed Near Paris: Orge River, France
Fauches R, Mendez-Millan M, Chevreuil M & Moreau-Guigon E
(2015) Emissions of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (Phthlates, PAHs, PBDEs, PCBs) from the Urban Environment and Waste Treatment Activities
Surchamp A, Alliot F, Moreau-Guigon E & Chevreuil M

Chevrier Daniel M. (2023) Magnetosymbiosis as an Adaptation for Microeukaryotes to Life Under Oxic-Anoxic Interface
Bolzoni R, Alonso B, Chevrier DM, Menguy N, Fouteau S, Vallenet D, Benzerara K, Monteil CL & Lefevre CT
(2023) Establishing Trace and Minor Element Incorporation into Magnetite as a Tool for the Identification of Fossil Magnetotactic Bacteria
Amor M, Mosselmans JFW, Scoppola E, Li C, Faivre D & Chevrier DM
(2022) General Features of Metal Sulfide Biomineralization and Latest Findings About Microbial Copper Sulfide Biomineralization
Park Y, Eyal Z, Pekker P, Chevrier DM, Lefèvre CT, Arnoux P, Armengaud J, Monteil CL, Gal A, Pósfai M & Faivre D

Chevrier David (2014) Development of C K-Edge NEXAFS Techniques for the Study of Organic-Mineral Interfaces
Regier T, Gillespie A, Dynes J, Chevrier D & Peak D

Chevrier Davis (2012) Determination of Soil Organic C Species Using Soft X-Ray XANES: Tackling Normalization & Matrix Effects
Dynes J, Regier T, Chevrier D, Gillespie A & Peak D

Chevrier L. (2023) Probing Redox Potential of Clay Minerals Using Organic Contaminants
Chevrier L, Tournassat C, Le Milbeau C & Grangeon S

Chevychelov V (2000) Experimental Study of the Effect of Composition and Phase State of Chloride Fluid on Solubility of Chlorine in the Granodiorite Melt. On Structural Positions of Chlorine in the Melt
Chevychelov V, Simakin A & Bondarenko G

Chevychelov Vitaly (2015) Effect of Composition of Granitoid Melt and Temperature on Dissolution of Tantalite-Columbite in the Melt: Experimental Study
Chevychelov V

