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Chen Wendi (2017) Two Mineralization Episodes of the Dushiling Tungsten Deposit in the Western Nanling Range, China
Zhang W, Che X, Wang R & Chen W

Chen Wenhan (2022) Shallow and Deep Ocean Fe Cycling and Redox Evolution Across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian
Chen W, He T, Kemp DB, Xiong Y, Izumi K, Cho T, Huang C, Newton RJ & Poulton SW
(2022) The Toarcian Sulfur Cycle: Recent Progress
Newton RJ, He T, Han Z, Chen W, Hu X, Kemp DB & Mills BJW
(2022) A Global Picture of Seawater Redox Change and Organic Carbon Burial during the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Kemp DB, Suan G, Fantasia A, Jin S & Chen W
(2020) Climate Forcing on Millennial, Orbital and Million Year Scales: A Case Study from the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Kemp D, Izumi K, Chen W, Jin S & Fraser W

Chen Wenli (2019) Cd Sorption to Goethite-Humic acid-Bacteria Composites: Combined ITC, EXAFS and SCM Study
Qu C, Chen W, Cai P, Rong X, Dai K & Huang Q
(2019) Size-Dependent Bacterial Toxicity of Hematite Particles
Qu C, Huang Q, Chen W, Cai P, Dai K & Rong X
(2017) Binding of Heavy Metals at the Interface of Mineral-Microorganism Complexes
Huang Q, Chen W & Du H
(2016) Competitive Adsorption of Pb(II) and Cd(II) on Bacteria-Montmorillonite Composite
Du H, Chen W & Huang Q

Chen Wenlin (2015) Universality of Ionic Percolation Channels in Supercooled Melts and Glasses: with Implications on Melt Viscosity
Le Losq C, Neuville DR, Florian P, Massiot D, Zhou Z, Chen W & Greaves GN

Chen Wenwen (2020) Occurrence of N-Nitrosamines in Surface Water and Groundwater in South China
Chen Y, Chen W, Li J & Qi S
(2019) N-Nitrosamines in Surface Water and Groundwater of the Pearl River Delta, South China: Spatial Distribution, Source Analysis and Cancer Risk Assessment
Chen W & Qi S

Chen X (2006) Coronas of Corundum Xenocryst in the Tertiary Alkali Basalt
Chen X, Zhao M & Dong Z
(2006) Carbon Isotope Variations through Neoproterozoic Doushantuo and Dengying Formations, South China: Implications for Paleoenvironmental Change
Ling H-F, Feng HZ, Pan J-Y, Jiang S-Y, Chen Y-Q & Chen X
(2005) Two Kinds of Plagioclases with Discontinuous Zoning in the Basalt from Okinawa Trough and their Tectonic Significance
Chen X, Zhao M, Wang R & Jiang S
(2004) Chemical Weathering Rate of Chlorite Determined in the Chinese Loess – Paleosol Sequences
Ji J, Chen X & Chen J
(2004) The Feldspars Record of Rock Formation Process in Tonglu Volcanicintrusive Complex
Chen X, Wang R, Ni P, Jiang S & Liu C
(2004) Study on the Surface Chemistry and Oxidation Mechanism of Pyrite Mediated by Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans in the Supergene Environment
Zhu C, Lu J, Lu X, Wang R & Chen X
(2003) Diagenetic Evolution of Clay Minerals of Jiyang Basin, China
Chen X, Zhou J, Zhao M & Ji J

Chen Xi (2018) Environmental Fluctuation Triggered the Cambrian Explosion?
Wei G, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Chen X, Wei W, Li D & Ling H

Chen Xi (2019) Demise of Dolomite-Aragonite Sea in the Early Cambrian Coincided with Stabilization of Oceanic Oxygenation
Wei G, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Li D, Chen X & Ling H

Chen Xi (2016) Nitrogen and Sulphur Isotopic Records in Black Shale of the Early Cambrian: Implication for a Stratified Marine Redox Structure
Wei G, Ling H, Li D, Wei W, Chen X & Wang D

Chen Xi (2015) Association between Size-Segregated Particles in Ambient Air and Acute Respiratory Inflammation in Elderly with pre-Diabetes
Han Y, Wang Y, Chen X, Wang J, Fang Y, Hu M, Li W, Zhou G, Zhang H & Zhu T

Chen Xi (2021) An Improved Normalized Seawater Strontium Isotope Curve Based on an Updated Compilation of Precambrian Seawater 87Sr/86Sr
Chen X, Zhou Y & Shields GA
(2021) Multiple Oxygenation Events during the Ediacaran Period – Mo Isotope Evidence from the Nanhua Basin
Yuan L, Zhou Y & Chen X

