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Chenault J. (2021) Optimizing Radium Removal from Produced Water Utilizing the Sr/Ba Molar Ratio and Precipitate Seeding
McDevitt B, Gallegos T, Blondes M, Shelton J, McAleer R, Valentine B, Varonka M, Jolly G, Jubb AM, Jackson J & Chenault J
(2020) Temporal Geochemical and Microbiological Characterization of Flowback and Produced Waters from Mature and Time-Series Wells, Niobrara Formation, Colorado USA
Shelton J, Amundson K, Chenault J, Jubb A, Wilkins M, Blondes M & DeVera C

Chenery C.A. (2003) The Palaeohydrogeological Evolution of the Deep Groundwater System from Sellafield (NW England), Recorded by Late-Stage Fracture-Lining Calcite
Gillespie M, Milodowski A, Shepherd T, Bouch J, Chenery C & Chenery S
(2002) Reconstructing Anglo-Saxon Immigration and Residential Mobility from O-, Sr- and Pb-Isotope Analysis
Budd P, Montgomery J, Evans J, Chenery C & Powlesland D
(2001) Early Diagenetic Stable Isotope Signals in Fossil Bone Apatite as Paleoenvironmental Indicators
Trueman CN, Chenery CA, Spiro BF & Eberth DE

Chenery S. (2023) Mining of Nickel Laterites – Towards More Environmentally Responsible Operations
Lacinska AM, Arcila C, Bateman K, Barlow T, Chenery S, Domingo J, Goodenough K, Gowing CB, Hamilton E, Kalra M, Kemp S, Liddy T, Lusty P, Palumbo-Roe B, Pearson M, Perez A, Rushton JC, Saha D, Schroeder SL, Watts M & Wragg J
(2021) Foraminifera Iodine to Calcium Ratios: Approach and Cleaning
Winkelbauer HA, Cordova K, Reyes-Macaya DA, Scott J, Glock N, Chenery S, Hamilton E, Holdship P, Dormon C & Hoogakker B
(2021) Controls on Metal Enrichment in Ferromanganese Crusts: Temporal Changes in Oceanic Metal Flux or Phosphatisation?
Josso P, Lusty P, Chenery S & Murton B
(2019) Every Atom Counts: High-Precision U-Isotope Analysis on Nanogram Quantities of U from Geoenvironmental Materials
Banks L, Horstwood M, Tapster S, Chenery S, Smith D & Barry T
(2018) Age Model and Geochemical Evolution of FeMn Crusts
Josso P, Lusty P, Parkinson I, Chenery S, Horstwood M & Murton B
(2017) Developing a Stratigraphy for Ferromanganese Crusts from Tropic Seamount, North East Atlantic
Josso P, Lusty P, Chenery S, Horstwood M, Rushton J & Murton B
(2008) The Environmental Fate of Depleted Uranium Particulates after 25 Years
Lloyd N, Parrish R, Chenery S & Arnason J
(2003) The Palaeohydrogeological Evolution of the Deep Groundwater System from Sellafield (NW England), Recorded by Late-Stage Fracture-Lining Calcite
Gillespie M, Milodowski A, Shepherd T, Bouch J, Chenery C & Chenery S
(2000) Monitoring of Environmental Heavy Metal Loads Using the Shell of Dreissina Polymorpha: A Laser-Ablation Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass-Spectrometry Study
Johnson A, Mehra A, Chenery S & Jenkinson P

Cheney J.T. (2005) Application of Accessory Phase/trace Element Thermometry to Blueschists from Syros and Sifnos, Greece
Spear F, Cheney J & Wark D
(2002) Monazite: Another Rosetta Stone?
Spear FS, Cheney JT, Pyle JM & Storm LC

