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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cheng H (2006) Marine Isotope Stage 8 millennial-scale variability as observed in the Asian monsoon
Dykoski C, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Yuan D, Wang Y & Rowe H
(2006) High-latitude forcing of interhemispheric anti-phased precipitation during the last glacial-interglacial cycle
Wang X, Auler A, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2006) Timing and Nature of Late Quaternary Climate Change from Cave Deposits
Edwards RL, Yuan DX, An ZS, Wang YJ, Auler AS, Cheng H, Rowe H, Wang X, Kelly MJ & Dykoski C
(2004) Application of Geochemical Maps in China
Xie X, Wang X, Cheng H, Zhou G, Liu D & Cheng Z
(2004) Early Cooling History of Huangzhen Eclogite from Southern Dabieshan: Comparative Study of U-Pb, Ar-Ar Ages and Garnet Diffusion Kinetics
Chen D, Cheng H, Deloule E & Li B
(2003) Micro-Scale Zircon Oxygen Isotopic Compositions and U-Pb SIMS Dating from Dabie-Sulu Orogen, China
Chen D, Deloule E, Li B, Cheng H & Xia Q
(2000) Pa-Th-U Constraints on Melting and Material Recycling in Subduction Zones: A Case Study of the Philippine Arcs
Asmerom Y, Mukasa S, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2000) Tropical Climate Characteristics of the Last Millennium as Revealed by Splicing Fossil Corals from the Central Pacific
Cobb K, Charles C, Kastner M, Edwards L & Cheng H
(2000) The Pre-Bomb, Holocene and Deglacial Radiocarbon Content of the Deep Atlantic Ocean
Adkins J, Cheng H, Shen C, Edwards R & Druffel E

