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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chen Tianyu (2017) Deglacial Water Mass Mixing in the Drake Passage on Millennial to Centennial Timescales
Wilson D, Struve T, van de Flierdt T, Chen T, Burke A & Robinson L
(2017) CO2 Storage and Release in the Deep Southern Ocean on Millennial to Centennial Timescales
Rae J, Burke A, Robinson L, Adkins J, Chen T, Cole C, Littley E, Nita D, Spooner P & Taylor B
(2017) Drake Passage Deep-Sea Coral Records of Southern Ocean Ventilation during the Last Deglaciation
Li T, Robinson L, Chen T, Pegrum-Haram A, Burke A, Spooner P, Rowland G, Samperiz A, Rae J, Prokopenko M & Knowles T

Chen Tianyu (2019) Atlantic Connections to Southern Ocean Warming and Overturning during the Last Deglaciation
Stewart J, Robinson L, Rae J, Burke A, Li T, Chen T, Cole C, Samperiz A & Spooner P
(2019) Radiocarbon Records of Ocean Stratification during the Last Glacial Maximum
Ferreira MLC, Robinson L, Stewart J, Chen T, Li T & Millo C
(2019) Radiocarbon: Chronometer and Tracer (In the Sea)
Burke A, Rae J, Robinson L, Chen T, Li T, Greenop R, Rees-Owen R & Reimer P

Chen Tianyu (2016) Constraints on Deglacial Southern Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling from Deep-Sea Corals
Burke A, Rae J, Cole C, Chen T, Spooner P & Robinson L

Chen Tianyu (2015) Age and Composition of Corals from the Deep Ocean: Response to Ocean Chemistry
Robinson LF, Ciscato ER, Chen T, Spooner P, Cooper A & Lucas S
(2015) Exploring the Controls on Glacial-Interglacial Oceanic (234U/238U) Variation
Beasley M, Robinson L, Chen T, Richards D, Nita D, Smith C, Andersen M, Wadham J & Telling J
(2015) Millennial to Centennial Radiocarbon Variability of the Equatorial Atlantic over the Last 25 ka
Chen T, Robinson L, Burke A, Southon J, Spooner P & Morris P

Chen Tianyu (2013) A Dustier World Since MIS12 Inferred from Sr and Nd Isotopes of Sediments in the Western Philippine Sea
Jiang F, Frank M, Li T, Chen T-Y, Zhou Y & Li A
(2013) Late Quaternary Nd-Hf Isotope Evolution of the Weddell Sea and the Abyssal Southern Ocean
Chen T-Y, Frank M, Gersonde R & Osborne A
(2012) Nd & Hf Concentrations and Isotopic Compositions in the Baltic Sea
Chen T, Frank M & Stumpf R
(2011) Hf-Nd Isotope Variations of Late Cenozoic Arctic Intermediate Water Reflect Continental Weathering
Chen TY, Frank M & Spielhagen RF
(2011) Late Cenozoic History of Deep Water Circulation in the Western North Pacific: Evidence from Nd Isotopes of Ferromangnese Crusts
Hu R, Chen T & Ling H

Chen Tianyu (2023) Boron Isotopes of Cold-Seep Carbonates Reveal Methane Seepage Intensity in the Past
Wang M, Stewart JA, Robinson LF, Feng D, Li T, Zhang X & Chen T
(2023) Constraining the Anaerobic Oxidation Rate of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in Coastal Seas Using Benthic Fluxes of Rhenium and Uranium
Hong Q, Wei L, Qu Y, Cheng Y, Pinghe C & Chen T
(2023) A Notable Incorporation of Isotopically Heavy U(IV) Species into Carbonates Under the Modern Marine Environment
Yuan Y, Chen T, Zhang F, Liu Y, Xiong G, Wei G, Dahl TW, Yan W, Ling H-F, Cheng H & Shen S

Chen Tianyu (2022) Behavior of Stable Tungsten Isotopes on the Earth’s Surface
Yang R, Li T, Stubbs D, Chen T, Liu S, Kemp DB, Li W, Yang S, Chen J, Elliott T, Dellwig O, Chen J & Li G
(2022) Stable Tungsten Isotopic Composition of Seawater over the Past 80 Million Years
Li G, Yang R, Stubbs D, Elliott T, Li T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Ling H-F, Chen J, Hein JR & Coath CD
(2022) K Isotope Composition of IODP 376 Drilling Cores: Implications for Hydrothermal Alteration in Submarine Arc Volcanoes
Cao C, Cai Y, Li W, Chen T & Chen J
(2022) Can Hydrothermal Alteration Explain the Heavy K Isotope Signature of Seawater?
Zheng X, Evans GN, Chen X, Charin S, Seyfried WE & Chen T