Cheney M.A. (2004) The Energetics of Selenite and Iodate Adsorption onto Goethite
Cheney M, Ferruzzi G, Sposito G & Casey W
(2003) Abiotic Transformation of Perchloroethylene by Manganese Oxide
Cheney M, Robinson L & Kukor J
(2001) Abiotic Transformations of Atrazine by Manganese Oxide
Shin JY, Cheney MA, Toner B, Sposito G & Spiro T

Cheng A. F. (2001) Direct Sampling TOF-MS for in situ Analysis of Planets and Small Bodies
Brinckerhoff WB, Cornish TJ, Cheng AF, McCoy TJ & Vicenzi EP

Cheng Ai Ying (2020) Geochemical Record and Climatic Implications during the Last 2000 Years from Lake Hurleg in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Cheng AY, Yu JQ, Gao CL & Zhang LS

Cheng Aiying (2020) Postglacial Climate Change in the NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Deduced from Geochemical Proxies from the Sediments of Lake Qinghai, China
Yu J, Zhang L, Gao C & Cheng A
(2020) Centennial-Scale Precipitation Variations in the Past 400 Years: Implications from Lake Level Fluctuations Deduced from Multiple Element Records from Lake Daihai, China
Zhang L, Xin S, Cheng A, Gao C & Yu J
(2020) The Formation of Borate Deposits in Da Qaidam Salt Lake of Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau: Boron Isotopic and Hydroclimatic Constraints
Gao C, Yu J, Cheng A & Zhang L

Cheng AiYing (2019) Tracking High-Resolution Record of Climate Change in the Last Millennium Using XRF Scanning of Sediment Cores from Closed Lakes in China
Yu J, Cheng A, Gao C & Zhang L
(2019) Paleohydrological Evolution in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Implications from Stable Isotope Records from Lake Qinghai, China
Zhang L, Yu J, Gao C, Cheng A & Liu X
(2019) Environmental Impact of Human Activities on Delingha Basin: Implications from Heavy Metal Elements in the Sediments of Lake Tosen, NW China
Cheng A, Yu J, Gao C & Zhang L

Cheng Annie (2021) Understanding the Role of Basin Architecture on the Geochemical Evolution of Fluids in the Paradox Basin Using Noble Gases
Tyne RL, Barry PH, Cheng A, Kim J-H, Hillegonds D, McIntosh J & Ballentine CJ
(2021) Formation of Primary N2-He Gas Reservoirs in Sedimentary Basins
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Gluyas J & Ballentine CJ

Cheng Anran (2023) Natural Hydrogen Resource Accumulation and Helium-Rich Gas Field Analogues
Ballentine CJ, Cheng A, Karolytė R, Daly M, Sherwood Lollar B & Gluyas J
(2023) The Impact of Sedimentary Basin Architecture and Gas Phase Formation on the Transport of Helium
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Gluyas J, Warr O, Tyne RL, Hillegonds D & Ballentine CJ
(2023) New Insights into Groundwater Dating from Paired 14C, 4He, and High-Precision 40Ar Measurements in the Columbia River Basalt Aquifer System
Tyne RL, Warr O, Cheng A, Kulongoski JT, McIntosh J, Johnson HM, Hudak MR, Ram R, Ben-Nun Levanon H, Reznik IJ, Adar EM, Ng J & Seltzer AM
(2019) Understanding Hydrogeological Events in Sedimentary Basins with 1D Modelling of Noble Gases
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Giunta T, Warr O, Hillegonds D & Ballentine C
(2019) Inverse Modelling Techniques to Distinguish between Different Mechanisms of Reservoir Fluid Migration to Shallow Aquifers
Karolyte R, Barry PH, Kulongoski JT, Tyne RL, Cheng A & Ballentine CJ
(2019) Tracing Crustal Fluid Source, Migration and Residence Using Noble Gases
Ballentine C, Barry P, Byrne D, Flude S, Karolyte R, Tyne R, Cheng A & Hilligond D
(2018) Helium Distribution in the Williston and the Southwest Ontario Basins
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Giunta TM, Mundle SOC & Ballentine CJ
(2017) Applying Noble Gas Isotopes to Trace Cross Formational Gas Flow in the Williston Basin
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Mundle SOC & Ballentine CJ