Cheng Hai (2023) Speleothem Aragonite Trace Element Partitioning: Insights from Cave Monitoring
Wassenburg JA, Breitenbach SFM, Sha L, Ait Brahim Y, Cheng H & Scholz D
(2023) A Notable Incorporation of Isotopically Heavy U(IV) Species into Carbonates Under the Modern Marine Environment
Yuan Y, Chen T, Zhang F, Liu Y, Xiong G, Wei G, Dahl TW, Yan W, Ling H-F, Cheng H & Shen S
(2023) Diagenetic Effects on Uranium Isotope Fractionation in Carbonate Sediments from the South China Sea
Xiong G, Zhang F, Lin Y, Yuan Y, Wei G, Na L, Wang W, Zhou J, Cheng H, Yan W & Shen S
(2023) Global Climate Dynamics Across Heinrich Stadials in the Last Glacial Period
Cheng H, Dong X, Zhao J, Li H, Zhang H, Kathayat G & Cai Y
(2021) Changing Chemistry of Particulate Manganese in the Near- and Far-Field Hydrothermal Plumes from 15°S East Pacific Rise and its Influence on Metal Scavenging
Lee J-M, Lam PJ, Vivancos S, Pavia F, Anderson R, Lu Y, Cheng H, Zhang P, Edwards RL, Xiang Y & Webb S
(2020) Spotting “Black Swans” from Speleothems
Sinha A, Kathayat G, Li H & Cheng H
(2020) Deglaciation Hydroclimatic Variability in the Southwest Indian Ocean
Li H, Cheng H, Sinha A, Spötl C & Ning Y
(2020) Role of Climate in the De-Urbanization of the Indus Valley Civilization
Kathayat G, Cheng H, Sinha A & Li H
(2019) Resolving the Rapid Rate of Deglaciation over Termination II in Speleothem Records
Stoll H, Cacho I, Gasson E, Moreno A, Perez C, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Iglesias M
(2019) High-Resolution Stalagmite Record of the Penultimate Glacial Climate for the North-Atlantic Realm
Kost O, Gasson E, Stoll H, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2019) Proxy Evidence and Model Explanation for Rapid Hydroclimate Change in East Africa at the End of the Younger Dryas
Orland IJ, He F, Burns SJ, Batchelor CJ, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2019) The Hulu Cave 14C Record
Edwards RL, Cheng H, Southon J, Wang Y, Kong X, Matsumoto K & Feinberg J
(2019) Trace Elements Deposition Mechanism Analyzed in a 1000 Year Stalagmite in the South of Spain
Campa-Bousoño C, Vadillo I, Pisonero J, Moreno A, Iglesias M, Cheng H, Lawrence Edwards R & Stoll H
(2018) A Coral Ensemble Approach to Reconstructing Mean Climate and Seasonality from the Central Pacific
Atwood AR, Cobb KM, Jones A, Grothe PR, Sayani HR, Chiang JCH, Hitt NT, Chen T, Deocampo DM, Southon JR, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2017) What do Deviations from the Reversible Scavenging Model Tell us About the Removal of Trace Elements from the Ocean?
Anderson R, Pavia F, Vivancos S, Fleisher M, Zhang P, Lu Y, Cheng H & Edwards L
(2017) Vertical POC Flux Profiles and Oxygen Utilization Rates from Particulate 230Th-Normalization
Pavia F, Anderson R, Lam P, Martin M, Fine R, Vivancos S, Fleisher M, Zhang P, Lu Y, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2017) Hydro-Climate Variability during the Last Two Millennia in Morocco, Inferred from High Resolution Speleothem Records
Ait Brahim Y, Sifeddine A, Cheng H, Wassenburg JA, Khodri M, Cruz FW & Bouchaou L
(2017) Centennial Growth Rate Variability of Two Alpine Holocene Speleothems
Arps J, Trüssel M, Leutz K, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Edwards L, Cheng H, Zhang P, Thil F, Deininger M, Aeschbach N, Spötl C, Fohlmeister J & Frank N
(2017) Measuring Seasonal Hydroclimate Dynamics in Speleothems
Orland I, Edwards L, Bar-Matthews M, Kozdon R, Cheng H, Ayalon A & Valley J
(2016) Hydroclimate Changes Across the Amazon Lowland over the Past 45, 000 Years
Wang X, Edwards RL, Auler A, Cheng H, Kong X, Wang Y, Cruz F, Dorale J & Chiang H-W
(2016) Trends, Oscillations, and Anomalies in the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
Sinha A, Cheng H & Kathayat G
(2016) Climate Variability in Rodrigues Island, Southern Indian Ocean, over the Past 8000 Years
Li H, Cheng H, Sinha A, Spötl C, Ning Y, Biswas J & Edwards RL
(2016) A New Devils Hole Chronology and Orbital Forcing of Great Basin Climate
Moseley GE, Edwards RL, Wendt KA, Cheng H, Dublanski Y, Boch R, Lu Y & Spotl C
(2016) High-Resolution Records of Atmospheric 14C Based on Hulu Cave Speleothems
Cheng H, Edwards RL, Southon J, Xu Y & Li H
(2015) Scavenging of Thorium and Protactinium by Particles from the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
Anderson R, Fleisher M, Pavia F, Vivancos S, Cheng H, Lu Y & Edwards RL
(2014) Seawater Th Isotopes in the U. S. North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect: Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Huang K-F, Robinson LF, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleisher MQ, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Lu Y & Moran SB
(2014) The Internal Structure of Millennial-Scale Abrupt Climate Change Events; Insights from LAICPMS Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Records
Bernal JP, Strikis N, Cruz FW, Catunda MC, Ortega C, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Auler A
