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Chen Shou Yu (2017) The Geochemical Characteristics of the Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Zircons of the Laowan Orogenic Gold Deposit, Middle Segment Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Belt, China
Chen JL & Chen SY

Chen ShouJian (2009) The Geochemical Characteristics and Zircon LA- ICP-MS U-Pb Dating of Carboniferous- Permian Arc-Back Magmatic Rock of Aoyitag Area, Westkunlun
Ji W, Chen S & Li R

Chen Shouming (2016) Zn and Sr Isotope Systematics of Carbonates after the End of Marinoan Glaciation
Lv Y, Liu S-A & Chen S

Chen Shouyu (2022) Dating Mafic Igneous Rocks Using Anatase U-Pb Geochronometry: An Example from Lamprophyre in Qinling Orogen, Central China
Wu R, Chen S & Li S
(2022) Apatite as a Tracer to Fingerprint the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Process of the Giant Gejiu Tin Deposit, Yunnan Province, China
Li J & Chen S
(2020) Gold Source and Occurrence in Pyrite and Telluride Mineralogy of the Laowan Au-Ag-Te Deposit, Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Belt, Central China: A New Evidence for a Magmatic Source of Hydrothermal Fluids, and Implications for Ore Genesis and Physicochemical Conditions
Jin W & Chen S
(2019) Petrogenesis of Granites in the Banchang Cu-Mo deposits,East Qinling, Central China: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS Zircon U-Pb Dating, Trace Element and Lu-Hf Isotope Geochemistry
Zan P & Chen S

Chen Shu-Hua (2009) Climate Impacts on Annual-Average Airborne Particle Source Contributions in California
Mahmud A, Zhao Z, Hixson M, Hu J, Chen S-H & Kleeman M

Chen Shuangshuang (2021) Carbonate Minerals in Trachytes, Ulleung Island, South Korea; Implications for Carbon Recycling in Subduction Zones
Chen S, Ren M, Lee H, Smith E, Huang S, Lee S-G, Lee T & Gao R

Chen Shun (2022) Mercury Isotopic Compositions in Deep-Sea Fauna Living Surrounding Hydrothermal Vents and Cold Seeps
Yuan J, Sun R, Liu Y, Chen S, Peng X & Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E

Chen Shuo (2023) The Influence of Crustal Recycling on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Hin RC, Hibbert KEH, Chen S, Willbold M, Andersen MB, Kiseeva K, Wood BJ, Niu Y, Sims KW & Elliott T
(2022) MORB Fe Isotope Variation as a Consequence of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Crustal Level Magma Differentiation
Niu Y, Chen S, Sun P, Chen Y, Guo P, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xue S & Xiao Y
(2019) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics of Exhumed Oceanic Crust as a Probe of Slab Dehydration
Chen S, Hin R, John T, Brooker R, Bryan B, Niu Y & Elliott T
(2019) Mineral Chemistry of Syn-Collisional Granitoids and the Implications for Juvenile Crust Formation and Adakitic Magmatism
Xiao Y, Chen S & Niu Y
(2018) Effects of Agricultural Land Use on the Sources and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in Subtropical Streams
Chen S
(2017) Understanding the Structure-Reactivity Relationship of Mn Oxides Toward Contaminant Sequestration
Tang Y, Zhao S, Wan B, Zhu M, Chen S & Hansel C

Chen Shuwang (2013) From Diagenesis to Metagenesis, Geochemical Changes of the Late Paleozoic Shale and Mudstone, Periphery of Songliao Basin
Chen S

Chen Si (2018) A Time-Resolved Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Transformation from Ferrihydrite to Goethite and Hematite
Chen S, Heaney P, Kubicki J & Post J
(2014) Nano-Scale Elemental Imaging of Microbes and Minerals from Deep Sea Methane Seeps
Glass J, McGlynn S, Chadwick G, Dawson K, Chen S, Vogt S, Lai B, Deng J, Ingall E, Twining B & Orphan V

Chen Si-Yuan Sean (2023) Coral Li/Mg Records of Tropical Atlantic Intermediate Water Warming at the End of the Little Ice Age
Liu Q, Robinson LF, Hendy E, Chen S-YS, Stewart JA, Knowles T, Li T & Samperiz A

Chen Siyu (2023) Microfluidic Quasi-2-Dimensional Alkaline Vent Model to Study Precipitation Morphology, Fluid Flows and Molecule Accumulation
Weingart M, Chen S, Donat C, Helmbrecht V, Orsi W, Braun D & Alim K

Chen Song-Chuen (2023) Hydrothermal Discharge in Near-Surface Sediments and its Effects on Geochemistry of Pore Fluids and Sediments from the Southernmost Okinawa Trough and the Shallow Margin off Northern Taiwan
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lin Y-S, Lee H-F & Chen S-C
(2021) Geochemical Characteristics of Sediment-Pore Water Systems Associated with Hydrothermal Activity at South Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Lee H-F, Lin Y-S, Wu C, Chu M-F, Chen S-C & Wang Y
(2020) Geochemical Characteristics of Sediments and Massive Sulfides from Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems at South Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lee H-F, Jiang W-T, Chen S-C, Chen J-E & Wang Y-S
(2019) Study of Ra-226 and Excess Pb-210 in Hydrothermally Altered Sediments in the Southern Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Wang C-C, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lee H-F, Lan T, Chen S-C, Chen J-E & Wang Y-S