Chen Tianyu (2020) Tungsten Isotope Constraints on the Cenozoic Sulfur Cycle
Yang R, Elliott T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Li T, Ling H, Chen J, Hein JR, Coath C, Stubbs D & Li G
(2020) Productivity and Dissolved Oxygen Controls on the Southern Ocean Deep-Sea Benthos during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
Stewart J, Spooner P, Burke A, Chen T, Li T, Rae J, Roberts J, Peck V, Liu Q & Robinson L

Chen Tianzeng (2017) Role of Lithotrophic Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria in Iron Cycling in Shallow Marine Sediments
Beam J, Emerson D, Scott J & Chen T

Chen Tienan (2022) The Effect of Supercritical Fluids on Nb-Ta Fractionation in Subduction Zone: Geochemical Insights from a Coesite-Bearing Eclogite-Vein System
Chen T & Chen R-X

Chen Ting (2016) Equation of State and High-Pressure Lattice Behavior of CaCO3 Aragonite
Li Y, Zou Y, Chen T, Wang X, Qi X, Du J & Li B

Chen Tingting (2019) Formation of Carbonate Minerals at Early Stage of Sulfate-Driven Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Chen T, Sun X, Lu Y, Lin Z, Liang Y & Yang X

Chen Tong (2021) Mineralogy and Crystal Structure Studies of the Manganese Oxide in Xiangtan Manganese Deposit, South China and its Preliminary Application on Absorption and Catalysis of Formaldehyde
Zhao L, Niu S, Li L, Niu X, Wu H, Mo L, Chen T & Zhang M

Chen Tsai-Wei (2023) Boron Loss and Isotopic Fractionation as a Result of Sediment Dehydration during Subduction from Seafloor to Sub-Arc in SW Japan
Do E, Perez S, Chen T-W, Fisher D, Agostini S, Saffer D & Feineman M
(2016) Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Volcanogenic Rocks from the Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan
Chen T-W, Chu M-F, Chen W-S & Chung S-L

Chen W (2005) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Cretaceous Basalts in South China and Constraint on Pacific Plate Subduction
Chen W, Chen P, Xu X & Zhang M
(2005) Subduction Times of Oceanic Crust along the Jinshajiang Suture Zone, Tibetan Plateau, SW China
Chen W, Zhang Y & Sun G
(2005) Ar-Ar Chronology Study of the Qiugemingtashi-Huangshan Ductile Shear Zone, Xinjiang, NW China
Han D, Chen W, Zhang Y & Wang Y
(2005) Shear Deformation Ages of the Xianshuihe Fault Zone in SE Tibetan Plateau
Jin G, Chen W, Zhang Y & Sun G
(2005) Study of the <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Age and Ar Isotope Distribution of Phengite in High Pressure Orthogneiss (the Surrounding Rock of the Qinglong-Shan Eclogite, East China)
Cai J, Chen W & Zhang Y
(2005) Ar-Ar and SHRIMP U-Pb Age Evidence of the Daohugou Fossil-Bearing Beds in Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia&#65292;NE China
Zhang Y, Chen W, Liu D, Ji Q & Song B
(2005) Preliminary Study on the Separation of Diagenetic Illite from the Detrital Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks
Liu X, Zhang Y & Chen W
(2004) Study on the Genesis of Kanggur Gold Deposit, NW China
Chen W, Wang Y, Zhang Y & Han C
(2004) Petrogenesis of Early-Jurassic Syenite-Granite Complex in Nanling Range, South China
Chen P, Zhou X, Xu X, Fan C, Sun T, Chen W & Zhang M
(2003) Determination of True Fractional Calcium Absorption by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
He X, Zhu X, Liu D, Yang C, Chen W & Lee W
(2003) Cretaceous Age of the Sihetun Vertebrate Assemblage (Western Liaoning, NE China): The Evidence of Ar-Ar Ages
Chen W, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ji Q & He X

Chen Wei (2016) In situ Boron Isotope Determination for Mantle Carbonate by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen W, Zhao K-D, Jiang S-Y & Wei H-Z
(2016) In situ Chemical, Isotopic and Geochronological Investigation of the Shaxiongdong Carbonatite Complex, China
Lu J, Xu C, Ying Y-C & Chen W

Chen Wei

Chen Wei (2017) Combined in situ Sr Isotopic and Chemical Investigation of the Host Dolomite within the Giant Bayan Obo Nb-Ree-Fe Deposit
Chen W, Liu H-Y & Jiang S-Y

Chen Wei (2015) Multi-Stage Petrogenetic History of the Oka Carbonatite Complex Recorded by Perovskite
Chen W

