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Chernov A. (2008) Guided Nanoscale Remodeling of Soluble Surfaces Using a Novel Probe-Based Method
Elhadj S, De Yoreo J & Chernov A
(2005) A Kink-Site Limited Model for Growth and Inhibition of Biominerals
DeYoreo J, Chernov A, Zepeda-Ruiz L, Wasylenki L, Elhadj S, Orme C, Gilmer G & Dove P

Chernow R. (2013) Origins of Anomalous Ridge Magmatism Near Jan Mayen
Elkins LJ, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Chernow R, Davis R & Meisenhelder K

Cherns D. (2013) Micro-Scale Carbonation of Single Facets of Portlandite
Griffiths G, Cherns D, Ball R, Allen G & El-Turki A

Chernyavskiy P. (2017) Deciphering the Carbonate Record of Mesoproterozoic Biospheric Oxygenation: Insights from Chromium and Uranium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Frei R, Kaufman A, Luo G, Romaniello S, Zhang F, Klaebe R, Sahoo S, Kah L, Azmy K, Bartley J, Chernyavskiy P, Knoll A & Anbar A

Chernykh A. (2021) Magmatism and Ore Deposit of the Cambrian Island Arc of the Central Part of the Altai-Sayan Folded Area (South Siberia, Russia)
Chernykh A
(2019) Ion-Sorption Prospecting Method for Concealed Pyrite-Polymetallic Deposits
Milyaev S & Chernykh A

Chernyshev I. (2017) Sources of Neoproterozoic Metasediments of the Baikal-Patom Belt: Sm-Nd and Pb Isotope Data
Chugaev A, Budyak A & Chernyshev I
(2014) 238U and 235U Isotope Fractionation Under Water – U-Bearing Rock Interaction
Chernyshev I, Golubev V, Chugaev A & Baranova A
(2013) 238U/235U Variations in High- and Low-Temperature Uranium Deposits
Chernyshev I, Golubev V, Chugaev A & Baranova A
(2013) A Contribution from Radiogenic Isotope Study to Metal Source and Timing of Gold Orogenic Deposits: A Case of Nezhdaninsky Deposit, Yakutia, Russia
Chugaev A, Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Gamyanin G
(2011) Lead Isotope Composition Variations in Sulfides from Hydrothermal Fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: High-Precision MC-ICP-MS Isotope Data
Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Chugaev A
(2009) The Case of Continuous Redistribution of Intermediate 238U Daughters Radionuclides Migration and Exotic U-Pb Age Discordance
Chernyshev I & Golubev V
(2009) Variations of 107Ag/109Ag Isotope Ratio in Ore Deposits by High-Precision MC-ICP-MS
Chugaev A & Chernyshev I
(2007) High-Precision MC-ICP-MS Lead Isotope Analysis Using Tl-Normalization: Calibration and Applications to Lead Isotope Study of Ore Deposits
Chernyshev I, Chugaev A & Shatagin K
(2004) Metal Sources in Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Systems at Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Back-Arc Setting (Pacific): Pb Isotope Constraints
Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Golubev V

Chernyshov A. (2013) Geodynamics of the Layered Mafic – Ultramafic Intrusions in the East Sayan (Russia)
Yurichev A & Chernyshov A

Chernyshova I. (2005) Mechanism of Redox Processes on Iron Oxides. A Spectroscopic Study
Chernyshova I

