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Cheshire Michael (2015) The Role of Zeolite Phase Transformations in Nuclear Repository Engineered Barrier Systems
Caporuscio F, Cheshire M & Jove-Colon C

Cheshire Michael (2021) The Role of Grain Boundaries during the Experimental Dolomitization of Limestones
Weber J, Starchenko V, Cheshire M, Littrell K, Chang Y-J, Ilavsky J, Bleuel M, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz L

Cheshire Michael (2020) Connecting in situ X-Ray Nano- and Micro-Tomography via Fluid Dynamics Simulations to Study Barium Sulfate Mineral Precipitation
Starchenko V, Yuan K, Weber J, Cheshire M, Rampal N & Stack A

Cheshire Michael C (2023) Summary of Experimental Fe- Saponite Growth at the Bentonite / Steel Canister Interface. Nuclear Repository Canister Corrosion Implications
Caporuscio F, Zandanel A, Rock MJ, Cheshire MC, Jove Colon CF & Sauer K
(2023) Neutron-Induced Changes in Porosity, Density and Mechanical Properties for Sandstones, Chert and Limestone
Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Sun H, Le Pape Y, Anovitz LM, Cheshire MC & Ilavsky J
(2022) Scale, Carbonate Weathering, and the Laboratory/Field Dichotomy
Anovitz L, Prisk TR, Emmanuel S, Cheshire MC, Weber J, Bleuel M, Ilavsky J, Mildner DFR & Gagnon C

Cheshire Michael C. (2020) The Effect of Microstructure on Replacement Reactions – The Example of Limestone Replacement by Fluorite and Dolomite
Weber J, Cheshire MC, DiStefano V, Littrell K, Ilavsky J, Bleuel M, Bozell J, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz L
(2019) Effect of Microstructure and Chemical Reactivity of the Replacement of Limestone by Fluorite
Weber J, Cheshire MC, Distefano V, Litrell KC, Ilavsky I, Bleuel M, Bozell JK, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz LA

Cheshko A. (2009) Mantle Helium and Other Components in Thermal Fluids of the Chukchi Peninsula: The Signs of Recent Magmatism
Polyak B, Prasolov E, Lavrushin V & Cheshko A

Chesley J. (2006) Biogeochemical Monitoring Of Heavy Metals In Food Webs: Sources, Deposition, Pathways And Bioaccumulation
Chesley J, Reinthal P, Ruiz J, Corley T, Morfin O & Chorover J
(2006) The Source of Gold for the Witwatersrand from Re-Os and U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology
Ruiz J, Valencia V, Chesley J, Kirk J, Gehrels G & Frimmel H
(2005) Geochemistry and Geochronology of North Sister Volcano, Oregon Cascade Range, USA
Schmidt M, Grunder A & Chesley J
(2004) Re-Os Evidence for Juvenile 3.0 Ga Gold at Witwatersrand and Implications for the Giant Goldfields
Ruiz J, Kirk J, Chesley J & Valencia V
(2002) Decoupling of the Os Isotopic System during Crust-Mantle Interaction in Continental Arc Volcanic Systems
Chesley J, Ruiz J & Righter K
(2002) A Major Gold-Bearing Crust-Forming Event at 3.03 Ga
Kirk J, Ruiz J & Chesley J
(2001) Radiogenic Os in Arc Basalt: Fluid or Crust?
Righter K, Chesley JT & Ruiz J
(2001) Controls on Solute Concentrations, Strontium Isotopes, and Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater from the Cape Cod Aquifer, USA
Bau M, Alexander B, Brantley S, Chesley J, Dulski P & Mellott N
(2000) A View of Mantle Metasomatism Versus Crustal Contamination from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico
Ruiz J, Chesley J, Righter K & Ferrari L

Chesne R. (2014) Zn(II) and Cu(II) Adsorption and Retention onto Iron Oxyhydroxide Nano Particles: Effects of Chloride and Sulfate
Chesne R & Kim C

Chesneau E. (2021) Composition, Glass Structure, Activation System – There is not Only One Reactivity of GGBS
Blotevogel S, Kaknics J, Poirier M, Doussang L, Steger L, Danezan A, Canizares A, Simon P, Chesneau E, Montouillout V, Patapy C & Cyr M

Chesner C. (2014) Crystal Cannibalization: Youngest Toba Tuff Remnants Remobilized Through Post-Caldera Lava Domes
Barbee O, Vazquez J, Reid M & Chesner C

Chesney E. (2009) Mercury Bioaccumulation in Coastal and Migratory Foodwebs in the Gulf of Mexico
Senn D, Chesney E, Blum J & Shine J

Chesnot T. (2013) Determation of Sources and Flowpaths of Nitrate in a Karstic Watershed
Briand C, Sebilo M, Plagnes V, Louvat P & Chesnot T

Chesnyuk A. (2012) Dynamics of Organic Carbon Sedimentation and Bottom Oxygen and their Impact on Phosphorus Retention in Lake Simcoe: Reactive-Transport Modeling and Experimental Study
Dittrich M, Chesnyuk A, McColloch J, Gudimov A, Arhonditsis G, Young J, Winter J & Stainsby E
(2011) Origin of Iron Layer in Sediment of Lake Superior: Abiotic vs. Biotic
Dittrich M, Gordon J, Raoof B, Chesnyuk A, Quazi S, Fulthorpe R, Bollmann J & Katsev S

Chessel H. (2014) Phosphorus Retention in Sediments of an Artificially Fertilized Boreal Lake
O'Connell DW, Ansems N, Orihel D, Wiklund J, Behrends T, Chessel H, Schlinder D & Van Cappellen P