(2014) High-Resolution Rainfall Records for Middle and Late Holocene Based on Speleothem Annual UV Fluorescent Layers Integrated with Stable Isotopes and U/Th Dating, Raccoon Mountain Cave, TN, USA
Driese S, Li Z-H, Cheng H, Harvill J & Sims J
(2014) Merging Lake and Cave Archives of Past Climate Change in the U.S. Great Basin
McGee D, Steponaitis E, Andrews A, Quade J, Edwards L, Broecker W & Cheng H
(2014) Interpreting Climatic Signals from Stalagmite Trace Element and Isotopic Records Using Simple Geochemical Models and Growth Rate Constraints
Stoll H, Moreno A, Cacho I, Mendez-Vicente A, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2013) Constraining Rates of Trace Element Supply and Removal Using Long-Lived Thorium Isotopes
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Cheng H, Sha L, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Moran SB
(2013) North Pacific SST Variability and Drought in Southwestern North America Since 854 AD
Johnson K, McCabe-Glynn S, Strong C, Berkelhammer M, Sinha A, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2012) Timing and Source of Cold Seeps at the Northern Slope of South China Sea: Evidence from U/Th Dating and Sr Isotopes
Tong H, Feng D, Cheng H, Yang S, Wang H, Min AM, Edwards RL & Chen D
(2012) Lacustrine Cave Carbonates: Novel, Absolute-Dated Paleohydrologic Archives in the Bonneville Basin (Utah, USA)
McGee D, Quade J, Edwards RL, Broecker W, Cheng H & Steponaitis E
(2012) Vegetation Collapse on Flores 69, 000 Years Ago: A Consequence of the Toba Super-Eruption, or a Volcanic Disaster Closer to Home?
Scroxton N, Gagan MK, Williams IS, Hellstrom JC, Cheng H, Ayliffe LK, Dunbar GB, Hantoro WS, Rifai H & Suwargadi BW
(2012) On the Timing and Mechanisms of Heinrich Stadials: A Speleothem Study from Southern Brazil
Wang X, Rao Z, Cai Y, Kong X, Auler A, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2012) Dissolved 231Pa/230Th in the U. S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Transect
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Edwards RL, Cheng H & Moran SB
(2012) Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Seawater 232Th in the North and South Atlantic Basins
Robinson LF, Huang K-F, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleischer MQ, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Moran SB & Saito M
(2011) Megadroughts at the Dawn of Islam Recorded in a Stalagmite from Northern Oman
Fleitmann D, Bradley RS, Burns SJ, Mudelsee M, Cheng H, Edwards LR, Mangini A & Matter A
(2011) Indian Ocean Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in a Speleothem from Socotra, Yemen
De Vleeschouwer D, Van Rampelbergh M, Claeys P, Cheng H, Verheyden S & Keppens E
(2010) Mid-Holocene El Niño-Southern Oscillation Revisited
Cobb K, Sayani H, Charles C, Westphal N, Edwards L & Cheng H
(2010) Chinese Cave Climate Records
Edwards RL, Cheng H, Wang Y, An Z, Yuan D & Zhang P
(2010) U/Th Dating of Cold-Seep Carbonates: Timing and Duration of Fluid Seepage
Feng D, Cheng H, Roberts H, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G & Chen D
(2010) U-Th Systematics in Deep-Sea Red Clays
Wang X, Broecker W, Edwards L & Cheng H
(2009) Last Glacial Rapid Climate Shifts in Central Europe: Environmental and Chronological Considerations from Precisely Dated Cave Carbonates
Boch R, Spötl C, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Wang X & Häuselmann P
(2009) Speleothem Evidence for Coupling between Iberian Peninsula Hydrology and North Atlantic Oceanic and Atmospheric Modes
Stoll H, Moreno A, Banasiak A, Jimenez-Sanchez M, Cacho I, Vadillo I, Burns S, Dominguez-Cuesta MJ, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2009) ENSO Record in Mid-Late Holocene Fossil Corals from Line Islands – Forced Response or Internal Variability?
Westphal N, Charles CD, Cobb KM, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Haug GH
(2008) New 230Th Dating Methods Applied to Chinese Caves: Climate Change on Glacial to Cultural Timescales
Edwards RL, Cheng H, Wang Y, Yuan D, An Z, Kelly MJ, Dykoski C & Wang X
(2008) Decadal to Millenial Variability in Holocene Winter Climate in the Pacific Northwest
Ersek V, Clark P, Mix A, Cheng H & Edwards LR
(2008) Rapid Amazonian Moisture Changes during the Last Glacial Period
Wang X, Auler A, Edwards RL, Cheng H & Ito E
(2008) Absolute Dated Terrestrial Climate Record of Temperature and Precipitation in the Eastern US
Hardt B, Rowe HD, Springer GS, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2008) Fossil Coral Constraints on Tropical Pacific Temperature and Hydrology during the Last Millennium: Lessons and Updates
Cobb K, Charles C, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2008) A New Generation of 230Th Dating Techniques: Tests of Precision and Accuracy
Cheng H, Edwards RL, Wang X, Woodhead J, Hellstrom J, Wang Y & Kong X
(2008) Climate Correlations Across the MIS 5/4 Boundary Based on a Stalagmite Record from Dongge Cave, China
Kelly MJ, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Yuan D
(2002) Timescale of Melt Differentiation from 231Pa-226Ra Data
Asmerom Y, Mukasa S, Cheng H, Polyak V & Edwards L