Cheron S. (2023) Geological, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Characterization of an Inactive Ultramafic-Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide (SMS) Deposit: Example of the RTI Romanche (MAR)
Flahaut J, Pelleter E, Maia M, Rouxel O, Langlade J, Cheron S, Boissier A & Brunelli D
(2023) Impact of Volcanism on Sedimentary Diagenesis
Manoux M, Dumoulin J-P, Bombled B, Monvoisin G, Gauthier C, Cheron S, Boissier A, Germain Y, Rabouille C, Pastor L, Rouxel O & Cathalot C
(2021) Copper Isotope Systematics in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: A Case Study of TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Leroy L, Boissier A, Germain Y, Cheron S, Pelleter E, Besson F & Cambon MA
(2020) Spatial Association between Talc-Rich Mineralization and a "Black Smoker"-Type Deposit in a Newly Discovered Inactive Field (MARK Area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Pelleter E, Fouquet Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Leroy L, Germain Y & Cathalot C
(2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L
(2019) Sulfur and Carbon Cycling in Fe Dominated Sediments from the Mozambique Margin: Past and Current Processes
Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Jouet G, März C, Bossier A, Cheron S, Brandily C & Pastor L
(2019) Copper Isotope Systematics of Hydrothermal Sediments from TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Leroy L, Cheron S, Pelleter E & Cambon MA
(2017) Combination of Organic and Inorganic Proxies for Hydroclimate Reconstruction of the Ogooué River Basin (Gabon, Gulf of Guinea) during the Last 25ka
Skonieczny C, Bayon G, Schefuß E, Mollenhauer G, Thiéblemont D, Bouillon S, Toucanne S, Etoubleau J, Chéron S, Nonnotte P, Rouget M-L, Ponzevera E, Germain Y, Dennielou B & Marret F
(2015) High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imaging of the Utu Uli Mn-Ni Deposit
Thomas Y, Pelleter E, Marsset B, Ker S, Fouquet Y, Alix A-S, Cheron S & Etoubleau J
(2015) Multiple Sources of Metals in Seafloor Hydrothermal FeMn Deposits: A Case Study at Utu'Uli, Pacific Ocean
Pelleter E, Rouxel O, Fouquet Y, Josso P, Germain Y, Cheron S & Etoubleau J
(2013) REE and Neodymium Isotopes in Sedimentary Organic Matter
Freslon N, Bayon G, Toucanne S, Bermell S, Bollinger C, Cheron S, Etoubleau J, Germain Y, Kripounoff A, Ponzevera E & Rouget ML
(2013) Rare Earth Element Signatures of Metal-Rich Hydrothermal Ferromanganese Deposit in the South-West Pacific
Josso P, Pelleter E, Pourret O, Fouquet Y, Etoubleau J, Cheron S & Bollinger C
(2012) Discovery of Metals-Rich Hydrothermal Manganese Deposits in the South-West Pacific
Pelleter E, Fouquet Y, Etoubleau J, Cheron S & Labanieh S

Cherry J (2005) Use of a Mine-Tailing Line as a Geochemical Reactor for Treating Acid-Rock Drainage: Bingham Canyon (USA)
Logsdon M, Saran J, Yeomans B & Cherry J

Cherry John (2019) Tracer Approaches for Identifying Potential Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Osselin F, Cheung T, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Desaulty AM & Kloppmann W
(2017) Establishing High Resolution Chemical and Isotopic Baseline Conditions in a Shallow Bedrock Aquifer in Southern Alberta, Canada
Cheung T, Mayer B, Parker B, Cherry J, Lerouge C, Blessing M, Kloppmann W & Lawton D
(2016) High-Resolution Methods for Baseline Groundwater Monitoring in Areas of Energy Resource Development
Parker B, Cahill A, Cheung T, Cherry J, Mayer B, Lawton D & Osadetz K
(2016) Tracing Fugitive Gas in Shallow Groundwater in Areas of Unconventional Energy Resource Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Cahill A, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Kloppmann W, Osadetz K & Lawton D
(2016) Impacts of Fugitive Methane from Energy Resource Development on Shallow Groundwater Chemistry
Cahill A, Parker B, Cherry J, Mayer B, Mayer KU, Kuloyo K & Hagmann A
(2015) Hydro-Geochemical Impact of Fugitive Methane on a Shallow Unconsolidated Phreatic Aquifer System
Cahill A, Cherry J, Parker B, Verdin A, Mayer B, Mayer U, Forde O & Ryan C

Cherry S. (2021) A Continuous 1, 500 kyr Record of Atmospheric CO2 from Boron Isotopes
Chalk TB, De La Vega E, Hain M, Brown R, Rohling EJ, Nuber S, Wilson P, Cherry S, Milton JA & Foster GL

