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Chen Yan (2002) New 40Ar/39Ar Ages for Central Atlantic Magmatic Province in French Guyana: A Younger Volcanism?
Nomade S, Feraud G, Renne P & Chen Y

Chen Yan (2020) Coupling of Nitrogen Cycling, Primary Productivity and Phytoplankton Dynamics during the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction
Chen Y, Cai C & Lin W

Chen Yan-Jing (2019) Age and Plate Tectonic Setting of the Paleoproterozoic Global Mg Sink: A Key Study from the Fengzishan Giant Magnesite Deposit in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton
Tang H-S & Chen Y-J
(2018) The Lomagundi-Jatulian Event Record in North China Craton
Tang H-S, Chen Y-J, Chen W-Y, Lai Y, Li Q-G, Li K-Y & Sun X-H
(2016) LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Ages and C-O Isotope Geochemistry of the Fenzishan Magnesite, North China Craton: Implications for the Great Oxidation Event and Ore Genesis
Tang H, Chen Y, Li K, Chen W, Wang P & Yang Y
(2016) Stability of Copper Acetate at High P-T and Implication for Metallogeny
Ni Z-Y, Chen Y-J, Zheng H-F & Li H-P
(2015) High Carbon Isotopes of Neoproterozoic Carbonates from the Ailiankate Group, Tarim Craton, China
Tang H-S, Chen Y-J & Qu X
(2011) Rb-Sr Dating of the Wangpingxigou Pb-Zn Deposit, China
Yao J-M, Chen Y-J, Zhao T-P & Li X-H
(2010) Diagnostic Fluid Inclusions of Different Hydrothermal Systems
Chen Y
(2008) Isotope Geochemistry of the Weishancheng Stratabound Au-Ag Ore Belt, Tongbai County, China
Zhang J & Chen Y-J

Chen Yang (2013) C4 Plants Expansion and the Enhanced Aridity from the Late Miocene to Pliocene on the Chinese Loess Plateau
He T, Chen Y & Ji J
(2013) Effect of Grid Resolution and Permeability Anisotropy on Mineral Trapping for CO2 Disposal in the Saline Aquifer of Subei Basin, China
Mo S, Zheng F, Jiang S, Shi X, Zhao L & Chen Y
(2013) Seasonal Variations of Chemical Weathering Rates and CO2 Consumption in Yangtze River Basin
Li S, Chen Y, Chen J & Ji J
(2011) Mineralogic and Climatic Interpretations of the Late Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay Formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Ji J, He T, Zhao L, Chen Y & Chen J
(2011) Iron Oxides of Soils from Cenozoic Basalts Weathering in Eastern China: Relationship with Climate Change
Du K, Chen Y, Long X, Li H & Ji J
(2010) Bacterial Diversity in Loess Deposits, Chinese Loess Plateau
Huang S, Chen Y, Pan X, Cui Y, Ji J & Chen J
(2007) Authigenic Carbonates in the Chinese Loess-Paleosol Sequence: Morphologic and Isotopic Study
Chen Y, Sheng X, Chen J & Ji J

Chen Yang (2020) Decoupled Erosion of Authigenic and Detrital Components in Soil
Li X, Hedding DW, Chen Y, Greyling AC, Li L, Wu Z & Li G

Chen Yang (2022) Chemical Weathering Controls on the Accumulation of Nickel in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivated in Basalt-Derived Paddy Fields
Wang H, Chen Y, Ji J & Chen J

Chen Yang (2023) Effects of Secondary Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution on Changjiang (Yangtze) River Chemistry and Estimates of Silicate Weathering Rates
Li S, Li G, Chen Y, Li W & Chen J

Chen Yang (2015) Diamond Inclusions: OH in NAMs
Taylor L, Logvinova A, Guan Y, Howarth G, Chen Y, Liu Y & Sobolev N
(2014) In situ Observation of Crystal Growth in a Basaltic Melt
Ni H, Keppler H, Walte N, Schiavi F, Chen Y, Masotta M & Li Z
(2014) Planetary Apatites: Critical Problems in Models of OH Contents
Taylor L, Pernet-Fisher J, Liu Y, Guan Y, Chen Y, Barry P & Howarth G
(2014) Anorthite Dissolution in Basaltic Melt
Yu Y, Zhang Y & Chen Y