Chew David (2019) LA-ICPMS Image Mapping and its Applications to Geochronology
Chew D, Drost K & Petrus J
(2019) Characterisation and Geodynamic Context of the Granite Intrusions in the Karagwe-Ankole Belt in Rwanda
De Clercq S, Dewaele S, De Grave J, De Putter T, Chew D & Sullivan G
(2019) Diffusion and Fluid-Interaction in Itrongay Pegmatite (Madagascar): The Results of in situ Ar-Ar Dating of Gem-Quality Alkali Feldspar and U-Pb Dating of Apatite Inclusions within it
Popov D, Spikings R, Scaillet S, O'Sullivan G, Chew D, Badenszki E, Daly S, Razakamanana T & Davies J
(2019) The Kalahari Craton in the Fiery Heart of Rodinia
Gumsley A, Sałacińska A, Knoper M, Mamuse A, Chew D, Söderlund U, Kamo S, Szopa K & Ernst R
(2019) Cimmerian Hydrothermal Activity in the Sakar Mountains of SE Bulgaria
Salacinska A, Szopa K, Gaweda A, Gumsley A, Chew D & Petrov P
(2019) The Trace Element Composition of Detrital Apatite
O'Sullivan G & Chew D
(2019) Provenance of Cenozoic Myanmar Central Basins and Implications for the SE Asia Tectonic Setting
Arboit F, Morley C, Chew D & Min M
(2018) Apatite Fission Track Analysis by Laser-Ablation: A Novel Fast Grain Mapping Approach Using the Map Interrogation Tool ‘Monocle’
Ansberque C & Chew D
(2017) Metal Extraction from the Lower Crust and the Genesis of the Irish Zn-Pb Orefield
Daly JS, Badenszki E, Chew D, Kronz A, O'Rourke H, Whitehouse M, Menuge J, van Acken D & Van den Berg R
(2017) U-Pb SIMS Apatite Dating Using a Common Lead Correction (Examples from the Scottish Caledonides)
Jewison E, Deloule E, Villeneuve J, Bellahsen N, Labrousse L, Rosenberg C, Pik R & Chew D
(2017) Uranium Zonation Refined U-Pb Thermochronology – Comparison with Indedependent Thermometers
Paul A, Spikings R, Chew D, Daly JS & Popov D
(2017) Microanalysis of Cl, Br and I in Apatite, Scapolite and Silicate Glasses by LA-ICP-MS
Caulfield J, Tomlinson E, Marks M, Chew D, McKenna C & Ubide T
(2017) Apatite Pb-Profiling by LA-MC-ICPMS: An Example of Lower Crustal Thermochronometry from the Alps
Mark C, Chew D, Cogné N, Daly S & Henrichs I
(2017) Timing and Variation in the Composition of Fluorapatite in the Amba Dongar Carbonatite Alkaline Complex
Fosu B, Ghosh P, Chew D & Viladkar S
(2017) A New Natural Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology: Monazite from the Skalna Brama Pegmatite, the Sudetes, Poland
Szopa K, Kusiak M, Gawęda A, Banasik K, Chew D, Dunkley D, Iizuka T, Janeczek J, Konečný P, Krzykawski T & Yi K
(2017) Apatite Halogen Content Measurements by SEM-Edx and LA-Q-ICPMS: A Provenance Analysis Approach
Ansberque C, Chew D, Caulfield J & Mark C
(2017) Combined Chronometry and Geochemistry of Apatite for Very High Resolution Provenance Analysis
O'Sullivan G, Chew D, Morton A, Schneider S, Henrichs I & Mark C
(2017) Imaging Trace-Element Distribution in Zoned Crystals – An Application to Metamorphic Garnet Porphyroblasts
Stremtan C, Sabau G, Negulescu E & Chew D
(2017) A New Approach to Laser Ablation ICP-MS Using the Flexible Map Interrogation Tool 'Monocle'
Petrus J, Chew D, Leybourne M & Kamber B
(2017) Fast (>50 Hz) U-Pb LA-ICPMS Spot Dating of U-Bearing Minerals Using an Aerosol Rapid Introduction System
Chew D, Drost K & Petrus J
(2017) LA-ICPMS U-Pb Carbonate Dating Based on Image Mapping
Drost K, Petrus J, Chew D & Woodhead J
(2016) Enigmatic Presence of Zircon Crystals in Rocks from Teschenite-Picrite Association in the Silesian Unit (Southern Poland)
Szopa K, Wlodyka R, Chew D & Gaweda A
(2015) High-Resolution U-Pb LA-Q-ICPMS Age Mapping of Zircon
Chew D, Petrus J, Kamber B, Ubide T & McKenna C
(2015) The Trace Element and U-Pb Systematics of Metamorphic Apatite: Implications for Provenance Studies
Alberti Henrichs I, Chew D & Babechuk M
(2015) Antecryst Trace Element Mapping: Solving Magma History Puzzles
Ubide T, McKenna C, Chew D & Kamber B
(2015) Detecting Magma-Poor Orogens in the Detrital Record: Advantages of the U-Pb Apatite System over Zircon
O'Sullivan G, Chew D & Samson S
(2015) Linking Oligo-Miocene Drainage Divide Migration to Orogenic Wedge State in the European Alps: A Multi-Proxy Provenance Approach
Mark C, Cogne N & Chew D
(2013) U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Dating of Common Pb-Bearing Accessory Minerals Using VizualAge/Iolite
Chew D, Petrus J & Kamber B
(2012) Apatite U-Pb Thermochronology: An ID-TIMS and LA-ICP-MS Study from Southern Ecuador
Cochrane R, Spikings R, Chew D & Wotzlaw J
(2011) U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating of Apatite by LA-ICPMS
Chew D, Sylvester P & Tubrett M
(2009) The Role of Island Arc Collisions in Building the Continental Crust: Evidence from Tyrone, Ireland
Clift P, Draut A, Amato J & Chew D
(2009) Re-Os Depositional Age for Extremely Thermally Mature Upper Carboniferous Organic-Rich Shales, Western Ireland: Challenges and Insights
Stanislawska M, Selby D & Chew D
(2009) High-Precision CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb Zircon Age Constraints from Western European Lower Carboniferous Volcanic Ash Layers
Pointon M, Chew D, Ovtcharova M & Sevastopulo G
(2007) Crustal Contamination in the British and Irish Palaeogene Igneous Province: Mechanisms, Timing and Implications for the Formation of Granitic Magmas
Meade FC, Troll VR, Chew DM, Ellam RM, Font L & Chadwick JP
(2005) The Active Margin of Gondwana in Peru – Isotopic and Geochronologic Constraints
Schaltegger U, Chew D, Miskovic A, Fontignie D & Frank M

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