Chertkoff D. (2006) Timescale of Magmatic Processes by In-Situ Sr-isotope Data in the Present-Day Activity of Stromboli, Italy
Francalanci L, Nardini I, Tiepolo M, Chertkoff DG, Morgan DJ, Avanzinelli R & Davidson JP
(2004) Crystal Isotope Clues to Subvolcanic Magmatic Evolution and Eruption Triggering
Davidson J, Charlier B, Morgan D, Chertkoff D, Ginibre C & Nowell G
(2004) Textural and Strontium Isotopic Analysis of Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Stromboli Volcano (Aeolian Islands): Evidence for Open-System Magmatic Proces
Chertkoff D, Morgan D, Francalanci L, Davidson J, Pearson G, Jerram D & Nowell G
(2004) Non-Slab Melt Origin for Adakites from Mindanao, Philippines
Macpherson C, Charlier B, Morgan D, Dreher S, Chertkoff D & Jerram D

Chertkova Nadezda (2013) Near-Infrared Measurements of Water Speciation in Hydrous Na<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>2</sub>O5 Melt Using HDAC
Chertkova N

Chertkova Nadezhda (2008) From N2 to NHx Groups in Silicate Melts Governed by fH2 at High Pressure and Temperature
Mysen B, Yamashita S & Chertkova N
(2008) Experimental Modeling of Chloride-Bearing Diamond-Related Liquids: A Review
Safonov O, Perchuk L, Litvin Y, Chertkova N & Butvina V

Cherubini A. (2017) Relative Permeability and Salinity Dependence of the Electrokinetic Coupling Coefficient in Carbonate Rocks
Cherubini A, Cerepi A, Garcia B & Revil A

Cherubini Aurelien (2015) Hydrogen Migration Through Porous Media: An Experimental Comparative Study in Cap and Reservoir Rocks
Cherubini A, Sissmann O, Garcia B, Vacquand C, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Cerepi A, Magnier C, Rouchon V & Beaumont V

Cherville B. (2021) Analysis of Europa Surface Analogues with Laser-Cosmorbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectrometer
Cherville B, Briois C, Thirkell L, Gaubicher B, Colin F & Lebreton J-P

Chervin J. (2004) Boron Isotopic Fractionations in High P-T Aqueous Fluids from in situ Vibrational Spectroscopic Data
Sanchez-Valle C, Reynard B, Daniel I, Martinez I & Chervin J

Chery P. (2019) Spatial Distribution of Trace Metals in Soils of Southwestern France
Savignan L, Faucher S, Jolivet C, Chery P & Lespes G
(2019) Determination of Free and Labile Metals in Soil Waters Using a New Generation of Diffusive Milligel Samplers
Faucher S, Chéry P, Schaumlöffel D & Lespes G

Cheseby M. (2004) Further Evaluation of Flow-Through as a Method for Cleaning and Dissolving Shells of Planktonic Foraminifera for Mg/Ca Paleothermometry
Klinkhammer G, Haley B, Mix A, Benway H & Cheseby M

Cheshire Michael (2016) Architected Geomaterial Development for Geochemical Research
Anovitz L, Cheshire M, DiStefano V, Prisk T, Mildner D & Littrell K

Cheshire Michael (2011) Marcasite in Clastic Sediments – Formative Processes and Deep Time Stability
Schieber J & Cheshire M

Cheshire Michael (2018) Fe-Saponite as Alteration Growth on Low-Carbon and Stainless Steel in Hydrothermal-Bentonite Experiments
Caporuscio F, Cheshire M, Jove Colon C & Norskog K
(2018) The Effects of Chemomechanical Processes on Limestone Weathering
Cheshire M, Anovitz L, Prisk T, Emmanuel S, Weber J, Brantley S, Bleuel M, Ilavsky J, Mildner D & Gagnon C

Cheshire Michael (2013) A Potential Steel Passivating Layer: Fe-Saponite and Chlorite Growth on Steel in High P, T Engineered Barrier Experiments
Caporuscio F & Cheshire M

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