Cheng Hairong (2020) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) of SOA-Related Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
Zhang G, Xu B, Tang T, Cheng Z, Li J, Cheng H, Shen C, Ding P & Zhu S

Cheng Hang (2019) Synergy of Hematite and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in Cr(VI) Reduction Under Sunlight Irradiation
Cheng H & Liu J

Cheng Hangxin (2020) Urban Soil Environmental Quality in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, China
Tang S, Cheng H & Yang K

Cheng Hao (2020) Long-Lived Granulite-Facies Metamorphism in the North China Craton Constrained by Combined Garnet and Zircon Geochronology
Du K & Cheng H
(2018) Microsampling Lu–Hf Geochronology on Mm-Sized Garnet
Cheng H
(2014) The Closure Timing of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in the Lhasa Terrane: Constraints from U–Pb, Lu–Hf, Sm–Nd and Ar–Ar Multichronometric Dating on the Lhasa Eclogites, Tibet
Cheng H, Liu Y & Jeffrey V
(2007) Rates of Eclogitic Metamorphism of Subducted Continental Slab
Cheng H, King R, Vervoort J & Nakamura E

Cheng Haohao (2022) Interaction of Micro-Blocks and Palaeogeomorphic Reconstruction in Taiwan Orogenic Belt and Adjacent Areas
Liu Z, Li S, Suo Y, Bukhari SWH, Wang P, Ye Q & Cheng H

Cheng Hefa (2020) Public Health Risk from the Use of Phenylarsonic Feed Additives in China
Hu Y, Cheng H, Tao S & Schnoor J

Cheng Hong (2023) Early and Late Paleozoic Mafic Dykes in South Qinling, Central China: Evidence for Evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean
Cheng H, He J, Ge D & Chen F

Cheng Honggang (2018) Geochemical Characteristics of the Permian Mudstone in the Songliao Basin, Northeastern China
Zhu Z, Li M & Cheng H

Cheng Hongguang (2019) The Source-Sink Relationship and Principles for Pollution Prevention and Control of Typical Multi-Metal Mining Sites and Surrounding Soils
Liu L, Cheng H, Gu S, Tian K & Hao L

Cheng Huai (2020) Early Cretaceous Lamprophyre Dykes in Jiaodong Peninsula, China and Implications for Subduction-Related Mantle Metasomatism
Wang X, Wang Z, Cheng H, Foley S & Xiong L
(2020) Gold and PGE Contents of Lamprophyres in Jiaodong Peninsula: Insights into Metal Enrichment and Release from the Metasomatized Mantle Source for Giant Gold Deposits
Wang Z, Wang X, Cheng H, Ma L, Cai Y, Foley S & Xiong L
(2020) Gold Contents of Precambrian Metamorphic Crustal Basement in Jiaodong, China and the Contribution to Giant Gold Deposits
Xu Z, Wang Z, Cheng H, He T, Zong K, Hu Z & Guo J
(2019) Lithospheric Mantle of North China Craton is Instinctly Rich in Gold?
Wang Z, Cheng H, Zong K, Liu Y, Yang J, Wu F & Foley S
(2019) Exhumed Sub-Continental Arc Lithospheric Mantle and Implication for Continental Subduction during Arc-Continent Collision in the Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Zong K, Wang Z, Yuan Y, Guo J, Cheng H & Yu Y
(2018) Gold Contents of Meso-Cenozoic Basalts in Eastern China: Implication for Gold Origin of Giant Gold Deposits in the North China Craton
Cheng H, Wang Z & Zong K
(2016) Melt-Peridotite Interaction: Origin of Garnet Pyroxenite in the Lithosphere Mantle beneath the Eastern China
Cheng H, Zong K, Liu Y & Wang C
(2016) Geochemical Constraint on High-Pressure Mafic Granulite Formation in the Dunhuang Block, Northeastern Tarim Craton
Zong K, Yuan Y, Cheng H, Liu Y & Hu Z