Chen Songjie (2015) New Frontiers in Understanding the Pathway(s) of Arsenic Biomethylation and Biovolatilisation Using 13C- and 2H-Labelled Arsenic Compounds
Mestrot A, Chen S, Liu S-X, Decurtins S & Wilcke W

Chen Songze (2015) Marine Group II Archaea are Significant Players of Carbon Cycling in Estuaries and Coastal Seas
Zhang C, Xie W, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Luo H, Sun Y, Chen S, Wang P, Hedlund B & Phelps T
(2015) MG II Dominated the Archaeal Community Composition in Water Columns of the Northeastern South China Sea
Liu H, Yang C, Chen S, Wang P & Zhang C

Chen Songze (2020) Niche Specificity of Bathyarchaeota in the Surface Sediment of Pearl River Estuary, China
Wang P, Zhang T, Chen S, Xie W & Zhang C

Chen Songze (2017) Niche Specificity of Bathyarchaeota in the Surface Sediment of Pearl River Estuary, China
Wang P, Zhang T, Li F, Chen S, Lai D, Gao S, Xie W & Zhang C
(2017) Diverse Biological Sources of Isoprenoid GDGTs in Terrace Soils of Southwest China and Implication for Organic Proxies
Zheng F, Chen Y, Chen S, Liu H, Xie W, Phelps TJ & Zhang C

Chen Songze (2016) Production of Branched Tetraether Lipids in Soil Enrichment Cultures
Chen Y, Zheng F, Chen S, Liu H & Zhang C
(2016) The Distribution of Archaeal Intact Polar Lipids in the Upper Water Column of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean: Effect of Cyclonic Eddy Perturbation
Ma C, Chen S, Chen Y & Zhang C
(2016) Blooming and Ecological Function of MG II Archaea in the Pearl River Estuary
Xie W, Chen S, Wang P & Zhang C

Chen T (2005) Intercalation of dye Anion in Mg/Al-Ldh: A Novel Method of Wastewater Treatment
Chen T, Xu H, Peng S & Fan M
(2005) Genesis and Mineralogical Characteristics of Hematite in Loess-Paleosol Sequences of China
Xie Q, Chen T, Xu H, Ji J & Chen J
(2005) Mechanical, Chemical, Magnetic, Transport, and Electronic Properties Changes at the Nanometer Scale
Xu H, Chen T & Wang Y
(2004) Synthesis Mg/Al LDH Employed Wastewater of Acid Activation of Palygorskite Clay
Feng Y, Chen T, Qing C, Xu H & Peng S
(2004) Mechanism of palygorskite-Cu(alpha) Interaction in Aqueous Suspension System
Chen T, Feng Y, Qing C, Huang C, Xu H & Shi X
(2003) Self-Assembled Nanostructures in Biomineralization
Xu H, Chen T, Nie Z, Jiang Y, Wang Y & Liu J
(2003) Geochemical Reactions in Nanopores and Nanotubes
Wang Y, Xu H, Bryan C, Gao H & Chen T
(2003) Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the North Side of the South China Sea over the Last 55 Years Revealed by Coral Delta 18O Records
Peng Z, He J, Chen T, Nie B & Liu G

Chen Tao (2023) Evidence for Deep Subduction Reveals Modern-Style Plate Tectonics Operated in the Late Archean
Wang L, Hu W, Ning W, Huang B, Chen T & Kusky T

Chen Tengshui (2010) Effect of Brine on the TSR and Generation of H2S Revealed by Gold-Tube Simulation Experiments
Lu H, Chen T & Peng P

Chen Tian-Yu (2010) “Zircon Effect” Alone Insufficient to Generate Seawater Nd-Hf Isotope
Chen T-Y, Ling H-F, Zhao K-D & Jiang S-Y
(2009) Dust as Main Sources of Preanthropogenic Lead in Central Pacific Deep Water
Chen T-Y, Ling H-F & Jiang S-Y

Chen Tianhu (2010) Organic Matter Record of Xifeng Eolian Deposits in Chinese Loess Plateau and its Paleoclimatic Significance
Xie Q, Chen T, Xu X & Ji J
(2010) Hydrological Cycle, Hydrogeological Characteristics and Mobility of Arsenic in Groundwater in Watershed of Nanfei River, Anhui, China
Qian J, Liu Y, Luo S & Chen T
(2010) The Effect of Nanopores on U(VI) Adsorption / Desorption at Mineral – Solution Interface
Sun Y, Xu H, Jung H-B, Konishi H, Chen T & Roden EE
(2008) Microbe-Templated Calcite Nano-Fibers in Chinese Loess Plateau: Potential Carbon Dioxide Sinker
Xu H & Chen T

Chen Tianran
(2018) A Coral Ensemble Approach to Reconstructing Mean Climate and Seasonality from the Central Pacific
Atwood AR, Cobb KM, Jones A, Grothe PR, Sayani HR, Chiang JCH, Hitt NT, Chen T, Deocampo DM, Southon JR, Edwards RL & Cheng H

Chen Tianyu (2018) Interplay of Physical and Biological Processes in the Southern Ocean and Deglacial CO2 Variations
Li T, Robinson L, Chen T, Wang X, Burke A, Pegrum-Haram A, Rae J, Samperiz A, Spooner P, Rowland G, Ng H, Prokopenko M, Southon J, Knowles T, Li G & Sigman D

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