Chen Wei (2022) In situ Determination of Carbon Isotopes in Carbonates by Femtosecond Laser Ablation Multi-Collector ICP-MS
Chen W & Lu J
(2022) Zircon Solubility in KAlSi3O8-H2O Supercritical Fluids
Chen W & Xiong X

Chen Wei (2020) Enhanced Hydrolysis of Organic Contaminants by Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Role of Crystallinity and Exposed Facets
Chen W & Jiang C
(2020) Facet-Dependent Bioavailability of Mercury Sulfide Nanoparticles for Microbial Methylation
Tian L, Guan W, Ji Y, He X, Chen W, Alvarez PJJ & Zhang T
(2020) Solute- and Alkali-Rich Supercritical Fluids Enhance Zr Transfer from Slab to Wedge
Xiong X & Chen W
(2020) Under-Studied Carbonatites and REE Deposits: The Example of Mongolia
Kynicky J, Wenlei S, Smith M, Kotlánová MK, Krmíček L, Urubek T, Brtnický M, Xu C, Chen W & Chakhmouradian A
(2020) Stabilization of the Bundelkhand Craton of Central India: Insights from Apatite and Zircon U-Pb Age Data
Colleps CL, McKenzie NR, Liu H, Chen W, Sharma M, Gibson TM & Stockli DF
(2020) Texture and Trace Element Geochemistry of Apatite in Carbonatite Related REE Deposits: Fingerprinting Magmatic-Hydrothermal Processes
Lu J, Chen W, Ying Y & Jiang S
(2020) Mineral Chemistry and Evolution of Niobium Minerals from the Miaoya Carbonatite Complex, China
Ying Y-C, Chen W & Jiang S-Y
(2020) Emanated Carbonatite Fluids for REE Mineralization: From Fenitization to Late-Stage Metasomatism
Chen W, Ying Y, Yang F & Jiang S

Chen Wei (2021) Experiments on the Wet Solidus and Second Critical Endpoint of Carbonated Sediment
Chen W & Zhang G
(2021) Application of Ca Isotope Systematics in Studies of Carbonatites
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw N, Chen W, Doroshkevich AG, Luo W, Song W, Chen B, Cheng Z, Li Z-H, Wang Y, Kynicky J & Henderson G
(2021) Tracking Permian–Triassic Tectonic Transitions in Thailand via Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages, Hf Isotopes and Trace Elements
Liu H, McKenzie R, Colleps C, Chen W, Ying Y-C, Stockli L, Sardsud A & Stockli D

Chen Wei (2013) Pb Isotope Evidence from the Oka Carbonatite Complex for a Distinct Mantle Reservoir
Chen W & Simonetti A
(2013) The URGE Project in Italy: The Acerra–Pomigliano-Marigliano Conurbation
Albanese S, Lima A, Rezza C, Ferullo G, De Vivo B, Chen W & Qi S

Chen Wei (2019) Zircon Solubility in Supercritical Fluids and Zirconium Mobilization in Subduction Zones
Chen W, Xiong X, Takahashi E & Liu X
(2019) In situ Major and Trace Element Analysis of Magnetite from Carbonatite-Related Complexes: Implications for Petrogenesis and Ore Genesis
Chen W
(2019) Metasomatism Induced REE Mineralization in Off-Craton Carbonatite
Ying Y-C, Chen W & Jiang S-Y

Chen Wei (2018) Chemical and Boron Isotopic Composition of Tourmaline and Muscovite in Granite and Pegmatite from Cizhu Pluton, Jiangxi Province, South China: Insight to Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution
Cao M-Y, Jiang S-Y, Su H-M, Zhao K-D & Chen W
(2018) Boron Isotopic Investigation of the Bayan Obo Carbonatite Complex
Kuebler C, Simonetti A & Chen W
(2018) Evolution of the Mo-Hree Carbonatite Deposits in the Lesser Qinling Orogen: Insights from in situ Geochemical Investigation of Calcite and Sulfate
Bai T, Chen W & Jiang S-Y
(2018) Geological Characteristic and Ore Genesis of Typical Granite-Related Rare Metal Deposits in China
Jiang S-Y, Liu T, Su H-M, Zhao K-D & Chen W
(2018) Geology, Geochemistry, Geochronology and Metallogenic Mechanism of the Giant Yushishan Nb-Ta Deposit in Eastern Altun, Gansu Province, NW China
Chen W, Cao X, Li T, Wu Y & Lü X
(2018) In situ Carbon Isotope Analysis by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen W, Lu J, Jiang S-Y, Zhao K-D & Duan D-F

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