Chen Yang (2017) A Seven-Million-Year Hornblende Mineral Record from the Central Chinese Loess Plateau
He T, Liu L, Chen Y, Sheng X & Ji J

Chen Yang (2019) K Isotopic Responses to Silicate Weathering and Global K Cycling
Li W, Li S, Beard B, Raymo M, Chen Y & Chen J
(2019) High Ecological Risks of Nickel in Basalt Derived Agricultural Soil and Associated Crops
Chen Y, Wang H, Li X, Wang Y & Ji J
(2019) Weathering Dynamics of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs): A Case Study from the Lesotho Highlands
Chen Y, Hedding DW, Li X, Greyling AC & Li G

Chen Yanhong (2022) MORB Fe Isotope Variation as a Consequence of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Crustal Level Magma Differentiation
Niu Y, Chen S, Sun P, Chen Y, Guo P, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xue S & Xiao Y

Chen Yanhua (2016) Migration Behaviour of Carboxylic Acids in Compacted Illite, Kaolinite and Opalinus Clay
Chen Y, Glaus M, van Loon L & Mäder U
(2015) Migration of Small Organic Molecules in Dense Clay Systems
Chen Y, Glaus M, Van Loon L & Mäder U

Chen Yanjiao (2019) Heavy Li Isotopic Signatures of Enriched Sub-Continental Mantle-Derived Gabbroic Rocks in East China: Evidence for Mantle Metasomatism by Fluids/Melts Released from the Down-Going Paleo-Pacific Slab
Chen B, Huang C & Chen Y

Chen Yanjing (2013) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of Hosting Rhyolites and Mineralized Quartz Veins at the Tiemurt Pb-Zn-Cu Deposit: Insights for Ore Genesis
Zheng Y, Zhang L & Chen Y

Chen Yanyan (2020) U-Pb Dating of TSR Calcite in the Lower Cambrian in the Western Tarim Basin
Tao X, Li J, Cai C, Hu A, Yang H, Huang Y & Chen Y
(2020) The Effects of Petoelum Retention and Migration within the Triassic Chang 7 Member in the Ordos Basin in China
Chen Y, Lin S, Bai B & Tao S
(2018) Accumulation of Lacustrine Shale Oil in Triassic Chang 7 Member in Ordos Basin and its Controlling Factors
Bai B, Hu S, Tao S, Chen Y & Zhang T

Chen Yao-Sheng (2009) Global-Through-Urban WRF/Chem: A Unified Model for Modeling Aerosol-Climate Interactions
Zhang Y, Pan Y, Wen X-Y, Chen Y-S, Karamchandani P, Streets DG & Zhang Q

Chen Yaojun (2023) Precise Measurement of 226Ra/230Th Disequilibria in Deep-Sea Sediments by High-Sensitivity ICP-MS
Yuan L, Pinghe C, Jiang X, Geibert W, Cheng Y & Chen Y

Chen Yating (2016) Microaerophilic Iron-Oxidizing Microbial Community Coupling with Carbon Assimilation in Paddy Soil
Chen Y, Chen L, Li X, Li F & Liu T

Chen Yechuan (2022) The Spatial Distribution of Reactivity as Acidic Fluid Imbibes into Shales
Noël V, Froute L, Druhan JL, Chen Y, Bargar J, Brown G & Kovseck A

Chen Yen-Hua (2016) Macro- and Micro-Magnetic Properties of Maghemite Nano-Minerals
Chen Y-H & Zhang J-F

Chen Yi (2023) Investigation of Molecular Characteristics, Formation and Impacts of Oxygenated Organic Vapors at a Coastal Background Site in Hong Kong
Wang Z, Zheng P, Chen Y & Wang T
(2020) Effects of Continental Subduction-Related Metasomatism on Fe Isotopic Compositions in Mantle Wedge beneath the Dabie UHP Belt, Eastern China
Zhao X, Huang S, Chen Y & Zhang Z
(2016) Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionation during Subduction: Perspectives from Jadeitites
Chen Y, Huang F & Su B
(2011) Nb/Ta Fractionation Resulted by Fluid-Rock Interaction in Subducted Oceanic Crust
Ye K, Guo S, Chen Y & Liu J
(2011) Apatite from Eclogite and Veins from Sulu-Dabie Eclogite-Bearing Belt
Liu J, Zhang L, Ye K, Chen Y & Guo S
(2011) Metasomatic Pyroxenites and Peridotites in the Mantle Wedge: Tracing the High Nb/Ta Reservoir
Chen Y, Ye K, Guo S & Liu J
(2010) Dissolution of Minerals into Ultrahigh-Pressure (UHP) Fluid and Element Mobilization during Small-Scale UHP Fluid–rock Interaction
Ye K, Guo S, Chen Y & Liu J