Chen Xi (2022) Dissolution Methods for Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy: Guidelines for the Use of Muddy, Dolomitic Limestone
Chen X, Zhou Y & Shields GA

Chen Xi (2013) Higher Oxygenation Level after Sturtian Glaciation Meltdown Despite Varying Local Redox in Nanhua Basin
Ling H-F, Chen X, Li D, Shields G, Vance D & Och L
(2011) Redox Evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Ocean on Yangtze Platform, China
Chen X, Vance D, Ling H, Archer C, Shields G & Och L
(2009) Rise of Oxygen in Ediacaran Shallow Sea
Ling H-F, Chen X, Li D & Jiang S-Y
(2009) C and Sr Isotope Stratigraphy of the Ediacaran-Cambrian Xiaotan Section, Yangtze Platform, S. China
Li D, Ling H, Shields G & Chen X
(2007) C- and S-Isotope Study on Depositional Environment of Late Cryogenian Mn Carbonate, Datangpo Fm., South China
Chen X, Li D & Ling H-F

Chen Xianchao

Chen Xiangfei (2018) Characteristics and Genetic Mechanisms of Saline Lacustrine Hydrocarbon in North Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China
Liu D, Li S & Chen X
(2018) Impact of Gypseous-Salt on Hydrocarbons Generation and Evolution of Source Rocks in the Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basi
Li S, Chen X, Liu D & Ji H

Chen Xiao (2020) Microbial Availability of DOM along Dissolved Oxygen Gradients from Time-Series Investigation in Muping Bay
Chen X & Liu J

Chen Xiaodong (2022) Petroleum Generation Potential of the Eocene Liptinite-Rich Coals in the Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin
Shao L, Li S, Liu J, Qin L, Kang S, Eriksson K, Chen X, Yu Z & Liu J

Chen Xiaofeng (2020) Metatranscriptomics and Absolutely Amplicon Sequencing Reveal the Potentially Adaptive Mechanism of Microbes in the Deoxygenated Bohai Sea
Han Y, Zhang M, Zhai W, Chen X, Jiao N & Tang K

Chen Xiaogang (2021) Porewater Exchange and the Saltmarsh Carbon Pump: Implications for Blue Carbon Budgets
Chen X
(2019) Karstic Submarine Groundwater Discharge into the Mediterranean: Radon-Based Nutrient Fluxes in an Anchialine Cave and a Basin-Wide Upscaling
Chen X, Cukrov N, Santos IR, Rodellas V, Cukrov N & Du J

Chen Xiaohui (2016) Late Permian Carbon Cycle and Response of Microbial Carbonate Deposition
Zhang T, Chen X, Yang W & Zhu H
(2016) Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Carbon Cycle and Response of Black Shale Deposition
Zhu H, Zhang T, Chen X & Yang W
(2012) Facies Architecture and Evolution of Late Permian Carbonate Platform Margin, Northeastern Sichuan, China
Ts Z, Zhao G, Liu Z, Chen X, Yang W & Ming H

Chen Xiaoming (2019) The ZrO2-Al2O3-FeO*-SiO2-rich Inclusions in Corundum Megacrysts: Microscopic Analyses and Geological Implications
Xu X, Chen X & Chen L

Chen Xiaoqing (2017) Geochemical Characteristics and Implications for Stratigrapic Correlation of Lenticular Limestone on Maokouan Stage of Permian in Luocheng, Guangxi
Chen X, Tang J & Lan T

Chen XiaoQing (2021) Study on Phosphorus Loss Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollutants in Watershed Based on SWAT and ArcGIS
Gao L, Zhang J, Chen X & Wang H
(2021) Pollution Characteristics and Ecological Health Risk Assessment of Soil Heavy Metals in a Coal Mining Subsidence Area
Wang H, Gao L, Chen X, Zhang J, Liu L, Yang J, Sun R & Zhao Y
(2021) Study on Investigation of Distribution Characteristics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Forms in the Soil/Sediment of North and South Banks of Huaihe River Basin
Zhang J, Gao L, Chen X, Wang H, Liu L, Yang J, Sun R & Zhao Y

Chen Xiaowei (2023) Mercury Isotope Records in Past 250 ka Sediments of Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Chen X, Sun R, Wu J & de Lange GJ

Chen Xiaoyu (2017) Magmatic Activities, Hf Isotope and Tectonic Implications of the Yao Shan Massif, Southeast Tibet
Chen X & Liu J
(2009) Post-Collisional, Primitive, Potassium-Rich Magmatism of the Northern Tibetan Plateau: A Petrologic Record of the Plateau Uplift
Guo Z, Liu J, Chen X, Li X & Jiang D

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