Chesseman C. (2002) A Microspectroscopic Study on the Influence of the Inherent Heterogeneity of Waste Repository Materials on Contaminant Uptake
Scheidegger AM, Grolimund D & Chesseman C

Chester R. (2000) Early Diagenesis of Mn in Continental Slope Sediments: Evidence for a Redox-Mediated Adsorbed Mn2+ Trap
Harris SJ & Chester R

Chetelat B. (2021) On the Heterogeneity of POC Transport Mode in the Four Largest Chinese Rivers
Ke Y, Calmels D, Bouchez J, Massault M, Noret A, Cai H, Chetelat B, Chen J, Gaillardet J & Quantin C
(2019) Source, Transport and Fluxes of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Yellow River, China
Ke Y, Calmels D, Massault M, Bouchez J, Noret A, Cai H, Chen J, Gaillardet J, Chetelat B & Quantin C
(2019) How Far Back in Time do River Sediments Integrate the Effects of Weathering?
Bouchez J, Cogez A, Cai H, Ke Y, Chetelat B, Calmels D, Chen J & Gaillardet J
(2017) Sources of Inorganic Carbon Transported by Rivers in an Active Volcanic Zone, North Eastern China
Chetelat B, Bai X & Song Y
(2016) Discrimination of Dissolved Sulfate and Chloride Sources in Yangtze River, China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Aravena R, Ding H, Li S-L, Zhao Z, Chetelat B, Wang B & Wang Q
(2013) Chemical Composition of Changjiang River Sediments: Climate or Lithology Control?
Chetelat B, Liu C-Q, Wang QL & Zhang GP
(2013) Evolution of Anthropogenic Contamination in the Seine River (France) over the Last 15 Years Revealed by Boron Isotope Ratios
Louvat P, Guinoiseau D, Paris G, Chen J-B, Chetelat B & Gaillardet J
(2011) Carbon Isotope Composition of DIC in the Yalong Jiang of Changjiang Basin, China
Li S, Chetelat B, Liu C-Q, Yue F & Zhao Z
(2010) Lithium Isotope Composition of the Dissolved and Suspended Loads of the Changjiang River
Liu C-Q, Wang Q, Zhao Z & Chetelat B
(2009) Variations in Content and Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in Changjiang (Yangtz River) Water
Liu C-Q, Lang Y-C, Strauss H, Chetelat B, Wang B-L, Li S-L & Li J
(2008) Chemical Weathering Rates in the Changjiang Basin
Chetelat B, Liu C-Q, Zhao ZQ, Wang QL, Li SL, Li J & Wang BL
(2006) A Multi-proxy Approach of the Bajocian Sedimentary Crisis in Western Tethys
Beaumont V, Bartolini A, Mas R, Gardin S, Gaillardet J, Chetelat B, O'Dogherty L, Sandoval J & Cecca F
(2005) Human Impacts on Boron Geochemistry of the Seine River, France
Chetelat B & Gaillardet J
(2004) Sources and Contribution of Atmospheric Boron to Rivers Budget of French Guiana
Chetelat B, Gaillardet J, Freydier R & Negrel P

Chételat J. (2023) Understanding Mercury Processes in the Arctic Using Modeling and Multi-Media Observations
Dastoor A, Toyota K, Ryjkov A, Lehnherr I & Chetelat J
(2009) Fate of Mercury Entering Lakes and Ponds in the Canadian High Arctic: Role of Biological and Geochemical Drivers
Chételat J, Amyot M, Cloutier L & Poulain A

Chetia R. (2022) The Geochemical Documentation of Redox Conditions in Paleogene Lignite Deposit of Barsingsar, Bikaner-Nagaur Basin, Western India
Chetia R, Rahi IC, Mathews RP, Sharma A & Singh PK
(2021) Lipid Biomarker Analysis on the Sediments of a Lignite-Bearing Succession
Chetia R, Mathews RP & Singh PK

Chetouani K. (2016) Beni Bousera Orogenic Peridotite (Northern Morocco): New Insights from Geochemistry of Pyroxenites and Implication For their Origin
Chetouani K, Amri I & Targuisti K

Chettootty S. (2023) High-Grade Gneiss Terrains of Southern India: The Imperative Archives for Early Earth Tectonics and Secular Lithospheric Evolution
Chettootty S

Chetty T. (2006) Geochemical signatures of subduction setting for a gabbro pluton at the craton-mobile belt interface
Nagaraju J & Chetty TRK
(2005) Metamorphism of Neoproterozoic Kerala Khondalite Belt: A Study on Fluid Deposited Graphite
Chetty T & Parthasarathy G

Cheung A. (2018) Multi-Proxy Reconstructions of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Measuring Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, and Li/Mg in Modern Corals Using ICP-OES
Cheung A, Cole J, Vetter L, Jimenez G, Thompson D & Tudhope S

Cheung C.T.L. (2023) Exploring Riverine Chemical Fluxes and Weathering Processes in Sarawak, Malaysia Borneo
Cheung CTL, McKenzie R, Beaty B, Ravichandran S, Muhammad AA, Planavsky NJ & Nagarajan R
(2022) Evaluating Bedrock Influences on Chemical Weathering via a Comparative Study between Tropical Rivers in Hong Kong and Marianas Islands
Cheung CTL, McKenzie R, Luk K, Bauer K, Planavsky NJ & Savage PS

Cheung J. (2012) Radiocarbon Analysis of Microbial DNA and PLFA from Arsenic Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh
Mailloux B, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Dochenetz A, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam M,J, Buchholz B, Slater G, Ziolowski L, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y & van Geen A

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