Chen Yi Chi (2023) Understanding Nitrogen Incorporation into Skeletons of Scleractinian Coral from Field Data and Laboratory Experiments
Nuber S, Ren HA, Cai Li RY, Tanuputri J & Chen YC

Chen Yi-Chi (2020) Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes: From Mechanistic Understanding to a Case Study in the Equatorial Pacific
Ren H, Chen Y-C, Fang W-N, Studer A, Yu J, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug G, Spero H & Sigman D
(2020) A Seasonally Resolved Coral Nitrogen Isotope Record from the Florida Keys: Implications for the Impact of Anthropogenic Nitrogen on the Gulf of Mexico
Wang Y, Wang XT, Flannery JA, Toth LT, Richey JN, Chen Y-C, Rao ZC, Ren HA & Sigman DM

Chen Yi-Sheng (2019) Seasonal and Spatial Air-Sea Exchange of Hg in the East China Sea
Chen Y-S & Tseng C-M
(2019) Probing the Outfall-Related Anomalous Hg Levels in the Danshuei Estuarine Coastal, Taiwan, by Online Flow Injection Mercury Analyzer
Tseng C-M, Chen YS & Lamborg CH

Chen Yi-Xiang (2023) Subducted Serpentinite Results in the Heavy Mo Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Source of Arc Lavas
Dai F-Q, Chen Y-X, Chen RX, Zhao Z-F & Wang Y
(2023) Titanite Geochemistry Traces Extreme Differentiation of Granitic Magma in the Collisional Orogen
Chen Y-X & Ma H-Z
(2022) Multiple Isotopes Trace Volatile Recycling Through Subduction Zone Metasomatism
Chen Y-X & Zheng Y-F
(2021) Modification of Fluids in Subduction Channel: Evidence from Barium Isotopes of Western Alps Whiteschis
Chen A, Gu X, Zeng Z, Xiao Z, Chen Y-X & Huang F
(2020) Large-Scale Partial Melting of Deeply Subducted Continental Slab during Continental Collision: An Example from the Sulu Orogen
Ma H-Z, Chen Y-X & Zheng Y-F
(2020) Garnet Effect on Zircon Lu-Hf Isotope Systems during Crustal Anatexis
Xia Q-X, Chen Y-X, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2017) Relict Zircon Tracking the Source Nature of Peraluminous Granite
Gao P, Chen Y-X, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Xia X-P
(2016) The Anatectic Effect on the Zircon Hf Isotope Composition of Migmatites and Associated Granites
Chen Y-X, Gao P & Zheng Y-F
(2016) Zircon Geochemistry Records the Action of Metamorphic Fluid on the Formation of UHP Jadeite Quartzite
Gao X-Y, Zheng Y-F & Chen Y-X
(2014) Trace Element Mobility at Mineral Scale: Evidence from Titanite U-Pb Dating and Trace Element Analysis for UHP Gneisses from the Sulu Orogen
Chen Y-X & Zheng Y-F
(2014) U-Pb Ages and Trace Elements of Metamorphic Rutile and Zircon from Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Quartzite in the Sulu Orogen
Gao X-Y, Zheng Y-F & Chen Y-X
(2011) Metamorphic Growth and Recrystallization of Zircons in Negative δ18O Metamorphic Rocks: A Combined Study of U-Pb Dating, Trace Elements, and O-Hf Isotopes
Chen Y-X, Zheng Y-F & Chen R-X
(2011) Geochemical and U-Pb Age Constraints on the Occurrence of Polygenetic Titanites in UHP Metagranite in the Dabie Orogen
Gao X-Y, Zheng Y-F, Chen Y-X & Guo J-L

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