Cheng J (2006) Neoproterozoic dioritic-granitic complexes of the Yangtze craton, petrogenesis and its tectonic significances
Ling W, Cheng J & Ren B
(2005) Hydrogeochemistry of Formation Water in the Northern Songliao Basin, China
Cheng J, McIntosh J, Xie X & Jiao J
(2005) Expulsion of Overpressure Fluid Flow along Faults: Geochemical Evidence of Pore Water in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea
Xie X, Lu Y, Cheng J & Xie Y

Cheng Jianquan (2012) Urban Soil-Dust Interactions: Improving Urban Risk Models
Cardoso R, Taylor K, Cheng J & Breward N

Cheng Jianzhong

Cheng Jie (2020) The Amorphous-To-Crystalline Transition in the Ca–Mg–carbonate System as a Function of Composition, Time and Temperature
Cheng J, Wilson S & Raudsepp M
(2020) New Perspectives on Carbonate Mineral Behaviour for Carbon Accounting and Carbon Utilization
Wilson S, Turvey C, Morgan B, Cheng J, Raudsepp M, Hamilton J, Power I, Zeyen N, Fallon S, McCutcheon J & Southam G
(2019) Elucidating the Production of Volatile Antimony from Contaminated Soils
Caplette J, Gfeller L, Lei D, Jie L, Cheng J, Zhang H, Feng X & Mestrot A

Cheng Jun (2019) Transect Variation and Controlling Factors of Redox Sensitive Element Contents of Surface Sediments in the South China Sea: Implications for Seafloor Redox Environment
Cheng J, Huang Y, Wang S, Miao L & Yan W

Cheng Jun (2011) Erosion Rate of Yellow Soil on Pine Hill in the Three Gorges Reservior Region Using 137Cs Technique
Cheng J, Shuang Y, Jiang ZY & Li H

Cheng Jun (2013) PH-Eh Diagram of Ore-Forming Elements from First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Liu X, Sprik M, Cheng J, Lu X & Wang R

Cheng Kar Wai (2021) Stratified Layer in Martian Mantle: Global Thermochemical Convection Models
Cheng KW, Ballmer MD, Rozel A, Golabek GJ & Tackley PJ

Cheng Kathryn (2023) Assessing the Deposition of Atmospheric Mercury in Hawaiian Soils from the Big Island Using Hg Stable Isotopes
Cheng K, Zheng W, Zimmermann L, Derry LA, Slater G, Szponar N & Bergquist BA
(2023) No Volcanic Trigger for Late Cambrian Carbon Cycle Perturbations?
Frieling J, Mather TA, Fendley IM, Bergquist BA, Cheng K, Jenkyns HC, Zhao Z, Dahl TW, Nielsen AT & Dickson AJ

Cheng Ke (2018) Sorption Characteristic of Uranium onto Mullite
Liao R, Shi Z, Hou Y, Zhang J & Cheng K

Cheng Kefei (2020) Organic and Inorganic Carbon Isotope in Cenozoic Source Rocks of the Qaidam Basin (China)
Zhou S, Li J, Cheng K, Zhang C, Sun Z, Li P & Meng B
(2019) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Ratios of Gases in the Eastern Part of Southern Altun Slope in Qaidam Basin, NW China
Zhou S, Li J, Cheng K, Zhang C, Li P, Sun Z & Zhang Y

Cheng Keyi (2023) Enhanced Marine Biological Carbon Pump as a Trigger for Early Mississippian Marine Anoxia and Climatic Cooling
Zhang F, Pohl A, Elrick M, Swart P, Cheng K, Crockford PW, Fakhraee M, Lin Y, Cao M, Wei G, Li N & Shen S

Cheng Kuan (2019) Advances in the Semiconductor-Mediated Electron Transfer Mechanism at Microbe-Mineral Interface
Wang Y, Cheng K, Liu T & Li F

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