Cheng Bin (2018) Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Petroleum Inferring Secondary Alteration Processes in Reservoir
Cheng B, Chen Z & Wang T-G

Cheng Borong (2019) Elemental Characteristics of Airborne Fine Particles in an Industrial Area at a Coastal City of Central Eastern China
Hu W, Fu P, Song T, Feng Y, Cheng B, Sun Y & Wang Z

Cheng C. (2009) Noble Gas Radionuclides and ATTA in Hydrology: State of the art
Sturchio N, Yokochi R, Lu Z-T, Purtschert R, Bailey K, Cheng C, Davis A, Ding Y, Dunford R, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Mueller P, O'Connor T, Williams W & Young L

Cheng Chen (2017) A Novel Stable Cadmium Isotope Record of the Great Oxygenation Event
Abouchami W, Busigny V, Philippot P, Cheng C & Galer S
(2017) Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Stepwise Oxygenation of the Ocean during the Great Oxidation Event
Cheng C, Busigny V, Ader M, Thomazo C, Chaduteau C, Abouchami W & Philippot P

Cheng Cheng (2023) Lacustrine Shale of the Shahejie Formation, Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
Cheng C & Su S
(2016) Precise and Accurate Determination of Iron, Silicon and Sulfur Isotope Ratios in Geological Samples by High Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Chen K-Y, Liang P, Cheng C, Chen L, Yuan H-L & Bao Z-A
(2016) In situ Sulfur Isotope Measurement in Sulfide Using Femtosecond Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen L, Yuan H, Chen K, Bao Z, Dai M, Zong C, Yuan W, Cheng C, Liang P & Liu X
(2016) Accurate Determination of Iron Isotopic Compositions of Geological Reference Materials by High Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Liang P, Yuan HL, Chen KY, Bao ZA, Dai MN, Zong CL, Yuan WT, Cheng C, Chen L & Liu X

Cheng Chiu (2011) Influence of Sedimentary Gas Bubble Ebullition on Interfacial Transport in Permeable Marine Sands
Cheng C & Huettel M

Cheng Chunlei (2015) Field Observation of Oxalic Acid and Related SOA in Xi’an, China
Wang G, Cheng C & Wang J

Cheng Cynthia X. (2023) Influence of Nucleobase Structures on Goethite-Catalyzed Dephosphorylation of Ribonucleotides
Cheng CX, Basinski JJ & Aristilde L

Cheng Dingsheng (2018) Geochemical Heterogeneity in Lake-Type Control Nonmarine Basins from North China and West Africa
Xu F, Cheng D, Hu J, Ding Y & Liu M

Cheng Dong (2016) Production of Hydroxyl Radicals from Oxygenation of Mackinawite
Yuan S, Cheng D & Zhang P

Cheng Dong-Hui (2011) Water Table Fluctuations with Soil Temperature Changes in a Laboratory Experiment
Cheng D-H

Cheng Feng (2020) Late Cenozoic Vanishing of the Episodic Lakes in the Qaidam Basin, Western China
Cheng F, Li X, Guo Z & Wang L
(2018) Early Eocene Reactivation of Tian Shan Orogenic Belt, Western China: Constrains from the Metamorphic Zircons in Eclogite
Zhang L, Zhang L, Cheng F, Chu X & Wang Y

Cheng Frederick (2017) Biogeochemical Hotspots: Role of Small Water Bodies in Landscape Nutrient Processing
Basu N & Cheng F

Cheng Fuqi (2018) Controlling Factors of Organic Matter Accumulation in High Quality Source Rock in Weixinan Depression, Beibuwan Basin: Implication from Structural Activity and Depositional Environment
Xu J, Jin Q, Zhang Q & Cheng F

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